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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6207905 No.6207905 [Reply] [Original]

New Cosumiku Bureeku thread.
Old thread well past autosage:

>> No.6207931

It's Cozumiku Bureiku

>> No.6207959

Oh, right, so it would be.

>> No.6207971

So I placed first in my practice match with 1k more damage than anyone else. Using Crimrose, no less.
And then I join a Shuffle match and just die over and over to mechs that are worth 500 times as much as mine.
How do I find a fair fight? Or am I playing the wrong game. Again.

>> No.6207983

Obviously WIZ

>> No.6208027

Crimrose is good against land bots if you get a laser or tesladonna arm. I don't play Crimrose though so I'm not sure what you can do versus the arts. Avoid them I'd think.

>> No.6208045

I'm glad they removed 30v30 shuffle
they should remove all shuffle games

>> No.6208078

Clan matches on Friday, still four spots for clan entries.

Participant List:
2. Snowflake
3. Hotglue
4. -DrillToHeaven-
6. Zeal
7. S.O.S_brigade
8. SDGO_Trolls
9. MenOfDestiny
10. ArkDefenders
11. Shinigami
12. NeWave

Prize List:
1st Place: Dancing Fever LGJ + Hero Scarf HDJ + Pole Flag BSJ
2nd Place: Dancing Fever LGJ + Hero Scarf HDJ
3rd Place: Dancing Fever LGJ

Place your bets or good luck if you're actually participating.

>> No.6208080

Look seriously, wiz outnumbers brd and dos 2 to 1 at least. It's either wait our turn to get into a match 15 to 7 vs brd or dos or go shuffle.

>> No.6208086

SDGO Trolls for 1st place, Hotglue for 2nd. I dunno who for 3rd unless HG goes against SDGO early, then we end up 0

>> No.6208106

what? I played that this morning (though it was more like 20vs20)

>> No.6208126

Air is getting really cocky, I've lost count how many times they tried to take on my lily/sturbanger since the second beta started.

>> No.6208402

It's because arties scare air users.

>> No.6208424

How much people does SDGO have? I think I've only seen 4 or 5 of them.

>> No.6208430


SDGO has very few active players, like hotglue. The few that do play are quite good however, like hotglue.

>> No.6208509
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Hotglue sucks. They lose to pubs.

>> No.6208743
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>cosmic break on a netbook



so much anticipation, so much hoping and waiting. I can't do this.

I'm about to cry ;_;

>> No.6208778

Poor BOOF. I should've warned you to turn off your radio before the event, and set low resolution and everything. If you need a bot or two from shop, feel free to ask me. IGN Metal.

>> No.6208788

radio is off, all sound is off, running a 400x600 window


>> No.6208800

I'd hug you, but Hotglue keep blowing my arms off.

>> No.6208820

Got 99k and a few fourda cosmos from my first run of the tree event. I don't even need the cash though since I still have aroun 2.5 million from previous OB. I just like tree events.

>> No.6208861

>>6208820 here.
Tip for lumberjack newbies, constantly keep a finger on the tab button. The GM is technically considered an enemy by the game so if the GM's a type besides land then the GM will stick out like a sore thumb on the map.

Also pay attention if groups of enemies spawn in large amounts instantly. That means the GM spawned a line of key carriers. Also pay attention where large amounts of players are converging. That means trees there.

The key to getting enough damage on a tree to get the spoils mostly depends on you being the first guy to shoot it and what weapons you're using. If the GM is spottable on the map then always try to be where he is. The trees spawn in lines where the GM is facing. Being right next to the GM when he spawns trees means easy tree kills.

Blasters work very well for lumberjacking, if you're able to get on top of a tree and fire down a line of trees then they're even better. Melee weapons work well too if you're the first person to get to the side of a tree.

>> No.6208886

So that's where everyone went.

>> No.6208902
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>games on a netbook

>> No.6208926

So what's this game like? Focus on shooting or melee? Is it a pile of shit? I enjoyed playing crap like S4 and Lunia.

>> No.6208931

You could probably run some emulators of old systems or play some VNs.

>> No.6208974

got 219k from my first run through, then on my 2nd run now, the game has hung up as I zone to the final area before the outpost, been sitting on the loading screen for the past several minutes now with nothing happening. Fuck yeah, waste of the last half hour

>> No.6209055


>> No.6209059

You keep what you got if you relog back in and keep going to the outpost. The timer supposedly freeze if you got d/c.

>> No.6209062

Not true.

I d/c'd once and when I got back into the game the time was already over.

>> No.6209085

yeah disregard >>6208974 I suck cocks

I had to ctrl-alt-del and shut the game down which made my computer go berserk for several more minutes, and when I logged back in I was in area 9 with over 8 minutes left and was able to collect another 200k.

That event was really hogging memory though, my computer was still loading shit really slow after closing the game down, gonna have to reboot for sure soon.

>> No.6209091

>Wait for 8 minutes trying to kill bosses for a key
>Finally get one
>As soon as I do GM comes flying through spawning trees and keys

>> No.6209168

Wait patiently. Only get 1k. Leave.

>> No.6209207
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Lumberjacking is silly. They should just turn up the money gain for all things at once. Just twice what you get normally would be absolutely fine and solve money issues.

>> No.6209250

Have you experienced lumberjack events? The money possible is ludicrous. And they already do that on weekends.

>> No.6209259

Came out with about 450k. Not terrible, but not good either. I could make about that much in one pass in OB1. Best thing about that event was getting 2 fire pillars and waiting for a row of trees to spawn in midair.

>> No.6209277

I got about 300k and some rainbow chips. I heard it was possible to get up to a million though. how the fuck do people manage that?

>Also pay attention where large amounts of players are converging. That means trees there.
I noticed that if people are attacking the trees before you get there it's already too late. I was only able to get them when I got lucky and they spawned right in my face or a corner of the map with no players around.

>> No.6209547

I was in there for an hour and 40 minutes. Total gain 60k. It's stupid.

Shoot shoot shoot shoot get nothing, move to more trees, shoot shoot shoot shoot get nothing, move to more trees, shoot shoot shoot shoot get nothing, move to more trees, shoot shoot shoot shoot get nothing, out of ammo, move to the next zone. Rinse and repeat. I went in 4 times. This is the shittiest way to get money ever.

>> No.6209554
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You need to learn how to do tree. I stopped going after my previous successes. Pic from OB1

>> No.6209563

Why was the event the hell more laggier when there are a lot less people that when OB1 happened?

>> No.6209576

how did you get so much? I only got 300k and I was using a 3x ticket, although I don't know if it was affecting anything. it seemed like there were way more players than the gms could handle so unless you were lucky enough to have a tree spawn right in front of you there was no hope for getting anything.

>> No.6209608

Yeah well fuck you too buddy. I would sit in a zone for 7 or 8 minutes with 30 other people and no GM, suddenly the GM would show up, trees everywhere, run out of ammo, move to the next zone with 10 seconds to spare, wait 7 or 8 minutes in the next zone.

And it wasn't like I could just move through them real fast to restart and find the GM because there were no keys!

I'd bet dimes to dollars it wasn't like that in OB1

>> No.6209623

yeah I don't know what the fuck the gms were doing. people were timing out of the zone because they just disappeared and wouldn't spawn keys. then they'd finally appear and start spawning things but the second they did there would be 5 people on it like a blind girl at a rapist convention.

>> No.6209649

I dare you to get that much in OB2
Shit was lagging as hell and GMs are acting like nimrods unlike OB1
I still don't get why less people = more lag

>> No.6209660

>Why was the event the hell more laggier when there are a lot less people that when OB1 happened?
>hell more laggier
>One could actually enter the field every time and not just get an error that fucked up your menus for 10 minutes

>> No.6209664

>GMs are acting like nimrods
>unlike OB1

Where you even fucking in OB1?

>> No.6209667

I almost feel like I cheated this tree event. I got about 1.7 millions. I used an Aquila with 4 90cost blasters and followed the GMs around so that when the trees spawned, I sat where they just were and could hit almost all of them at once due to the blaster piercing.

Either way, this event wasn't very good. They should up the rates to 10x UC for these things before starting so everybody gets a chance and if they can't get tree money, they can at least get a bit from something else.

>> No.6209722

A tip for you guys. GM are like us, they also have timer, and they move when their time is low. You were out of sync with the GM. If you were in sync, he/she'd be spawning trees for 8 minutes, spawn keys, then move to the next.

>> No.6209732

>I got about 1.7 millions. I used an Aquila with 4 90cost blasters and followed the GMs around so that when the trees spawned, I sat where they just were and could hit almost all of them at once due to the blaster piercing.
fuck you nigger I didn't even know where the gms were so I could only get the 1 or 2 trees at the end of the line people like you couldn't reach

>> No.6209735

And how in god's name do you get IN sync with the GM eh? I looped four times in an hour and 40 minutes which is as fast as I could go.

>> No.6209741

and how are you supposed to match yourself when you can't get a key? I would show up in an area with no gm, wait 5 minutes for a new one to appear to give keys out, then go to the next area and do it all over again.

>> No.6209752

Yes, at least they were there when people were asking for stuff and keys were plentiful.. people were attacking GMs since they stick out like a sore thumb though.

Maybe because there are less people in the game now? There were at least twice the number of people in OB1 yet people got to enter in the event at least once and still farm a good amount.

>> No.6209809

This event is pointless, they might as well give everyone 500k and be done with it. It's not like everyone having tons of money would change things much since past a certain point there's really no use for money at all. What this does acheive is that people who already have tons of money and decent bots get even more money they have no use for while new players keep being broke. Having UCx8 all the time would be an even better solution, since everything will be wiped soon why not give everyone tons of money to experiment around with.

>> No.6209829

events prevent chinese gold sellers from making a quick buck

>> No.6209846

Chinese gold sellers? In a pre-wipe beta? In a game where you can't trade?

>> No.6209916

Hey, Boof, do you even play the game? I haven't seen you in union wars at all.

>> No.6209959

He is spending his ingametime painting and editing polygons.

>> No.6209964

Hellooo, /jp/. Judgment here. I'm doing the Clan Tourney for kicks. At least we're not dueling in the same Block!

Now that that's out of the way, what do you think your chances of getting into the finals are?

>> No.6209972
File: 91 KB, 1044x844, ClanTournamentFinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck /jp/

>> No.6209974

Y hello thar.
It's a pity that we aren't in the same block. Hotglue would have honoured your bravery and made it a 1on1 for your match.
Well, you are probably get facerolled by 10 bloodhungry Ivis or something but still, props for signing up.

>> No.6209983

So anybody have bracket predictions?

>> No.6209987


/jp/ has no real rivals until the finals.

>> No.6209988

Semifinals will be Hotglue vs Loyalty and SDGO_Trolls vs MoD.
Final will be SDGO_Trolls vs Hotglue.


>> No.6209993

More like an act of stupidity only I could cook up, but okay.

Thanks for the gesture, but let's be honest with each other; you guys would go all-out and mitigate risks. Still, I'm humbled.

Ah, raped by Ivises~ only an M like me would enjoy such circumstances.

>> No.6210002


No not really. Florette wanted to 1on1 you. We agreed.
Well, thats irrelevant now since 10 WIZ randoms will Ivirape you.

If you are clever you try to snipe one of them and then run for the remaining 15 minutes, netting you a win.

>> No.6210012

i wish to see this

>> No.6210016

Hopefully Tempura will set up some stream.
I woul'd like to see the Snowflakes vs SDGO match.

>> No.6210021

I honestly think that SDGO will roll through snowflake. SDGO and MOD will be an interesting match.

>> No.6210025

Doesn't Sunset City have a Power Spot, though? They'll rape THAT over one dinky bot.

>> No.6210032


how does epoch battles work? Is there any point in winning?

>> No.6210033


This is pretty good. I was worried about Hotglue having to fight SDGO early and losing.

>> No.6210213

>green field final

Final will be on a map where AIR is practically invincible provided the ARTs camping the landing spots are properly dealth with? Excellent.

>> No.6210286
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>SDGO and MOD will be an interesting match.

More like them getting TROLLED


Looks like my hero scarf is all but secured!

so when will you play gundams

>> No.6210334

Dont worry.
I will try to make hotglue lose to Loyalty.
Trollington will quit the game for good if hotglue loses to loyalty provided loyalty actually make it past their bracket. Looking at the map, I really dont see hotglue losing. There is no tundra wall and all the other maps play right into their strength. Plus none of the japanese clans or cuzubad is in the tournament.

>> No.6210425
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new event calendar!

>- New Robot in the Shop: "Amateus"
Not another broken land bot please...

>> No.6210554

Well, it looks like hotglue won't have any competition unless we really do suck. Nice to see they split up the big clans evenly.

Do we know who's gonna be able to make it?

>> No.6210575

Fuck yeah, Amateus is M art. The shooting arm is quite slow, but the core weapon is fucking awesome.

>> No.6210581

What's the quickest way to make money

I got like 5k from the event last night ;_;

>> No.6210591

I'm still surviving with the 2m from the first beta.

>> No.6210673
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Hotglue sucks. They lose to pubs.

>> No.6210708
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>> No.6210754
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Hey kisamas stop using your moebots and use a REAL bots like Gwyain or Sturbanger.

>> No.6210757

Nigga you gay
We don't need XBOXHUEG gundams to compensate

>> No.6210777
File: 113 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20100930_0805_40_677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't handle the moe?

>> No.6210798

You just mad we are styling with our moe bots. Enjoy your shitty boxxy gundam autist.

>> No.6210826

This game needs a Sanae mech.

>> No.6210828

Wait until weekend, grind on Arcantus with 24x rates.

>> No.6210850

Why do you even need so much money?

I'm fine with just playing on weekends with X6 UC with multipliers. Hell, I max ranked a new seraph crimrose the other day from the store during the X8 weekend, and am now just flying around blasting folks in the arena.

>> No.6210857

how do i find this game? i cant find it on google

>> No.6210867


>> No.6210869

DURRRR first result, jackass

>> No.6210899

Hey KISAMAS, join the lottery.

>> No.6211025

Seems I accidentally joined a clan when I wanted to decline the offer. I got some strange item that was supposed to give me a rare part because the clan won something. Anyway I used the item (rare part my ass, got a fucking jikun female) and left the clan.

>> No.6211029

>join clan for gift
What a slut.

>> No.6211039
File: 46 KB, 476x656, idontknowhowtocallthisfacecounter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get these clan offers daily. Doushio?

>> No.6211154

It's not like I joined a clan for the gift. I actually noticed I was in a clan because of that gift when I logged in. I didn't even knew clans got gifts.

>> No.6211480

You didn't hear about the clan participation program? Basically every time somebody ranks up in a clan, everyone gets a gift for that rankup including the guy who ranked up. There's diffirent gifts for diffirent ranks.

>> No.6211520

two ivis against my L art, FUCK YOU

>> No.6211560

Why you so mad?
Ask your union shufflefags to get into the game.

>> No.6211563
File: 403 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101001_0218_17_625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I got this strange 2 color cube in JP CB. What does it do?

>> No.6211595

Hotglue just spanked BRD's ass in a game so unbalanced we were fighting each other for kills and none of us died. It got so bad BRD quit to 6 people. When you can convince me that going into matches vs BRD or DOS will be worth our time we'll stop doing shuffle.

>> No.6211597

Lucky Cube Alpha. Gives you a random robot, item or weapon when you use it.

How did you get it? It's an amazing item.

>> No.6211599

Something about the plea-

I think that's just a random reward cube. Use it.

>> No.6211635


randomly given to me as log in reward.

>> No.6211656

Oh, snap. I hoped Cyberstep messed up again and gave us a prize.

By the way, Rt prices reset. Go buy whichever robot you want to buy at half price.

Though I suggest another Garapon. Shaden in today's daily, will complement your L AIR well, if you're whom I think you are.

Also, yet another UC up event on CBJP.

>> No.6211740

In before Beamgun.

>> No.6211764

how the fuck do you look at rankings/stats/whatever? I've seen people talking about their stats yet I cannot find any rankings page ingame or on the website

>> No.6211781

There's npc robots in the north east of the arena area that'll tell you stats.

>> No.6211834

How much does force affect damage compared to str or tec?

Would it be better to tune force or str?

>> No.6211866

thanks, I had already tried looking around before but none of the named areas on the maps had anything and I wasn't about to try talking to every single stray robot

>> No.6212035

How's the new nuclear bot?

>> No.6212068
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Hurrah for DOS!

>> No.6212140
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what do you think of this experiment?
I still have to test how useful will the burner arm be to turn away land bots

>> No.6212203

Argh, how do I use Amateus? Is it just me or is the bullet speed kinda slow?

The land spam nowadays doesn't help either.

>> No.6212315

Only the arm is slow as fuck, so replace it with whatever you like. The core weapon is quite fine.

>> No.6212545

the burner ARM? not very. only ceramic/ceramic mod have guaranteed burn DoT

>> No.6212566

it's slow but it makes a nice big boom when it hits stuff. good for bombardment

>> No.6212607

I gave my Sturbanger fly, as much fly as I could give it. Not a bad choice to make, it makes getting away from Ivis/Ouka easier since I have a lot more air time to jump and get away. I've seen some people claim walk is superior to fly on an art and I don't see why.

Anyone wanna give a good argument for walk?

>> No.6212642

really? damn

>> No.6212670

I also think fly is better, specially since it's much faster to start flying than running.

>> No.6212680

Ivis can hit aerial units, especially fuckhuge Sturmbangers. Jet Hammer units also jump before hitting. With WLK you can see them coming and dash out of the way so that they hit some other sucker (you cannot outrun LND. ) with FLY, rising up takes time and makes you a giant "TARGET HERE" mark.

FLY is better for ledges and such. Since ART should be hugging the shit out of ledges, I'd still say FLY is better, but WLK does have some merit.

>> No.6212702

do you think the new missile gun is better than blast bazooka for small art?

>> No.6212756

That's a shame, I love that part of the the design. Do weapon speed upgrades help at all?

>> No.6212775

Well, if you really like gigantic penile weapon arms, wait for Brickgale Red (S AIR though, not M ART). Rest assured that he will not disappoint.

>> No.6212781

Rt exchange is back in Japanese Cosmic Break. Bots are also still half price. If you plan on playing jCB, now's the time.

>> No.6212798

Also a very, very good weekly Garapon. Literally 2/3 of the possible outcomes is a great robot, and of course, being Garapon robots, they have all parts 3-slotted (not that it matters much in JPCB, you won't tune past 1-2. )

Half price event only lasts for 6 more days, so be quick if you're joining.

>> No.6212831

What should I buy? Last month I got my seraph promotion P and my Ijuna Kamui Nagi. I'd enjoy a Sturbanger but I think maybe a heavy art is suicide in jCB. I play a Thorla Nimbus as my main in eCB and I do have a Stardust Canon but there's a lot of different choices in jCB ..... maybe a chibibot? They're always fun.

God, I can't decide.

>> No.6212854
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>> No.6212858 [DELETED] 

I always default to Garapon. Got some pretty nice things so far, so I can't really complain, and again, this week's weekly Garapon is very good (no female robots though. )

I'm torn between trying for Frau Adone (or Herr Viktor, but hell if I'm going to play a green-haired dude who wears purple and exposes his midriff.) and buying a Winberyl (provided the arms are detachable, don't think so though.)

>> No.6212865

I always default to Garapon. Got some pretty nice things so far, so I can't really complain, and again, this week's weekly Garapon is very good (no female robots though. )

I'm torn between trying for Frau Adone (or Herr Viktor, but hell if I'm going to play a green-haired dude who wears purple and exposes his midriff.) and buying a Winberyl (provided the arms are detachable, don't think so though.)

Ah, that picture is deceptive. His rifle is longer. Much longer.

The Blue version also features a suspiciously prominent codpiece to compensate.

>> No.6212889

I spent like 500k on Garapon and still no ivis

>> No.6212890

worse than mighty byne's CROTCHSHIELD OF DOOM?

>> No.6212909

If Freud designed a robot, it'd look like Brickgale.
About half of the robot is a bizarre crotch spike. The other half is a gigantic booster that ends in nipples. And the Red version has the rifle arm.

Dickgale would be a better name.

>> No.6212913

I think I rolled it less than five times and got two ivis.

>> No.6213052

I'm sorry man, I got 2 after about 100k. 500k is bad bad bad luck man.

>> No.6213068

I got ivis on the second try~

only 1,203 UC to my name ;_;

>> No.6213158
File: 561 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20100930_2032_32_859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Assembly of the robot is incomplete - booster is missing

>no booster slot

>> No.6213173

Well the lack of a booster slot would make it difficult to attach a booster, wouldn't it?

>> No.6213200

the slot is in thoarla's legs, which you removed

>> No.6213227

Exactly my point. some of my robots don't have boosters even though they have booster slots, so I figured boosters weren't required or were inbuilt if a slot didn't exist, since those robots can still dash.

>> No.6213253

I believe Air units require one.

>> No.6213392

I spent 100k trying to get a jet hammer and ended up getting 2 ivis

>> No.6213428

Alternatively, attach Izuna or Izuna Nagi legs instead to get boosters.


>> No.6213458

I'm a dumbfuck, the stupid union leaders blabbing at me were covering up the ranking counter on the map.

I never use land bots, just air and art, and I still have 0 raid rifles, 0 blitz blasters, and only 2 blast bazookas. Also was trying to get kinder hats for my airs (#6) and the +2 walk accessory on the izuna (#5) for my arts and kept getting STR accessories instead. But I did get Ivis in one roll back in OB1 and never use her. Fucking CB.

Also took 13 tries to succeed at a pair of 60% tuneups. Should have quit while I was ahead, I had succeeded at all the important ones then when I tried to do some minor improvements I burn all those harmonics and slot protectors.

>> No.6213561

I got my first Shaden YESTERDAY. So I feel your pain man. I get to field a regular store bought Thorla Nimbus for the tournament tomorrow, not that I mind, I love my Nimbus but I'm the only person in the game who plays her.

>> No.6213590

meh, shayden itself is made of fail. just chop the booster off and sell the parts

>> No.6213685
File: 101 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2010-09-30 21-33-51-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love her but her ass is too big ;_;
Also I wasn't able to use her Jupitzer Io much.

>> No.6213750

I've used it, basically when i ran out of ammo back when I was still using stardust cannon and plasma gun. I actually killed an ivis with it once although it's so weird an attack I normally ignore its existence. Strangely good vs trees though.

>> No.6213788

still trying to decide what to do with my thorala. how well would stardust + shield + shaden bs work?

>> No.6213806

try not using thorala. her sub weapon takes too long to charge, rarely hits, and doesn't do enough dmg

>> No.6213937

but she's the only l air girl robot so I don't have a choice

>> No.6213961

Fucking GM who wouldn't stop flying.

>> No.6213967

Kanpan survived with 49 HP left. That's a bummer.

>> No.6214100

Has anyone tried buying and doing those challenge cubes you can get from Crimrose? Do they give anything particularly nice?

>> No.6214112
File: 174 KB, 806x628, ParalyzeForAParalyzer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times would it be advisable to get the paralyze boost for a paralyzer?

>> No.6214137

he was being a cocksucker ceiling boosting, there wasnt much we could have done about it

>> No.6214138

I just saw a chibi crimrose tripp-HHHHNNNNNNNNNNGGGG

>> No.6214149

Heavy Thorla user here. I once had her with a heavy sword (the one that shoots out can't recall the name) which I used when I ran out of ammo. Switched for Plasma gun which has a high cost and does good damage (it's the same exact shot type as beam gun only higher damage output), switched again to a laser, switched again to a normal beam gun in order to use the cost for upgrades, haven't tried a shield.

Stardust cannon is my bread and butter. It DESTROYS land types and does good damage against everything else. I especially enjoy using the power spot for increased speed because the speed helps my hit rate. The only problem is it has 170 shots and those go fast if you keep drinking from the PS.

My worst nightmare is anti-air air bots especially seraph crimroses. If I get targeted by a crimrose or other fast anti air discretion is the better part of valor so I just run back to the arts that usually hump the power spot or at least back to a defense line of allies. If the crimrose is stupid enough to chase me down it's probably going to die.

Stardust also has good range so if you're not stupid you can even take on arts as long as you don't let them target you, I love broad radar for that.

If you're set on Thorla, I mean she IS a large air girl, then I'd suggest an alt gun, you'll run out of ammo fast with stardust and even a beam gun shoots stuff.

>> No.6214158

That was probably an Ouka Kamuro (like mine in the OP) and not a Crim-chan. I'm unaware that Crim-chan has tripping animation.

>> No.6214176

I'd swear it was a crim-chan. I'll check tomorrow.

>> No.6214187

She does

>> No.6214194

Oh, I'm going to add, you aren't going to beat a crimrose in a fight, she'll fly rings around you, unless it's a sucker that doesn't know how to play you'll lose and you're worth a lot more points than a crimrose, it's why I tried a laser but I still died because crimrose will still fly rings around me (fly is 36). You're just a big ass air, don't mess with the little ones.

Of course you could be a hell of a lot better player than me so take that as you will.

>> No.6214205

oh wow chloro, I'm disappoint.

All chibis have tripping animation. Ouka Kamuro can occasionally do the Ouka Raisen (in a much weaker version) too.

>> No.6214207

by god you're right. I'd forgotten, I don't use Crim-chan as much since at level 8 Ouka Kamuro gets boost run and Crim-chan does not.

>> No.6214215

Crim-chan definitely does have a tripping move.

I've got four of them. I'd call it a harem but implying such lewd things about such a cute bot would be criminal.

>> No.6214270
File: 303 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2010-09-30 23-32-26-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6214285

Koko Gaap in both garapon and store bought has increase range circle that it sets, that's pretty lame, if I want a chibi that has rapidfire in Japanese Cosmic break how do I get one? Wait for new content? Get lucky? Sell my soul to Satan?

>> No.6214330
File: 344 KB, 595x521, momohimeoukaskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this. How does it look?

>> No.6214341

Ouka Kamui does that. I have mine equipped with a beam machinegun purely to troll people

>> No.6214368

I got ivis but everyone else's ivis beats mine :<

>> No.6214386

How do I get one, garapon? I don't see her in the shop.

>> No.6214391

Sugoi as hell, bro. Good stuff.

>> No.6214413

She is in the shop. She's hard to miss unless you're blind

>> No.6214427
File: 148 KB, 331x348, momohimeouka1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different angle where you can see the flowers on her sleeve. Also changed name to Momohime.

>> No.6214450
File: 358 KB, 1280x960, supports.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to god I'm blind but seriously I do not see her at all. Here's all the supports for sale. I see Koko Gaap but not Ouka Kamui

>> No.6214508

What's the best way to earn cash in Japanese cosmic break? Just hit the arena?

>> No.6214511
File: 862 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20100930_2200_08_764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All your guys' damage is small time

>> No.6214524

Sorry, was thinking about the EN version, dunno about where to get her in the JP version

>> No.6214590
File: 350 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100930_2259_02_641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the moment Arena is great since you can rack over 2k per fight due to UC events. Quests are the best whenever they refresh, though.

>> No.6214600

Ahh, no problem. I hear there's a chibi lazflamme in jCB too. THAT I'd like to see.

>> No.6214611

Laz-chan is an event gift, if I recall.

I don't know if there's any way to get Kamuro on JPCB. Never seen one being played either.

>> No.6214626
File: 160 KB, 1024x768, kusamochi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm continuously surprised at how much use these Japanese players can get out of such little bots, watching them play is GOD MODE.

>> No.6214630

Any tips for making money in english cb?

>> No.6214649

Lumberjack events.

>> No.6214660

>Alternatively, attach Izuna or Izuna Nagi legs instead to get boosters.

lol. For some reason, Pacifer legs count as boosters, so those ended up attached. Both izuna and shaden boosters are too cost-heavy for now.

I like the way it looks but FUCK you can't do anything with her. Can't attach cool legs like Garula bird, bought a Tesladonna to stick its parts on her and make her more lightning-y, only to be reminded it was L size and all Tesla's parts are S.

If Thorala were M size, she'd probably be better off, or at least if she had a booster slot so I could actually attach 90% of my legs to her.

>> No.6214692
File: 198 KB, 1024x766, laz-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, that's a big ass sword.

>> No.6214749

Where are you guys watching the japanese cb?
Can I get a link please?

>> No.6214775

You can download and play jCB from here

>> No.6214814

how does tesladonna coil's arm gun compare to normal tesladonnas? are the balls better than the lightning bolt?

>> No.6214872

oh look, another of them shaden autistfag.
Lets all laugh at them needing L Bots to compensate for their lack of skills.
moebots > xboxhugebots

>> No.6214930

i use s sized non-lolis. what does that make me?

>> No.6214962

A hipster.

>> No.6215141
File: 529 KB, 1026x791, uguu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do all right thanks much sir. Dunno what you have against L air and I've never used Shaden before so I have no idea how well it plays.

>> No.6215238
File: 249 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100930_1653_54_243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small size moebots for life.

PS: I don't know what the fuck was going on in this match

>> No.6215262

Is there a way to change the order of your sub weapon?

>> No.6215318

Thoala Nimbuses are just too tempting targets to pass up for us crims, we just want to fly up to you and plant our loving bazooka-shots into your moist behinds. Flying over arty doesn't matter that much if they're busy paying attention to the few hundred Ivis and Oukas charging them, too.

>> No.6215324

you mean besides shift+right click?

Putting them in different hands should change the order

>> No.6215423

Ivis and Ouka charging the arts? I've already killed them, that is my primary purpose and I'm pretty good at it if I do say so myself.

>> No.6215454
File: 85 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101001_0347_40_529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spear > Sword

>> No.6215481 [DELETED] 

I feel for you.
I traded in like 6hammers and still have 4 of them left.
Not sure why you guys are complaining about money, I dont even know where to spend them.

>> No.6215483
File: 181 KB, 816x638, toomanyshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel for you.
I traded in like 6hammers and still have 4 of them left.
Not sure why you guys are complaining about money, I dont even know where to spend them.

>> No.6215541

With 40fly I'll reach you before you reach the Ivis, meaning you'd need to retreat to your arty, meaning the groundpounders get through. Aerial superiority!

>> No.6216077
File: 149 KB, 565x575, 1265675873604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I will retreat and not shoot your as down too

>> No.6216199

>"implying" that a crim armed with bazookas can't take a thoarla armed with stardust cannons
>"implying" someone can run away and fight back effectively and see where they're going AND shoot up Ivises all at the same time
>"implying" I shouldn't really be replying to this but instead hunting down more air and arty units

>> No.6216210
File: 444 KB, 816x638, oukachan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just went fullretard.
Anyway rank up more.

>> No.6216254

when does saturday start on the cb server?

>> No.6216281

either midnight PDT or PST

>> No.6216626

When Ivis' rapier replaces a weapon or shield, are the stats on that weapon/shield lost?

>> No.6216926

Asking about Japanese Cosmic Break, show a picture from English Cosmic Break.


>> No.6217911

Do you guys feel confident about winning the tournament? The first part begins today, right?

>> No.6218078

I, for one, have no confidence in winning the tournament.

This is primarily because I am not participating in it.

>> No.6218561
File: 638 KB, 1025x768, 3rd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I constantly prove myself a good player but obviously I suck too much shit for the tournament. Fine.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.6218603 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101001_1648_07_453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you don't have a co-leader who trash talk you every game regardless of your performance.

>> No.6218609
File: 210 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101001_1654_57_162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you don't have a co-leader who trash talk you every game regardless of your performance.

>> No.6218625

Do your best guys!

>> No.6218634


>> No.6218682

might have to do with the fact you spend more time here than in their irc

>> No.6218699

Well, I do lurk /jp/ more than /m/. Hell, I'd join WIZ if your mascot wasn't a turtle, and/or a proper lolibot instead of that fembot

>> No.6218894

Yeah, way to go. Joining a t-rex with a retarded leader is much better.

I can't fucking believe you are actually using that as a motive for choosing DOS and being with /m/, it's okay to admit you prefer /m/

>> No.6218901
File: 894 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20101001_2301_47_187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6219009

When is the tournament?

>> No.6219019
File: 683 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20101002_0000_17_515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was cute.

>> No.6219041

Oh damn I miss it ;_;

>> No.6219075

I wish there was a way to turn the accessories invisible, my bots look so stupid...

>> No.6219084

Protip: Take it off. Looks > function

>> No.6219113

I had never even visited /m/ before (and still have only checked it to look for a CB thread during times when /jp/ had none) but I still joined DOS because dinosaurs are superior and because I secretly hate all of you faggots and want nothing to do with you all even as I continue posting here

Of course this leaves me with no clan, I've never bothered asking to join MoD. I do have a random invite from Dream pending for several days now that I haven't bothered to accept or decline yet.

>> No.6219131
File: 1.78 MB, 1433x2023, 27c464749a2bb9be72ffd75d1cd76523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6219155
File: 551 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20101002_0032_35_515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6219176

did sibladeko actually join Hotglue permanently or is he a ringer?

>> No.6219188

I may jump in a battle for the hell of it.

You guys aren't going anywhere I'm assuming.

>> No.6219192


wait, what?

>> No.6219198


>> No.6219203

this is the clan tournament they're doing, you don't just "jump in"

>> No.6219205


Well excuse me, I'm not fluent in video games.

>> No.6219208

You guys picked WIZ for Rie, I don't think you're in any position to mock other's choices. Ask yourself, if Rie was BRD's VA instead of WIZ's, would you have joined WIZ, or BRD?

>> No.6219214

I picked WIZ because it was about strategy, not derp derp brutal force or FRIENDSHIP POWER and BRAVERY.

>> No.6219223

>implying those slogan actually do anything in game
>derp derp brute force DOS members can't use strategies!

>> No.6219236

I'm talking about faction leaders, not the faction itself. You dumbfuck.

I choose Icy because the other 2 are stupid.

>> No.6219286

You can join the friendcircle guy. It looks like he's kinda lonely.
Btw, why'd they limit the number of clan match observers?...

>> No.6219365

I joined WIZ because it has the most people and they win every faction war.

Seriously, no other reason.

>> No.6219378
File: 528 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101001_1901_23_557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gj both hotglue teams

>> No.6219388 [DELETED] 

Hotglue won their tournamet block, but sadly judgementglue was unable to stop loyalty.

RIP judgementglue, may your untuned bots and stock crims rest in piece.

>> No.6219397
File: 657 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20100923_0312_00_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the next matchup for the main Hotglue force?

>> No.6219401

Hotglue won their tournamet block, but sadly judgementglue was unable to stop loyalty.

RIP judgementglue, may your untuned bots and stock crims rest in peace.

>> No.6219446

Yeah, a pity. We ran right into their PS when we could've sat on our end of the map instead.

Still, thanks for getting me past Round 1 at all.

>> No.6219471
File: 45 KB, 431x405, spam_jp_edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is also being spammed on /a/

>> No.6219505
File: 40 KB, 176x252, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( ´・‿-) ~ ♥

>> No.6219579 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 1002x800, 1285722483055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Snowflake fag is pretty mad:

>> No.6219589


he mad

>> No.6219617

Wow, he's cheezed.

I expected that, but eh...

Where'd that come from?

>> No.6219663

Wait, not only do you not want me in the tournament, tell me that my bot was shit, my tactics are shit, and my gun is for newbies, essentially saying that I'm a shit player you get someone else to be in the match?

That is seriously fucked up. Look, I like you guys and I like playing with you but you guys treated me like shit today. Fuck you all.

>> No.6219671


you must be new to /hotglue/


>> No.6219689


Take it easy man. Everyone gets called shit in hotglue. I was sitting at number one in the arena rankings and right now Redux is calling me a moron in clan chat.

You're taking a game about mecha musume far too seriously. You don't need to be a giant tourneyfag to enjoy a game, in fact it's nothing but a detriment. Just look at me and Redux.

>> No.6219690

Cheer up Chloro.
Florettes choice of words may sometimes be rude but the things you said do not really apply to you.

I couldn't participate in the tourney myself because all slots were filled with other guys.
But just because you didn't play doesn't mean you are complete ubernoob.
It just means that picking those members who are really strong players increases our chances of winning this tournament.
Keep cool.

Oh and Florette... I know you are reading this.

>> No.6219708

I feel bad for you. I'd hug you if I had arms.

>> No.6219725

Hotglue has amassed a bunch of monstrous homosexuals, what else is new. I'm eagerly waiting for enough people to get fed up with them and create another guild for flavor of the month games, one that enforces taking it easy which was Hotglue's percept in the first place. Before some people that don't talk and act like /jp/ posters took over.

>> No.6219736

former Botglue members aren't Hotglue by the way.

>> No.6219745

>Join Loyalty
>Casual as FUCK
>Have fun in the clan

>> No.6219771

>thinks his dumb /a/ clan is a better alternative


>> No.6219789

Only former Botglue members take Cosmic Break seriously and get mad about it. If you weren't a hotglue member from Mabinogi or Aika, you can go fuck off

>> No.6219804

Whoa there, maybe Mabinogi, but definitely not Aika. That's were the srs bsns fags came from.

>> No.6219866

Former Botglue member here. I'm playing in this tournament using the exact same bots as I have been for pretty much since I started playing and not going to change for this. And I've been taking it easy as fuck. I don't even care if LOYALTY beats us since Redux says our bots suck, I just want to have fun.

>> No.6219874

>Casual as FUCK
>Will have 5 or so cardhoppers during tourney

Sure buddy

>> No.6219885


I formally apologize for being a jackass and will cease playing if you wish it. My tremendous faggotry has not only offended you but it has turned this thread into complete shit. No one can take it easy like this.

>> No.6219895

more like one lol

>> No.6219907

Yeah sorry, all the time playing in jp cb rubbed off on me, as well as the fact that I'm annoyed that certain players leave the moment they lose against a team I join, only to find them farming BRD while I'm powerless to change that, along with my RL commitments that I've no time to play. My argument with Florette stemmed because of his overconfidence and my insinuation. I hope you guys have fun versus, won't bother pushing you guys to play in ways you don't want to play.

My money's still on Snowflake, though.

>> No.6219911
File: 570 KB, 1280x1024, 1277139447616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun losing to LOYALTY in two weeks, guys (if you can even stay together as a clan for that long).

>> No.6219918

>Play transformice for more than an hour before tourney starts
>Don't bother training at all
>Still steamroll everyone

And before you say we had easy opponents, hotglue had easy ones too.

>> No.6219925

versus loyalty*.

>> No.6219971
File: 68 KB, 493x288, what8things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, im playing on the JP server at the moment, and I came across this for a while, but I don't know what it wants me to do 8 times.

Any help?

>> No.6219976

It wants you to do the quest on Planet Bastagant (like Haku/Bee), as long it is 1 star or higher, 8 times.

>> No.6219979

>Battle Planet Bastagant clear 8 times (1 star or higher)

I think the rest says that you have 8 times remaining.

>> No.6219982

Ah shit, that'll be a pain to find people to go with.

>> No.6220011

You could solo it. One level of any of the bosses is soloable (although Berzelius is probably easiest.)

>> No.6220014

Wow? You are genuinely frustrated?
Come on, you cant really say that the 10 that went up against shinigami doesnt deserve it.
Even Trollington didnt play today and he is probably one of the better player. We all went up against Loyalty and yeah our casual/moebots just got curbstomped, probably by 20k+ bots.
Maybe if you were tourneyfag, they would have picked you instead. Stop being a princess.

>Everybody else is pissy little princesses who think they deserve everything.

>> No.6220021

Wow, what a fucking jerk. Chloroform isn't even that bad.

>> No.6220038
File: 295 KB, 805x625, cschan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the cutest

>> No.6220039

Nobody is saying that he is.
But bawwing and whining because he didnt get picked?
Whine more elsewhere please.

>> No.6220045
File: 263 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100621_2220_36_398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly, trees, trees everywhere.

>> No.6220048
File: 369 KB, 600x600, 1279436497796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's direct our frustration and anger towards those /a/ retards we will crush on October 15th. It's not healthy to keep this shit up.

>> No.6220056

I suck.
I am also a huge faggot.

>> No.6220058


Excuses, excuses...

>> No.6220085

what the fuck is going on.

>> No.6220092

GM Room, you should come check it out.

>> No.6220094


BOOF, what in the FUCK are you doing on this board?

I had no idea...

>> No.6220104

I still haven't met him in game once.

>> No.6220108

Apple here, hope we have a good match in 2 weeks.

And wait, was all of judgement hotglue? I only recognised like 3 people.

>> No.6220147

Back in my day all matches are Aquilas dualling blasters. The only strategy is fly over a chokepoint/power point and then drop down and go full auto.

>> No.6220156

I heard Apple = Redux
Facts or lies?

>> No.6220161

All this casuals and tourneyfag talk.

Who really are the big names of Hotglue?

>> No.6220165

Maybe, maybe not~

I'll let you break your head over that.

>> No.6220173

No, Apple is not Redux.

>> No.6220175


>> No.6220178

That's what happens when most of the remaining "Hotglue" players in CB are from the merged /jp/ subguild, which was probably made entirely of summer users.

>> No.6220313

Both clans were the same though. The only reason for Botglue existence is because of the retarded members limit. So your logic is wrong since those from botglue would still be hotglue without that system.

>> No.6220516
File: 342 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2010-07-14 14-40-14-93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judgment vs LOYALTY was fun to watch, may the stock crims rest in peace. Also Trollingtons final moments were awesome, even if it netted him 4.9k cost...GJ

>> No.6220712

So, did anyone record the matches?

>> No.6220716 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 376x254, SallyPants_0_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6220804

Well shit, I missed the tourney.
Whatever, I was probably kicked from hotglue for not logging in anyway.

>> No.6221831

The meaning was more along the lines of the older members probably getting priority invites into the real clan. Like Hotglue was full before I even knew it was made. That's not to say everyone who hadn't played games with /jp/ prior to Cosmic Break is a piece of a trash, just that this one attracted a lot more unsavories because of so many boards playing.

>> No.6222354
File: 255 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100706_0917_52_546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recorded some Hotglue vs SDGO_trolls practice fight from last night. I'd have done the actual tourney as well but I slept through it.

Here's the practice fight:

>> No.6222372

Hotglue still in the tournament right?

We won last night, right?

>> No.6222388


Yes, Hotglue is nearly guaranteed atleast the third place prize, if not the first place prize.

>> No.6222427

finally, a picture with me.

>> No.6222467

Oh cool. It's CB. Did they fix that menu lag yet?

>> No.6222479


Haha, no. It's even worse than before.

>> No.6222517


Alt-tab away and back and it is quick.

Also we maxed another thread. Lately I've been having way more fun with this. Dodging dozens of rockets and Izuna booster shots with my air bots is the best.

>> No.6223481

they put a loading screen instead of fixing it (lol)
