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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 68 KB, 635x838, 135221512421521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6632049 No.6632049 [Reply] [Original]

Why are little girls today so full of curse words, iPods, and sluttiness?

>> No.6632054

I blame America

>> No.6632057

They had color in 1920?

>> No.6632059

cuz that's what their moms are??

>> No.6632060

because parents don;t kick their asses

>> No.6632065

It's in the food. All the badness from the foods enters their body and poisons the mind.

>> No.6632066

They're trying to cure Pig American of his pedophilia by taking away everything that makes little girls bearable.

>> No.6632069
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>> No.6632073


>In 1898, however, it was possible for anyone with the price in hand to buy the required equipment and supplies ready-made. Two adequately red-sensitive photographic plates were already on the market, and two very different systems of color photography with which to use them, tantalizingly described in photographic magazines for several years past, were finally available to the public.

>> No.6632076

Where do you live that you run into little girls wearing cheerleader outfits, puffy sleeves, and wearing microphones?

>> No.6632079
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This picture was taken in 1917. How come it's clearer than a lot of camcorders on the market today? Ridiculous.

>> No.6632080


>> No.6632084
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>> No.6632090

Because it was taken using a tripod and other fancy equipment and not a tiny cellphone camera?

>> No.6632091

It's not accepted to fuck them like in the 20s, so they have to ramp it up to get laid nowadays.

>> No.6632097

nah. that's just the case with all women nowadays.

It's spilled from the emancipated cunts of the 60s down to their hellspawn children.

>> No.6632098

Little Girl 1920 - Marries at age 8, lready a mother at age 15, cooking dinner for her husband

Little Girl 2010 - Some guy has sex with her at age 17, guy goes to jail for 20 years


>> No.6632100

They had automatic transmission in 1920?
(for that matter, most people didn't have cars)

>> No.6632101
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Horizon blue french uniforms are pure sex

>> No.6632103
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Little girl here, what's going on guise?

>> No.6632105

I'll make a mental note to avoid staying in Illinois for any length of time.

>> No.6632111

Because mommy and daddy are too drunk to care.

>> No.6632112
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Serious answer? It's a cultural shift in morality and freedom. What is wrong with that? The 1920s were a horribly conservative time for females. The fact that they have the freedom to do whatever the fuck they want now is fine by me.

>> No.6632113


THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE. I watch old films from the 1950s and before, and MOST OF THE WOMEN AREN'T RUDE WHORES. So I know women used to not be 3D pig disgusting, SO WHAT HAPPEN

>> No.6632122


What I will never understand is why females would WANT to go to work.

>> No.6632126


>> No.6632128

Militant feminism happened.

>> No.6632129

somebody set up us the bomb

>> No.6632130

what they have now is freedom but they don't assume the responsibilities that come with that freedom.

>> No.6632137


There was a reason women couldn't vote. It is a proven scientific fact that women are far more likely to make decisions based on emotion instead of logic. Throw in the woman being on her period 1/5th of the time.

>> No.6632138

Picture is probably from the 60s.

They did not have seatbelts in the 20s.

>> No.6632143

we get signal

>> No.6632144

Because Anon is a virgin. Seriously, if you all get married and have little girls you can raise proper ladies and they'll raise their kids right too.

>> No.6632146

My daddy is lazy middle class intellectual,
My mommy's on Valium,
She's so ineffectual.
Ain't life a mystery, yeah?

>> No.6632151

Women are never ever happy for any reason.

The REAL question is why we don't make the women work and sit on our manly asses all day.

>> No.6632153

In the past, women had kids so that they could continue their line.

Now, they have kids to get child support.


>> No.6632157

>never ever happy with their situation

>> No.6632158

Poor unloved little girls.

>> No.6632161


I'm not a female or anything, but I studied politics in university. You can't honestly say men make any more logical decisions in terms of politics and world affairs. The world would not be such a fucked up place if it were not for the fact that men make often far too logical decisions. Rationality is not always right. When you're dealing with human life emotions should come into regard in the aspects of ethics or morals.

>> No.6632163

>implying they didn't have kids to get guys to marry them and provide support before.

>> No.6632164
File: 1.36 MB, 1200x1800, 4Dress_027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Girls 2010

>> No.6632166

>Rationality is not always right.
Yes it is. GTFO.

>> No.6632169


>> No.6632171

Let's Reply to the Troll Post

>> No.6632173


No, it's not. The end cannot always justify the means.

>> No.6632179

>Rationality is not always right.

Wow, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.6632183

I don't understand this board's fetishism with little girls. If you cut their hair, you probably couldn't even tell if they were a boy or a girl.

>> No.6632187

main screen turn on

>> No.6632192


>> No.6632193

That's a pretty good troll.

>> No.6632198


What the hell are you talking about? The ends justifying the means is not an inherently rational belief. It isn't necessarily one or the other.

>> No.6632199

only in Japan's fantas.. what the hell did they do to their eyes to make them look like those weird baggy Jap eyes?

>> No.6632200

Next you'll say math is shit, too.

>> No.6632201

I like the one on the right, the other two just look silly for some reason.

>> No.6632203

how are you gentlemen

>> No.6632205


>> No.6632207
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according to a post here, girls have a small dimple in their chest
image not related

>> No.6632216


Then you need to date a non Americuntized women.

>> No.6632223
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>> No.6632225
File: 561 KB, 1089x1600, [biribiri] Loli Gabuu 040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see it here.

>> No.6632228
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>> No.6632229

God these threads are worse than any /b/ spam.

>> No.6632233

man i'm glad i saged a post on page 10 so you wouldn't see it, i saw that set up a mile away

>> No.6632241
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>> No.6632244

But talking about little girls is more interesting than anything else on /jp/ at the moment.

>> No.6632248

Way to go bro, you just fell for the trap game card lost

>> No.6632252

3 new touhous, fresh off the youkai press.

The middle one has dresses on her dress. Obviously has the ability to manipulate recursion.

Left has power over static electricity. Look at dat hair.

Right has the power to transform, seeing the Cinderella theme.

>> No.6632258
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Don't give up anon, stay strong!

>> No.6632272
File: 201 KB, 600x407, girlexcited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give up anon, stay weak!

>> No.6632281


1. Japanese Girls
2. European Girls
3. Everywhere Else
4. American White Girls
5. American Nigger Girls


>> No.6632290

wow that's incredibly racist, you should apologize dude

>> No.6632292
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>> No.6632293
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Ah that's not very nice.

>> No.6632294


Maybe you should move out of the ghetto you white trash scum.

>> No.6632295

wha u talkin bout callin dat fryan chckens, nigga? lookin at my tatas up in her?

>> No.6632296
File: 476 KB, 800x680, slutty little girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with slutty little girls, since most of them don't actually have sex, they are just playing around.

>> No.6632299
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>> No.6632302


>> No.6632312
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u jus mad caus u cant get nonna dat

>> No.6632313
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>“I have traveled all over the world conducting a multi-billion dollar business, and American/Canadian women are valued about as much as a homeless man in New York City. They are viewed as feminazis, narcissistic, histrionic, materialistic, shallow, and useless. Now I am not one to generalize, but even from my own experience, I cannot say this viewpoint is not that far from the truth. Why else do you think America has one of the highest divorce rates in the world? Generally speaking, American women make the worst WIVES, but are known for being great for CASUAL UNATTACHED SEX.” – Allan

The amount of truth is eye opening.

>> No.6632316

What makes Japanese girls better than European girls?

Also nothing is worse than American white girls.


>> No.6632320

Stop pretending you go outside.

>> No.6632321

I admit I'm ignorant on this matter, so if any knowledgeable /jp/er could enlighten me...

When do girls typically start masturbating, nowadays? I know I (being a man) started at 11. But boys are supposed to hit puberty later than girls. So does that mean girls start masturbating at 9?

>> No.6632326


It depends on preference and looks. In all cultures, there are ugly women. In my opinion, the cutest of Europe outweigh the cutest in Japan, but in the overall perspective, there are more "average or better" women in Japan than there are in Europe.

>> No.6632337
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I don't know what's going on in this thread but I just want to say that lolis are the best. Enjoy your night.

>> No.6632345

Nice stereotyping. I know girls who would rather stay home and take care of their husbands than work. I know girls who aren't total rude sluts. They aren't the majority, but they exist.

>> No.6632347

I've yet to meet a single rude cute Japanese girl.

I've yet to meet a single nice black chick that wasn't either fat and old or wearing glasses.

>> No.6632350

I'm posting this on /r9k/.

>> No.6632354

America needs more men like Dick Masterson.

>> No.6632355

If only immortal lolis existed in real life. I wouldn't care if they were total sluts.

>> No.6632379


How can an immortal loli not be a slut? SHE'S IMMORTAL. It's unreasonable to ask a loli to stay pure for thousands of years until your pathetic 30-82 year lifespan of an existence comes along.

>> No.6632389

That's why I won't care if she's a slut who has had hundreds of cocks other than mine.

>> No.6632392

pretty much this, an eternal loli can only be with an eternal shota

it is the law

>> No.6632395

I guess no one in /jp/ is knowledgeable enough to know the answer. ;_;

I am really curious about this, but I don't trust these mainstream studies (so I don't google it). They reek of normal/moralfaggotry. I'm sure most boys don't start masturbating at 14, I'm sorry.

>> No.6632397

>87 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>an hour hasn't even passed yet

Where the hell are all these people coming from...

>> No.6632401


Most boys start masturbating in the 5th/6th grade after they have taken sex ed and have learned why their penis has an up-down stretchy motion when it's erected.

>> No.6632409

Wait, how can an eternal loli even have sex? If they're eternal, they have evolved being sexual organs, so they don't have a vagina and have a 100% energy conversion process so they don't have to use the bathroom.

>> No.6632410

I thought lolis were mischievous creatures who seduce men.

>> No.6632413

Because being eternal suggests stagnation, which means no evolution takes place.

>> No.6632419

I wanted to know about the girls. I have the general idea for boys. (Although I don't believe I'm precocious, it's just that my father told me what masturbation was and how I should do it; they are pretty liberal)

>> No.6632425

What the fuck is your problem with glasses? They are like the purest form of moe.

You're going on looks now? I thought you were going on personality from the last comment and following the thread.

>> No.6632427

You sick freaks. They didn't have sex with lolis in the past because they WANTED to. Infant mortality rates were high, and the women died between ages 20-25 on average. They had to mate with them as quickly as possible.

>> No.6632433

Since you want to know about girls, for me, I first did it when I was like 7, felt weird about it and didn't try it again till i was like, 15.

>> No.6632447

Do you really believe this shit?

People were living as high as 50 in prosper ancient Roman times. People just died that age in periods of plague and wars.

>> No.6632457
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>> No.6632460

i would rather die young while fucking a little girl
rather then die old as a virgin ;_;

>> No.6632468

If you were not just a troll, you would still be a pretty atypical girl (for posting in /jp/), so it's not exactly the best kind of information.

However, if you're really not a troll and just a casual passerby (I don't believe any female would stay in /jp/ for more than some days), then thank you for your input. I didn't imagine it could start as soon as 7.

>> No.6632471

Silly, that's exactly why they would find little girls attractive.

>> No.6632477
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Well, if you really want to, you can.

>> No.6632489

well.. humans are designed to mate once they hit puberty so what most people are doing now is going against human nature.
