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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6596922 No.6596922 [Reply] [Original]

As most informed /jp/ers know, "otaku" in Japan generally keep to themselves. They don't go out and evangelize their hobby, mostly sticking to doujin shops, doujin fairs, Pixiv, Nico Nico Douga, 2ch, etc. They conceal their power level in public. Most Japanese almost never encounter someone who they can immediately brand an "otaku".

But, sadly -- perhaps due to influence from American otaku, or perhaps just due to the new generation being unaware of proper conduct -- this has begun to change.

Enter the "kimotaku".

The kimotaku has no idea what "concealing his power level" means. The kimotaku will happily evangelize his favorite anime or franchise, even to those who aren't interested in otaku culture at all. The kimotaku will wear his power level on his clothes, making it obvious who he is. The kimotaku will treat his otakuness as a badge of honor, even among non-otaku. He is... the fanboy. And he has now come to Japan.

>> No.6596940

Why can't kyonko be canon? ;_;

>> No.6596946
File: 106 KB, 1440x810, 1280718249912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that´s terrible.

>> No.6596947


>> No.6596965

Good thing I live in Japan, huh?

>> No.6596994


Because its only purpose is crappy H-doujins.

>> No.6597005

>perhaps due to influence from American otaku,

Fucking Westerners having self-esteem and being proud of their disgraceful hobby

>> No.6597040

I want that big Cirno cutout.

>> No.6597044

That's no cutout, it's really her. Shopping for manga

>> No.6597145


Go and steal it, Anonymous.

>> No.6597151

But I can see the string.

>> No.6597160
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>> No.6597163

I wish, but unfortunately I don't live in Japan.

What a tragedy.

>> No.6597183

Good to hear. People should be loud and proud about it. That's just how culture changes. Once it becomes normal enough, it will no longer become as marginalized.

For example, Lord of the Rings was considered ubernerdy back in the days and people got beat up for liking it. Now after the movies it was badass and girls wanted to have Legolas' babies!

That said, I don't care for materialism that seems rampant with kimotaku, but at least they should not hide themselves if that's what they desire.

>> No.6597195

>>6597183 I'm in favor of furries
This is NOT OK.

>> No.6597205

I'm in favor of furries. What is wrong with furries?

>> No.6597210

I'm sure those two guys from Comipa represent kimotaku and that's an ancient game.

>> No.6597225

>materialism that seems rampant with kimotaku
whole otaku culture is based on buying things.
I see no change on that aspect.

Anyway, It seems kimotaku is just another fancy japan word for poser

>> No.6597230
File: 34 KB, 530x367, dealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6597236


Please kill yourself.

Or at least nominate yourself for the PETA blacklist.

>> No.6597238

Please be joking. Lord of the Rings was a mainstream book for several decades now.

Also, Japan sure has a problem with conformity in general, but being obnoxious instead is not an answer to that.

>> No.6597248

>For example, Lord of the Rings was considered ubernerdy back in the days and people got beat up for liking it. Now after the movies it was badass and girls wanted to have Legolas' babies!

are you implying that once more live action movies are made out of animu, it'll become more mainstream for normals and won't be the ubergeeky "cartoons for kids and little girls"?

>> No.6597305

I don't think he is, but that is also true, assuming that the live action movies would be as hugely popular as the lord of the rings movies.

>> No.6597438

You think the normalfagization of otaku culture is a good thing?

Click here: >>>/b/

Don't want to? That's what I thought.

>> No.6597457

I'm at least glad we now have a genuine Japanese word for them.

>> No.6597471
File: 234 KB, 1024x768, 1290245360591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This either really good or REALLY terrible.

On one handed PL concealing may no longer be required for the non-hikki among us, on the other this may introduce ''Trendy Otaku'' which will be a terribly enraging and sad thing.

Much like shitty ''Gamer Culture'' as advertise on places such as G4.

>> No.6597476

what, stoner threads and operation payback?
you must mean >>>/a/

>> No.6597515

I was meaning the Internet in general. Once a decent place, now it's where fags go to update their facefaggotry.

>> No.6597549

I doubt that they'd be influenced by American otaku.

I'd think it's more of marketing analysts starting to stress anime, manga, VNs as being embraced as part of mainstream society because they want people to fucking buy the merchandise. It's getting very difficult to make a buck in Japan these days and so whatever still turns any kind of profit, businesses will flock to it. They figure that most young people (and many middle age people now too) there are at least familiar with the basics of what's hot/been hot in anime, manga, VNs etc (and many are closet otaku in some aspect), so why, not build up their confidence to promote their interests publicly, and hence make it more acceptable and thus increase the profits from making new fans? They probably see all those millions of closet otaku out there as an untapped goldmine.. they already plainly buy up all the shirts and merchandise they can get, why not encourage them to wear it in public? It's tons and tons of free advertising, and marketing/ads is how things start to stick culturally. Gundam would never be where it is today if Bandai decided it would never market it like it does, for example, it would just be another old, now-obscure show with a niche fanbase (like say, Votoms) instead of a pinnacle of Japanese culture.

>> No.6597550
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Seeing that pic again amuses me to no end. Stay classy, /jp/.

>> No.6597587

I can't wait until Haruhi armbands, frilly hats, and Strike Witches patches become standard hipster fare. All worn ironically, of course.

>> No.6597615

>they already plainly buy up all the shirts and merchandise they can get, why not encourage them to wear it in public?
I don't know about you, but it's tough on me financially to buy 2 of everything. I still do it anyway.

>> No.6597628 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 400x267, danny_choo-732726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otaku culture becoming mainstream is not a good thing.

See this guy? We don't need any more of him.

>> No.6597638
File: 26 KB, 400x267, danny_choo-732726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otaku culture becoming mainstream is not a good thing.

See this guy? We don't need any more of him.

>> No.6597642

Actually, we do, because if everyone was doing it, then people like Danny wouldn't be able to garner as much attention or stand out as some sort of representative to mainstream media.

>> No.6597643

Danny Choo is at fault here. Fucking Danny Choo!

>> No.6597652
File: 161 KB, 640x427, Kim_Pine 1284780492017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a Kim Otaku..... just not like that...

>> No.6597653


I just don't wanna see my last safe haven go to shit. It'd bad enough I partially have to share it with underage pocky inhaling weeaboos who crowd the manga section of B&N and ejaculate whenever they order Chinese food or eat instant ramen.

I don't want a repeat of G4TV. One Kevin Pereira is enough.

>> No.6597659

At one time I thought about getting a tattoo of Yukari on my forearm, but after really thinking about it, I really don't want to draw attention myself by doing that.

>> No.6597672

I'll never understand how people can be proud of such a useless hobby.

>> No.6597688

but most of /a/ conceal their powerlevel.

>> No.6597701

The normalization of this culture by normalfags and hipsters can only be a bad thing, I remember having to explain on /a/ why an industry like this who still only caters to its core fanbase and not boring normalfags is a good thing in this day and age. I don't have much else outside of anime, manga, the odd few Japanese games and doujin stuff.

>> No.6597706

The same could be said of lots of mainstream things. What exactly does memorizing sport rosters and statistics, which seems so popular, and watching every game do for people, especially when they don't actually really play the sport themselves? And gansta pride and all that too.

It's just another harmless way for a group of people to have some fun, and if it was more common, they'd feel less insecure.

>> No.6597724

I don't feel insecure, personally.

And watching sports is fun. As an entertainment, they're vastly superior to, say, mainstream pop fiction that operate on cliches that let you tell beforehand who will win in any kind of conflict.

>> No.6597732

Who cares? It doesn't affect me any.

>> No.6597763

You're just weak-minded if you are that influenced by bad fandoms and flock to whatever hasn't been touched by the mainstream public.

>> No.6599239


Yeah it's all fine and swell until a 14yr old tells you that Gundam Seed is the best in the series,doesn't know who Amuro Ray is and goes on to state that ZUN copied U.N Owen was her from a McDonald's commercial.

>> No.6599263


I got a big tattoo of Reimu right under my armpit and I've never had anyone ever ask me about. Trust me, nobody cares unless you try and shove it down their throat

>> No.6599271

ITT we don't know what a kimo-ota is.
You are the normalfags, not them.

>> No.6599272

So, an opportunity to laugh at someone? Why should I mind?

>> No.6599279


Because this idiot will be the majority and things like that will become fact over time.

It's like with Kingdom Hearts. Yaoi fangirls push their stupid agenda so much that people actually believe that Sora and Riku are gay.

>> No.6599295

I'm pretty sure nobody besides yaoi fangirls actually thinks that.

>> No.6599301
File: 212 KB, 600x450, 1260682162797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no regrets.

>> No.6599306

It's like with Touhou, yuri fanboys push their stupid agenda so much that people actually believe that Marisa and Alice are gay.

Oh, wait, no.

>> No.6599312
File: 3 KB, 175x93, 1246862022196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got a big tattoo of Reimu right under my armpit

>> No.6599318

Sup, dawg, I heard you like armpits.

>> No.6599323

this man is obviously just running around in that outfit to troll or proof some balls of iron.

>> No.6599339

>The kimotaku has no idea what "concealing his power level" means
>"concealing his power level"
Given that that's a 4chan-specific "meme" catchphrase originating from /b/ being too ADHD to successfully watch and enjoy DBZ, probably not.

>50 replies
oh hell, what is your problem, /jp/? seriously

>> No.6599348

>oh hell, what is your problem, /jp/? seriously

We're bored,this is probably the most interesting thread on the front page and we don't feel like starting a new one.

>> No.6599351

They're probably from /a/.
Or brain damaged.

>> No.6599371


Seriously, out of everyone to choose from you pick Reimu? How pedestrian

>> No.6599374

well I'm glad I'm an engineer
math and science won't ever became cool and hip.

>> No.6599387


Aya detected, far left.

>> No.6599429


I thought I was the only one to notice.

>> No.6600147

> Kyonko
OVA when?

>> No.6600190

>Given that that's a 4chan-specific "meme" catchphrase originating from /b/ being too ADHD to successfully watch and enjoy DBZ, probably not.

The fuck? How stupid do you have to be to think that not being a faggot is a 4chan-specified concept?

>> No.6600217

I frequent 2channel and this is the firs time I've ever heard of the term "kimootaku" OP is either BSing or needs to cite a source.

A similar but different term is キモヲタ which just means disgusting otaku and has nothing to do with releasing power levels.

>> No.6600493



>> No.6600567

>a big tattoo of Reimu right under my armpit

You know we're gonna want to see pics right?

>> No.6600626

So OP, you're saying its wrong to treat our hobby as everyone else does theirs? If I have to listen to Joe Football talk about how many touchdowns his favorite player got this week, why shouldn't I be able to wear a t-shirt, or casually bring up my hobby if its at all appropriate?

I like that standard. In fact, let's make it a double.

That said, there's a difference between being self confidant and embracing your hobby, and being an attention grabbing douchebag. The problem here is you seem to think its one in the same

>> No.6600643

>Marisa and Alice are gay
but they are

>> No.6600757
File: 25 KB, 358x356, deal_with_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. If there's one thing that stagnant shithole that the Japs call society needs, it's a good swift kick in the established hierarchy.

>> No.6600797

So who's that girl in the bottom corner from, I've seen her somewhere before

>> No.6600866

I can't wait for this place to turn into some kind of terrible /a/ / /v/ hybrid.

In before
>implying it isn't already

>> No.6600883

No, you are actually glad you are not a gay fat emo like me.

>> No.6600892

Implying you haven't already done your duty already in high school.

>> No.6600907
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That's what you get for translating doujins and anime. If you don't wanted something to become popular you should've hidden it better.
Anyway, no one here is the actual owner of Touhou so you just gotta deal with it.

In part, it's a good thing it becomes popular because now we must find/create something better to replace touhou and common anime.
If you can't do that you are just the same rabble as those teenage girls writting yaoi fanfic.

>> No.6600973


I had the first one happen to me once.

As a /m/fag, I had to fight so many violent thoughts...

Fuck mainstream, if that makes me hipster so be it, but I dont like idiots ruining my hobby
