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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6202707 No.6202707 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know why Touhou "theories" bother me so much. It actually has a pretty nice setting and quite a lot written about it by now, so there is room for it. And I often like hearing theories from various series like Umineko if they're well done. But Touhou ones seem to be nearly always awful, like "What if Alice Margatroid was really a robot" sort of shit.

I blame Shrinemaiden.

>> No.6202717

No, it's just that the Touhou fandumb is home to as many retards and misfits as the Furry Fandom, so they come up with REALLY STUPID SHIT.

Some theories are fun to read.

Some, like "MEILING WOULDN'T TITFUCK ANYBODY, SHE'S A GOOD GIRL", are just balls-on-head retarded.

>> No.6202716

I dislike the out there ones like Alice is just a big doll but some of them are quite possible like "Sanae was an otaku" or "Marisa's father dislikes magic".

>> No.6202725

You can blame shrinemaiden but it's not like /jp/ doesn't have "What Touhou would you most like to babysit???" threads either.

>> No.6202729


>> No.6202735

Touhou is popular. Anything that is popular has a shitty fanbase.

>> No.6202741


>but it's not like /jp/ doesn't have "What Touhou would you most like to babysit???" threads either.

Those threads genuinely make me so buttmad I want to bomb the person's house.

>> No.6202743
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>> No.6202753
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>> No.6202758

Ever seen Touhou powerlevel discussions? Or Alice and Ultimate Magic discussions?

>> No.6202764

I honestly like Touhou theories better than "Which Touhou has the best ___" and "Which Touhou would you like to ____" and "Which Touhou could _____" and "If Mokou/Kaguya was _____, what would happen" threads.

>> No.6202766

There is no canon. It's just a free-for-all.

>> No.6202772

>Yukari can just manipulate the border of X to beat X
>But she lost to the moon bitches
>She let them win

>> No.6202775

The thing is, all Touhous talk like that. They can't help it. 50% death threats and 50% lies.

>> No.6202771

>Ultimate Magic

Hey Suigin, wanna get back to that topic?

>> No.6202789
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>> No.6202793

Now I've got a theory, what if like Gensokyo isn't actually real, it's really just some virtual reality and the touhous are actually other players avatars and NPCs. It's almost like touhous are in some sort of videogame....

>> No.6202794

>Yuka creates six Yukari's to fight Yukari for shits and giggles. Then makes a clone of Shinki to end the fight.

>> No.6202803
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Marisa never lies though. She said so herself!

>> No.6202808

Yes, that's the point.
They're all assholes.

But that doesn't make Yandere Alice any more canon than Moeblob Alice. She's just weird, not the emotional cripple that many make her out to be.

>> No.6202904

MotK-goer here. I am personally sorry for most of these people, don't like this shit either.

You know they must have gotten these terrible ideas from somewhere? Pretty sure MotK isn't the only place where Touhou fans with terrible ideas go to. Thanks for the infamy guys.

>> No.6203034


I think they're pretty innocent really. I think it's too easy online to make up shitty standards for right and wrong in a community that has nothing to do with actual right and wrong.

They do annoy the fuck out of me, but when places start to come down on it too heavily it just turns into NO FUN ALLOWED. It's really hard to balance.

>> No.6203046


The fans that really tear into people for pissing around are at least as bad too though, you occasionally get those here in /jp/.Though that's more of an Umineko thing, you get it in most fandoms.

Because people recognise there are "annoying" fans, people decide to become complete bastards, as it's better than being annoying. Supposedly.

This is how you end up with communities with n00bs on one side and elitist pricks on the other.

>> No.6203114

You know what I think the problem is? Shrinemaiden literally has a thread called "Let's make up some stupid theories!" on it's front page.

>> No.6203141

We need to make more absurdist Touhou theory threads. Be the Colbert to Shrinemaiden's Beck.

>> No.6203187

>These are theories you don't actually think are true, merely that they'd be interesting/entertaining if they were.
It was initially supposed to contain some fairly in-depth theories.. .People took way too many liberties with it, but I guess it was inevitable. I guess we should just not make any more threads in case idiots might turn them into shit, right?
80% of TARC is bad, pretty sure most people can agree with that.
