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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6445195 No.6445195 [Reply] [Original]

Just a friendly reminder to you faggots

>> No.6445206

your and idiot

>> No.6445202
File: 15 KB, 297x389, suddenly jp becomes ten times better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. You think your sage does anything?

Oh wait, I found something it does do. Say hello to my filter.

>> No.6445210
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>> No.6445215
File: 87 KB, 407x405, feelimportant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6445218

/jp/ in a nutshell.

>> No.6445229

So fucking true. You don't see half the sage on any other board as you do on /jp/. I've seen threads completely /jp/ related where the replies are 90% sage. Fucking elitists.

>> No.6445239


>> No.6445247

I think you're overreacting. Also sup OP.

>> No.6445250

That dude looks nothing like a /jp/edo.
Also, sage.

>> No.6445253

Not the OP bro, and no I'm not. I would even go as far to say that /jp/ is the number one lair of sagefaggotry, at least out of the boards I've seen.

You would have to be trying pretty fucking hard to sagebomb more than the people here either way

>> No.6445254

>>Anon getting mad from polite sage

And you guys say I have the A-word.

>> No.6445260

>In general, sage doesn't have a negative connotation in /jp/. It doesn't mean "I HATE YOUR POST," it's just a command that lets you post without bumping. Sagebombing is also fucking retarded, a single bump can ruin your entire sagebomb and if you reach the bump limit the OP can just recreate the thread. If you don't like a thread, just hide it using 4chan's Firefox Extension.

Always glad to help my clueless anon friends.

>> No.6445261

Do you even know what sage does? It's not an insult to the thread it's a polite thing for when your post isn't related to or important enough to bump it. Good god.

>> No.6445269

How is the usage of sage even a point of discussion?

Sometimes there are good reasons not to bump a thread. Like now.

>> No.6445271

Yeah I must have missed that when every board INCLUDING /jp/ used it to avoid bumping threads they think are shit. This is just a bullshit excuse, int the end your still causing the thread to fall onto page 15. So forgive me for "misunderstanding"

>> No.6445273

Seriously why are you trying so hard. Sage means you are saying your post isn't worthy of the thread. Or the thread isn't worthy of existence.

Oh well, meido will be here soon.

>> No.6445282

You trying to say everyone you quoted is the same person? Better get your samefag meter checked bro.

>> No.6445289
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>> No.6445306

Nokosage master race here, enjoy never knowing I used sage. Also enjoy having your threads going as they should because I didn't derail them.

>> No.6445312

I forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

>> No.6445318

>I'm using 4chan gold account that lets you noko and sage at the same time!!

>> No.6445323

That's one reason to sage a thread.

There are many others.

Deal with it.

>> No.6445345

>He doesn't have a gold account!
