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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6315872 No.6315872 [Reply] [Original]

I keep hearing people mention loneliness here, so I thought I'd so what I can to help out with a few helpful tips:

1) Try to leave home more often, you can't really expect to meet interesting people when you're hiding underneath your bed so it's time to be more outgoing and get out there.

2) If you're unemployed make sure to give everything you've got looking for work, also tell your friends and family you're unemployed so they can let you know if they ever see any openings available - networking is crucial to career development.

3) Try to avoid spending your time on hobbies you do alone; if you get too deeply attached to them you will end up depriving yourself of good company. Social interaction is crucial to keeping yourself in high spirits, you'll feel a lot better if you share your leisure time with others around you.

4) Always be a team player, never miss a chance to contribute to the groups you're in and make everyone else feel good. This is what will make you more appreciated, which will give you a meaningful sense of belonging and improve the way you feel about yourself.

5) Spare no efforts in keeping yourself fit and healthy, cut out unnecessary snacks and get exercise every day. Maintaining a good level of physical fitness will make your life easier and help keep away the gloomy moods that seem to be common here.

>> No.6315878

Do not make meta threads.

People here aren't lonely, it's only the trolls.

>> No.6315879

You make it sound easy.

>> No.6315877

Where does petfucking factor into all this?

>> No.6315882
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>> No.6315885
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I keep hearing people mention shitposting here, so I thought I'd so what I can to help out with a few helpful tips:

1.) Read the rules of the board

2.) Remember the topic of discussion. This is crucial to board quality.

3.) Try to talk about your /jp/ related hobbies here, as it is the purpose of the board, not relationship bullshit.

4.) Always be a team player and report threads like this.

5.) Spare no efforts in keeping yourself on topic. Otherwise, this board goes to hell.

>> No.6315893

/jp/ - Otaku Culture - NEETs looking at pedophile cartoons instead of looking for jobs and love.

Advice on living a functional life is not wanted here.

>> No.6315898

You forgot:

3: >Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames,

>> No.6315909 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6315928
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>> No.6315940
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>> No.6315948

1, 3, 5 require money to some extent. Money is in short supply when you are not employed.

>> No.6315950

Then get a job you sloth, OP even explains how so no excuses.

>> No.6315955

But I don't like interacting with people.

>> No.6315962

Coming from someone who was a NEET/hikki for a good 3-4 years, the only thing thats pisses me off is 3. Forcing myself to get fit, getting a 'job' (military) and all that bullshit... Yeah i dont feel like a piece of shit living off my parents anymore, but that doesn't magically make life awesome. I loathe social contact, and everyday i wish i could be doing something in my room alone. Stick to your lifestyles /jp/. Keep living the dream.

>> No.6315964
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Looks like they both need some pet exercise.

>> No.6315970

A poor troll or the dumbest thing I've read today.

>> No.6315978

So you're saying you simply just don't see yourself getting a job? Are your parents okay with this?

>> No.6315990

Not all of us can rely on our parents. Getting a job that does not dead end just as fast as the NEET lifestyle is much more difficult than just trying hard, letting other people know you're unemployed, and networking. Some areas of the country are better/worse off in this factor.

>> No.6315993

That's low, eirin is dissapoint

>> No.6315996
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You will never keep fit through regular exercise with a pet loli bunnygirl.

>> No.6316007

>Try to avoid spending your time on hobbies you do alone

What the fuck

>> No.6316034 [DELETED] 


>> No.6316040

It's simple. In order to not be lonely you have to completely give up who you are.

>> No.6316042

>if you get too deeply attached to them you will end up depriving yourself of good company. Social interaction is crucial to keeping yourself in high spirits, you'll feel a lot better if you share your leisure time with others around you.
I am more happy if i do things alone. Doing things with other people is just draining and i wish i was somewhere else the whole time.
>Always be a team player, never miss a chance to contribute to the groups you're in and make everyone else feel good. This is what will make you more appreciated, which will give you a meaningful sense of belonging and improve the way you feel about yourself.
Funny thing is that i always do this but no one ever bothers to say thanks or good work. I am used to it but it still feels shit from time to time.

>> No.6316056

>tl ; dr : herp derp social interactions, same hobbies as others (ie : casual sex, tobacco, alcohol, drugs)

No thanks, I'll rather stay alone than join the legion of subhumans.

>> No.6316063 [DELETED] 
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>implying ronery autistics aren't the subhumans

>> No.6316064

>all people with friends engage in casual fucking, smoking, drinking, or drug use
If this were true I would never partake in unforced social interaction either but this certainly isn't the case.

>> No.6316071

Social drinking is really nice (in moderation.) You don't have to really get drunk at all, one glass of beer with bros after work can turn a frown upside down.

>> No.6316073


>> No.6316074

then stop coming to 4chan maggot

>> No.6316075

As i said, pretending to be someone you're not isn't going to magically make things better even if you cared to try. Its pretty obvious i suppose but all these selfhelp threads are pure bullshit. There is no fixing us.
