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6346361 No.6346361 [Reply] [Original]

lets say that you get visited by trick or treaters who are two 12 year old girls dressed as Remilia and Flandre accompanied wtih their older sister cosplayin Sakuya at halloween. You don't have any candy. What you do?

>> No.6346365

Beg for forgiveness

>> No.6346368

Continue to hide in my room and hope they stop knocking on the door soon so I can turn my volume back up.

>> No.6346370

>two 12 year old girls dressed as Remilia and Flandre accompanied wtih their older sister cosplayin Sakuya at halloween

How convenient.

>> No.6346371

Implying I would answer my door on Halloween.

>> No.6346372

take a picture and put it up here

>> No.6346373

Ask for a picture if possible.
Excuse myself to run down and get some candy nearby.
Give them a pound of candy, including full size bars. Shit be the holy grail of trick or treating.

If they say they can't wait for me to me to run down to the store, then say they can knock again on their way back.

But most importantly, why would I be answering the door on Halloween without any candy? You either stock up and answer, or you turn off the lights and hide. Answering the door to deliver bad news is just setting things up to get your house egged.

>> No.6346369

Break down in tears and give them $100.

>> No.6346374

Ask them why aren't they afraid in such a shitty neighborhood?

>> No.6346375

Give them apples instead.

>> No.6346376

You say that like I'd actually answer my door for trick or treaters when all my lights are going to be off.

It'd suck to miss, but it's not like I would know to care.

>> No.6346383

Well now I'm going to answer the door just in case this happens. I don't care how small the chances are.

>> No.6346391

I live in an apartment building filled with blacks. Even if they did, they wouldn't look the part.

>> No.6346392

Ask Remilia if she's doing anything later on. Flandre can come too. Bonus points if Remi & Flan are twins (but that was kind of implied in the OP).

>> No.6346396
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Kill vampires, rape maid.

>> No.6346401

Bad ones? :3

>> No.6346399

Give them an apple or some shit. Watch as it ends up smashed on my car.

>> No.6346453

yeah. give them old rotten apples that stink like hell and are full of worms

>> No.6346459
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>> No.6346464

I lock them in the basement.

>> No.6346486 [SPOILER] 
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I'll think about my sanity and how this could be happening.

>> No.6346492

Tell them I don't have any because I ate it all.

>> No.6346933

why would you cry?

>> No.6346946
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Nothing can replace the original

>> No.6346977

I dunno probably rape them

>> No.6346978

I ask about that trick.

>> No.6346979

Wonder why they walked out into a forest in the middle of no where

>> No.6346984

Twenty bucks to the two little girls, and five to the old hag.

>> No.6346995

Stare at them through the window by the door while breathing heavily enough that they might spot my breath leaving its' mark on the window.

>> No.6346999

>lets say that you get visited by trick or treaters who are two 12 year old girls dressed as Remilia and Flandre

My basement is ready

>> No.6347032

I've always got candy around the house. The girls will have to deal with some king sized candy bars instead of fun sized ones. I will be asking the older sister if I ca take a photo of them if the costumes are good.

>> No.6347037

I'd scrounge up something sweet to give them, tell them their costumes were cute, and ask if I could take a photo.

They'd almost surely say yes, because once I graduate this year and get a condo, I'll be answering the door -- as Mokou.

>> No.6347086

I always wondered, why are they called fun sized? They should just call that mini sized. Fun size should be larger than a king size. If a king sized candy bar is 7 inches, a king sized one should be atleast a foot long. It shouldn't be all length either. The new fun sized candy bars should also be wider and thicker. You may even find it easier to cut a slice of candy bar for yourself from this new fun size.

>> No.6347096



a) there's a market purpose for a "mini" size.
b) they wanted to name it with a positive adjective.
c) in America, "mini" isn't a positive adjective when it comes to something that's consumed.

>> No.6347114
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>> No.6347117
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Some candy marketer was obviously a fan of the loli. Hence "fun size" = smaller than the default model.

>> No.6347166

Those crazy Australians.

>> No.6347201

Get on /jp/ and start reporting threads.

>> No.6347269
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d'awww you didnt take a pic with their wings on

>> No.6347277

Blow some smoke in their face after taking a huge hit off of my pipe.

>> No.6347290

Given them apples.

Then when I see to sister dressed up as China and Patchy, I'd give them all of my hidden candy. ALL OF IT. TAKE THE WHOLE GODDAMN BOWL.

And if the shitty Remilia and Flan come and say "b-but you told us you didn't have candy", then I'd whisper "I lied".

>> No.6347295

these two photos help confirm that 3d loli is pig disgusting

>> No.6347296

If there's no candy, let them eat cake.
I ALWAYS have cake, especially around this time of year.

>> No.6347302

My mom used to give out full king sized candy bars and whole jaw breakers for Halloween but only at random intervals.

>> No.6347316
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I put on my robe and a silly hat and join them as Patchouli.

>> No.6347330

Dress up as Richter Belmont and whip them with a bullwhip

>> No.6347348


Oh damn... so they'd have to show up at your door AND be 2D? HAHAHAHA GOOD LUCK FAGGOT

>> No.6347404


>> No.6347704
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>> No.6347805

i haven't heard anything about some king or fun sized candy. where you live?

>> No.6347829
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I would also yell "GIT OFF MAH PROPERTY"

>> No.6347837

>implying I have a door

>> No.6347876

Give them like $20 each to buy whatever candy they could possibly want.

>> No.6347911

At least 3-4 Hershey bars each, talk to them about Touhou, ask if I can get a silly picture with them- Sakuya holding me down while Remi bites me or something goofy like that.

How old is the older sister Sakuya? If she's my age, ask if she'd like to hang out sometime.

that, or do none of the above and post on /jp/ about how I didn't answer the door for Sakuya.

>> No.6347972

I live out in the middle of the woods, very far from anyone else, so we've never had any trick or treaters. If the Scarlets and Sakuya turned up at my door, it could only be the real thing, come to take me to gensokyo.

>> No.6348244

>come to suck your blood

>> No.6348293

I'd tell them I have lots of candy in my basement. Then I'd lock the Flandre in their and leave her all alone forever and ever, feeding her occasionally through a flap in the door. Remi and Sakuya would just be disposed of.

>> No.6348345

I once knew this autistic kid at my school who was absolutely obsessed with DoDonPachi. He'd run throughout the halls with his Hibachi shirt, and would sometimes say "POWER UP" out of nowhere for no goddamn reason. Me and my bud found out that he was irritated as hell one week, simply because the release date when DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu was supposed to be released was taken up by Touhou 13, bumping it to some other inconvenient release date. He expressed his hatred of Touhou every other second.

One day, we decided to be dicks and we dressed up as Remilia and Flandre, using a picture from pixiv as a reference.

Snickering like little shits, we came up to the fellow. He was wearing a Ketsui shirt that day. I told him we had a present for him, and I handed him my drawing of ZUN.

He stared for a moment, and his eyes bulged. It came out as some sort of snarl, I think. He started low and then it turned into a fucking banshee scream. "toouuuHHHOOOOOOOUU!" Promptly after that shriek, he literally fell into a grand mal seizure, and me and my bud fucking ran.

He was ok the next day and continued talking about DoDonPachi. But I can't seem to get rid of the guilt of causing an autistic child to go into convulsions at the sight of ZUN.
