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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6569897 No.6569897 [Reply] [Original]

Luna Child is the sexiest fairy!

>> No.6569905

She's a child! Pedophile! I can't believe there's people like you on this innocent board!

>> No.6569910
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Every fairy is the sexiest fairy.

>> No.6569916
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Also what's anon's favourite doujin with the fairies?

>> No.6569917
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But Luna is the best. Them drills.

>> No.6569918

Drawn by him maybe.

>> No.6569915

Star is the best, her joy lights up the sky at night.

>> No.6569920
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monthly pedofairies thread.

>> No.6569921
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>> No.6569970
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So true.

>> No.6569998
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I concur.

>> No.6570012
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Why does nature make its manifestations so delicious?

>> No.6570049

A part of nature is fertility and bounty.

You know what nature is telling you, anon. Heed to its call.

>> No.6570061
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But little girls aren't fertile..

>> No.6570064

We are talking about fairies here son.

>> No.6570069
File: 243 KB, 600x800, ff3561d85fb3c7ffdca3caf8caa2577c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so I was mistaken.

>> No.6570095
File: 106 KB, 736x1000, 13867899_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairies are asexual you sick fucks.

>> No.6570104
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You will never molest Daiyousei in a hotel room ;_;

>> No.6570111


>> No.6570112

Then they ought not have human form and features.

>> No.6570116

She's my daughter's best friend. I would never...!

>> No.6570123

Why is a disembodied ghost hand touching her private parts?

>> No.6570128

They can't control what humans imagine them as. Not their fault.

>> No.6570133

Ichirin's day off.

>> No.6570138
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>implying that's going to stop me from finding a hole to stick my penis in

>> No.6570143

Never trust your kids with a nun.

>> No.6570165 [SPOILER] 
File: 302 KB, 1280x960, 13308287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anymore.

>> No.6570186

When a human has sex with a fairy, he shares part of the fairy's link to whichever aspect of nature she represents. Repeated intercourse results in the human establishing his own personal link to nature and turning into a new fairy. That's how fairies reproduce.

>> No.6570190

But for Billy Herrington to become a fairy, he'd need to have sex with someone resembling a female....

>> No.6570198

That's silly. Fairies are born from the land. As the land changes, old fairies die and new fairies replace them that represent the new landscape. That's the cycle.

>> No.6570212


>> No.6570224


This is obviously not true. If you could turn into a little girl by having sex with little girls, I think I would be wearing a silly hat and frilly dress by now.

>> No.6570229

The only way to become a fairy is by absorbing one. Eating them whole has the best results.

>> No.6570230
File: 803 KB, 740x1035, 12362870_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well.. have you tried it to make sure?

>> No.6570237

If that was the case, Marisa would be a fairy by now. Lord knows the girl sucks at finding food in the forest.

>> No.6570245
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Never trust your kids with Marisa either.

>> No.6570248

Obviously this doesn't apply to witches since they are used to eating children and have build up a resistance of sorts.

>> No.6570250
File: 22 KB, 450x450, Japanese magician cooking spaghetti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good lord...

Doesn't she have enough mushrooms, though?

>> No.6570254


But /jp/ doesn't have sex with anyone, much less little girls, much less little fairy girls

>> No.6570263

Fairies taste best with bleeding tooth fungus and octopus stinkhorn eggs, their bitter taste complements fairy flesh very nicely.

>> No.6570281
File: 392 KB, 1000x1000, mouse marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She tried living on mushrooms. Half the damn things are magical and the other half are poisonous or worse. It didn't work out.

>> No.6570292

>Marisa eats fairies and children

Suddenly >>6570245 that picture is creepy as hell.

>> No.6570305

She's just gonna Master Spark them. And Rumia isn't a child.

>> No.6570326
File: 86 KB, 329x542, Face - Caster 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was just one time! It's not like I make a habit of it or anything!

>> No.6570350
File: 86 KB, 450x630, 7e94560b31083cf481ff1db216837a68[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dayousei knows.... she must be eliminated first.

>> No.6570358
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Fairies don't die when they're killed, remember? Stopping her does nothing!

>> No.6570380

Then we'll just have to kidnap her and catapult her over the edge of the world.

>> No.6570381

And thus, world hunger was solved.

>> No.6570408

It's fairies! Soylent Green is made out of fairies. They're making our food out of fairies. Soon, they'll be breeding us like cattle—for food!

>> No.6570415

However, people normally die when they are killed.

>> No.6570449

Thank you Shirou, but fairies are not people.

>> No.6570451

Fairies aren't people.

>> No.6570475
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Go on...

>> No.6570518

You can tell Mokou and Kaguya love each other because they kill each other instead of leaving each other helpless yet alive for years.

>> No.6570591
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>> No.6570650

