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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6331859 No.6331859 [Reply] [Original]

We haven't had on of these in a while. Who do you side with?

>> No.6331862

never been to pixv
so *booru team I guess

>> No.6331865
File: 22 KB, 381x380, 128633621245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6331867

>my tastes>your tastes
>Japanese Pixiv is superior to your weeaboo sites
>Pixiv is Japan's equivalent to DeviantArt
>Danbooru is full of drama and moralfags

Here, I summed up the whole thread for you.

>> No.6331866

What's there to side with, they exist for different purposes. Like comparing supermarkets with convenience stores just because you can buy pudding at both.

>> No.6331868

Most things on boorus can be found on pixiv, ofcourse you need to sort through the mass of shit before you find anything decent in pixiv. So for newer contents, pixiv, for older pictures, booru.

>> No.6331870


This. It would be alot more accurate to compare deviant art to pixiv.

>> No.6331871
File: 168 KB, 400x405, 1280453289785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad because you couldn't get a privileged account on either

>> No.6331876

oreno imouto > *

>> No.6331879
File: 41 KB, 302x750, 1283905844922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to notice that a lot of anime art gets posted on twitter now.

>> No.6331943


This pretty much. There's a lot of shitty art on pixiv but it has more content in general so if you don't mind wading through that, use it.

>> No.6331945

premium content and no waiting for approvals

>> No.6332116


>> No.6332122

I don't see what your cute little sister has anything to do with this conversation.

>> No.6332128 [DELETED] 
File: 200 KB, 370x370, 1284982296688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably uses facebook, myspace, youtube, bebo and all that other bullshit.

>> No.6332131

Both. I check pixiv for new pics for stuff I like, I browse -boorus when looking for something old or random pics that cater to my fetishes.

>> No.6332132

pixv is better if you know jap and can actually search for tags.

It has a lot of DA quality stuff, but you get a lot more content in general.

booru's is the for the rest of us

>> No.6332145

Reported for greentext.

>> No.6332149

still, not every artist uses pixiv, there's still some who stick to posting stuff on their blog, and I'd never find those without following a source link on danbooru. Also fumikane's twitter posts >>6331879

>> No.6332155

Deviantart > * .

>> No.6332158



Anyway booru is good for find official art

>> No.6332162

*booru is where pixiv posts are translated, tagged, and filtered.

>> No.6332164

>pixv is better if you know jap and can actually search for tags.

If the artists actually used standardized tags instead of just random shit.

>> No.6332168

>He doesn't follow his favorite game developers and people related to his hobby because he believes he's too cool for Twitter.

Your hipster is showing.

>> No.6332177

I use Pixiv, Danbooru, Gelbooru and Deviantart.

Fuck all of you.

>> No.6332190
File: 97 KB, 609x546, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just creepy, man. It's even worse than looking at somebodies blog.

>> No.6332199
File: 86 KB, 1000x879, 11041590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixiv provides me with the quality content I so desire.

>> No.6332508

>danbooru quality

>> No.6332513

Reported for using greentext improperly.

>> No.6332523

>he gives a shit about developers
>is most likely a retarded fanboy of some company

>> No.6332528

I use whatever gets me what I'm looking for, if something fails me too often I cease.

>> No.6332532



>> No.6332548

Pixiv because I'm too lazy to learn how to exclude explicit stuff and I hate finding guro or other fetish porn whenever I look for pictures of my love

>> No.6332555

I use both.

>> No.6332557
File: 14 KB, 120x125, 1266047666647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I were to search for, let's say, FEET on pixiv.

What would I have to type?

>> No.6332576

Try 足裏

>> No.6332594
File: 5 KB, 126x126, 1274718718541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you

>> No.6332608 [DELETED] 


>> No.6332610

臭いフェチ is my favourite tag.

>> No.6332623

There's also a semi useful english translation for pixiv.

What bothers me is that so many people use weird ass tags....

>> No.6332625


Reported for reporting with no reason

>> No.6332634

The reason I reported was for reaction image and using spoilers for something that is not a spoiler, thus making the text hard to read and violating global rule #3.

>> No.6332654

Pixiv >>>>>>>> the rest.

Everything in the boorus is from Pixiv anyways, and sometimes some awesome stuff is left unposted, in Pixiv you can decide what you like and what not, in the boorus some fag it's doing it for you.

>> No.6332666

Reported for trolling.

>> No.6332671


is mine.

>> No.6332669

正常位 is my favorite tag.

>> No.6332676


Spoilered text does not count as indecipherable since you are able to clearly understand the content of my post anyway

Unless of course you're saying you have some sort of mental impediment

>> No.6332679

...Too lewd.

>> No.6332684

But there is just as much stuff on Dan/Gelbooru that is not on Pixiv or has been deleted by the artist.
If you don't use both you will miss out on stuff either way.

>> No.6332686

And now reported for trolling. You can keep digging yourself a hole or shut up.

>> No.6332707


It doesn't matter if you save it. I have all my Pixiv pics saved so I don't give a shit about what the artist does.

But yeah, joining forces is the best.

>> No.6332709
File: 39 KB, 225x225, 1267199181555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a dynamic IP nigger I don't give a fuck

>> No.6332715

And you're a fucking attention whore.
No one cares about what you report.

Reporting and then announcing your report is like posting with "sage" in the comment field.

>> No.6332721


>> No.6332727

Sure, but if it's an artist you didn't know before you have no way to tell if he deleted something or not.

>> No.6332741
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1267517118421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I'll just stop replying now

Don't assume it's because I was banned though

>> No.6332750


You can with saucenao, I used it to find out that Kakifly drew a topless Yui lookalike.

>> No.6332776

That only works if you already have the picture that's been deleted. If you're just browsing their pixiv you have no way to tell.
That's why I often check that artist's Dan/Gelbooru tag and look at the number of pictures and/or bad_id tags.

>> No.6332791 [DELETED] 

Didn't read reported.
