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6396355 No.6396355 [Reply] [Original]

So I just started Yumemiru Kusuri. How depressing is it? Also, which route is best route?

VN Recommendation thread, I guess.

>> No.6396367

Nekoko is the true route, play hers last because it's the best.

>> No.6396366

>Recommendation thread
definite sign a board is going to shit
enjoy spoonfeeding people who couldn't even be bothered to google properly

>> No.6396373


Is it so bad I want /jp/'s opinion on VNs?

Ok. Right now I'm on the couch scene with Mizuki.

>> No.6396376

babby from /a/ or /v/'s first vn

>> No.6396383

>Is it so bad I want /jp/'s opinion on VNs?
Would you ask /a/ about anime and /v/ about vydia.
PROTIP: you wouldn't (if you would you're a fag)
But whatwever, what have you read so far?

>> No.6396388

>Is it so bad I want /jp/'s opinion on VNs?
you aren't asking for our opinion but to e-hold your hand while your playing
how about playing and finding out by yourself

>> No.6396390


Yes, it's my first VN. So what? I don't usually come here because the last time I went here, it was nothing but Touhou.

>> No.6396403


Get out.

>> No.6396406

Since you already answered here>>6396390
You may fancy saya no uta and planetarian, both are pretty short and you'll probably like them.
Sengoku Rance/Big Bang Age if you like gameplay
Ever17/Remember11 are longer, but you'll probably like them if you like twists and mindfucks
Fate stay night/tsukihime are pretty standard too

>> No.6396420

>VN newfag XD lol

Look at your own posts and tell me this guy is a worse poster than you.

>> No.6396424


Thanks, it's nice to know there are decent people on /jp/ and not just manchildren like on /v/ or /a/.

>> No.6396425

Just fucking lurk or do a simple google search god damn it. Can't you babby do anything by yourself? Do you need me to stroke your dick for you next time you masturbate?

>> No.6396457


I'm not telling them to get out because YMK is shit, or anything related.

Read their posts and deduce yourself the reason why they shouldn't be here. I'm sure you'll realize if you have a minimum of intelligence.

>> No.6396557

>yume miru kusuri
You have a long way to go.
This is how I got into VNs (sadly)
1. katawa shoujo demo
2. Yume miru kusrui - Really is a good VN to get you into it.
3. Fate/stay night - Long, interesting, fun
4. Tsukihime - Same as above
5. Kana Imouto (BAWWWW)
6. Fuck this I want a happy VN, oh Kira Kira looks upbeat and fun, lets try that! Oh Kirari is awesome, lets do her route!....FUCK
6. Cross Channel - Great game, really hit or miss though.
7. Sharin no kuni - Meh
8. Ever17 - Fantastic
9. Symphonic rain - Amazing, Might be my favorite, especially if you love easy to listen to music.
10 - Brass restoration - Why.jpg
(at this point I don't really remember the order, so I'll just list stuff
Some small things I can't remember at the moment, such as planetarium(which was nice). Miku VN which was recently translated, ok If you like Miku I guess.

MuvLuv - Balls that was long, I quit it after Extra, but I m glad I picked it back up for unlimited. Waiting for Muv-Luv Alternative patch (whats the status on it anyway? I don't think it is out yet right?)

Swan Song - I liked it, although I felt it was kind of retarded(pun intended)

Little busters - Played it in Japanese, making sure I understand everything. Loved it.


probably forgetting something, I can't check since I am not at my main computer.

Currently reading Flyable heart, which is sugoi, and want to read remember11 which was just translated, and ef
Also want to read clannad but...Horror stories about length have kept me away.

>> No.6396573

This is the shittiest argument I've read on 4chan.


>> No.6396574

>Also want to read clannad but...Horror stories about length have kept me away.
You managed to finish FSN, they are about the same length.

>> No.6396577


>> No.6396581

Dude, what about Saya no Uta?

>> No.6396595

Doesn't sound that intersting.
I know I should read it, chaos head, Kikokugai - The Cyber Slayer, whatever I know my list is weird but I literally just go onto vndb, find something that looks cool and download it.

That sounds awesome, I am going to download that this weekend.

>> No.6396598

I just assumed it was one of the short ones he mentioned, Saya is only a couple of scenes long.

>> No.6396602

Take it easy /jp/.
When something that isn't a troll-thread shows up, you shouldn't shit it up too.

I wouldn't really call YMK depressing, but it did get me emotionally invested, so to speak.
I felt rage, and i felt happiness.

If you want something depressing, try out Planetarian or Narcissu. The latter wrecked me for a week.

>> No.6396604

Planetarian was the only thing that actually made me cry in years.

>> No.6396618

Thinking about reality makes me cry, I don't need visual novels for that.

>> No.6396628

You're thread is shit.

>> No.6396629

YMK is my least favorite VN.
Pretty generic and shitty.
Try Sharin no Kuni or Ever17.
Then maybe Planetarian or Saya no Uta.

>> No.6396631

That just makes me feel sort of bad, I don't get tears and that whole happy feeling you get after you cry.

>> No.6396636

I haven't really "cried" in many, many years now, but I felt devastated reading Narcissu.
The reason that I found Narcissu more depressing than Planetarian was probably because I can relate somehow, since I'm also sick, although not dying.
Planetarian was really beautiful, though, and never had I wished I could cry as much as I did by the end of Planetarian.

>> No.6396643

>You're thread is shit.
I hope this was a typo.

>> No.6396669

Your wrong, is serios.

>> No.6396782

And what VNs you would never recommend to play?
The other day I started Wanko to Kurasuo and had to stop in the peeing scene.(For me is as bad a scat). What others VNs have this kind of scene?

>> No.6396790

That's the only scene like that. And you realize you could've easily skipped it, right?

>> No.6396809

Every girl in wanko has a watersports scene.

>> No.6396822

Hahahah, and you're in /jp/?

If you also can't handle rape you might as well just give up on eroge.

>> No.6396831

Aside from Wanko to Kuraso and Yume Miru Kusuri? I'd also stay away from Brass Restoration.

>> No.6396873

Why is it that every time anyone makes a recommendation thread on /a/ or /jp/ there's always this one idiot who has to say FUCK YOU FOR DARING TO ASK OTHERS ABOUT THEIR HONEST OPINIONS, FUCK OTHER PEOPLE, THEY SUCK, THEY'LL JUST LIE TO YOU, BABBY JUST WANTS HIS HAND HELD, CONFORMITY SUCKS, FIGHT THE POWER.

Seriously, what is wrong with asking other people if they thought something was good?

>> No.6396890

Thanks for bumping this thread just so you can complain about the people complaining about it.

>> No.6396904

Those people likely are going to like it based on how everyone else feels. Kinda like "I don't really know how I feel about this game but everyone else says it's good so it must be good! So I can believe it's good too!". People need to stop thinking like this.

>> No.6396900

It's like that on /a/ because sometimes it gets flooded with shitty threads like "I just finished Death Note recommend me more epic animes"
And most of the people on /jp/ came from /a/.
There you go.

>> No.6396909
File: 661 KB, 1096x1400, 1283739056945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these are pretty good reads. Try them, OP.

>> No.6396992


Why is it so hard to believe things can be judged by an objective standard of quality? Why is new media different from film and books?

If I ask whether or not something was good, I'm actually asking two things: Whether people enjoyed it and whether it was written well.

Is it so hard to answer a question like that? Googling would just get me more of those opinions you seem to hate.

>> No.6397003

But nobody really wants something that was written well. In fact, if it was written well, they call it "pretentious" and say that means it is shit.

>> No.6397023



how many people play certain VNs and love them just because everyone else likes them? 7? There's just as many people who like weaboo shit deep down but claim to hate it.

who gives a fuck actually. just go read a vn now and feel better

>> No.6397029


Cross+Channel was written well, if written in an odd manner. People seemed to enjoy it.

>> No.6397040


Ironic that the most pretentious thing there are the people saying X is too pretentious for their taste. A bad story that takes itself too seriously is VERRRRY different from an excellent story that takes itself seriously.

If pretense=bad then casual shit is god-tier. It's ironic and hypocritical.

>> No.6397060

>if written in an odd manner
That's actually Ixrec's awful translation.

>> No.6397065

Hohohohoho, Cross Channel isn't the perfect example, dude. Romeo's writing style is really particular, it cannot be called either "good" or "bad". Opinions really differ.

>> No.6397077

Nekoko's route is the best route.

>> No.6397079
File: 107 KB, 799x603, 4353452222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People wouldn't get this buttranged if this stuff hadn't been discussed to death on here for the last few years.

Thing is, this thread would be more well received on /v/ because /jp/ sort of comes across as a small, tight-knit community whereas /v/ seems to have a huge and constantly changing userbase where people are probably trying this VN out for their first time too. Hell, people there will be glad to see something besides Minecraft/NewVegas/hats/notvidya.

>> No.6397188

YMK is quite alright, friend.

Mizuki's route is personally my favorite. Although there were too many sex scenes, I found the plot of her route to be the most mature and serious one which kind of appeals to me and I suppose the existentialism issue she's having is something I can somewhat relate to.

If you enjoyed YMK, I suggest you read Crescendo and Symphonic Rain next. Both of them are much more serious though. If you want something more lighthearted, I suggest Canvas2.
If you don't mind something different, there's Ever17 which is a definite must read for anyone into VNs.

>> No.6397321

>mature and serious one which kind of appeals to me and I suppose the existentialism issue she's having is something I can somewhat relate to.

My god I laughed so much. No retard you are thinking to much about it, it was just terrible writing, she isn't
"deep" and "complex" her story could be summed up with "Bored popular girl is bored and does stupid things to not be bored"

People with social anxiety doing drugs to fit in ins a much more realistic scenario, except no matter how many drugs you take I can't see anyone going from a super shy unable to make conversation nerd to "Good man! Now put your semen into my anus!"
Can't say anything about aeka because I haven't been to japanese schools. Although being poor and having the hatred of the most popular cliq(or however it is spelled) must suck.

>> No.6397323
File: 160 KB, 470x385, DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ditto, they're all good, but I couldn't recommend Symphonic Rain enough.

Also I'm surprised no one mentioned Da Capo, which might not be the best VN out there, but I found it unique enough to warrant playing.

>> No.6397334

>no one mentioned Da Capo

It's right there, sir!

>> No.6397348


The meandering narration, constant non-sequiturs, and literary traps is just bad translation?

>> No.6397353

I laughed to. What a moron thinking That other girl was half as complex as Aeka or Nekoko. These two have real problems. That other girl was just a being rebellious and letting her inner slut come out. Bored girl doing things to not be bored, nice way you condense her story, i like you.

>> No.6397366

None of the girls are complex fucktard.
If you didn't understand what Mizuki's problem was you're in no position to be talking.
YMK is just a generic dating sim anyway.

>> No.6397362


You two suck. Mizuki's route is god-tier.

>> No.6397360

I have a problem with Symphonic Rain.

Falsita's story was way too predictable and wouldn't have really had any impact even if I hadn't predicted pretty much everything.

But maybe that's just me.

>> No.6397370

We just pointing out her problem, sorry you missed it son, see this green text


>> No.6397371



>> No.6397382

...Da Capo is unique?

>> No.6397386

>YMK is just a generic dating sim anyway.
>dating sim
except it has no stats, it's no simulation and has no... you know, dating?
The word you're looking for is eroge.

>> No.6397393

>YMK is just a generic dating sim anyway.

Generic dating sims do not generally have the male lead snorting coke off his girlfriend's tits, then engaging in strangulation sex while free-falling ten stories.

>> No.6397402

No, that's not you. The only twist I couldn't predict was the inexistant rain, I could predict everything else pretty early. It's just a nice read, don't think too much about what you already know, just enjoy the ride.

>> No.6397403
File: 33 KB, 461x440, 1266979959855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks Yume is a dating sim and called it generic

I guess someone who has never had snails before wouldn't be able to tell the difference between processed snails and 300 dollar a pound snails.

>> No.6397409

>I guess someone who has never had snails before wouldn't be able to tell the difference between processed snails and 300 dollar a pound snails.

I can tell they're both shit, and that's all I need to know.

>> No.6397405
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>> No.6397416

>is now pretending to have had snails and that he didnt just wander in here from /a/

>> No.6397439

I dont remember that in either of the two routs the game had, Nekoko or Aeka. You sure you arnt talking about fairy power?

>> No.6397504

And you came from /v/, right?

>> No.6397575
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>> No.6397611

every time i end up replaying this game i can't bring myself to not take aeka's route.


>> No.6397613

I feel the same way about Nekoko.

>> No.6397622

It's shit.

>> No.6399245
File: 51 KB, 589x802, White_Knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They both need your help. With out you they will end up dead. I understand your pain. The path of the white knight is a difficult one.
