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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 259 KB, 1366x768, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6610952 No.6610952 [Reply] [Original]

Woman here.
I know you'll probably shun me and call me a 3DPD whore etc.
I just have a query, I'd appeciate if you'd respond in a polite and reasonable manner.

I just don't get it, maybe it's because I'm female.
I know not everybody here prefers the affections of an animated characters but the truth is the vast majority do.
What's so desirable about pouring yourself into a person who doesn't exist and will never reciprocate your emotions?

I can understand fandoms, I'm a huge Escaflowne fan and have little Van and Merle figurines that sits on my desktop, every episode on my laptop, wall scrolls and 1, count em' 1 poster :)

To the people I'm addressing directly, do you really prefer not having a girlfriend, never holding them, buying them gifts just to see their smile? Arguments, jealousy, tears, holding them at night until they fall asleep in your arms.
Is it a hobby? Is it purely for fun, creating this character and interacting with them?

I'm probably gonna get laughed at, but I'm being genuine ;__;

Picture related: A wallpaper I made last week, thought somebody would like to use it.

>> No.6610962


>> No.6610963
File: 121 KB, 639x551, 302nmzb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6610966
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, [Hiryuu] Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls 10 [1280x720 H264 AAC] [F95B3C21].mkv_snapshot_19.11_[2010.12.09_22.30.49].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Woman here.

>> No.6610970

>slut thread!

>> No.6610971

Make a relevant thread or get the fuck out, cunt.

>> No.6610977


>> No.6610980

/a/ kopipe?

>> No.6610983
File: 335 KB, 1000x1000, 1291461504166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Woman here.

>> No.6610988


For what? :L

>> No.6610989

>woman here

Why do you need to do that ?
Do I start every thread I make by "Dude here".
Of course not because it's irrelevent, do you need attention THAT badly ?

>> No.6610998

Real women make threads like these
2d girls dont


>> No.6611007


This is relevant isn't it?
What's 'irrelevant' about it?


It was actually to be posted in that other thread, the one about the guy humping his Horo pillow but it got deleted.
I thought my gender would be relevant knowledge as a lot of people claim that a simple woman wouldn't understand.
I want people to make me understand and explain it to me.

>> No.6611014

Dude here

I like to fap to 2D

>> No.6611025
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, [Hiryuu] Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls 10 [1280x720 H264 AAC] [F95B3C21].mkv_snapshot_06.06_[2010.12.09_22.23.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want people to make me understand and explain it to me.
You are a fat ugly bitch and no one will fuck you

>> No.6611045

There are lots of fujoshi with 2D husbandos.

Your gender has nothing to do with this, you're just incapable of love, OP.

>> No.6611047


Well nobody is explaning to me what it is I'm doing wrong, so until you tell me I'm just going to sit here with my stereotypical view of what /jp/-goers are.


On the contrary, in the real world you could describe to be quite beautiful but I'm not really up for proving that with images since nobody would believe me anyway.
I don't think it'd be be appreciated by the other civillians either.

>> No.6611050

When I started reading your post I honestly gave you a chance, thought maybe you really are a female who we can relate to, not just another troll. Why must you crush my dreams?

>> No.6611051

Divorced Dude here. 2D women would never suck my money, deceive me and sleep with other fags. 3D women are slut pigdisgusting.

>> No.6611053

You misunderstand waifus being a choice. People who have waifus are either too socially awkward, ugly or their standards are too high to ever have a real woman. That being said, you sound ugly.

>> No.6611054


The question you are posing in your painstakingly long self-pitying post does not pertain to any aspect of Japanese culture, rather its purpose is to incite drama among the newer and inexperienced posters of /jp/, which it undoubtedly will unless I'm underestimating them, which is unlikely. Furthermore, though I am well aware your purpose is to troll by repeatedly pointing out you have a vagina, that is generally unnecessary for any thread that actually tries to not shit up the board. Now leave.

>> No.6611061

>>6610989 Do I start every thread I make by "Dude here".
You mean you don't?

>> No.6611071
File: 289 KB, 1135x900, 1291032743488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's so desirable about pouring yourself into a person who doesn't exist and will never reciprocate your emotions?

Hardly different than a real relationship. People in general (women especially) are frighteningly shrewd. Altruism in relationships is a total fantasy, and more often than not, it takes a disproportionate effort from the man to get anything of value from the woman.

>do you really prefer not having a girlfriend, never holding them, buying them gifts just to see their smile?

If I have to buy her a gift to get her to smile, it's not a relationship (romantic or otherwise) worth investing in.
The holding thing is a fair point I guess, but it is a concession. Nothing that a dakimakura and/or an active imagination can't cope with.

>> No.6611082


I'm not sure how I crushed your hopes, I apologise if I have. It's just me, I'm bad at wording stuff.
I do genuinely want to understand, but I'm a shy female who is quite popular with males so maybe I'll never understand the basic concept of it.
I mean, I guess the connection only goes as far as the fact that we're all fans of anime.

But alas, I have a stable longterm boyfriend :(
I really don't mean to offend and I'm not trying to insult anybody. I just want to understand the way it works.
It's an alien concept to me.

>> No.6611083

Replying here because I don't want to derail the other dude's thread.
Social interactions with real people scare me and even if they didn't I don't see the point in them as I am the most happy dude in the world when I'm alone.
Also, I have developped a huge disgust toward 3D women, both physical and psychological.

As some random anon said in a thread earlier, I have nothing to offer girls, they have nothing to offer me. I have no regrets. This is the only path.

>> No.6611098

OP, I'm always worried when dealing with real people that I might hurt their feelings or vice versa. Being on the internet is easier because most people don't take it seriously.

>> No.6611099


How can you decide on somebodys aesthetic appearance just by a post?
I'm sure if I posted an image here everybody would be repulsed anyway, but I and the rest of the world know I am not ugly.
It's irrelevant to the question anyway. And mean also.

>> No.6611108



>> No.6611110

As a wise man once said,


>> No.6611111
File: 12 KB, 219x231, 1290488755932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is fat.

>> No.6611116


Do you guys really get that many trolls?
Last time I'll say it, not taht you have to believe me.
I'm being honest.
I'm hugely ignorant towards this board, about the same as I am to /k/.

I came here once a while back but it wasn't what I expected so I just went to /cgl/ and /x/ instead.

>> No.6611128

Real women shun us, so we turn bitter and shun them in return.
That's just our childishness and coping method.

>> No.6611129

If you don't understand waifus you can ask /a/. You'll get more replies there.

>> No.6611133
File: 54 KB, 325x247, I fucking love this milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure if I posted an image here everybody would be repulsed anyway, but I and the rest of the world know I am not ugly.

>> No.6611135


Maybe you should find a different tripfags dick to suck, because you are doing it oh so wrong.

>> No.6611137

if as a /cgl/ poster you cannot understand why then there's nothing we can do to make you understand

>> No.6611141

because most people aren't even capable of love, just capable of feeling warmth and sex, basically like >>6611071 said

>> No.6611143

With 2d, you can "interact" with your waifu whenever you want to without nagging, demands, and the fear of betrayal. My 2d waifu would never ask anything of me and would never betray me. It's so much easier.

>> No.6611147


Oh, I understand I think but that seems fairly one sided.
I'm not proposing that it's a definite for you to purchase items for a significant other in order to gain their happiness, it's just something you do.

I guess a good example is me. I have a boyfriend of 4 years. He's my first partner and we met in highschool.
I'm breaking my back to buy him this £100 watch for Christmas and a Minecraft Creeper tee. He keeps telling me not to buy it for him because he knows how poor I am but he deserves it and so much more.

It sounds like I'm gloating here, I'm unsure how to communicate appropriately in this board.
It seems I have to tiptoe around everybody, maybe I should just talk normall and roll with it though.

>> No.6611158

lol oh shit nigger
i clicked a link off the main page and landed here

>Replying here because I don't want to derail the other dude's thread.

>Social interactions with real people scare me and even if they didn't I don't see the point in them as I am the most happy dude in the world when I'm alone.

>Also, I have developped a huge disgust toward 3D women, both physical and psychological.

>As some random anon said in a thread earlier, I have nothing to offer girls, they have nothing to offer me. I have no regrets. This is the only path.

>Also, I have developped a huge disgust toward 3D women, both physical and psychological.
>Also, I have developped a huge disgust toward 3D women, both physical and psychological.
>Also, I have developped a huge disgust toward 3D women, both physical and psychological.
>Also, I have developped a huge disgust toward 3D women, both physical and psychological.
>Also, I have developped a huge disgust toward 3D women, both physical and psychological.



>> No.6611167

No one cares. No one wants you to communicate anyway.

>> No.6611171


I hate quality control as much as you do. I never actually thought I'd need to stoop to his level of posting for any thread, but since you idiots are actually actively replying to this, fuck you.

>> No.6611172


If this is what makes you genuinely happy then you should totally go for it and never look back.
I don't like it how society says how you have to live your life.
Good job, expensive car, trophy wife/husband, big house etc.
There was a time when I had huge social anxiety and I expect a few of you will doubt this because of my gender but I also became mute and stopped speaking altogether.
People never believe me because my looks often betray my personality, but trust me, the seclusion and fear I understand wholly.

>> No.6611178

The problem with real relationships is that women have a really strong need of intimacy and are emotionally demanding. There is no such thing as a girlfriend who appears occasionally to talk about things she like and do fun stuff... It starts this way and soon you need to expend all your time caring about her needs, going with her everywhere just for the sake of being together and spending little time in your hobbies, because or hobbies are essentially things you should do alone. And of course if you decide to go travel or dedicate yourself to something you like (violin in my case) she'll start throwing fits and crying for no reason. Well the good thing of the waifu system is that she will be with you but wont depend on you to make every single decision and wont chain you to her. I hope this answers your question, as I really tried to politely explain everything... ( man... I really need to find something useful to do)

>> No.6611182


Oh dear god what is that D:
Requesting higher res.

>> No.6611192


I've approached /a/ before on a similar subject.
I find the denizens to be incredibly rude, ignorant and block headed. They refuse to listen to anything they don't agree with and just insult you until you leave.
Maybe they've had bad experiences with my gender in the past but it's no excuse.

>> No.6611196
File: 54 KB, 450x500, 1210445865948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the answer for me. It might be different for others.

1. I am not interested in sex. This doesn't mean I don't jack off, or that I'm not aroused by good-looking members of the opposite gender. I simply don't see the point of sex. If I had a perfect girlfriend, unlike 90% of men, my first thought would not be "when do I get to fuck her?"

2. 2D women will *always* be more beautiful and more perfect than 3D ones. Therefore, it's totally unreasonable and unfair to expect 3D women to hold up to that standard. Thus, the only things I would possibly look for in a 3D women are things that a 2D woman *cannot* provide, like being an interesting partner in discussions.

3. People are sluts. Not just women, not just men, people are sluts. This board mostly focuses on the "women are sluts" aspect, but men are sluts too: there's a whole art of "picking up" girls which is just as slutty as the game that women play with men. I'm not interested in any part of this, nor am I interested in *anyone* who would want to play any part in this.

4. I'm not interested in a woman who wants to be dependent on me. I'm also not interested in being totally dependent on a woman. I'd want someone who can take care of themselves just fine without me -- just as I can without them. Hence my choice of waifu (see left).

5. Relationships are a big hassle. You can't just decide you're "not interested" for a week and ignore your partner: that's rude and often unreasonable. But you can put down a 2D waifu can come back later. She won't care.

Maybe some day I'll find someone. I'm not opposed to the concept. I'm not fat, ugly, poor, or dumb. But I'm certainly not going to be looking.

>> No.6611201

It is kind of a moment 22, but you are supposed to hang around and figure out that people get angry if you use smileys or state your gender. Of course you won't learn this unless someone makes the mistake.

The answer to your question is that you only really see the vocal minorities of each group. I'm quite certain plenty here are not part of the waifus play or think 3D pig disgusting.

>> No.6611204


Nobody has ever talked to me about it yet, that's all.
Like expecting me to know a history of Schiele when I've never opened an artbook.

>> No.6611212
File: 763 KB, 1200x1600, child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any interest in a girlfriend, but I want a cute daughter. Maybe I'll just invite my neighbors' children over or something. It will be like Ichigo Mashimaro.

>> No.6611217


For the record, what >>6611053 said is correct for most of us. Some people genuinely prefer 2D, but many people use it as a form of escapism or as something to fall back on. Remember that the vocal minority is more likely to respond to these threads.

>> No.6611221
File: 23 KB, 600x400, 1292173671509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you havea fine choice in waifu, i tip my hat to you, good sir

>> No.6611222
File: 31 KB, 376x392, gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really think we didn't try living a normal life and failed?
i like the 2d womyn because they can't reject me

>> No.6611223

While there actually are women who are aloof enough to only need interaction once in a while, the problem is that if your occasional needs don't coincide you will either feel resentment or see the other as a nuisance.

>> No.6611231

I never tried living a normal life.

>> No.6611238

As a person who prefers to learn through books and/or observation, this comment frustrates me. In understanding any subculture or lifestyle, observation over a long period of time beats firing off a barrage of questions from a place of ignorance.

>> No.6611246


Oh...sounds like your past girlfriends were incredibly clingy and weird. I say this because the idea of preventing my partner from practising his area of expertise horrifies me though.
The one bit I still don't get.
A lot of you have mentioned not enjoying having to go through all the baggage that comes with relationships.
Arguments, money problems, travel, jealousy, betrayal.

To me a relationship isn't just made when watching movies together and fucking. A proper relationship is created once you've been through all the shit that tried so hard to knock you down and break you apart.
I've had a history being a backset case but my boyfriend dealt with it.
Now my boyfriend is having trouble with his family.
He can't return to his house for Christmas so I'm making huge sacrifices so he can come stay with me, I'm so happy though.

It's made us closer then ever though, really formed what we have today.

Arg, sounds like I'm gloating again. I'm just trying to give examples really.
Even today I don't leave the hosue often so myself is all I really have to go on.

>> No.6611256

seriously? For me its just a lie... there are girls who act like that and one of my last shots with real relationships was with one of those... after a month passed she was the most clingy of all.

>> No.6611258

Nice wallpaper, OP.
Also, lurk more and remember you didn't need to mention the fact you're a woman to make this thread (if you are not trolling, of course).

>> No.6611261

Just to remind you, /jp/, not all women think like OP.

That said, it's pretty much a dick move to present yourself as a representative of the female gender (by saying "woman here" and "I just don't get it, maybe it's because I'm female", as if your opinions were those of women in general). Even within your own gender, there are many who disagree with your ideas.

If a man thinks he can buy my affection with presents, I mostly consider that disgusting. I don't also see reciprocating emotions as that important; one-sided, distant love can be valuable and satisfactory, even if not always in the same way as mutual love is. And I sure don't like arguments and jealousy in relationships.

I think you're holding onto a very narrow idea of love and relationships, OP. There are different kinds of situations and people, and so love can be different as well. We seek different things from it and are satisfied with different solutions. The fact that the idea of loving imaginary beings feels wrong to you doesn't mean it is wrong for everyone. It just isn't for you and that is okay, but for many people, it might be just what they are looking for.

>> No.6611269
File: 92 KB, 600x419, metrolink-train-wreck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I did
it didn't really work out.

>> No.6611275


Reading the thread from the bottom up now but...

You're implying I've never observed at all, which simply isn't true.
This is just the first time I've actually taken measure to speak with people first hand about they're experiences and knowledge of the particular lifestyle.
Surprisingly, I find there isn't actually a lot of literature or media documenting the subject.
At least not in Britain, maybe Asian sites but the translations are often quite terrible.

>> No.6611277

You don't know how right you are.
Damn, all those years pretending to be a normal, in the end it just made me even more of a misanthrope.

>> No.6611283

"Woman here", and I love you for this post.

>> No.6611285

>buying them gifts just to see their smile

fraud exposed, thread over

>> No.6611291

I agree with this.
I'm a girl and bought gifts don't make me smile.
Genuine words, actions, and such mean a lot more. I'd rather spend quality time than get a gift.

>> No.6611286 [DELETED] 

they were not THAT clingy... It was actually on an acceptable level. However as I am a somewhat introverted and introspective person my tolerance for clinginess is really low. I like being alone, I like doing nothing at all and I like being in silence. most girls just cant handle being still for a few seconds without having the urge to talk or go do something. Also please sage your posts for this discussion is unrelated to the board and will probably annoy most of the board users.

>> No.6611292


Thanks, I'm glad somebody likes it or at least uses it.
I make a lot of wallpapers but whenever I try to share them outside of /w/ I get called weeaboo and faggot...

Not trolling, pinky promise.

>> No.6611295

A ''waifu'' is just an ideal that you pour yourself into until you can find someone who meets that ideal.

I've yet to meet the personification of my ideals and the fact I dislike people as a whole may or may not be preventing me from finding it and I've rejected more than my fair share of dating requests as I am simply not into quick tricks with people I don't really care for.

Which is a lot of people.

>> No.6611298

Guy here, I like presents because I get stuff for free.

>> No.6611300
File: 66 KB, 439x257, 5345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fucking preference, like anything else in life, stop caring so much about it. The problem here is not gender, it's the normalfag attitude. Thanks to people like you, fujoshi get to deal with not only criticisms of their lifestyle, but hatred for their unchangeable genetic burden. Please delete this thread as it is off-topic.

>> No.6611305

they were not THAT clingy... It was actually on an acceptable level. However as I am a somewhat introverted and introspective person my tolerance for clinginess is really low. I like being alone, I like doing nothing at all and I like being in silence. most girls just cant handle being still for a few seconds without having the urge to talk or go do something. Also please sage your posts for this discussion is unrelated to the board and will probably annoy most of the board users

>> No.6611306

I've found personifications of my ideal all the time. Most of the time they were underage.

>> No.6611307

I'd just like to point out that her mentioning she's female is relevant, because if she was a male otaku she wouldn't have this question. Giving her crap for mentioning it is pointless.

>> No.6611318

Literature isn't the way to go, in this case. It's more like the study of a foreign culture; there are some things you can only learn through spending time among the people (which I believe you have not, as you said you don't really come here).

>> No.6611323

>What's so desirable about pouring yourself into a person who ... will never reciprocate your emotions?
This is precisely why I've given up on women.

>> No.6611331

It's a sweet idea that all male otaku get it, but that's unfortunately not the reality.

>> No.6611338
File: 61 KB, 512x512, 1291174781230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never holding them, buying them gifts just to see their smile?
pops taught me that the women should be the one buying me a gift, so the thought of buying some whore a gift to make her smile makes me laugh. at most it'll be a 50/50 split... what happened to equal rights and the fight against being forced to be the homemakers? ha.

i think you're ugly and your boyfriend is a beta who is ugly too. if the women isn't capable of paying for the male then the women is a whore and male is a beta. i've seen this throughout my life.

>> No.6611341


I fucking hate the gender stereotyping done in society. The most annoying thing is the concept of "transgender": the idea that someone is weird or different because their likes, dislikes, and thought processes don't match WHAT PEOPLE EXPECT THEIR GENDER TO HAVE.

Is this a "disorder"? No, it's called being different, and there's nothing wrong with it. You aren't a <gender> trapped in <other gender's> body: you simply don't match society's retarded expectations of who you're supposed to be.

>> No.6611347

Fujoshi actually tend to interact with other females (though there are exceptions), so they don't really get hated on for being female.

>> No.6611354

The majority understand.
Agreeing with it =/= Understanding it
I don't agree with it, but I still understand why a guy would rather have his waifu than a real girl.

>> No.6611361
File: 60 KB, 280x467, generic_facebook_ID_No32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you've answered my qestion for me perfectly.
Thanks for being reasonable and patient with me, also for putting so much time and effort into your post.

I never really had a set view on what fanatics were or what they looked like, but obviously after a while, stereotyping and the like begins to form an image for you and it's something you can't help to expect when you come to this board and it's sister boards (/a/, /w/ etc.).

Thanks for clearing this up for me and I'm sorry if I came across as a bit ignorant. It's probably because I am, I don't have too many of the smarts but it's a really fascinating subject for me.

The only part I will never understand is viewing 2D women as superior asthetically but that's completely subjective.
It's like asking a guy why he prefers blondes over brunettes, or silvery/purples in your case Mr. Anonymous poster :)

I'm going to go now, but to enrage some of you further, I don't believe I'm fat or hideous. Decide for yourselves.

Thanks again guys, have a nice night x

>> No.6611374

I think a lot of people are deluding themselves when they say that 2D girls are unconditionally superior to 3D girls. But I don't think it's a bad thing to delude yourself that way, it's a productive delusion that makes you more happy in that situation.

My story is that I've simply never felt much female affection. I think that's the main thing. Never having felt it means that there's nothing I can compare the emotions that 2D gives me to, so those emotions can feel fulfilling in themselves. Sure, I can think "if I had a 3D relationship, that would feel better than this", but that's an absolutely useless way to think. We're taught all the time to focus on what we have rather than what we don't have, so why is it suddenly wrong to apply that to relationships too? Stop considering so much what you're missing out on, just be happy with what you, namely the ability to pick from a huge library of galge that manage to give a lot more emotional stimulation than normalfags give them credit for.

But as hinted previously, it also helps to have some thoughts on why it would be hopeless to go after 3D girls. I have many things for that too, like being a NEET, being a loser who couldn't confidently approach a girl and ask her out on a date, being too emotionally vulnerable to trust people to get intimate with me, being comfortable in the presence of other people in general, having too high standards for women from having spent the 3 past years of my life indulged in a fantasy world where people don't have to flaws, etc, etc.

It's really quite simple: I have several reasons why I don't think I could get into a relation with a real girl, so instead of trying to hopelessly reach after it over and over again by telling myself it's manly to never give up no matter what, I just focus on what I can have instead. Much simpler, much more comfortable.

>> No.6611377

>The only part I will never understand is viewing 2D women as superior asthetically but that's completely subjective.

A 2D woman can be 90-50-90 with flawless skin, H-cups that don't sag, perfect hair: more beautiful than any real human can ever be expected to be.

Also, using my post as a reference for /jp/ is a bad idea. I suspect a lot of /jp/ *does* want to depend on a woman (as seen by choice of waifus) or does want a woman to depend on them, for example.

>> No.6611383

Delete your thread.

>> No.6611389


I like your eyes, though.

>> No.6611390


>> No.6611391

Thanks for the wallpaper.
As for your question, I'm too shy to ask girls out so I keep waiting and waiting until the day I find one with enough courage to do so herself, social traditions be damned.
Until then, 2D is the only thing I have

>> No.6611401

From my experience, the general female population looks down on fujoshi, perhaps even more so than in the male case, and those female otaku who have no interest in BL and such are often subjects of mockery among the fujoshi.

>> No.6611404

god, this
i'm transgender(seriously considering transitioning) and i always rage a bit when i see people say shit like that and shit like 'hurr i bet you don't even have genuine GID get out of here', no i don't have gender dysphoria or identify more with the other gender, i'm not 'a male' or 'a female' i'm just a person who has a male or female body and wishes to change that

>> No.6611411


This is probably a copypasta, but anyway...
The honest answer is, I don't prefer the affections of 2D, because there's no affection to be had. What I do prefer is the aesthetic beauty, ideals, and safety of 2D.

In my mind, being social and finding someone you're compatible with requires far too much investment. I'm the kind of person that appears to have no problem being social at parties and such, but at the end of the night when I return home I'm usually physically and mentally exhausted and left wondering what the point was. It's more fun to just sit at home and surround myself with what I enjoy the most.

If someone can produce for me a short, cute, quiet, good humored, educated, home-body female in her 20s that doesn't mind just parking her ass at home with me, I'm all ears.

>> No.6611421

While the average person does make far too many assumptions, society would not work very well without some assumptions. The frustrating thing about gender stereotyping is that it is true for the majority of people - therefore there is some validity to the assumption that is being made. To use a very banal example: if a guy offers to carry something for a woman, *most* women will be pleased. There are a small percentage of girls who find this behavior tiring, or cannot help but feel insulted, even though they know the gesture was one of goodwill. If there are enough things like this that one has to deal with in everyday life, it is sometimes just easier for everyone if you alter yourself so that the initial expectations are more correct. Otherwise you are going to expend a lot of effort "educating" people about something that doesn't apply to the majority of people they will meet.

>> No.6611427

Textual analysis follows:
4 lines of aggressively indicating gender.

3 lines of genuine question.

5 lines of QUALITY contribution.

2 lines of filler.

Perhaps you would have gotten a better reponse if you'd posted the wall paper and the question. Your gender wasn't relevant to the question, and you are fully aware that using gender in that way causes a typhoon of faeces.

>> No.6611430

>>short, cute, quiet, good humored, educated, home-body female in her 20s that doesn't mind just parking her ass at home with me

>Not in her 20's, but 18
>Not always quiet, but usually is except for when around some friends
>Cute is subjective

Does this mean I have hope for getting an otaku boyfriend that I've been wanting?

>> No.6611432

Are you going to post a picture of your breasts and ass too? Delete your shitty thread and get the fuck out.

>> No.6611441

All women are sluts.

This thread is over.

>> No.6611475

its /jp/ you should be at /r9k/.
wrong board, not /jp/ related.

and all new-friends who reply to this thread are giving this whore bump and attention.

>> No.6611482

>society would not work very well without some assumptions
I wish more people would realize this. A world without assumptions is impossible. We're biologically programmed to assume things. If you put your hand into a bonfire, it will hurt, and you will make the general assumptions that fires hurt and should be treated with caution, which is knowledge that can save your life at a later point. It shouldn't be a matter of making assumptions or not making assumptions, it should be a matter of making wise and flexible assumptions. Such as.. after observing a certain behavior from many females, you can assume that many females you meet in the future will also behave like this, but not that it's the unquestionable destiny of anyone with tits to behave that way.

>> No.6611488
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Not really. Those fujoshi circles will still operate with a set of social norms that forbid raging autism or similar behaviours, making it difficult for those with legitimate problems.

>> No.6611503
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>> No.6611505

>otaku boyfriend that I've been wanting
Oxymoron. Otaku are by definition unattractive to women, they possess way too many traits that a female's biological programming will urge her to take distance from. Those who say they want an otaku boyfriend just wants what they think would be an otaku, but don't have an idea what an otaku really is.

>> No.6611514

Oh, this. THIS. I agree 100% with this post.

>> No.6611551

Believe it or not OP, but I am actually not misogynist.
Have 4 older sisters you see.

But guess what. After I reached 14, there have never been any girls in any class or school I have attended since.
I mean, a 210/1 male/female ratio as in my last school wasn't exactly that great, and then I dropped out either way.

But even before that, when there actually were girls at my school, I can't say I were that interested in them.
Most of them were very into sport.
But some of them were nice, some of them took drugs, some of them were with no bias, sluts.
But there weren't that many of them to begin with.
Was somewhat close with two girls anyway, and everyone knew who I was as I wasn't one of them people always in the back.
But then I moved on, and everyone else moved on, and since then there haven't been any more girls.

You know, women are practically nowhere in my day to day life, and that has nothing to do with me avoiding them or anything.
Most of them I meet nowadays, as rare as it may be. already have boyfriends, and most of them ahve already had several boyfriends, and I can't even say that I would be particularly interested in any of them based on what/how I know them at this moment, even if they didn't have boyfriends.
Besides, I bet I can count the number of women I have met this past year on my hands, possibly even with one.
I know people may think that one should not have the bar set up too high. But I don't think one even has to have the bar set too high to not fall crazy in love with one of the first 10 girls he meets, especially if 10/10 of them are already in relationships.
Then again, I do believe I could set the bar quite high, if I just were to meet someone that could pass, I mean, I could possibly go by without even having a bar at all, and still not have a relationship with anyone unless I go out of my ways and seek them out desperately for the sole purpose of initiating weak and forced relationships.

>> No.6611558
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>> No.6611562

>finally a thread actually pertaining to otaku culture
>bunch of autists comes in and starts shitposting
Stay calssy /jp/

>> No.6611570
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>Have 4 older sisters you see.
I hate you, I hate you with every fiber of my being

>> No.6611582


You made my day. Otaku is probably too strong a word for me though, and I'm also more than 10 years older than you are.... Oh well. Forever-a-loan.

>> No.6611586


Is it wrong that I find the girl on the left high attractive?

Or convenient?

>> No.6611592

I see /jp/ is as shitty as ever today.

>> No.6611606


>I'm the kind of person that appears to have no problem being social at parties and such, but at the end of the night when I return home I'm usually physically and mentally exhausted and left wondering what the point was. It's more fun to just sit at home and surround myself with what I enjoy the most.

I'm very interested in this, as I suffer from it too.
I can talk to girls go to places etc, but it still wrecks me far, far more than it should.

What does /jp/ think about this?

>> No.6611613

Most girls like me like older guys. Including me. You are not forever alone.

>> No.6611617

I think you shouldn't go to parties in the first place, that is, if you think they're pointless.

>> No.6611628

Oh nice, a female white knight

>> No.6611631

It's the same for me. It's because of autism, so interactions don't come naturally and you think about everything you say and do, evaluating what you should say and so. The solution? There is no solution.

>> No.6611634

Thanks to your efforts.

>> No.6611635

Asexuality and more or less hatred against the mankind.

>> No.6611640

OP from that Horo dakimakura thread here.

>What's so desirable about pouring yourself into a person who doesn't exist and will never reciprocate your emotions?
My waifu is incapable of cheating or hurting me. I've recreated her personality in my head and we've gone through so much together. Whether it be a romantic fantasy date or just waking up together on a grumpy Monday morning.

>Arguments, jealousy, tears, holding them at night until they fall asleep in your arms.
This differs for many people. But for me, I've tried to make my fantasies as real as possible. Horo and I argue. Then we laugh and make up later on. And we do fall asleep in each other's arms every night.

Of course, I would love to be able to do this for real and not just in a fantasy. But I'm too socially awkward and undesirable for this to happen.

>> No.6611652

>I'm the kind of person that appears to have no problem being social at parties and such
>but at the end of the night when I return home I'm usually physically and mentally exhausted
Ever thought about if you may actually have a social anxiety disorder even if you have "no" trouble with being social?

Apparently I have one such disorder. I would have never had guessed it unless a professional were to say so.
But ironically, not all people with social anxiety disorder have trouble with being social, in fact, some of them even to the contrary are actually more keen on tiny details.
But where does the disorder come in? Although it can range from weak to strong, this sort of thing can still be far more draining for a person with such a case of social anxiety. So such a person can go and be social for a whole day or more without pause, and be just fine, other than the fact that they may be far more exhausted afterwards than any "normal" person would.

>> No.6611660
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>> No.6611662

Op wanna fuck

>> No.6611666

I'd like having a girlfriend if she meets the minimum requirements.

Me not going outside much isn't helping the cause, since potential mates don't really come knocking on my door, so 2D is what I'll roll with for now.
Something like >>6611391, and >>6611411 fit me among others.
I'm not exactly fit, and my self-confidence is low because of that and some other factors, but I can put up a facade for a while.

I live in a dorm with a shared kitchen, so at least I have some direct human interaction without any media or anything in between.
It's sort of become my habit to just be honest about my Japanese Studies and my hobbies if anyone is looking to know that stuff about me, since always thinking up ways to talk myself around it has become quite bothersome seeing as I've lived here for 2.5 years.

I don't dislike being around girls, and I guess I actually prefer talking to them rather than guys, but when she mentions anything related to sexual experience, I just sort of lose my balance.
At least I've handled the challenge up until now, and only faced mild humiliation at parties and such without revealing too many details, but as long as I can joke about it myself, I think it's fine.

So for me 2D is a hobby, and I enjoy cleaning my figurines.
If a girl I enjoy talking to walks into the kitchen while I'm preparing my breakfast, I'll just sit in the sofa or stand in "my corner" and eat while talking to her instead of hiding in my room.
Sometimes she'll sit next to me in the sofa, and I won't freak out (although I ask her if I should move to the side because I sit in the middle).
Of course she has a boyfriend.

>> No.6611671

physical, 3D waifu > non-physical 2D waifu > nothing > mediocre girl >>>> bitch

>> No.6611696
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>> No.6611700

>>6611666 again
To clarify; I don't go to those club parties unless I can avoid it without being too much of an ass.
People usually don't ask me to come if they know me.

But I enjoy the casual ones with dinner, bringing your own drinks, etc., like the Christmas party we had in the shared kitchen.
The girls dressing for the occasion is a plus as well.

And they ask to taste some of my Port, they share their Belgian beers with me, so it's all good on that front.

>> No.6611702

>>6611606 here
I probabily have a medium level social ansiety disorder.

Well, thanks for pointing that, I'll look about it.

>> No.6611729

>>Arguments, jealousy, tears,
Yes, I prefer not having a girlfriend.

>> No.6611792

I, for one, find those aspects of a human relationship kind of fascinating.

If a relationship can overcome those, I suppose it just gets better, and you get to understand more about the other person.

>> No.6611874

>Sometimes she'll sit next to me in the sofa

I would have a heart attack and die. I hate it when stuff like that happens. My mind races and I even worry if I should move to the side, but then worry if it would make me look like a moron or whatever.

>> No.6611934

This thread is gay, but I do love reading about how people cope with having "waifus". It's like a bittersweet type of happiness. Sadly, this type of thread is the only place I can read genuine stories without any trolling.
