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6477154 No.6477154 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you not playing Touhou 6 right fucking now?
Get to it.

>> No.6477161

About to have sex with my girlfriend.

>> No.6477158
File: 478 KB, 600x876, shota sakuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a secondary. Sorry.

>> No.6477167

I'm playing 11 because it's better.

>> No.6477166

It never wants to run correctly

>> No.6477164

Can't look away

>> No.6477163

I was going to play PCB but fine, I'll play ESoD you jerk.

>> No.6477162

Because you didn't post a download link to it.

>> No.6477168

Yuyuko will be lonely ;_;

>> No.6477169

You can find one in about five seconds on Google. And the English patch on the Touhou wiki. Stop being lazy.

>> No.6477172

I died on stage 5 10 minutes ago fuck off

>> No.6477175

Yuyuko has Youmu. She's never lonely. Unless she sends Youmu away for whatever reason.

>> No.6477179

Actually I am playing it. Red Magic everywhere.

>> No.6477182

When fighting Sakuya, most of the lethal cards can be made simplier by standing still. This way, the lines of knives will form neat columns you can graze through the middle of.

If your moving left-right as chains of knives are being fired at you, they'll actively home onto your position as the knives are spawned.

Clusterfucking can be minimized with slow or patient moves.

It's been awhile since I've seen EoSD, but I seem to remember Sakuya (and Remila) both have a pretty bullshit spell, so don't fret bombing once on each.

>> No.6477186

Youmu is out gathering spring. Who will keep Yuyuko company ;_;

>> No.6477190

It wasn't really a request. It's just why I'm not playing TH6 right now. Why bother when I can play all of the others?

>> No.6477192

I was about to go masturbate in the bathtub.
I'll get to it afterwards, thanks for reminding me.

>> No.6477202

My biggest problem is when she's the mid-boss.
Playing on medium ;_; and her spell card (I think it's called misdirection) always gets me.
Strangely, I find her easier on her boss stance.

Using Reimu B by the way.

>> No.6477213

Homing Reimu might be best until you 1'cc the game.

As I said, Sakuya's second spell at midboss can be easily cleared by staying at the center of the screen and holding still--the first wave of blue knives will home in on your position. Once she teleports (and stops firing blue knives) simply seep between the canals of red knives and blue knives.

Sakuya keeps teleporting back and forth, you'll get decent damage if you stay center screen, but of course you'll be most effective with homing amulet Reimu.

Also, get the hitbox patch and vsync for EoSD if you haven't.

The former is critical, the later might not be necessary.

However, if you're running PCB without the v-sync patch then you're going to get raped on reaction times against Yuyucow.

>> No.6477220
File: 18 KB, 221x308, eeeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really bad at Touhou, even on easy. Can I still post here?

>> No.6477231
File: 43 KB, 450x300, genesisb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, though you may want to consider taking the first step in touhou fideltiy

purchasing a sega genesis usb controller

(Playstation and arcade sticks are also fine, but the majority opinion favors the genesis/saturn controllers)

>> No.6477233

Because I can't deathbomb worth shit on that game. The only games I can are MoF and later games. Yes I know about the patch, no I haven't gotten them yet because too busy with MoF/Fairy Wars.

>> No.6477237


and patchouli in lunatic

>> No.6477239

Going to try again right now then!
I would try Reimu A and get a hitbox patch but I'll try to beat it the regular way.

And yeah, the vsync patch really helps. If anyone has any trouble like me, get it asap! Big difference.

>> No.6477319

Flandre does not like me.

>> No.6477625

because it's hard

>> No.6477641

Because I already beat it on lunatic, and beat Flandre.
And yet I can't even fucking beat IN on easy. Whats wrong with me?

>> No.6477669

Because I've 1cced the game on lunatic and beaten Flandre.

Dude, I've done a nofocus Marisa run of IN easy mode and a 90 FPS run of IN easy mode. How the fuck can you not beat IN easy mode?

>> No.6477684

just to be sure
i'm not supposed to be able to bomb while focus moving and shooting, right?

>> No.6477687

No... you're actually perfectly capable of bombing while focus moving and shooting. If you can't then you must have a crappy keyboard.

Hold both shift keys on your keyboard while typing "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

>> No.6477697

I dont know. I've played the shit out of it, but I still just cant beat it. I am furious at myself, because it makes no fucking sense. I've even beat PCB on lunatic, and Yukari, too!

>> No.6477704

What parts kill you on IN easy mode?

>> No.6477711

Oh well, shitty keyboard explains everything, whole bottom symbol line does not work with shifts. And i thought people have to tap shooting key to deathbomb in focus or something.

>> No.6477716

oh wow?! can't beat IN? two tips:
1) take it easy, this game has the most streaming projectiles in series
2) some situations require altering of character, sometimes you get inpenetrable barriers versus unfocused (see: Keine), sometimes switching to unfocused to clear hassle by shooting flying things spawning bullets (see: Mystia darkness spells) is necessary.

hope it helps

>> No.6477717

Using pad in Touhou? Are you insane?

>> No.6477721

I can usually make it to Keine without dying. Everything after that is just downhill. Way downhill.

I play with Sakuya/Remilia. After hearing it was easy mode, I tried Border team a bit. No dice.

>> No.6477731
File: 221 KB, 850x1173, paaaaaads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using pad in Touhou? Are you insane?
If she can, so can I, buddy.

>> No.6477732

I play touhou with a wheel.
Haters gonna hate

>> No.6483179

