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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 61 KB, 750x1000, surviving-jail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6293585 No.6293585 [Reply] [Original]

When will lolicon finally become a crime?

>> No.6293592

When Kimmo finally axes AT like he keeps threatening he will

>> No.6293594

When reported...

Woah, wait... that's not what I meant.. Oh fuck it.

>> No.6293597

Hopefully never. Thought crimes are bad.

>> No.6293601

They'll get what they deserve once they reach God's Kingdom

>> No.6293603

I agree.

But thought crimes are becoming more and more common these days.

>> No.6293604


>> No.6293612

Is the FBI even interested in CP these days?

I reported CP to the FBI once, because it was egregious, and as far as I can tell, nothing has ever been done about it to this day, even though I received a confirmation on it.

>> No.6293614
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>God's Kingdom

>> No.6293617

I've completely forgot about him till now.
I wonder if he will start hiring people to manually spam 4chan

>> No.6293618

Never, and it will be socially accepted in the future, like homosexuality is now.

>> No.6293620

It depends.

If you vote democrat nothing is going to happen.

>> No.6293622



>> No.6293624

I think they are only after people who use file sharing programs to get CP

>> No.6293627




>> No.6293633

Never because it does no harm to any person or organization, nor is it a danger to society in any way.

>> No.6293637

Are they even watching those competently? I've never heard about any arrests.

>> No.6293638

In good countries it already is. In backwards US, people are still protecting freedom of speech without limits, just like they protect their right to own dangerous weapons, they protect their right to have dangerous people out on the streets... until there is a cure for pedophilia that every pedophile can be forced to take, they should be jailed. Maybe even in a special jail exclusively for them and worked with to see if a cure can be developed...

>> No.6293641

Remember that video posted here in /jp/ last year about a guy going to jail because he accidentally downloaded CP using Limeware?

>> No.6293648

But there's got to be thousands of morons using P2P for CP. I just don't know how they would get them all.

The only arrests I ever see are huge distributors.

>> No.6293649


Shit man, you'd ruin the catholic church if you did that!

>> No.6293651

Think of the children

>> No.6293655

I'd say the other countries are backwards. Being arrested for having sex with kids is one thing, being arrested for the POTENTIAL to have sex with kids is another.

>> No.6293657


>until there is a cure for homosexuality that every gay can be forced to take, they should be jailed. Maybe even in a special jail exclusively for them and worked with to see if a cure can be developed...

>> No.6293659

Yeah... then you have to wait for a kid to be hurt until you do something, good thinking...

>> No.6293663

Developing a cure will require all sorts of rigorous and authentic testing, of course..

>> No.6293664

I shot some guy in a video game once. Am I a murderer?

>> No.6293669

Not the same thing, gay people can normally have sexual relations without harming children, but when your sexuality is preying on children then there is a problem..

>> No.6293671

It's just as bad as yours, friend.

>> No.6293674

You didn't get sexual pleasure from killing him... you aren't warped so your only sexual pleasure comes from killing him like pedophiles get from children. They are just ticking time bombs..

>> No.6293675

>implying being attracted to young girls is a mental illness and not an evolutionary trait

>> No.6293680

Not even potential, because this can't be measured. Fact is, the guy is fapping to a cartoon.

Isolating this kind of material and even banning from public places is fine, but criminalizing is nonsense.

>> No.6293682

Lots of things we call illnesses are evolutionary traits... they are not exclusive. When it is a trait that is harmful and goes against what sexual preference should be then it can be called an illness

>> No.6293689

Then people who are found using lolicon like that should be arrested temporarily and tested... if that doesn't extend to real children then that is fine but otherwise they should be kept in jail.

>> No.6293692

Justify jailing someone for seeing a drawing.

>> No.6293698


Oh give me a break....Do you consider a child abuser with a wife and kids of his own to be a pedo? Your answer will dictate whether or not your logic is sound.

Also, I guess it could be argued that simply having gay people in the community does harm to children. Just ask any hardcore religious nutter.

>> No.6293699

>sexual sexual sexual
We aren't talking about sex. I play shooters and love shooting people in them. Answer my question. Should I be arrested for potential murder? What about the tens of thousands of other people like me?

>> No.6293705

>Do you consider a child abuser with a wife and kids of his own to be a pedo
Of course I do... unless by child abuser you mean just physical not sexual abuse.

>> No.6293720

Depends on whether that desire extents to wanting to kill people in real life... if you look at someone and think about how much you would like to kill them then there is a problem... same thing with pedophiles looking at children

>> No.6293724

I fap to loli futa femdom. Am I at risk of having little girls jam their gigantic penises in my asshole?

>> No.6293730

Arrested for what? Fapping?

That's preposterous.

>> No.6293733

having sex w/children owns

>> No.6293735

For being a danger to society

>> No.6293738

People already get arrested to fapping to CP, how is that preposterous?

>> No.6293742

This is a perfectly logical rebuttal, actually.

>> No.6293743

All right then.
I am a lolicon. I fap to fake, cartoon little girls. This does not spread to real life; I do not fap to or want to have sex with real children.
Should I be arrested for pedophilia?

>> No.6293753

Then every citizen should be in jail because everyone at some degree represents a risk to the society.

>> No.6293755

You could go outside RIGHT NOW and hurt someone. You should be arrested for being a danger to society.

>> No.6293756

On a side note, is now a good time to begin the purge, wipe hard drives, and encrypt everything in anticipation of the Republicans winning back Congress?

I have a feeling the internet is about to become hell.

>> No.6293759

You should be arrested for suspected pedophilia and if what you say is true after testing then you can be let go, maybe monitored to make sure it stays that way... but I think its better to ban lolicon outright because people who need to get off to it are obviously going to be led down the wrong road... if they are not sick they should be able to get by without it

>> No.6293760

It will be ok, anonymous. Just keep your nose clean.

>> No.6293763


>> No.6293764

I don't have a sexuality that is only fulfilled by hurting people. That is the difference... sexuality is an essential part of human life, I can normally fulfil my sexuality but a pedophile can only do it by molesting a child... and he will want to molest a child because of how important sexuality is...

>> No.6293765

thats like finding a cure for being gay

>> No.6293768

How can you not see how skewed your logic is?

>> No.6293776

We should ban furry porn because it obviously translates to real life beastiality. Somebody please think of the animals!

>> No.6293780

I'm afraid given my track record, that's highly unlikely.

I think going dark is the safest thing to do.

>> No.6293787

It's really not, although I'm sure you're convinced that it is, and who am I to question your ways.

I'm sure though that some people would want that developed too.

>> No.6293790

>Sexual Attraction
>Attracted to men
>Attracted to women
>Attracted to short women
>Attracted to short, flat women
>Attracted to short, flat women under an arbitrary age that varies greatly from culture to culture

>> No.6293792

It may not be the perfect logic but the bottom line is if you saw otherwise you are letting ticking time bombs just tick away until they explode, then cleaning up the mess.. it's better to take them away to a safe location where they can't hurt anyone.

>> No.6293802

I'm surprised that hasn't happened yet, considering all those animal activists

>> No.6293806

Yeah, that's fine, but what about the innocent, harmless people locked up because they MIGHT be time bombs?

>> No.6293808

The age of consent has to be arbitrary and set at a level that seems unfair. Do you think it's okay for a 2 year old to have sex if he says he wants to? Of course not... a 4 year old? Of course not... 8 year old? Of course not.. maybe at 12 years old you will start questioning it but they are still not adults and there are some less developed mentally than others, they are still not going to be able to think about it like an adult does... the same goes even at 15... 18 is a good age because it's around the time people stop growing.

>> No.6293809

These threads are fucking ridiculous.

So much cock waving and soap box standing.

>> No.6293813

I really feel sorry for people who are judged on thought crimes, As long as you just stay away for people and go your own way without breaking the law, you should be fine. Its too bad there are ass holes in this world who like too step on the unnormal and the weak. I am not into loli or cp but I feel for you guys and I pity you. you guys are living in what the gays had too live in.

>> No.6293817

if they are pedophiles they are not harmless. You are trusting him to be a virgin all his life, I wouldn't trust even a celibate priest with that...

>> No.6293820

Murderers in jail are actually treated better than sex offenders. Shows you the kind of society we live in.

>> No.6293822

But they aren't pedophiles, they are lolicons.

>> No.6293829

Bored pedo devil's advocate trolling, and bored pedos working out their arguments against it.

>> No.6293830

Well murder can be understood better, it's still terrible, but we all get angry and maybe get into fights and maybe injure and get injured, a murderer just took it too far. But then a pedophile had to rape a child, how can you justify that as what a normal person driven to the limits might do... the same thing goes for rape except pedophilia is even worse since it's not only forcing that but doing it to a child...

>> No.6293836
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>mfw downloading a file online is more heavily criminalized than going out stabbing a random innocent person to death.

>> No.6293838

pedos should just move too japan, there problem solved

>> No.6293842

Dickgirls don't really exist, so you should be fine, right?

>> No.6293844

Not in Japan.

>> No.6293845

In japan a lolicon is a pedophile except they are only attracted to girls... I don't really believe the story of only being attracted to pictures, people who are attracted to pictures of grown women in the first place are because they resemble real women to their brains... the same goes with lolicon and children.. they may be 'innocent' but their very existence is something that harms people... like if someone had no brain but went around rampaging killing people, you couldn't say that person was evil but they need to be stopped nonethless.

>> No.6293851

Which means if you're ever accused of downloading CP, you should go out when on bail and kill as many people as you can find, to balance out the difference between what you're going to be punished with and what you've actually done.

>> No.6293854


For this case
they've found this guy by...
> In December 2008, the German Federal Police began investigating the distribution of a known child pornography file on peer-to-peer file sharing networks. They asked for the assistance of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) to determine the identity of users in the United States who had offered to share the file.

>According to the plea agreement, Kutzner’s IP address was identified as offering the file for download on October 4 and 5, 2008.


>> No.6293863

so if you dreamed you had sex, you know what sex feels like?

>> No.6293864

The maximum sentencing for child pornography is huge, but the average sentence is much shorter than a murderer. A judge doesn't look at a guy with a clean record who fapped to a couple of CP pics and decide he's going away for 20 years.

>> No.6293867

Or someone with no brain who trolls imageboards with slippery slope arguments?

>> No.6293868

That's one guy out of, what, thousands of habitual and more casual sharers? Are they sitting on every torrent?

>> No.6293870

here. No, we're not done yet.

"I like shooting fictional people in video games. I would never do so in real life, though. Will I be arrested?"

"I like watching fictional children have sex. I would never do so in real life, though. Will I be arrested?"

You can not honestly be saying that there's nothing wrong with this.

>> No.6293879


10 years for naked drawings on Simpson characters

Oh my lol fuck. I have no words. No one can really be this stupid.

>> No.6293886

I don't see how this is relevant.
As I said the difference is the sexual aspect. If someone is a pedophile who you say is harmless, then what you are saying is that he will contain himself and always be a virgin, sounds too good to be true. He will snap sooner or later. On the other hand you can easily trust someone to not be a murderer. Most people get through their lives without murdering. How many people get through a full life without sex...?

>> No.6293888

>Justify jailing someone for seeing a drawing.

>> No.6293889

Pleaded guilty, not a legal precedent.

Lolicon material is still literally legal and illegal in the US.

>> No.6293892

well your on /jp/ son.... so I think alot

>> No.6293900

Most pedophiles get through their lives without raping.

You have absolutely no proof otherwise, Baaaaaattleeeeer.

>> No.6293904

What's your take on guro then?

>> No.6293910

Also, what's the defined laws regarding CP? If they can't prove possession, then what does accessing mean?

I've heard stories of them trying to send people to jail without even finding anything on their computers, but you never know.

>> No.6293912

It's fine.

>> No.6293920

wouldnt all of japan and everyone on /a/ go too jail ? they better start building more jails.. Also guys I think your forgetting things might change for the best , most of the government will be us sooner or later, that means no more religion and shit morals

>> No.6293925

You are very naive if you think it's impossible to go through life without sex.
You also assume that a pedophile would ONLY have sex with children.
You ALSO assume that lolicons are interested in real children...and, well, they aren't.

>> No.6293930

Pedophilia is something that needs to be justified... if pedophiles want to claim this then they will have to show proof. I can't take someone who says they will remain a harmless virgin for their whole lives seriously,

>> No.6293932

You have got to be kidding me.

>> No.6293933

they sentenced him for "Possession of Obscene Visual Representations of the Sexual Abuse of Children"

he would be guilty either way, the court simply gave him a chance to plead while he still can

>> No.6293936

Well if they are attracted to other things then they shouldn't mind lolicon being illegal then... there are people who only are sexually attracted to children and thats who you need to keep an eye on..

>> No.6293937

Yes, but he doesn't set a legal precedent, like I said.

>> No.6293945

Hey, people who like eating beef as well as pork shouldn't mind if pork became illegal to make/distribute/consume. After all, if he has other things to satisfy him, why would he care if pork disappears forever from the market (hahahaha)?

>> No.6293946

Yes, I agree, absolutely, pedophiles should be locked up. But lolicons are not pedophiles.

>> No.6293948

As long as the characters are not children I see no problem, someone might have a fetish for that but that will just be a small fraction of their sexuality. Say a homosexual who likes rape fantasy, he can have that fantasy but he can still have sex normally without comitting a crime, a pedophile can't

>> No.6293950

Can you get through your life without raping anyone?

>> No.6293955

If you plead guilty, then you don't get an appeal. If it had gone to appeal, he would've won.

Never plead guilty. Ever.

>> No.6293956

why are you on /jp/... first of all once you hit 30-50, sex doesn't even matter anymore

>> No.6293960

People should not be treated as criminals unless they have committed a crime.

Further, once they have served their sentence, they should be treated as if they had not committed the crime by society as a whole, Megan be damned.

>> No.6293963
File: 426 KB, 1600x1200, 1286496128764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now a criminal guilty of a felony for having this image in your thumbnail cache.

Now justify this reasoning.

>> No.6293966

Should all Muslims be locked away?

>> No.6293968

I'm fucked

>> No.6293983

>they sentenced him for "Possession of Obscene Visual Representations of the Sexual Abuse of Children"

They've found 70 animated (cartoon) pornographic images of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct

They've found that Kutzner’s IP address was identified as offering the file for download on October 4 and 5, 2008.

Try to get out of this checkmate

>> No.6293984

Accidental viewing is not a crime. You would be able to defend against that... first of all it would be unlikely anyone would ever find out that was on your thumbnail cache, you don't go searching for it on the internet or posting it

>> No.6293987

And now you wish you were born in the Greek ages, when anything was fuckable, and fucking men wasn't considered gay, you just had too wacth out for those Persians..

>> No.6293992

You have GOT to be kidding me.
I get off to guro and only guro. Should I be arrested?

>> No.6293993

The law itself is almost certainly unconstitutional. It's probably never gone to actual conviction, before, barring a plead agreement, which doesn't allow for appeals based on the trial barring evidence of malfeasance on the part of the courts/prosecutors/police.

>> No.6293994

Jesus christ. Why do these guys always get caught with such small amounts? I don't know about you guys, but I must at least have 10,000 explicit loli images, counting doujins and pictures. It's probably way over that.

What the fuck would they do to me?

>> No.6293996

Definitely... but I doubt there is someone like that and it's hard to measure unlike lolicon...

>> No.6294000

The age of consent was 10 through most the states until the 20s or so, by the by.

>> No.6294005

>Kutzner’s IP address was identified as offering the file for download
So it was P2P shit this time too? What network?

>> No.6294008

Thought crimes. I love 'em!

>> No.6294012

Probably just take you out to the parking lot and grind you up with one of those tree shredder trucks.

>> No.6294016

>German Federal Police began investigating the distribution of a known child pornography file on peer-to-peer file sharing networks.
doesn't say which, so I'm guessing all

>> No.6294017

>I must at least have 10,000 explicit loli images

Imagine some of the big dogs around here that have that many images in just one of their small folders.

Imagine being the police that have to go through every one of those images.

>> No.6294021

The only loli I fap to is inuboshi.

Love that fucking artist.

>> No.6294023

I bet they'd start enjoying it.

>> No.6294027

You don't think there's anyone that gets of to guro and guro alone, you think it's impossible to go through life without sex, you think people who like drawings of kids automatically like real kids...

How old or you? This naivety is incredible. Not trying to be rude, but Jesus Christ.

>> No.6294032

I didn't say it was impossible to get through without sex. But what are the chances of it, seriously... I'm 20, don't label people who disagree with you as underage or whatever you are implying..

>> No.6294033
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>> No.6294037

good thing religion is mostly gone in our generation, I don't see thought crimes being a problem in the future. Most of the governments justice now is fucked up too begin with. Well America might decease in power by then, since most of our young population don't know shit and play wow/cod/xbox all day, even the smart or moral kids seem like all they do is fool around.

>> No.6294040

I'm feeling a really strong urge to just turn this into a religion thread and be done with it.

>> No.6294043
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>> No.6294050

Also, just how do they get away with not charging police who view CP? Government officials are not immune to common law. What a double-standard.

>> No.6294051

>But what are the chances of it, seriously
About the same chances of being a lolicon.

>> No.6294054
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I can't get off to Inuboshi. The characters seem too toddler-like and cartoonish for me.

>> No.6294058
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>> No.6294064

When thought crimes and harmless interesting kills people

Oh wait, that's never.

>> No.6294067
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>> No.6294070

Bans on sexually explicit drawings of children are great and should exist in every country.

Obviously if the sicko lives or works with children this should raise suspicion that he/she presents a danger to those kids.

"Thought crimes"? Seriously you fucking nerd? If someone keeps a list of names and detailed ways they plan to kill people in their office shouldn't the police get involved? Same with dudes who spank it to children, drawings or otherwise.

>> No.6294073

It's not like they own it on their own PC

>> No.6294076
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>> No.6294077
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>Some idiots still doesn't know what lolicon and loli are

>> No.6294080


>> No.6294083
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Full retard.

>> No.6294084


yeah because only christians have a problem with pedophilia

>> No.6294085

Is it really that hard to understand fetishes?

>> No.6294087
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>> No.6294088
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Don't care, religion thread

>> No.6294089

>If someone keeps a list of names and detailed ways they plan to kill people in their office shouldn't the police get involved?

Technically, if they can't prove intent to carry out any of the details listed, this is perfectly legal.

If it wasn't legal, every book that includes a plot to kill the President would be illegal automatically. Any conspiracy theorist that accuses the government of wrongdoing would be charged with sedition.

Intent is 90% of criminal law. It's really hard to do the egregious stuff without formulating intent to do them. If something can be done unintentionally, then it normally is redefined to either not be criminal or have two scales: with and without intent, one being of a lesser offense.

>> No.6294092
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>> No.6294093

This one's about a man who picks up a little girl with the intention of fucking/raping her. When he gets home with her he realizes that it was her plan to blackmail him into sex with her. She belittles him and harasses him. It's one of the best faps I've had in a long while if you're into little girls dominating and making fun of an older male.


>> No.6294094

>Obviously if the sicko lives or works with children this should raise suspicion that he/she presents a danger to those kids.
And if he doesn't?

>> No.6294096

>If someone keeps a list of names and detailed ways they plan to kill people in their office
that's no longer a "thought"

>> No.6294098
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Mistyped captcha made me drop my image.

>> No.6294100

well i was talking more about thought crimes and Americas justice values, the generation of today thinks alot different then the government and there god based morals

>> No.6294103

Lolicon is in itself harmless and must exist as an alternative to real child porn. Pedos gonna pedo, so they may as well enjoy 2D goodness rather than 3D pig disgusting.

>> No.6294116

lol @ the tiny bubble otaku exist in
the only reason lolicon's not illegal in the US is because no one knows what it is yet....just wait until one lolicon rapes a couple kids and they find a cache of drawings at his house. shit's really going to hit the fan.

>> No.6294120
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>> No.6294126

I don't think the people who fap to 2D even know how to abduct a child.

>> No.6294128
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>> No.6294129

what's the difference between pedophile and lolicon?

>> No.6294136

Pedophiles like real kids. Lolicons like drawings of kids.

>> No.6294137
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>Kid kills a bunch of cops and blames it on GTA:SA
>Still GTA all day erreday

Problem officer?

>> No.6294142
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>> No.6294143
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>> No.6294148
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>> No.6294149

Shit i'm late for a religion thread.
Fuck it, i'm going to bed.

>> No.6294152
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>> No.6294156
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>> No.6294162
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Officer she's really like 100 years old I swear

>> No.6294169
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>> No.6294172
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>> No.6294178
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>> No.6294180
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>> No.6294186
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>> No.6294187
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>> No.6294189

What >>6294136 said, and also >>6294077

Lolicon/loli is of the 2D realm. And age is irrelevant when it comes to loli, what matters is their appearance.

>> No.6294191
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>> No.6294195
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>> No.6294200
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>> No.6294201
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>> No.6294206
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>> No.6294214
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>> No.6294220
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>> No.6294224
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>> No.6294227
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>> No.6294237
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>> No.6294245
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>> No.6294249
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>> No.6294252

just going to ask what artist this is seeing as this thread is dead anyway

>> No.6294257


No clue, sorry.

>> No.6294258

iqdb bro

>> No.6294269

Now someone post the doujin that has the little girl reading SICP.

>> No.6294300

Requesting a download link. The translator doesn't seem to have it on their site anymore. Thanks in advance.

>> No.6294323

I wish the first part of this thread was deleted because that would make this the best thread /jp/ has had in a while.

>> No.6294330


A download link for >>6293963 ?

I think you quoted the wrong post.

>> No.6294337


If it helps, that picture was in Galge and it had the name of the artist. Maybe you could find it in a compilation of wallpapers from that site.

>> No.6294362

if reading cartoons and thinking about something makes you guilty in a society, that society clearly has no freedom at all.

>> No.6294425

>Think of the children
no thanks, that's thought crime. you can go to jail for that.

>> No.6294443

Hey, guys: what's the difference between imagination and reality?
I'm having some serious difficulty here.

>> No.6294458

Why is this even in /jp/ lolicon != pedo

>> No.6294481

>imagination and reality?
imagination is cool. and you're a god of your own imaginative world.

reality is shit. that's why i want to become a god here too, to change it to be cool too.

>> No.6294510
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>> No.6294514

You can touch one ;_;
I'll never be able to fel the warmth of my 2D waifu

>> No.6294670
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I would dump it, but the /g/ thread I found it on was deleted before I got half way.

>> No.6294912

Same bullshit discussion.
Same bullshit arguments.
Same bullshit moralfags.
Same bullshit trolls.
Same bullshit, errday.

>> No.6295196
File: 381 KB, 700x500, natubaba_top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoi Kumiko.

>> No.6295204

Well loli is illegal in the US, Canada, half of Europe, Australia...

The US is slowly getting around to giving worse punishments for loli since no one really pays attention to the act that criminalizes it. Canada is notorious for fucking people over for loli. Haven't heard about anyone in Europe being jailed for loli by itself, just tacked on to a charge of owning/distributing 3D pig disgusting CP. Australia has convicted people for owning loli also.

Tl;dr you're fucked no matter where you live.

>> No.6295215

>half of Europe

I doubt the UK and Sweden can be considered "half of Europe".

>> No.6295221
File: 229 KB, 881x1236, lo10_070e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolicon is a crime.

>> No.6295228

sauce on that?

>> No.6295246

How much jail time have people that have been jailed for loli stuff get?

>> No.6295264


>> No.6295272
File: 194 KB, 848x1231, lo10_057e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6295339
File: 12 KB, 300x300, '.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about US, but in Australia a man was successfully prosecuted for having a pic of... wait for it... Bart and Lisa Simpson naked and doing 'it'.

The defence lawyer tried to argue that these yellow skinned, four fingered, fictitious characters cannot be representative of real life, thus not a CP.

The fucktard of a judge overruled the defence and fuckin made an example of the poor bastard.

Australia is FUCKED.

pic related. As an ausfag I would go to jail for possessing this image.

>> No.6295350

What do you expect? It's a giant prison island. Of course you'll be put in jail right and left.

>> No.6295352

Guys, this problem is totally easy to solve, I don't understand why you keep discussing.
If prevention brings less harm than potential x danger then you do it.
So if someone says he is going to blow up a house, then people are going to examine to potential that this really happens as well as inspect how worthy is this house and then will dispense security accordingly.
Same with watching loli porn, cp and stuff increasing potential of harming children (permanent trauma possibility). Of course it's all a bit arbitrary and case-based.

>> No.6295367

There's no current evidence of any causual link between looking at loli and an increased chance of child molestation. Therefore potential = zero.

>> No.6295381

We like to call it Double Jail.

>> No.6295401

it might be zero for a few people, but not for everyone. To judge it as zero is a bit arbitrary also. Personally I have the feeling it's 0,012%, so there is some increase but it's negligible. Your education and the law decides as well how much the potential raises.
I'm pretty sure if the law allows, for some, which it might be zero before, would jump to very high actually, whereas maybe for others it will still stay low, because they see the inherent danger it poses to the child and not the law that forbids it or not.
As I say it's case-dependent, a homeless unemployed is not treated in such a case as well as let's say a student, it's not fair in many cases, but they have to start somewhere.

>> No.6295429

Im pretty sure being a FBI agent and having to interview abused children would have a risk factor, also watching those videos of real CP for evedence, thats high risk. Also being parent, bathing and touching naked children. Pediatricians would have a pretty high risk since they have to get personal. Safty guards sometimes have to save drowning children, in the water, all wet, medium risk.

Shit hlomes, We need get pediatricians, parents, FBI agents and safety guards banned.

>> No.6295432

let's stop making action movies, as they have a little chance to make someone a criminal doing car stunts.

let's stop producing mistery books.
we will have less murders.

Stupid arguments.
Even if it could be true that you would diminish the crimes, destroying culture it's worse than the actual crimes.
And no one should be able to choose what culture is better.
Oh wait, it's what america does all the time.

also related song:

>> No.6295442

Women should be banned to. They put toddlers in their vagina's. Why arnt these people in jail?

>> No.6295444

Mind control laws have no place in a free society. Even if lolicon increased the chance of attempted child rape by 200%, banning it on that basis is tyrannical bullshit.

>"The government may not prohibit speech because it increases the chance an unlawful act will be committed “at some indefinite future time.”"

>> No.6295448

disregard first part of url (or read it, it's interesting too)

Change extension to pdf

>> No.6295561


>> No.6295579


>Mind control laws have no place in a free society. Even if lolicon increased the chance of attempted child rape by 200%, banning it on that basis is tyrannical bullshit.

You are very right on that one. Why are people putting up with this? For me it's my cowardice but i don't believe it's case for another ones. I'm out of this thread so i won't read yours or someone else response. I just felt someone should read it.

Have a pleasant day

>> No.6295590

I disagree. If it can be conclusively proven to cause great harm, as opposed to imaginary harm, and the harms outweigh the pros, I'm fine with banning it.

But good luck getting any actual studies, that aren't biased.

>> No.6295596

>If it can be conclusively proven to cause great harm, as opposed to imaginary harm, and the harms outweigh the pros,
Let's ban alcohol, smoking, red meat, football matches, etc.

>> No.6295606

1. Creative expression can never directly cause harm.
2. The only possible harm relevant here is an indirect result of ideas and attitudes that forms of expression may encourage.
3. To ban expression is to enact tyrannical law.
4. Tyrannical law is a direct threat of violence against non-violent people minding their own business; direct harm.

The cure is worse than the sickness. Yes, that's my value judgement.

>> No.6295608
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>> No.6295609

Those are too profitable to ban.

>> No.6295616

Oh so all we need to do is make the child porn industry a booming business?

There are also profits too be made with hard drugs, soft drugs and prostitution. But only the Netherlands make smart use of that.

>> No.6295624

>child porn industry a booming business
According to idiots, it already is a multi-billion dollar industry.

>> No.6295625

>Oh so all we need to do is make the child porn industry a booming business?
As a purely practical, political matter, that would be useful. (But let's stick to lolicon for that, please).

Money and popularity are the real guardians of freedom, in capitalism and democracy, respectively.

>> No.6295626

I'm being sarcastic. But why on earth would you ban red meat, or football? They'd fall into the more good than harm category just like lolicon.

>> No.6295631

"We have over 9000 penises, all raping children."

>> No.6295636

All the more reason to make it legal. Just think of the economic benefits.

>> No.6295638

Red meat causes all sorts of health problems according to some. A better example would've been "meat" in general. It causes harm to animals and the environment, and for what? Just some "pleasurable experience" when eating. We have no NEED for meat. The cons outweigh the pros.

Football matches cause enormous destruction because of hooligans. And what benefit does it bring? Just some shallow entertainment. We can easily do without it.

>> No.6295640

you guys who now argue with let's ban this or that because they might lead to an increase in something are not looking at the greater whole
for example banning mystery books in order to have less murders, it might be true but, these mystery books also bring entertainment for a greater mass, hence there is a reason why they are not banned
but I might add that these values are set by a the majority of human beings so they might not be flawless or apply for everyone
but in the end it's like this, people try to do something that has an overall smaller harm potential than the alternative, all limited within their knowledge
if you can be absolutely sure that killing one person will has a greater total benefit for this world, please go on, but chances are small that you can really claim to know that

>> No.6295643

To the first, that's plausible. To the second, that's basically just your opinion, and that imaginary sex is no less shallow.

>> No.6295644

Mystery novels only interest a small group, like all genre fiction, they are hardly mainstream. Nobody would really care if they were banned.

>> No.6295648

Your argument is that most people who enjoy football matches are not hooligans and you are depriving them of entertainment when it prevents only very little. This is the EXACT argument used to defend loli. Lolicons that are actual pedosexuals are incredibly few. Probably an even tinier percentage than the amount of football fans that go berserk.

The only reason people want to ban loli is moralism, and they are just trying to come up with arguments that they think hold water, while their underlying motives are the same as Christian fundies with regards to homosexuality.
