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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6377278 No.6377278 [Reply] [Original]

Are you handing out your Touhou CDs to all the little children, /jp/?

>> No.6377286

No. Stop posting that.

>> No.6377304

Handing out Glorious UC OVAs on DVD instead.

>> No.6377323

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>> No.6377329

i´m handing out dvd´s with the newest hentai-ova´s

>> No.6377364

Hahahaha, this is really too good to be true.

>> No.6377372


you seem to be lost, my friend.

>> No.6377399

It's not nice to trick small children into playing Demonophobia, anon.

>> No.6377422
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What's the one thing kids like more then candy on a cold October night?

Warm waffles.

I'm giving them out with syrup on disposable plates.

>> No.6377440

I assume most of /jp/ can't hand out candy due to court orders...for shame /jp/, for shame.

>> No.6377448

That's why I hand out waffles.

Loopholes, you see.

>> No.6377456

I wish to be the little kid and ring at BOOF's place.

>> No.6377582

Show us your waffles on a plate.

>> No.6377592

Waffles from Holland that I haven't even seen in my fucking homecountry, Holland. Fuck man, fake.

>> No.6377599

Are you supposed to make small talk with the kids, or just hand out the candy in silence?

I've tried both and they feel equally awkward.

>> No.6377601

True /k/ommandos can kill people with discs.

>> No.6377616

What's in halloween game?

>> No.6377620

I'm handing out melted chocolate.

>> No.6377624

What kind of small talk do you have with children?

>> No.6377638

Yume no Early Childhood Psychological Trauma

>> No.6377642

The guy who originally did it put in Imperishable Night.

I would have gone with Perfect Cherry Blossom because it's more halloween related

>> No.6377645

Oh come on, I'm sure they would handle it fine.

>> No.6377646

If there's parents with them, try talking to the parents. If there's only kids, just talk to them like kids or ask what they're supposed to be.

>> No.6377668


I've always gotten by with just saying Happy Halloween and/or "Ok, it's two for each" etc.

Halloween is just an annoying chore for me, having to constantly get up and go give out candy over a 4 or 5 hour period. It's a little disconcerting when suddenly you realize "Oh shit, I'm running low on candy" and then the next trick or treaters is a group of like fucking 6 kids with their parents with flashlights farther back up the driveway, which basically obligates you to not be a dick to the kids (aka give them lots of candy) lest you possibly want the locals saying you're a stingy ass etc.

Worse yet is that I have a huge midterm tomorrow and my prime studying period will be periodically interrupted by those goddamn kids.

If anyone somewhat resembles a Touhou (I assume it's unintentional but I've seen some near-Marisa looking outfits before) they get a double candy bonus for incidentally having a fucking kick ass costume. Any really fucking awesome costumes get double-candy from me actually, but it's rare to see something really good/creative.

>> No.6377697

>If anyone somewhat resembles a Touhou
If I ever saw a Touhou, they can take all the candy.

Sadly, the closest to Japanese culture you'll get is a fucking naruto or an inuyasha. They deserve no candy.

>> No.6377703

I'm doing my part by blasting j pop and touhou remixes out my window for the children to enjoy. I'll put on some miku for the older children later tonight

>> No.6377715
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I like putting on music like the ghostbusters theme, thriller, toccata and fugue, hall of the mountain king, things like that. It makes people think you're "in the spirit" without having to buy stupid plastic shit to put in your yard


Hopefully I'm not scaring away any Yuyuko cosplayers. ;_;

>> No.6377737

The ones you are scaring away aren't even cosplaying.

>> No.6377749


... I don't get it.

What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.6377793
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>> No.6377801


You can always get a midsize pumpkin for a couple of bucks and carve it out. I guess it's kind of too late now, but there's always next year etc.

Carving pumpkins is fun actually, because you can carve out Touhous or whatever the fuck you want on them yet it will still satisfy the expectation to have some Halloween stuff around your house.

For a few years I used to sneer at those people who spend hundreds on Halloween shit taking over their entire front yard, but on the other hand, I remember how much fun those houses were when I was a kid, and so I accept that some people go through great efforts to keep the spirit up. Compared to all other holidays out there, Halloween is only second to Christmas as best Western tradition. It's easy to think "damn, we have zero culture compared to Asians" but then you see that Japanese are highly amused by Halloween and Christmas (and yet utterly fail at celebrating them properly) and realize, hey, we still do have strong traces of our heritage, much less a motherfucking night of the undead, directly tied back to our pagan/Celtic roots. Few other cultures can brag of having such a damn cool holiday.

>> No.6377841


lol idiot.

I once posted "go back to >>>/jp/" because i thought i was on /a/

>> No.6377842

Did their parents kick the shit out of you for molesting their daughters? Or do parents even accompany their children on halloween anymore?

>> No.6377852

Their dad lol'd, probably expected that reaction from a Touhoufag.

>> No.6377853
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>Buy a bunch of candy
>Get 2 trick-or-treaters

>> No.6377858

>toccata and fugue
Pretty cliché, but interesting idea. Some time I'm gonna try putting up a playlist with all my minor key organ music throughout the night, light up a bunch of candles instead of electric lights, and put on the most elegant tuxedo I can get my hands on.

>> No.6377863

Why are you such a shitposter?

>> No.6377870

Oh fuck. I need to do that next year. Next year, I wanna try handing out soda bottles labelled with touhou girls.

>> No.6377879


Need more reccomendations for games to put in. I wasn't able to do it this halloween due to midterms.

>> No.6377893


Dude, you just got an excuse to eat a bunch of candy. I always pick out ones that I personally like expressly for the purpose of eating the leftovers.

>> No.6377901

So what would you say if you were to give a CD instead of candies? I can't think of anything that would not make me look suspicious or come off as an awkward pedophile.

>> No.6377915

Butthurt moralfag.

>> No.6377925

People that strive for originality are better than those who do the typical crap. Let the parents see the CD first if they want, it's not like Touhou is inappropriate.

>> No.6377935


If I ever end up doing that (unwise) strategy of just leaving a large basket of candy outside, I'd mix the CDs in there. That way I'm not involved directly and they can just leave them there if they want.

Any kid who raids the whole basket (which I half-assume will happen within 20 mins of me putting it outside) will thus perhaps (however small the chance) get hooked on Touhou in revenge.

After all, if I went and emptied a whole basket and got like 20 CDs to boot, I'd be at least curious to see what the fuck was on them before I toss them. And so it begins.

>> No.6377946


>> No.6377947

Put on Danse Macabre and answer the door wearing nothing but a cape and panties.

>> No.6377953


I put the files inside flash drives that look like PEZ dispensers. Win?

>> No.6377960

He's gonna try it for 5 minutes and say to himself "this is boring, I'm gonna go play some Halo".

>> No.6377984

Yeah you're going to get a lot of "what the fuck am I playing" and nothing else. Or the parents will google "Touhou" and then call the police.

>> No.6377986


I agree. Its better to hand out something out of the ordinary than Nestle, Cadbury, Mars and any other chocolates that everyone else is handing out.

it cost me 20 dollars to produce those CD's.

>> No.6377996


Interesting. Tell me more. How did you afford those flashdrives? What size? How did you put them in? I wish to do this next year if I can.

>> No.6378008


Matt Groening hands out Pocky and other Japanese treats on Halloween.

>> No.6378012

No. Kids are too fucking stupid to know what flash drives are and would throw them out. A waste of reasources, money and time if you ask me

>> No.6378081


I work in an electronics store, so I can get them half off. I have around 50 so far, mostly 1 or 2GB drives, almost all of them Lexar or Kingston brand, which fit easily in a PEZ dinspenser. I take care to give them to older kids only, 10+, and with instructions inside.

>> No.6378084

In 10 year's time, when my children are not infants anymore, I shall make them cosplay Remilia and Flandre and take them trick-or-treating. The kids better put the costumes on. Both the boy and girl.

I can only hope Touhou is still around then.

>> No.6378087

Uh oh, the sun is going down.

Time to turn off all my lights and hide.

>> No.6378103

Enjoy your toilet paper and eggs.

>> No.6378108

"No candy? Fuck you"

>> No.6378121


What a wonderful idea my friend. Such dedication and and money spent on memory storage devices make me very envious. You have done a wonderful job. Ignore cretins like >>6378012, continue on next year and continue your work.

>> No.6378122

I didn't know so many of /jp/ lived in houses and in moderate-to-nice neighborhoods where people actually trick or treat.

>> No.6378134


Japan will be dead by then.

>> No.6378137

Okay, I just left a bag with 50 mini chocolate bars in it hanging on my doorknob, with a note saying to take one since I was asleep.

I just took it in, and counted the bars. 54.

>> No.6378144

>I don't know how to count, is this weird

>> No.6378148

Turned out al the lights
Marathoned Band of Brothers with the surround sound all the way up and the windows open.

Have my pistol sitting next to my desk and the windows open for the inevitable neighborhood egging.

Fuck Halloween in the suburbs

>> No.6378154

That or the box was lying.

>> No.6378155

/jp/ either lives at home or in solitude; /jp/nons have some cash at least since they're online or have friends who offer free internet.

>> No.6378160
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Beato did it.

>> No.6378161

/r/ custom covers for OP's CDs.

>> No.6378165

Technically not allowed within 500 feet of children, as the signs on my chain-link fence clearly indicate.

>> No.6378188

At least I'd have an excuse to run outside and scare the crap out of those kids if that happened.

Using the fire extinguisher or hose on them would be enough.

>> No.6378213
File: 175 KB, 425x661, 88141dac0a7fbba81f043d46d7320be9448dee17[1].jpg_61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Halloween, hotglue.

Next year I'm going to go as Yuyuko, bedsheet and red market style.

>> No.6378222

Does japan even celebrate halloween?

>> No.6378344

Candy that is just lying around in the open is creepy and potentially disease-infected, so nobody wanted it. One really smart person realized that a lot of their candy was probably laced with weird shit, dumped what they had collected so far, and went back home.

>> No.6378346

In their own Japanese way. The whole "holiday spirit" deal sans the actual door-to-door trick-or-treating

>> No.6378355

Is there a way to distribute Touhou CDs on Christmas? Something like Toys for Tots, but for kids whose families can afford a computer.

>> No.6378382

ITT: /jp/ bursts into treats

>> No.6378389

Go to the shittiest area of your city and start handing out cds to brown kids

>> No.6378587


Fuck year, band of brothers!

Strange that you get people egging on Halloween and not the night before. Around here (rural Pennsylvania) the night before is called "Mischief Night" and basically angsty teens have free reign and run around egging things, TP'ing shit, and so on.

Halloween, kids are actually way more well behaved.

I always say I'm going to foot patrol the neighborhood with a shotgun full of beanbag rounds & a flashlight, but just my luck I'll get arrested for that, and the kids who break car windows and set shit on fire inside of them go free.

>> No.6378624


suddenly, youtube hits for "graze dat" mysteriously skyrocket

>> No.6378726

>Dressed up little girls sitting on my doorstep enjoying warm waffles

It's good living in lolliwood, USA

>> No.6378771
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I want this kind of loli for Halloween.

>> No.6378775

Did one of them sit on your lap?

>> No.6378780

You are too picky, anonymous, as long as it's a creative costume, you should be happy.

>> No.6378798

Remi is a classy lady. That's just a kid.

>> No.6378802
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we are a step closer.

>> No.6378811

Waffles? Don't you mean carrots?

>> No.6378822


Just don't give them any guns, or the keys to the Mini.

>> No.6378840


Now show us, on this doll, where Mr.Boof touched you when he took you for a ride in his Mini


>> No.6378939


No. Keep doing that. Have a get-away car to make sure when you make your shot, you can at least make a quick run. Shoot and run, you want to scare the little shits in not coming around your neighborhood. Since most angsty teens are out at night breaking shit, the probability of identifying you from a distance and having themselves get arrested is minimal. This is an opportunity my friend.

>> No.6378961

Aha, it's already this time and kids are still outside?
Don't they have school tomorrow?

>> No.6378969

Beanbag rounds can still be leathal
Paintball is more realistic since many many people have them and there are no regulations on them.

>> No.6378986

You're gonna kill someone with those beanbag rounds. They'll break bones easily, and scramble your guts if you get hit in the soft part of the abdomen.

>> No.6378991

Don't you have school tomorrow too?

>> No.6378997

No, do you?

>> No.6379012

University but I'll probably stay home.

>> No.6379040

I'm going to see if I can get a job tomorrow!
Local grocery store needs an overnight clerk and their sign has been sitting up front for almost a week.

It would be nice to be able to purchase things.

>> No.6379059

I got half a dozen pajama ninjas, a pac-man ghost, and a bunch of poor kids with backpacks for Halloween bags. Shit sucks.
Every year I hope against hope I'll get a Touhou. They could take the candy, the pumpkin, anything they want.

>> No.6379113

Good luck, I guess. Overnight clerk sounds nice, as long as they don't make you clean stuff when it's slow.

>> No.6379149
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I got 2 kids this year.
What the fuck is wrong with children, free goddamn candy. No razor blades, even.

>> No.6379161

If I was ever a parent I would never take my children trick or treating. They could go be with friends or at a school event but no way would I let them go to strangers' doors at night and also eat candy from strangers. It's a cute tradition and all but I think more and more parents are realizing how absurd it is to let their children do this.

>> No.6379170

The lack of trust in others is one of the fundamental things wrong with this world.

>> No.6379172
File: 53 KB, 960x720, for jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was that troll face thing for my costume and everybody thought that i was a fucking mummy i mean wtf

>> No.6379179

Amen, brother. How is the world supposed to operate if we don't trust each other?

>> No.6379180

ass off jomod

>> No.6379182

Of course they would, you have the face flipped! Who would be able to recognize that off the street?

>> No.6379194

Well Halloween's coming close to being over. # of children? 0. My brother took his kids to a thing at a local church where they had kids get candy because DEAR GOD THEY COULD GET HURT BY SICKOS so no trick or treating for them.

What is the world coming to?

>> No.6379199
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well i was going to be that but my printer flipped out and made the black guy purple

>> No.6379211

Humanity is getting more intelligent. The next step will involve people realizing that kids shouldn't get candy at all on Halloween, because developing bodies and minds shouldn't be consuming refined sugars.

Healthy and safe kids in the next generation, nothing to mourn for.

>> No.6379222

What is that even from

>> No.6379225

me i was the one who made it

>> No.6379232

>They could go be with friends or at a school event but no way would I let them go to strangers' doors at night
You, sir, will make a smart parent. You fully realize the danger of letting your kids interact with strangers and also appreciate the fact that the families of your children's friends would never dream of harming your child, nor the staff at your local school. A teacher having indecent relations with a minor!? That's absurdity right there.

>> No.6379249

Sorry I'm not a psychopath who would homeschool their kids and keep them locked up all day. They need to interact with other people. Just not with total strangers, at night.

Obviously a responsible parent will meet with the parents of their childrens' friends and also with their teachers, to verify they are legit. Will that guarantee 100% that they are safe? No. You can't prevent danger but you can minimize it.

>> No.6379254

my mom got a shit load of candy to give out but damn even living in a very large apartment complex, not a single kid showed up

just realized miami is a pretty ideal place to be alone, no one fucks with you or anything

>> No.6379420

he was implying you thought teachers and other parents were 100% safe

>> No.6379476

Trust is what allows people to be taken advantage of.
Not that I have anything against it. But some people aren't trustworthy.

>> No.6379573


You know you can go WITH them trick-or-treating, right? You can just watch them from whatever distance you feel comfortable. My parents did that back when I went out on Halloween. Kids get candy, parents know their kids are safe, everyone wins.

>> No.6379807

decent content bump

>> No.6379860

Don't know what's worse though, not having any kids show up at all, or having kids show up without costumes. You ask what they are, and you get creative answers like a rapper or a gangsta. Were it not for the threat of the little thugs causing some sort of property damage, I'd slam the door and call it a night.

>> No.6379895
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No because I'm not an autist
