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File: 35 KB, 320x375, finalfantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6230523 No.6230523 [Reply] [Original]

hironobu sakaguchi and about half the manga artist out there are WHITE SUPREAMCIST who cant stand stories that dont contain white main charaters.

they have this need to make their entire story book fantasy around a perfect white wash world where japanese and all other asians are DEAD

>> No.6230530


>> No.6230541


2 games out of the 50 hes been a part of


>> No.6230546
File: 271 KB, 628x1000, 54ff1e7492779b412baf353f2b399df7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Caucasians are the master race, so of course they make stories more interesting and idealistic by making them about the pure race.

>> No.6230550

Not now OP, it's too late for this shit.

>> No.6230553


see at least you admit you are a racist it

this person is still in denial

>> No.6230559

But I clearly recall some Final Fantasy games had some very stereotypical locales based on Japan / China / Tibet, inhabitated by very stereotypical Asian characters. How do you explain that, OP?

>> No.6230560

Actually, it's more like they draw themselves as looking Caucasian quite often.

It's mostly a wish-fulfillment type of thing.. some of them wish so badly that some Japanese girls would look like the hottest of Caucasians, yet that they could still relate to them on both shallow and deep levels. In other words an idealized pure Japanese girl with the skin of the white devil.

It's quite a strange complex they've got, seriously. And what's most annoying is that I've never once heard someone ask in a non-confrontational/non-trolling way to a group of mangaka, "Why do so many Japanese characters look like white people, yet there are often no actual white people, and yet the Chinese/other Asians (if applicable) look more like how one would expect?"

>> No.6230561

you say "admit" like it's something to be ashamed of

I'm sorry if you're one of the impure, inferior mudraces, but that's really not anyone else's problem.

>> No.6230568
File: 28 KB, 400x290, nigger-make-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complete with hat

>> No.6230571


NO SHIT, thats because in his mind white race took over the land

>> No.6230580

>in his mind

but the white race DID take over the Earth, the obvious result of being the purest, least corrupt gene pool.

>> No.6230583
File: 21 KB, 155x202, 1280875356971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>least corrupt

>opium wars

>> No.6230590

>not understanding a different usage of the word "corrupt", in this case referring to genetic purity.
proving my point.

>opium wars
>implying it is immoral to profit off of dirty, faceless Chinamen

>> No.6230619
File: 305 KB, 600x600, republicans_on_public_healthcare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6230625
File: 36 KB, 198x228, 1277656904222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying "genetic purity" isn't a myth hack scientists came up with to justify racism

That aside, if any race is in decline these days it's the "white" one. Birth rates too low to keep up with deaths, aging populations, etc. Latin America, China and south Asia are on the rise. The only reason the US doesn't face a population crisis is because of all the Hispanic immigration.

>> No.6230653

>China ... on the rise.
Where have you been? China's basically in the same situation as Japan as a result of the OCP.
Nowhere near enough kids being pumped out to support their aging population.

Give it 30 years and China is fucked.

>> No.6230684


>china & japan are fucked

U.S. owes them about a trillion dollars each. i think they can afford to buy american slaves if they want

>> No.6230693

I bet she's softer than youmu.

>> No.6230699
File: 739 KB, 320x240, 1228366955564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does not understand how debt works in a global economy
>thinks foreign debt is literally "we owe you guys this much money and will pay it back in bills"

>> No.6230701


Wait, since when did China want MORE people? Have you guys ever heard of the one-child policy?

With shrinking farmlands due to soil erosion and overcrowded cities, China would be more fucked if their birth rate increased.

>> No.6230720


>> No.6230795


>implying owning bonds in the U.S. Treasuries means nothing LOL

what a fucking idiot

>> No.6230854


thats not what its about you jackass stop twisting everything like a fucking deluded jesus freak republican

the idea of natural selection, racism, social darwinism. is that a race only reproduces in numbers because of its superiority over another, which by those terms would make asians the superior race for its numbers, but ultimately does not make sense since this whole idea was created by whites to justify white superiority

the idea is used to justify massive genocides like what happened in ww2, but ultimately that alone does not work because in order to get people to kill, you need to create an entire system of lying to get people killing by the millions

all human beings are genetically the same, the only reason why some races get the shit end of the stick is because LAWS make it that way

race is not real but we have made it real, we have made it so whites hoard all of the money, and blacks have no money, poor education, and little to no access to healthcare.

and because of that, we are force to look at race in order to check through the balances, we need policies like affirmative action in order to undo the amout of racist damage, which was mostly done to blacks, and even worse to native americans/austrialians who had to suffer through the most horrific genocide in the history of man kind.


you can just be a religious ignorant mother fucker and pray to the neoconservative republicans for help

>> No.6230901

>all human beings are genetically the same
