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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 146 KB, 480x358, 201012071827569bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6603535 No.6603535 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6603536
File: 285 KB, 320x240, 20101207184009355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more ass

>> No.6603540

and even more ass

>> No.6603647

is the new version out?

>> No.6603652

Not yet.
Bookmark the blog: http://suge9.blog58.fc2.com/

>> No.6603665


>> No.6604229
File: 109 KB, 478x346, kaede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this game have decent netplay yet?

>> No.6604234

dat sum ass princess

>> No.6605368

He should rename this "cut in" attack to "butt in"

>> No.6605386
File: 51 KB, 704x396, [DBNL]Dragonball_Z_-_089_-_Frieza_s_Boast_[DR][x264][815BBA28].mkv_snapshot_20.32_[2010.12.11_17.55.14].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delicious ass

>> No.6605453

Yeah it will in the new version apparently.

That's all it needs really. Great game.

>> No.6605484

Holy crap I didn't know this game actually got updates.
I feel so ashamed for not knowing that after playing for so long.

>> No.6605513

Too bad the Umineko fighting game will completely blow VP away. Superior setting, superior characters, superior gameplay, and greatest source material possible for a doujin fighter. The few people still playing VP will be the hardcore moefags and the few guys obsessed with asses like Arc.

>> No.6605797


The only people that will play BeatoBlue are Umineko fans. Everyone else will still continue to play VP and Soku.

Also, BB is in no way superior to VP.
The only difference is that BB used a different source engine, plus, if you've actually seen BB gameplay, a lot of the character animations are actually quite choppy.

Not to mention BB was made by a team of people, where VP was made by only one person.

>> No.6605805

BB is horseshite compared to VP.

>> No.6605804

The only thing left that this franchise needs is an ova by Hoods Entertainment.

>> No.6605808

Umineko fighting game? More like Million Knights Vermillion 2.

I'm literally expecting nothing from it, but we'll see.

>> No.6605815

>Superior setting, superior characters...greatest source material possible for a doujin fighter
Except Umineko is fucking garbage

>> No.6605819
File: 69 KB, 800x912, 1255310634117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umineko fighting game looks like ass. So many screen pauses. Autistic game for retarded fans

>> No.6605862

You know your game is shitty when you have to resort to fanservice in order to get people to play it.

>> No.6606395

I came for the fanservice.
I stayed for the gameplay.

>> No.6606435

I can't get this game to run. I used applocale on the archive and then on the game executable itself but the window just flashes up and immediately closes. what am I doing wrong? I want to be the poor no pantsu girl.

>> No.6606444

Applocale doesn't work. Set your entire computer to Japanese.

>> No.6606462

but then my \s will turn into Ys

>> No.6606475

\s turning into Ys
no Eri ass
which do you choose?

>> No.6606509
File: 2.50 MB, 2000x2000, Hasumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to leave this here.

>> No.6606507

Damn he's still using the same open source music.

You'd think musicbros would be standing in line to contribute character themes to this game.

>> No.6606513

how can compaines like crapcom claim that sprites are too expensive when one guy manages to make them?

>> No.6606530

Is it just me or is her cooter showing?

>> No.6606540

they are expensive in manpower/time especially compared to 3d models. each of those sprites had to be drawn by hand frame by frame. if you have to adjust something later you have to redraw it and then redraw the other frames in accordance so they match up.

with 3d you model it, same guy textures, then you pass it on to the rigger while the modeler moves on to the next character. rigger does his thing and then passes it on to the animator and then moves on to the next character. animator does his thing. if there's an adjustment with the speed of something it's no problem to fix. maybe you want a kick to go higher or something. no problem. the 3d package will redo frames as needed on its own.

>> No.6606543

fan made?

>> No.6606554

...and titties.


>> No.6606580

Any more for the other characters?

>> No.6606596
File: 297 KB, 634x518, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6606603
File: 402 KB, 647x515, caps7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6606620
File: 408 KB, 652x516, caps9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6606631
File: 1.56 MB, 2000x2000, Kurumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6606634

>then you pass it on to the rigger while the modeler moves on to the next character. rigger does his thing and then passes it on to the animator and then moves on to the next character. animator does his thing.

That's still three different people just to finish one model. If you hired three sprite artists you could get the same amount of work done.

>> No.6606655
File: 416 KB, 652x516, caps11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fapping furiously yet?

>> No.6606658

Post everything you have. There's no way the original artist didn't make these edits.

>> No.6606686
File: 2.13 MB, 2000x2000, Ayane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't uncensored them all. But can you even use em?

>> No.6606693
File: 1.93 MB, 2000x2000, Saki_M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6606707

where can i download the game?

>> No.6606733

then you need three people who can draw and animate well instead of three specialists
even bigger difference is in the actual animation phase. with 2d you have someone do key frames and then either they do the inbetween frames or you pass that on to tweeners (a lot of anime companies will even farm out overseas for tweening). with 3d your animator will set key frames and the program will fill in everything inbetween those keyframes essentially making the whole inbetween process instantaneous. and like i said earlier about adjustments (if something is too slow or too fast, if you want it to hit at a different spot on another character and you need to make the animation match up, etc) you have to redraw which is time consuming. with 3d you change the keyframe and the program will fill in the blanks. if you are trying to do overlapping animation or other subanimation (like say you want some hair to flap around or something) then you would have to either have that planned out and added into the frames or you redraw later to add it into the frames. with 3d you could leave it unanimated for now and then add it in later without having to redraw anything.

>> No.6606750

I think I'm gonna have to get this game, I love how the few times a week I come to /jp/ just to see what is going on I stumble upon gold.

>> No.6606760

Then why can one guy in his basement do all this just fine?

>> No.6606774
File: 374 KB, 647x515, ccraps1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd have to know how to create new characters, and using the sprite sheets I've made is a PITA without the coords input. In other words you'd have to know how to use ryonasaga before the sheets are even useful... I think though that the people doing ryonancing saga would go apeshit if they saw these sprite sheets though.

>> No.6606783

it's not a matter of "doing it fine"
it's a matter of "how long is it going to take?"

>> No.6606802
File: 411 KB, 647x515, caps4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're pretty much original content

>> No.6606814 [DELETED] 

So, basically what you are saying is that most developers are the equivalent of fast food?

>> No.6606813

what game is that OP pic from?

>> No.6606818

They can take all the time they want if they come out with a good product. I'm certainly not rushing them.

>> No.6606832

the original question was "how can crapcom claim sprites are too expensive?" i answered.

>> No.6606835

I remember that game. I could never figure out what I should be doing, and when I lost somehow a girl got turned into a zombie or something.

Shit was weird. The character roster is impressive though.

>> No.6606868

I remember seeing it on /d/ and I never downloaded it, but now I want to.

>> No.6606875

So time = money? I thought that didn't apply to people in artistic fields.

>> No.6606892
File: 157 KB, 660x631, 832a42527e7a7c36b960d63f28c8ac0b copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6606907
File: 1.95 MB, 2000x2000, natalia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately not uncen... but that would be easy

>> No.6606909

A future version of Vanguard Princess.

>> No.6606920

yeah, maybe if you are the stereotypical starving artist. everyone else understands you need to get paid to live well. video game publishers and stockholders are here to make money.

>> No.6606926

Well, they should stop trying. You don't get rich making video games. You wouldn't have entered the field in the first place if you were after money.

>> No.6606934

So a /jp/er is doing these edits? I want to see all of them uncensored.

>> No.6606941

like i said, the stockholders and publishers want profits. everyone else on the team is there only to facilitate that. movies, video games, anime, you name it, the entertainment business is there for money. cutting down on the man hours required to do something helps this. if some director or designer manages to make his company money while following their dream visions, so be it, but the bottom line is money.

>> No.6606945
File: 2.06 MB, 2000x2000, Luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't really got much time, really

>> No.6606948

This isn't a multi-million dollar production here, it's a computer game. Delays aren't going to hurt the bottom line, much.

>> No.6606955

okay to clarify are we still talking about why there aren't sprites?

>> No.6606956


>> No.6606961

have you heard of the saying "a penny saved is a penny earned?" the less time you have to pay people for working on one project or the less time they have to spend before moving onto the next project, the better.

>> No.6606964

Yeah, who cares about quality? Let's churn out crap. As long as it sells, it's okay.

>> No.6606981

>More like Million Knights Vermillion 2
So is it those guys who are behind the Umineko fighting game?
I have posted the question of who it is a few times already to no avail.

But it's them, then?
The art is sort of decent so I guess it could be them. Sort of makes sense. The sprites of Million Knights Vermillion were sort of decent as well.
It was horrible as a fighting game however.

>> No.6606982

i refer you back to the shareholders and publishers wanting money. guess who also funds the game development? this is suge9's hobby so he doesn't have people breathing down his neck to get it out there which is why he has the luxury of time.

also games have multimillion dollar budgets now. uncharted 2's budget was a good $20 million and sold at least 3.8 million units over its lifetime. halo 3 had a $55 million budget and grossed $300 million in its first week. this is a big money business.

>> No.6606986

Doujinsoft bonzai!

>> No.6607001
File: 70 KB, 242x320, 1266586013214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

demon loli fucking when!?

>> No.6607010

>bountiful bouncing breasts


>> No.6607019
File: 258 KB, 640x480, 1271983830180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe.

>> No.6607022

when it comes down to it, most people's choices are this:
a)sell out
b)hobby, get your real money elsewhere

most doujinshi anything do the latter.

>> No.6607031

Will you make some edits tomorrow?

>> No.6607064

Don't know if I'll make more edits ever.

>> No.6607072

Oh well, I'll just fap to the existing edits.

>> No.6607091

Did he added practice mode with different options? At least add in auto recover for the dummy.

Was this bitch nerfed? Fuck I hate her.

>> No.6607161 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 420x603, a4_d__0_TheLordOfTheRingsTheReturnOfTh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Lord of the Rings with Japanese folklore:

Elves - Tengus
Orcs - Onis

>> No.6607196

did she steal riesbyfe's cello?

>Let's churn out crap. As long as it sells, it's okay.
welcome to modern everything

>> No.6607202

the maebari girl doesn't have any pantyshot frames? that's a travesty

>> No.6607288

She does. I don't think those are all the frames.

>> No.6607353
File: 2.12 MB, 2000x2000, Luna_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh ok, fine

>> No.6607534


>> No.6607573

So is there a download to this? I looked on google but most of the links don't work.

>> No.6608212

No, we still don't know who works on it. That was just random trolling, because, apparently, every new doujin PC fighting that's not Touhou is bound to be shit like MKV.

>> No.6608245

moar gifs
