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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 74 KB, 720x720, 3c6c13bc892ec2d9c469d1e2a968abd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6367808 No.6367808 [Reply] [Original]

Goddamn it /jp/, you're too slow tonight.

I'm sitting here all ronery and shit on a Friday night, wondering if other /jp/anons are F5ing waiting for someone to make a decent thread.

I figure some of you are playing or watching something. I wonder how many went to bed.

That's a scary thought, isn't it? Going to bed just because everyone else on /jp/ went to bed? It's like, that's all there is to life, man.

>> No.6367815

I keep refreshing, personally.

>Going to bed just because everyone else on /jp/ went to bed?
Yeah, I was about to do that too. Living the good life.

>> No.6367817

I spend some hours going through pixiv
one day, I will start adding tags to every picture I downloaded
one day

>> No.6367822

I was actually going to sit next to my phone waiting for someone to call while refreshing /jp/ until Halloween.
I hope someone calls.

>> No.6367827


>> No.6367828

Whining that the board is slow? Get out.

>> No.6367831
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>>forget about cell phone
>>accidentally leave it off for 30 days
>>check for missed calls or messages

Feels normal bro.

>> No.6367834
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>> No.6367836

I got bored so I made a single bowl of flan for myself. It's in the oven right now. I hope I did the caramel sauce right.

>> No.6367840
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Soredemo_Machi_wa_Mawatteiru_-_03_[90E5C811].mkv_snapshot_08.23_[2010.10.23_03.38.56].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 and chatting on IRC. I'm about to watch Soremachi episode 4, now.

>> No.6367846


That's not otaku culture. I thought u were hardcore.


All because of one cute extra stage boss?

>> No.6367853

Well today is my birthday, I at least want a call from my mother.
It took me a couple hours to find my phone too.

Also, it feels like a lot of /jp/ers birthdays are in October too.

>> No.6367856

I just came back from a party of me and five girls where we sat around, drank miscellaneous alcoholic fare, and watched Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea.

You too can have a wonderful Friday night, /jp/! You just have to seize it with your own hands!

>> No.6367858

I've been going through hongfire/getchu and downloading any eroge with 姉 in the title.

>> No.6367859

I'm just randomly browsing exhentai.

Currently seeing these:

Not that they're good. As I said, randomly browsing.

>> No.6367865


Why are you bragging about being in the friends zone?

>> No.6367866
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_Ore_No_Imouto_-_02v2_[8530F9DB].mkv_snapshot_16.03_[2010.10.11_01.17.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not Otaku Culture

>> No.6367871

>>watched Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea

Anon why must you turn /jp/ into a den of lies.

>> No.6367872


Get out.

>> No.6367873

Because real friends.

>> No.6367877

sounds like an awful night

>> No.6367883

Why are you so desperate for love? It's nice to kick back and take it easy with a bunch of likeminded friends, life isn't all about routes and mana transfer. The harder you grasp at something, the likelier it will slip through your fingers!

>> No.6367887

I hadn't seen it yet, and they happened to have a copy so we decided to watch it. It was either this or Mononoke, but most of us had already seen that.

>> No.6367888


Life is about taking it easy.
Routes and mana transfer from your couch home alone is taking it easy.

>> No.6367905

Well, I just came from a party and I'm drunk as hell, I can't even read straight , thoe I think I 'm gonna play some vidya b4 I hit the sack and call it a night, goddamn i feel like shite.
maybe i'll frrl better after playing some toehoe tomorroew.

>> No.6367912

Nah, dude. We're all here with you. I just got home. I'm wondering whether to go to sleep or get into a VN. I refresh while wondering.

>> No.6367918


So wasted he doesn't realize he's posting on /jp/ and not /v/.

I hope you aspirate in your own vomit.

Not really, but fuck you anyway.

>> No.6367923

I guess.

>> No.6367934

goddammit,man, I jusr wanted to keep myself awake I know i would most probblry wake up dead tomorroe when i wake up choked un my oen vomit, but hrkk I wanted to respnd to one last thresd b4 I go.
I loev touhoe just wantef all of you to know .
berb gensiokuon.

>> No.6367945
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20070422021001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

felt a bit like OP
came to /jp/
now I do feel utterly ronery but indifferent to the feeling

hiki lifestyle have little -variation- to offer & tends to become an endless 8 (shitty beta version). but still it's better than being outside with the cold, danger and failure, dying from boredom with high/drunk idiotic 3DPD's who still have the juvenile idea that partying is fun. now I don't long for stinky cunts anymore, but I do feel a bit tired for doing anything fun right now. guess I'll just get into some VN or imouto doujin.

happy birthday, bro ^.^

>> No.6367949

Yeah, I've been waiting for a certain thread because there's something I need but I don't want to ask until the thread is made. I could ask /r/ but they're faggots so yeah.

>> No.6367956

...i meant:

happy birthday, bro.

/r/? waht is it

>> No.6367958

I have nothing to add to this discussion but I still feel like posting anyway.

>> No.6367964


There's a certain 3DCG save I'm looking for. I can't find it though.

>> No.6367967

>I have nothing to add to this discussion but I still feel like posting anyway.

>> No.6367968


character? (pixiv'd already (in kanji)?)

>> No.6367970

Just took my flan out of the oven and realized I forgot to add sugar to the eggs. I used the last two eggs.My midnight snack is ruined.

>> No.6367971


>posting anyway

>> No.6367972

Congratulations, you have successfully made quiche.

>> No.6367974

I'd still eat it. Give it to me.

>> No.6367977

Well , I'm still drink.
>>6367934 here, but happy bithdayt man, you have more frineds than you thinkds, domnt' forgert that- honerst.

>> No.6367984


Lunachild. I checked a few places but I never found a decent save that worked.

>> No.6367985

I'm sitting here playing FF14, I'm invited to a halloween party by a girl but I was too shy to accept.

I'm playing as an Archer, I'm yet to speak to another player because I'm afraid they'll make fun of me.

>> No.6367989

People actually play FF14? I always thought that was a myth or just trolling.

>> No.6367993

I still need to cancel my account

>> No.6367994

crtl w = better.

>> No.6367995
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They gave me another 30 days free for not quitting and I have nothing better to do.

>> No.6368003

I too am sitting around waiting for someone to make a decent thread.

I ignored this thread at first thinking "Nah, I'm not sitting around F5ing, I'm just checking /jp/ often" and then after a while I realized...that's exactly what I'm doing. Every few minutes I open a new tab for /jp/ to check for a thread because I have nothing better to do.

Now that I realize this, I am probably going to go to sleep. Have a good night, anon.

>> No.6368006
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No it's not.
If you were french like me, you'd eat the fuck out of this.

Also, goddamn, Rune Factory just stole 12h of my life in one go. And the thread survived the night without a single new post.
How slow is that?

>> No.6368009
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>> No.6368011

It's in the fridge for whoever wants it. I'll wait until there's more eggs and some cream and then make one with proper ingredients.

>> No.6368014
File: 142 KB, 703x843, qma7d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That feel when you get invited to someone's party or guild in an online RPG but you pretend to be AFK out of shyness is one I am familiar with.

>> No.6368029

>invited to a halloween party by a girl but I was too shy to accept.

don't worry: it was better this way. things would had gotten ugly, very probably (like she ignoring you or something), or you would have somehow ruin them yourself.

>> No.6368038

Going to social events does not always end in catastrophe, although believing that it will may be sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.6368077
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I know that feel.

>> No.6368078
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fuck year spidey

>> No.6368079

>believing... self-fulfilling prophecy.

no, THAT is the actual horseshit: contrary to popular belief, attitude has little to do with achieving things. in regard to parties, I had both tried my best and gotten nothing, and holding on indifferently and then surprise! lying with a girl... but it just somehow ended up being some sort of cheap memories, either of pathetic suffering or pseudo-happiness.

>> No.6368081
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Similar looking cameras. I had one. Not that great without batteries.

>> No.6368085

You can go to a party just to enjoy the social interaction, if you don't mind that sort of stuff from time to time. Other motives are secondary.

>> No.6368090

>party just to enjoy the social interaction

Whenever my family had parties, I would sit on the couch alone. I watched everybody make fools of themselves and waited to leave.

Some people just don't enjoy "social interaction".

>> No.6368094


>enjoy the social interaction


>> No.6368104

Quit fitting in to the stereotype buddy. You're not cool.

>> No.6368113

I know that.

>IF you don't mind that stuff

>> No.6368114


cool or not, is the way I am and the way I think.

>> No.6368115

Nobody here would ever go to a party. I'm sure we all mind it here.

>> No.6368117

I would, but I'd end up sitting in the corner feeling embarrassed at being such a loser while nobody even cares that I'm there so I'm a retard for being embarrassed over nothing when I could just be having fun.

>> No.6368119

I know, right? I can't believe I pay for this shit.

>> No.6368130


exactly: me too, I always went to partires with the hope of something excitibg to ever happen, but always got deceived; and so, I just ended up siting to smoke and drink alone, regretting that I was so stupid to fall again for the trap, and not just staying home having actual fun by myself.

>> No.6368151

Sorry, I hardly ever visit /jp/ anymore. Tired of the boringness going on here. You guys are still cool though.

>> No.6368164

Considering drinking, but nobody's around to have a drunken conversation with. I made some ice to have sambuca on the rocks and everything, gosh!

>> No.6368166


Bored, tired... and yet, somehow - I find myself on /jp/ at 5:00am... again.

The fuck...

>> No.6368169

It's the people. Deep down, everyone needs social time. You'd learn this if you played The Sims as a kid.

>> No.6368172


But I don't even like you all...

>> No.6368177

Doesn't matter, social time is social relief. Opposite signs still lower the social desire bar in the sims.

>> No.6368179

This simply is not true for some people.

>> No.6368181

been playing Rune Factory Frontier and checking threads every so often

>> No.6368191

Decided to start drinking regardless, bottoms up, /jp/!

>> No.6368194

Hopefully you're drinking tea.

>> No.6368199

No such luck. I drink to escape my problems and also because I like the taste of licorice and brandy!

>> No.6368203

Though admittedly I only drink Brandy first so I am not completely out of it by the time I get around to drinking something more expensive.

>> No.6368205


where were you 3 hours ago? I would have drinked with you; now it's really late and almost going to sleep (and so my 1/2L heineken would be wasted)...

but I still have a bit of a Red Bull so, if you don't mind... *cheers*

>> No.6368208


Three hours ago it was 5 PM or so here, so hardly the time to start drinking. In any case, have a wonderful night.

>> No.6368229

Oh wow, nobody's around. Feel free to bug me on AIM or something, my SN is Mechahisui

>> No.6368230


almost 5:00 AM here. good night to you too sr. and to all brothers.

>> No.6368232
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I finished closing these up... and now I'm here.

>> No.6368269

How durable are they? Like would they withstand being slept on without falling apart?
Or are they simply for show?

>> No.6368273

Well, my birthday was last week and my whole family forgot about them. Hoping you'll have it better than me, bro.

>> No.6368286
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Another ronery night.

>> No.6368306

Dude, why is your room so small?

>> No.6368313

Oh I forgot, you are black.

>> No.6368342
File: 143 KB, 1600x1200, VelvetAndFeltWithHHNNGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The felt ones are damn durable. Hell, I had the large [P]illow stress tested by some martial arts peeps and it's held up wonderfully.
Just not sure about these since I made them from velvet and I finished them about 5 hours ago and they've been sitting on my desk since.
What I *can* tell you is that they easily attract lint.

I'm gonna finish up a set made from felt for my car since I have a lot of felt but no real room to store the fabric..

>> No.6368356


I just wanted to show off my tight crib.

Don't be so jelly.

>> No.6368363

I am far from jelly, just wondering why the room is so small. Please tell me you don't pay rent for that.

>> No.6368371

I've always wondered what the score icons say.
Besides the pleasure.

>> No.6368388


Man you know I'm black. Why would you think I pay for anything?

But actually we have a pretty big house. I just like it in here. Its my sanctuary for music, video games, and fapping.

>> No.6368397

I love them.

>> No.6368412
File: 102 KB, 263x240, 1284340731154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody on /jp/ has depression

>> No.6368422

Go back to /a/ where everybody is a self-pitier.

>> No.6368424
File: 215 KB, 170x128, 1273421471737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smile /jp/, It's what aniki would want~

>> No.6368425

Every day is Sunday!
Life is great.

>> No.6368428

点 == てん == ten == "point"
Seriously. It's the kanji/marker for point

So does half of /jp/, the /cgl/ Touhous, the Poolswimmers, and that Touhou dA group.
...I really should get an AA table at Fanime, but I had trouble last time getting there before 3pm.
Oh, and thanks for the compliment.

>> No.6369316

I want to know who draws these pictures.

>> No.6369327


>> No.6369342

Well it's only Saturday afternoon here

I am about to go to the library and study until around 9pm then I shall come back home and drink a bottle of rosé whilst browsing the channels 4. Afterwards I will spew my guts out onto the kitchen floor and irritate my flatmates who already hate me for being an anti-social faggot

>> No.6372185
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Rush Hour? Nice!
Here I am, at 11pm in a saturday night (I'm in south america), after my family leaved the house. I did nothing in all day except f5. I'll do that tomorrow and in monday too (a holiday)
