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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 893 KB, 1405x800, rivalsurvival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6200403 No.6200403 [Reply] [Original]

Continued From

>> No.6200406
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Call of Duty

>> No.6200412
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Musume's Blogging Girls [Translations]: http://hyakupa.net/wordpress/ [Sayu]
http://ameblo.jp/rakkety/ [Reina]
http://hellosgfans.org/translations-2/ [Multiple]

高橋愛 「I am Ai」 :

新垣里沙 [Niigaki Risa Blog]:

田中れいな [Tanaka Reina Blog]:

道重さゆみ [Sayumi Michishige Blog]:

光井愛佳ちゃん [Mitsui Aika "Days" FC Blog]:

【ジュンジュン ブログ】 JunJun's Blog

【リンリン ブログ】 LinLin's Blog

>> No.6200420
File: 569 KB, 1000x1430, ufa02384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eri Kamei - Eririn PB w/ Making-of DVD


Eri's new Photobook is out now!
This will be Eri's last Photobook while in Musume. From the previews, it looks like you won't want to miss it.

>> No.6200447
File: 32 KB, 127x180, autumn100914ni_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

モーニング娘。コンサートツアー2010秋 ~ライバル サバイバル~Musume Rival Survival Fall Tour 2010

10/02(土)  15:30  19:00  大阪・岸和田市立浪切ホール 大ホール ←次!
10/03(日)  16:00  --:--  香川・サンポート高松
10/10(日)  15:30  19:00  東京・中野サンプラザ
10/11(月)  14:30  18:00  東京・中野サンプラザ

モーニング娘。コンサートツアー2010秋~ライバルサバイバル~ [Goods]:
[HSUSA Pre-orders]: http://www.hellostoreusa.com

Setlist & Details: sayunii.wordpress.com/2010/09/18/“morning-musume-concert-tour-2010-fall-rival-survival”-918-even

Morning Musume Tochigi Concerts 100926
Day: ttp://www.sendspace.com/file/le4l7x
Night: ttp://www.sendspace.com/file/th9e43

Eri & the Pandas final Musume tour has begun. It was announced that the graduation concert will take place in Yokohama Arena on December 15th!
Check out the recent shows and goods pre-orders have begun at the Hello Store.

>> No.6200453
File: 81 KB, 360x482, aewen8367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any possibility a kind anon could link to the original post this picture is from? I'm assuming Reina's blog. Seen that pic and another similar to it, but somehow managed to miss the post itself...

>> No.6200465

And I mean the one in the post I linked to, not the pic I posted. Know where that came from.

>> No.6200469
File: 128 KB, 600x800, aewen8271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good afternoon anons,
restoring some civility and structure to the thread.

Some new concerts are available to download as Fall Tour is moving on. Couple brief appearances on the way as we go into October.

>> No.6200516
File: 213 KB, 640x480, o0640048010757060422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, no easy chore by the way, 33 pages deep already with Reina style blogging

All pictures are linked to her actual blog as you should know by now.

>> No.6200534

Ah, nice...didn't even know that English translation blog existed.
And yeah, I knew it was a while ago...had intended to ask when I saw the Ai/Reina pics posted a thread or two back, but just now remembered. Much thanks, friend orz

Still baffled as to how I managed to miss that entry...

>> No.6200629
File: 210 KB, 640x480, o0640048010772188147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't even know that English translation blog existed.
....That Reina blog translation site >>6200412
is one of the best I've seen because it is hard coded to directly tie in with Reina's blog.
And Reina is a quality Musume blogger too

Speaking of which, it sounds like they had a photo shoot in Okinawa and were on a boat again

Are you even aware of the Ai-chan blog translation site?

>> No.6200649

>on a boat
You'd better not be referring to what I think you're referring to w

>Are you even aware of the Ai-chan blog translation site?
Nah, I don't keep up on the blog translations since I don't really need them.

>> No.6200712
File: 132 KB, 359x640, o0359064010772402763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What possibly could you mean?

>I don't really need them.
Yea, Ai-chan isn't exactly posting deep and challenging blog entries..

>> No.6200726
File: 187 KB, 712x470, mc0094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd never thought I'd beeeee...

>> No.6200735
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>> No.6200751
File: 262 KB, 532x748, o0532074810772568090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What possibly could you mean?
That shit SNL skit...it was the fact that you specifically referred to them being on a boat, thought perhaps you were referencing that. Apparently you weren't, which is good. Fuck that.

>Yea, Ai-chan isn't exactly posting deep and challenging blog entries..
Well, I read the other members' blogs before Aichan got hers, and still do. Never really needed translations.
I'll admit I rely pretty heavily on Rikaichan, but I don't know nearly enough kanji not to w

And this isn't to say that you were purposefully ripping on Aichan's posting style, but...
Aichan's blog entries may not be terribly profound, but they're loaded with a simple charm that is distinctly her. She could post like this forever and I'd be more than happy.

>> No.6200774

MOTHERFUCKER, I've been had -___-

>> No.6200822
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>they're loaded with a simple charm that is distinctly her
As someone who follows all the girl's blogs and some OG's too, I can completely appreciate each girl's different posting style.

Even so, Ai-chan's blogging style as leader leaves me wanting more. I do really enjoy some of her pictures but honestly some of them are so dark and retro filtered it's hard to see certain things. But this is her artistic eye and perspective and she is a much older girl remember.

All of that being said, the fact that she blocks comments is still a major buzz kill and will be the main reason she won't be sticking around the top 10 for too long. I talked about this before but it is sort of a necessary part of blogging. I mean how else does she get opinions about the content she is posting...from other members nagging her probably.

Personally one of the reasons I got into the whole Musume blogging thing was how Reina's blog was spawned and created. Without her listening to the comments of people really just rallying for her thoughts and experiences each day, I don't think this whole thing would of even come to fruition. I take some pride in being a part of that movement.

And Sayu's blog was much more than I ever expected from her, I never thought she'd be so introspective.

>> No.6200866
File: 770 KB, 200x150, aewen2451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a boat!

You know I don't even think you were around the threads back then. You should just take a look at the thread where they were on that boat (part 98.3, oh lordy!)

>> No.6201062
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>> No.6201082
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>As someone who follows all the girl's blogs
If you're implying that I don't, you're wrong. Like I said, I've been reading the other members' blogs since way before Aichan got hers, almost from the start actually.

>Ai-chan's blogging style as leader leaves me wanting more
Obviously we have differing opinions on that...

>the fact that she blocks comments is still a major buzz kill and will be the main reason she won't be sticking around the top 10 for too long
Well, first of all, it's not about being in the top 10 anyway. That would be awesome, of course, but I'd rather Aichan have the kind of blog she wants than be ranking each day.
And on the whole comments thing, Reina clearly thrives on the constant attention and dialogue with the fans that comments bring. That kind of frenetic blogging pace fits Reina perfectly.
I can't say I know what Aichan's thinking, but I feel pretty damn confident saying that she doesn't want that kind of attention (even without knowing what she's thinking, the fact that her blog is no-comments is good evidence to support that). Actually I'm amazed she even has a blog at all, and I'm glad she's found a way to make it work for her. Make comparisons to the other members' blogs and say what you will about how she's breaking some kind of blogging rule all you want, but I don't feel she's doing anything other than infusing the whole thing with her own personal style.

>> No.6201097

>don't even think you were around the threads back then
lol, no I wasn't...I'll check it later on when I have a bit more time, at work atm

>> No.6201106
File: 292 KB, 1280x1082, hell72359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this from? A new DVD magazine?

>> No.6201118

Guessing it's from the new bus tour DVD...

>> No.6201155

09/28(火)新垣里沙・亀井絵里・リンリン「Morning Days5 vol.1&vol.2」
Ahh, that's right thanks for reminding me the FC release of Morning Days Vol 5 is out, very nice!

>> No.6201210

>If you're implying that I don't
No, just stating my background and I recall you saying many times you were checking up on member blogs since the beginning which are great, something we both know.

>it's not about being in the top 10 anyway
I know, I'm just mentioning why she won't be there. She is clearly going on her own pace and doing it her own way.

>damn confident saying that she doesn't want that kind of attention
I think I know where you are coming from as an Ai-chan fan but I prefer open communication even if that means more competition for your waifu

And as for breaking blogging rules, I'm not really saying there is anything set in stone, just that I think she is really passing up something that could help her grow by not having people speak to her. And in that process she will also harm in blogs standings in the rankings.

>infusing the whole thing with her own personal style.
Yea this is true but maybe I and others can help shake her to try something different.

>> No.6201281
File: 200 KB, 640x480, o0640048010772983612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wondering what they are shooting for now,
maybe a final 6th Gen Photobook?

That would be three Eri Photobooks in a single year then though...

>> No.6201301

>even if that means more competition for your waifu
I'm not going to say that wouldn't be a concern if she allowed comments, but that's certainly not one of the reasons I'm defending her deciding to go no-comments.
There have been times where I've wished I could respond to something she's written, but I know this is what she wants and that's what it's all about.

>maybe I and others can help shake her to try something different
Well, to each his own, but I feel that destroys the purpose of it being HER blog. If I want to read a MM member blog with comments and etc etc, I'll head over to Reina's or Sayumi's. This feels like Aichan, and that's exactly what I want from Aichan's blog. Makes sense to me...

>> No.6201432
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>> No.6201475
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>> No.6201573
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>but I feel that destroys the purpose of it being HER blog.
I'm not really following you on that one, no one is saying to usurp her control over the blog. I'm just suggesting to open a communication channel that is just so important to blogs.

And look at the JJ & LL blogs, they allow comments across three different languages. Considering what happened to them in the past blogs, this is a very bold move to do and I think they really have grown because of it.

>but I know this is what she wants
Sometimes you have to enter your hand on things such as this, agree to disagree on that point. She could read comments her own way, just have that channel open

>> No.6201661

モーニング娘。 - 女と男のララバイゲーム
Morning Musume's 44th Single, "Onna to Otoko no Lullaby Game"


Can't wait to hear this one, I wonder how it will be implemented into Fall Tour because I really thought the new single would capture the image of the Tour Poster and main outfits.

>> No.6202037
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>> No.6202164
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Man...if she doesn't want comments, then there shouldn't be comments. Obviously it's a big deal to you, and that's fine I guess, but I'm happy she's choosing to do things her own way. I really feel that the whole blog comment dialogue isn't like her at all, and I'd prefer she do what's natural to her 1000 times over anything else. Again, I want Aichan's blog to feel like Aichan, and not anyone else (that's what I meant by HER blog).
I understand that she COULD read comments in her own way, but obviously she doesn't want to...not right now, at least. I can respect that.

Anyway, I'm done. Argued my points and it's clear neither of us will budge...at this point I'm just going to start repeating myself w

>> No.6202366
File: 44 KB, 600x557, maki5133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2nd disc of this is pretty fun. Sounds off, but still good.

And I saw in the archives what you crazy people did with the last thread. Haywire.

>> No.6202582

>I'd prefer she do what's natural to her 1000 times over anything else.
To concede this argument I just want to make sure you think that is natural of her to not allow her blog followers make comments or talk to them.

I can understand this argument from a different point of view, only that you enjoy the notion of limiting her selection of contact with the fans, as in there is a style of selecting her feedback. That I can completely understand but all the stuff I said before still applies.

It was a good old fashion throwdown, lol. Actually as per the usual case, I tried to defuse the situation at multiple points and then it just blew wide open.

As for that disc 2, how are those rare versions, I remember reading a Maki wota not too impressed with it. Did you get your hands on a copy?

>> No.6202624
File: 41 KB, 360x640, c30ab597_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I'd be
blogging on a boat, blogging on a boat

>> No.6203021
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They're good, Maki has a solid voice. Not perticularly impressive since you know what to expect, sure, but it's not like anyone can say that she can't hold her own when doing these tracks solo, or when singing in korean for that matter.
It's not like they gave Sayu or Koharu a green light to do some fucked up solo verions of Musume songs.

>> No.6203041
File: 16 KB, 267x177, img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24:40~25:10 テレビ静岡「ビックリ!お仕事体験ツアー ジョブしるべ!!」新垣里沙・光井愛佳▽モー娘大混乱(秘)仕事▽幻の職人!!

Aika & Gaki's appearance on Job Shirube is tomorrow, would a kind soul please help find a stream for the TV Shizuoka. channel?

>> No.6203499
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>> No.6203654

that's a funny skit and a good satire that comments on the bloated, greed-centric hiphop industry. guess you just didn't get it.

>> No.6203677
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I'm ready

>> No.6203681
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>> No.6203690
File: 31 KB, 309x232, love_letter_032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just posting greatest idol of all time

>> No.6203724

wow look at that gaki, reminds me of the early 2000s gaki when she first joined

>> No.6203738
File: 70 KB, 250x445, 6713d81ag915bee9e9a4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like two sets of adventures today for two groups of Musumes.

>> No.6203759

There is nothing wrong with hating on the faggot Timberlake/Sandberg connection

>> No.6203766

timberlake wasn't in that skit! that video was making fun of that retard akon lol... it did get a bit abused by the common folk though.

>> No.6203781
File: 24 KB, 640x477, 1224478797620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost expecting the dcanonymous namefag to pop out right now

>> No.6203796

Are you African American?

>> No.6203810

gross no you JERK!

>> No.6203815


>> No.6203858


Just was wondering, guess I never really paid attention to that video further either...

>> No.6203967
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Good night anons,
pleasant traveling dreams

>> No.6204084
File: 1.23 MB, 1440x900, BEAMS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOT GMOD! Late to the party but stylish nonetheless!

>> No.6204982
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Reina will never strip in front of you ;_;

>> No.6205542
File: 12 KB, 180x320, 2010-09-29T19 51 01-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Morning trails

>> No.6205566
File: 556 KB, 1000x1320, opa00693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

モーニング娘。/アロハロ!4 モーニング娘。Blu-ray Disc

発売日 2010/11/24


Oh yes, we've got Alo-Hello coming out on Blu-Ray even! Can't wait to see everything in glorious HD detail.

>> No.6205724 [DELETED] 

モーニング娘。コンサートツアー2010秋 ~ライバル サバイバル~の

・2010年11月17日発売シングル PVソロVer.(8名分)
・Hello!Project 2010 SUMMER ~ファンコラ!
~ 8/8 中野サンプラザ 昼公演 MC(モーニング娘。9期オーデ

Oh man, Morning Musume's 10th Album on the way this year too! What the fuck?! It will be will feature the Pandas & Eri before they leave!

How does that even work, an album without any singles compromising its entirety? I can't wait for this

>> No.6205777
File: 77 KB, 640x480, o0640048010773875867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god yes, so ready for entire albums worth of new material

>> No.6205802

モーニング娘。コンサートツアー2010秋 ~ライバル サバイバル~の

・2010年11月17日発売シングル PVソロVer.(8名分)
・Hello!Project 2010 SUMMER ~ファンコラ!
~ 8/8 中野サンプラザ 昼公演 MC(モーニング娘。9期オーデ

Oh man, Morning Musume's 11th Album on the way this year too! What the fuck?! It will be will feature the Pandas & Eri before they leave!

How does that even work, an album without any singles compromising its entirety? I can't wait for this

>> No.6205835
File: 45 KB, 360x640, 170d5a9b640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6205865

>Can't wait to see everything in glorious HD detail.
I wouldn't count on it going by their concert release, that one had zero fine detail, poor contrast and numerous other issues. I honestly think it was upconverted video.

>> No.6205982
File: 290 KB, 1920x1080, naruup6957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about the Blu-Ray Shuffle Disc looked pretty good. And I think this is an interesting move to release Photobook material on Blu-Ray

>> No.6205994
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>my face when release announcements everywhere

>> No.6206090
File: 856 KB, 1000x1400, tekitou4596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm glad that the girls are getting quite a sendoff this time around, it really makes you wonder what sort of album this is going to be.

Will it be an album entirely filled with solo songs and 10 My Me sounding material or will it actually have a newer sound.

It is also makes you wonder if they will perform this album live at all during this tour? It doesn't seem that likely unless for the graduation show?

>> No.6206485
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>> No.6206690


My dick exploded from the SIEG HEIL!

Let alone lips-chan (eri) in the animal suit. Let alone Risa Niigaki looking like srs fukken biznaz. Let alone chinky-chan just being there (and doing it too).

My poor, poor dick. Everyone please pray for it.

>> No.6206736

Actually if you look closely, they are mimicking that little monkey guy but you want to see it as a salute....

Yea, I'm looking forward to watching this Morning Days, I hope that Linlin is able to pry into that Gaki-Kame combo

>> No.6207212
File: 237 KB, 640x480, o0640048010773875858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man it was beautiful weather here today,
good adventuring and boat weather to say the least

Musume helped bring that warm feel

>> No.6207378
File: 165 KB, 1000x700, aika2086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6207406


Dude, they have got to stop dressing up in military outfits. I cum way too fast for this shit. Usually when I'm masturbating to Musume I have plenty of time to imagine grand, romantic gestures on both our parts that fulfills me in every way by the end of the deed. Now it's just like... "i'm abo- O SHI-".

>> No.6207644


>> No.6207772
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>> No.6207783
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>> No.6208146
File: 38 KB, 856x480, Tsnaps0006291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This concert seems a little larger,
you gotta love how they run through the crowd first

>> No.6208151
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>> No.6208188
File: 36 KB, 856x480, Tsnaps0006292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Gaki-san looked so pretty for this and lots of green shirts there

>> No.6208506
File: 37 KB, 480x640, 373956210.100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else seeing this Ken Burns baseball special?

>> No.6208890
File: 123 KB, 446x480, IMG_1630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was up against the Twins/Royals series, so nope.

>> No.6208901
File: 12 KB, 180x320, 2010-09-30T06 25 17-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any pictures from this yet?

>> No.6208918

Watching a pointless series huh, definitely give it a watch, although heavy Yankee shit obviously it does a pretty good job covering up from 94 onward.

Don't worry, it's not like there was much from the Twins in it.

>> No.6209096
File: 207 KB, 1440x810, 689793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25:30~26:00 テレビ東京「美女学」田中れいな・リンリン・中島早貴・岡井千聖・スマイ

Previous Episode: http://www.hello-online.org/index.php?act=tracker&CODE=details&torrent=30749

The fitness competition continues tomorrow at the later time slot. Hopefully there will be some new announcement s on the show as well, as there is word that Bijo Gaku will be ending soon.

>> No.6209159
File: 1.29 MB, 1936x2592, 1955acb537c6ae29_IMG_0059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6209383

Hey, was that How to monkey baby movie ever released?

>> No.6209414

sieg heil

>> No.6209631
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>> No.6209635
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>> No.6209877


A CM with JunJun being hit on?

>> No.6209897 [DELETED] 

yeah, that was interesting. I thought they wouldn't ever do that because of the obvious problem of wotas trying to grab at them.

I wonder if Gaki-san and Sayu were lying when they said they want to participate in one of those unofficial Gaki-san or Sayu-fan meetings that the wotas hold every so often. I found it even more odd that they hadn't known about such meetings until Gaki-san stumbled across chatter about an Eri-fan meeting in her blog comments.....

>> No.6209904 [DELETED] 

yeah, that was interesting. I thought they wouldn't ever do that because of the obvious problem of wotas trying to grab at them.

From DVD mag 34, I wonder if Gaki-san and Sayu were lying when they said they want to participate in one of those unofficial Gaki-san or Sayu-fan meetings that the wotas hold every so often. I found it even more odd that they hadn't known about such meetings until Gaki-san stumbled across chatter about an Eri-fan meeting in her blog comments.....

>> No.6209908

yeah, that was interesting. I thought they wouldn't ever do that because of the obvious problem of wotas trying to grab at them.

From DVD mag 34, I wonder if Gaki-san and Sayu were lying when they said they want to participate in one of those unofficial Gakisan-fan or Sayu-fan meetings that the wotas hold every so often. I found it even more odd that they hadn't known about such meetings until Gaki-san stumbled across chatter about an Eri-fan meeting in her blog comments.....

>> No.6210934
File: 60 KB, 450x520, o0450052010775034614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning, friends~

Five new Aichan blog entries overnight...!

>> No.6211180
File: 39 KB, 250x445, 6713d81ag8f1f8d51a64b&690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G"morning anons

>> No.6211201
File: 711 KB, 853x1280, sample001eri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6211210
File: 275 KB, 807x800, epce5730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome Zushi! cover is awesome

>> No.6211236

This is from her web drama that took forever to release but is now finished.

>> No.6211259
File: 188 KB, 1440x810, 693844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe they are actually making them do that move

>> No.6211268
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>> No.6211275
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>> No.6211279
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>> No.6211285
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>> No.6211289
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>> No.6211302
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>> No.6211311
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So happy, it looks like the C-ute girls won this time around

>> No.6211314
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>> No.6211321
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>> No.6211362
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>> No.6211370
File: 250 KB, 1440x810, 693918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like the competition continues next week,
with the classic sports event with no cushion there?!

>> No.6211400
File: 334 KB, 1440x810, 693830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6211487

What the hell was that KFC special that would have Sayu & Kanon on it? lol

>> No.6211517
File: 37 KB, 470x430, 80560_201009300643716001285826061c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6211589

>I wonder if Gaki-san and Sayu were lying when they said they want to participate in one of those unofficial Gakisan-fan or Sayu-fan meetings

Was Sayu lying? Absolutely not, she would love to walk into that event and just have attention lavished upon her from every direction.

Gaki-san, I think just loves her fans so much she was just being polite, part of me just doesn't see her ever going through with it. But honestly the ones I've read about sound like a lot of fun.

>that they hadn't known about such meetings until Gaki-san stumbled across chatter

That is very surprising, considering these events are often arranged around specific concerts in hometowns or birthdays to honor them, etc. It also is strange because you'd figure these event planners would send out the information or a rundown of what they had planned in their honor.

Either there is some bad communication going on or some bad memory.

>> No.6211642
File: 264 KB, 1049x891, hellodd0759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eri Digital Photobook wk. 1

>> No.6211650
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>> No.6211728
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>> No.6211819

Actually it was just three but glad to see them.
Unfortunately, her ranking went right out the window...

I do wonder what she has been up to during all these member trips and photo shoots

>> No.6211896

>just three
Depends on when you went to bed w, all I know is that when I went to sleep there were none and when I woke up there were five.

>> No.6212228
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>> No.6212267 [DELETED] 
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Dat nose...

>> No.6212294
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Dat nose. Even Kanon can't help but stare.

>> No.6212350
File: 212 KB, 492x700, aewen6498n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm ready

>> No.6212612
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Thanks. I love every chance to hear her speak her native language~

>> No.6212667

Surprised you weren't aware of the whole thing. But then again it really has only come out in bits and pieces over a long time.

I wonder if she will get into C-Dramas when she returns, it's not entirely out of reason.

>> No.6212751
File: 107 KB, 695x477, hellogirls35873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it yen!

So many pre-orders to arrange and the shit keeps going up...and it doesn't look like its going to get better by November...

Fuck you global recession

>> No.6213080
File: 78 KB, 754x533, aewen2052j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living so large

>> No.6213092

can somebody elaborate on this post please?


the video was deleted and i'm pretty curious about it. i really hope it's not true...

>> No.6213125

We never got a translation of that appearance so it could be completely out of context. If you are capable the appearance is here.


>> No.6213166
File: 259 KB, 1280x1024, maki5163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i really hope it's not true...
Haha, how so? Having a boyfriend when you're 10? I had a girlfriend when I was 10. It was cute.

Slaughtering zombies with all kinds of shit, booze, 2 new Blacklisted songs, Trap Them album is named, Framtid, Maki Best of 2nd disc. Have a good one, anons.

New update today, the girl didn't say anything about anything, sadly, staying busy, recording music and doing tv, the usual.
Also: wallpaper.

>> No.6213256

that post said SINCE she was ten...

>> No.6213293

Yea you gotta love how he side steps that fact,
but nothing is confirmed either way and when I watched the video it certainly didn't give the impression of some huge broken secret.

>New update today, the girl didn't say anything about anything,
That 24th of Nov has become a pretty huge release day, lots of good stuff coming. So hopefully we'll be getting some teasers of her new material.

>Slaughtering zombies with all kinds of shit
Going out at night again in the country side?

>> No.6213297

looks like a troll post... calling a 13 year old a non virgin... yeah...

>> No.6213412
File: 31 KB, 400x300, x2025739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having the same boyfriend since she was 10? For 15 years? Doubtful. She broke up with her boyfriend last year around the time that Sweet Black came out, that much she said. Before that it was that tabloid (Friday iirc) article where "woman from the neighborhood" and other credible sources talked about when she broke up with her other boyfriend when her brother went to jail. So I wouldn't believe that post.

>hopefully we'll be getting some teasers of her new material.
It's Avex so I'm sure we'll get that.
And yes, nightly country side mayhem.

>Trap Them album is named
>Just so you know, the title of this blog is not the title of the record.

Awwww... I'm still happy though.

>> No.6213512

>I had a girlfriend when I was 10. It was cute.

Did you have the sex?

>> No.6213558

You are perverted, reported

>> No.6213652

Speaking of actual good bands, Soundgarden reunited, you excited?

>> No.6213838
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>> No.6213939
File: 36 KB, 443x333, maki5158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soundgarden reunited, you excited?
Nope. Didn't like grunge then, sure as shit not gonna like it now.
Although, I remember Temple of the Dog's Hunger Strike being pretty damn great.

Does anyone know if there was ever any date attached to this apperence? Maybe I'm going blind.

>> No.6213987

>Nope. Didn't like grunge then

They weren't grunge junior, just listen to Jesus Christ Pose and watch a real guitarist rock

>> No.6214089

Oh Maki-fag trying to make me rage, not tonight friend.

>> No.6214166
File: 42 KB, 610x405, maki4875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, close enough since they apparently get mislabled as that by everyone, myself included. Sorry. popular in the 90's alternative something from Seattle signed to that one label that I can't remember the name of. Beavis and Butthead.

No need to rage over a dead genre. This isn't skramz.

>> No.6214197

It's ok, I understand you were a little indonesian babby back then, no sweat

>> No.6214223

>speaking of good bands
>listens to j-pop (and idols at that)
At least you aren't deluding yourself about the appeal of Morning Musume.

Soundgarden was good music. But look at Alice in Chains. They reformed without Lain Staley, and it's shitty. If there are any Audioslave remnants left inside Chris Cornell and it emerges in their new songs, it's going to be exactly like AiC; where it just doesn't fukken compute for me.

There is a difference between bands evolving into a new sound and bands just plain sucking after awhile.

Also it's funny that one dude who likes Maki Goto (she's a butterface) mentioning Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike. That was their only good song while Soundgarden has entire albums of quality. But then again he seems to like only 1 certain part of the whole.

captcha: distorting reality

>> No.6214313

>listens to j-pop (and idols at that)
Two different realms anon, I like my rock and indie rock one way and my idols to be Musume

And just so you know certain bands are timeless, or at least for a few decades.

But anyways, enough with this off topic talk, just was tossing out an interesting reunion and thought he was slightly cool

>> No.6214344
File: 108 KB, 610x918, maki4883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my nationality on here, haha.
Now I'm just looking for another genre to put Soundgarden in since I always related them to the Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam whathaveyou.

>(she's a butterface)
You take that back, motherfucker!
>That was their only good song
Mmm, that's the only one I remember atleast. Like I said: I was never a fan of any of these bands. Legendary and insanely influential, yes, just not my thing.

>> No.6214410

>and my idols Musume
Well, if you were going to worship an asian female, at least you picked the team with the hottest ones on it.

>You take that back, motherfucker!
Well, if you are in heat about this, I will say that she ain't the ugly duckling here or anything. Still above average for asians.

Musume has had some cool women, it was just when you guys started talking about 90s alt rock from America I got confused about a couple things. I had always assumed you had actually convinced yourself that--just because your crush was singing it--Musume music was your favorite of all. Nice to get a better view of you idolfags; one of a slightly less over-indulging persona than before.

>> No.6214475
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x940, ZZzzzzZzZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still above average for asians.
Still better than anything one would get out of 98.8% of /jp/'s posters. I'll take it.

Good night, anons.

>> No.6214499

Soundgarden is metal with an honorary grunge title (some honor amirite?). The new video is actually pretty cool, Brendon Small directed it. Chris Cornell has an amazing voice and I wouldn't mind him singing me to sleep.

>> No.6214605
File: 317 KB, 1000x1430, ufa00557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's good to hear brother

>> No.6214647

Those are some thunder thighs.

>> No.6214678

>one of a slightly less over-indulging persona than before.
Woa bro, especially in my case don't think that way. Probably for a lot of bros here too. I have ratios of a musical catalogs that I enjoy.

>Musume music was your favorite of all
The fact that I happen to honestly love them also helps them in the rankings. Idols are a different thing altogether too, I mean it is a lifestyle you can jump right into.

>with the hottest ones on it.
Again, you are missing a huge part of puzzle here too. It is much more personal and character loving going on, it's not just about looks. It's why personally I despise Western whore pop so vehemently.

Of course there is honor in that title, don't let metal crust fag tell you otherwise.

>Brendon Small directed it
It's another reason I decided to bring it up and I just really love Kim Thayil, the man basically laid the hard rock sound foundation for pretty much the entire 90's.

>> No.6214781
File: 600 KB, 1424x1000, aewen2824g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan turns 7 years old today, October 1st.

Wow, congrats and just think, Ai & Gaki have been with Musume all of that time!

Great times, I expect celebrations!

>> No.6214887
File: 347 KB, 1050x1483, img20090929141537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well start

>> No.6214915
File: 422 KB, 1507x2295, sleepyaichan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man I just went into that IRC room, ridiculous.
But it is time for sweet slumber, good night /jp/.

>> No.6215187

They have been in Momusu 9 years. Helluva track record.

>It is much more personal and character loving going on, it's not just about looks

Well, I just wanna note the differences between Western pop and idol-pop. In America, you invest your emotions into the music, not the artist. In idol-culture, the music is just an excuse to give your idol an adrenaline rush, because everyone has so many emotions invested in her that if she fucks just one guy, 10k ppl commit suicide in her name.

Note earlier I was sayin that when I realized you actually didn't fall in love with them cause of the music. I know each girl has a certain TV personality that they've come up with, as that's really the only thing I've ever seen with Musume girls (tv appearances and OPVs).

Since you cashed out for tonight, I'll go ahead and give you some more to read for when you get up tomorrow. Little bit about my introduction to these people.

[to be cont..]

>> No.6215207

[I'm drunk again so hopefully this thread will remain up for me to reread tomorrow, unlike a couple nights ago. I just remember waking up on the floor, inbetween this chair and the desk behind me, in a fetal position. no knowledge of anything, with a reply in the comment box trying to defend Yossie's honor. Needless to say: Bacardi 151 is amazing)

[cont from above..]

One obscure-numbered day in the year 2008 (MMVIII)... which was a leap year... that started on Tuesday--in the Gregorian calendar, it was the 2008th year of the Common Era or of Anno Domini; the... well you get the point. Couple years ago, I typed in "Japanese punk rock" (my memory is blurry here, pretty sure I added the word "chicks" to the end, with Safe Search OFF) and lo and behold, guess what I found? My friend, it... was... beautiful! HANGRY & ANGRY, covered in majestic adobe photoshop, lavished in hangings, fuming of hair-spray and standing awkardly without knowing what exactly would make them look, even more, hardcore. That's when it clicked. The camera, capturing the still-life of lives that, although in motion, were probably very quiet and unaware within, so much so that it would rather forego movement until a heart-felt reason for their actions could be cemented upon the foundations of reality, but nay, none such could be afforded to them; an action, without much or any cause was taken that day.

ME, basking in my 40-watt bulb, noisily shifting my weight in an old wooden chair, scanning the thumbnails (which I clearly remember now is why I added "chicks", because if i hadnt it would have been a web search, not images FORGIVE ME, i was young and confused ) found my eyes, my very own eyes doing a bidding of their own. I started! These eyes, given to me by my ancestors, passed down through generations of trial and error of evolution, would no longer obey their master!


>> No.6215214

I remember shouting. "It is not of your concern which frequencies in certain proximities of spatial coordinates you absorb! It is me who will decide where you look, now quit these shennanigans and return to this way, nevermore..."

But they did not listen, no they--instead--Glistened! Brightening, brightening evermore! It was HANGRY, t'was ANGRY... tap-tap-tapping my foot on the floor, as the nerves in my hands, ran far cross qwerty lands, stopping... at the mousy pad thing on my laptop.

Double click and that was it. Needless to say they weren't what I was looking for in the Japanese punk music genre, but still I looked up their names to learn more about them.

So yeah, once I saw MM I thought it was just a large girl-group, like any other. But noooo... no no no. It literally was months, before I figured out what they were. A group of "idols". Or as I have taken to calling them: terebi gurufurendo.

So I admit, I still to this day, I am completely unsure of my position on this virgin stance they have taken to sell their group/themselves. My decision was that I will never understand it, and that I will forever remain in-limbo with my search for an answer; letting fate decide that if I end up marrying Yossie or lips-chan, or hell... even legs-chan or chinky-chan, I'll just ask them to explain that shit as best they can. In english

>> No.6215707
File: 82 KB, 792x960, mc1033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when drunk-ass drunkenness leads to arguments about something like 90's alternative.
I also love it when other people's drunkenness leads to posts like these:

Good times.

I also love mail day and first pressings.

I also love the fact that they split releases up so that I don't have to download 16.1 GB to see Maki stand around clapping behind Ayu and whohaveyou. 700 MB, that's more like it. I wonder if the DVD has a release date yet, then we get 1:30 of actual performance.

Hello thread.

>> No.6216105
File: 132 KB, 682x1023, aichandb58_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rise and shine!
It is a special day

>> No.6216185
File: 173 KB, 1440x810, Yossi25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh lordie what am I reading?!

>> No.6216198
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Morning meow

>> No.6216245

        __ ガシャ
ノノハヽo∈「| || ガシャ
 U   ).  lli

>> No.6216262
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Yeaa for KonKon, starting her news anchor position at TV Tokyo in April!

>> No.6216290

eri day

>> No.6216293
File: 177 KB, 1198x607, hell72371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6216309
File: 278 KB, 1037x1600, aewen2731e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working hard today, anon?

>> No.6216416
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>> No.6216662

musume music is genuinely great, some of the best pops of all time. just because i love da gurls doesn't mean the music isn't also at the center of the genki vortex. i'm under no sort of delusion. every genre has its ups and downs!

>> No.6216742
File: 38 KB, 480x640, o0480064010777126457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just because i love da gurls doesn't mean the music isn't also at the center of the genki vortex.

You still drinking there Yossie anon? Strangely, I think I can understand you.

>> No.6216806
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, nat00762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6216826

Nope. I'm on lunch, eating grilled chicken salad from MickeyD's and just dropping by for a sec. Wanted to see if there were any reparations I owed for last night.

"Az foe da gurlz, mang" and their genki vortex (which is supa kawaii desu, I'm more than willing-to-bet), I am unable to decipher it too. Seems like he's mixing Lucky Star with Musume. My posts earlier clearly have some leaning towards Edgar Alan Poe and Musume.

captcha: lindebt worst
Not kidding (about captcha). Poor chinky-chan really was sinking Musume's internal revenue

>> No.6216876

How many years of hard drugs have you got under your belt now?

>> No.6217001
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>> No.6217131
File: 268 KB, 1200x1800, tekitou0294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have the pictures and/or video of where Eri wears a white see thru shirt?

>> No.6217175
File: 89 KB, 843x1200, eveningchaps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your intentions seem lewd

>> No.6217467
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>> No.6217544

10/02(土) 26:53~27:42 NHK総合(関西)「大阪発疾走ステージ WEST WIND」モーニング娘。(HD放送)

> 10/2(土) NHK総合「WEST WIND」【再】※関西ローカル 26:55~27:45

Do we have a new episode of West Wind early morning tomorrow? Just double checked the H!P media page and yes we do!

>> No.6217558
File: 37 KB, 480x640, 1282618109836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


New wallpaper get. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.6217613

Start from the front and draw a line to all your favorite members in each row

>> No.6217649
File: 857 KB, 2545x1800, hatersgonnahate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6217695

Interesting indeed

>> No.6217783 [DELETED] 

That would be six. Nothing in the last 2 years though and probably for the rest of my life.

But fear not, I don't advocate such behavior. I never tell anyone about them or what their like so they won't be predisposed to a positive light on something that can fuck you over; and quickly at that.

This was to dispel your fears that I would drag Musumes into a downward spiral of sex, drugs, an idol-pop. And for your information, yes, I can quite clearly hear what you're already saying: "haha, as if he'll ever meet a musume".

Beware (ominous, I know). I have a tendency to "pull" things I am interested in to me. Even from far away places in the world. As far as the FC stuff aichan-fan does, that's not what I'm talking about. I'll sit here and continue my life in stride, and they will come to me. Depending on how I really feel, although the jap-girl interest in me is a bit foggy. I haven't realized the extent--if any--that I feel about having a Japanese, adrenaline-addicted, attention-whoring former (or current) quote idol unquote living life around me. Although I can imagine some extremely funny things that they would say, just while hanging out playing video games and watching movies on the couch.

If so, meh. If not, all right.

>> No.6217905
File: 1.96 MB, 250x164, aewen2302a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't know how to respond to that exactly other than I hope you find some sort of peace and happiness from Musume or H!P.

You sound like you have some delusions to work out a little still though or rather non specific goals.

>> No.6218100
File: 286 KB, 640x460, 4607780007_0e2f7407e0_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is HelloStoreUSA's first birthday

>In our first 12 months, HelloStoreUSA has shipped over 1500 orders and over 10,000 items to H!P fans in the United States and around the world

>We've already announced our 2nd Flickr Photo Contest (see info below), and now...

>H!P Twitter Trivia starts Tuesday October 5!

Speaking of anniversaries, our very own Hello Store has reached a full year of service now. Spawning out of the excitement and demand from the Anime Expo, we saw how our fans came together to support H!P.

Considering the massive undertaking of replicating the top level service of the Hello Shop in Japan I think they deserve praise for I just felt like saying something.

Because they have been doing really good work over there and have adapted to the fans demands and now we enjoy the ability to feel a little closer to our favorite groups when their special tours and events happen in the world.

>> No.6218367

PROTIP: Read all the posts in Sideshow Bob's (Kelsey Grammar) voice .

and if you don't know who that is, just try to read them like a book on tape.

Hard to contend with your senses, as you seem extremely serious about something so foreign, yet casual as if it was normal in the first place.

>> No.6218587
File: 156 KB, 1198x1700, aewen6230r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready for tonight

>> No.6218611

Is this you? The twitter is frightening

>> No.6218681
File: 146 KB, 600x803, pasta_typhoon4582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6218747
File: 38 KB, 600x546, maki5134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-- 30 ** ** ** ** **  *74 1,920 2010/09/22(水) 後藤真希「COMPLETE BEST ALBUM 2001-2007 ~Singles & Rare Tracks~」

This is what happens.
I'm proud of the Maki fans, and I wonder if UFA is done now.

>> No.6218767

This is what happens? There was absolutely no promotion and from what I've read, it looked like Maki wotas did buy it too.

A little less in total but not far off my estimates.

>if UFA is done now
I think you are missing the premise of the last of these types of albums.

I guess there is no question that Avex is now at the helm of all things Maki now. They better have some good stuff for her second mini album and some solid media promotion.

>> No.6218802

not yossie anon and definitely not that raging lunatic ---> >>6216826

holy shit

>> No.6218852

So then you are>>6218611

There is nothing scarier than an underage Mexican lesbian wota...seriously

one is also stalking the shit out of Gaki-san on her blog as well. I really should get on calling out her crazy shit.

>> No.6218864

anyone notice the pipe-cleaners in her hair?

no, and she needs to learn how to take it easy

>> No.6218912

>There was absolutely no promotion
Yup, and this is what happens. Trying to cash in on her current popularity from the Avex stuff by getting her new fans to look into her H!P discography. But the people that pushed One into the top 10 were nowhere to be seen.

I'm just thinking what other ways that could use her name. DVD collection maybe?
and Avex will roll out the same promotion stuff they did for One.

>> No.6218956
File: 153 KB, 861x643, 20030730-all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight in honor of the 7th anniversary of 4chan, I believe that it is only appropriate to rock out to a classic Musume concert from that exact time period.

And this one is a special one with the grand and massive 15nin Morning Musume lineup!

Morning Musume Concert Tour 2003 - 15nin NON STOP!
(Yokohama Arena / 2003.10.5 )

So to bridge together old friends with new friends old memories with new ones, together with /jp/ and all of the good recent times we've had here, I say cheers tonight! And I hope you can join in!

>> No.6219057
File: 413 KB, 1423x1000, 20030319-all03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god the introductions alone were glorious,
just wished the HD user had the whole show up

>> No.6219174
File: 44 KB, 347x470, 80610_201010010522140001285931511c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

モー娘。亀井絵里、今秋卒業後も 「音楽に携わりたい」

Our lovely turtle is all grown up now ;______;
She looks so pretty here

>> No.6219233

i'm no girl so stop trolling!

>> No.6219297

didn't realize how fat mari got til i saw the music hour special with those old utaban clips with her fat face in the little box in the corner of the screen ;_;

>> No.6219354

That Yossie fan was here last thread, I guarantee you that. You look at that profile and all the markings are there.

Which means I'm trying to figure who you are exactly..who is your favorite Musume girl again?

>> No.6219424
File: 96 KB, 704x1001, 20040727-ai04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? We're tolerating this shit? Disappointing, people...

Anyway, evening friends.

>> No.6219434

Why are you so confused and what are you trying to accomplish? World's biggest Mari fan staring you in the face and you gonna be talkin reckless like a busta? Bitch please, the day I ever call junlin a chink I will personally kill myself... execution style... myself.

>> No.6219464
File: 820 KB, 2545x1800, myfavisall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6219468

I don't even know what to say about that person yet..

But anyways, how are you?! I hope you are watching the concert, lots of classic Ai-chan moments.

>> No.6219478

>Mari fan staring you

Oh god, Gutsack, that explains a lot of the trolling....but even so something still doesn't add up

>> No.6219485

i've literally posted like 5 sentences in the past 3 threads man, i haven't even trolled anyone... when i troll, mountains crumble.

>> No.6219490
File: 180 KB, 768x1024, o0768102410777962997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how are you?!
Not bad, been slacking off something awful on homework lately but I've been running full speed for too long...needed a break...
Also playing Mafia II, which is alright I guess. Good enough to keep my attention.

>I hope you are watching the concert
Got the DVD, actually...but if I started it now it'd end way past when I'm planning to go to bed. Nice choice though, I really should watch it sometime soon. Been in the mood for an older Musume concert anyway.

As for the picture...
Lovely indeed~

>> No.6219543

>That Yossie fan was here last thread, I guarantee you that.

Great detective work. see: >>6215207
>I'm drunk again so hopefully this thread will remain up for me to reread tomorrow, unlike a couple nights ago.

Don't feel too bad though. Someone also blamed me for the "genki vortex". I've been waxing dramatic in every post; no need for weaboo shit here.

'bout to watch that concert from 7 years ago. Cheers?

>> No.6219556

you some kind of japanophileaphobe? kill yourself.

>> No.6219582

Something about the findings of duality in idol culture making you choke on it? Gag all the way.

Come at me bro

>> No.6219602

Um, what.

>> No.6219621
File: 165 KB, 692x992, 20040722-all02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That concert prepared me for everything that the graduation concert could be this year.

>> No.6219640

I think he's a pseudo-intellectual wannabe tough guy. Watch out, you're on the internet!

>> No.6219655

Only sense I could make from this was that I'm bipolar on Japan.

>> No.6219681

Made sense to me... You seem to be quick to rage at the use of romanji and throw around hateful terms like "weaboo" (sic). Perhaps you are projecting your insecurities upon others?

>> No.6219744

So he meant I hate people who are obsessed with Japan.

I use weaboo all the time on this website, as does everyone else.

>> No.6219751
File: 38 KB, 180x128, autumn100928ni_070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6219865

Dunno why I'm arguing. Disregard the weaboo name-calling. Going to take it easy.

You saved a thumbnail.

>> No.6219882


>> No.6220047 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 1049x1471, radioaika1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot, it is October 2nd, you you . .. ... ...

>> No.6220106
File: 394 KB, 1100x750, ufa02366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night /jp/,
stay true to your dreams

>> No.6220362

what's the significance of the number 8? is that from sweet? that was her 8th PB lol.

>> No.6221269

>You saved a thumbnail.
Stop trying so damn hard.

That's a preview pic from the H!P official site, and as far as I'm aware the only way those pics have been released is through that "thumbnail". Whoever posted that was sharing the new official live pics.

>> No.6221667
File: 327 KB, 1100x790, opa01028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /jp/ !

>> No.6221764
File: 149 KB, 768x1024, o0768102410779818130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our girls went to war yesterday and stand ready for action today

>> No.6221767
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>> No.6221774
File: 134 KB, 768x1024, o0768102410779844700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy leader rules with an iron fist

>> No.6221777
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>> No.6221782
File: 61 KB, 287x310, 1281380346794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- you

>> No.6221932

The West Wind appearance is coming up in 30 minutes or so, do we have a working stream.

The gundams are down again...maybe TVAnts has NHK going

>> No.6222068
File: 196 KB, 1440x810, 1286021225659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess there is no stream...

>> No.6222125
File: 82 KB, 720x475, tor_309123035_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I didn't know Aby was still making Magazines.
Pleasant surprise to see two of them pop up on the tracker.

>> No.6222219
File: 1.66 MB, 1936x2592, 171084181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Nacchi, new play coming out soon with Koharu

>> No.6222447 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 1202x1705, aewen6247r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6222462
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>> No.6222651
File: 240 KB, 703x1000, aewen2738e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping /jp/ clean

>> No.6223479
File: 175 KB, 968x1296, offgaki5092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, it took me a lot longer to recover from yesterday than I'd like...

>> No.6223805
File: 229 KB, 1704x960, aewen2876g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat Gaki-Kame

>> No.6223817 [DELETED] 

Morning Musume - DVD Magazine No.33 (Part 2)

Speaking of Gaki-Kame, this person has released his second part of his Volume 33 translation primer.

>> No.6223826
File: 319 KB, 1917x1080, aewen2834g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning Musume - DVD Magazine No.33 (Part 2)

Speaking of Gaki-Kame, this person has released his second part of his Volume 33 translation primer.

>> No.6224185
File: 94 KB, 480x854, 103738947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The night calls again anons, hope your weekend is going well. Keeping the cheer going for this fall tour weekend.

It is a good night for Rival Survival and Musume, cheers!

>> No.6224267
File: 215 KB, 1440x810, jphip10861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone catch this show with Yossie, Rika & Mari?

>> No.6224277
File: 164 KB, 1440x810, uptv0000991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6224292
File: 178 KB, 1440x810, uptv0000996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6224349

no but i will, was it on last night?

>> No.6224495

Yea it must of been, I'm keeping my eye out for it.
There was some scenes with Yossie running at the end against Misono who won the marathon.

>> No.6224545
File: 12 KB, 320x180, 2010-10-03T11 39 35-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6224679
File: 57 KB, 735x662, img20100602203028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys I need zum new indie idol group to follow or zum oldies but goodies idols, any good recommendation?

pic related my wifu

>> No.6224694

idk about indie j-pop, try Nice Girl Project which includes THE Possible for some underrated idol pops.

As for oldies, here is your best resource:

>> No.6224699

Start by avoiding anything Morning Musume. Most of the faggots in this thread will beginning by recommending it utter trash like Love Machine, forgetting that it was just some low-level propaganda song with no redeeming qualities.
They'll also try to smooth talk you by overhyping their carismaless idols, like bloatface Riisa Nigacki or whatever she's called. Don't pay attention to their vacuous pitch talks and instead ask yourself, if these people had all the talent those shitmuncher claim they have, then why an agency with as many connections and inside tracks as Harlot!Project still fails miserably at marketing each and every single one of them?

>> No.6224713
File: 292 KB, 856x1026, kawai025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thnx bro I already know that source,and also I do hear about The Possible but I dont know they look quite to young for me, anyway I still think they are underrated to.

>> No.6224727

>THE Possible
LOL restaurant entertainers. Get the fuck out.

>underrated idol pops
I still cry for Canaria Club. All the other members in Nice Shit Project were former Harlot!Project rejects and assorted low-cut garbage and they deserved to stay where they are as a solid proof of what a tantless hack Tsunku actually is, but Canaria Club wasn't.
Stick to underage girls wrestling and stop pretending to be an idol producer, Tsunku, because you have always been a failure at it and UFA acknowledged it 13 years ago.

>> No.6224742

Well that's the best I can do, if you have last.fm it's easy to find new artists based on what you listen to as well. You'll have to pardon our resident anti-Musume troll, lol.
I think just about anyone who knows what j-pop is is already aware of Morning Musume. So sorry.

>> No.6224751

Beiber fan


>> No.6224755
File: 68 KB, 445x278, 1275623933256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Feam, they look cute, and they are not so popular among other idol groups :D

Captcha agency sannicks

>> No.6224765 [DELETED] 

>anti-Musume troll

Oh, don't flatter yourself that I ate those poor mockeries of an idol, bro. Hating is a powerful feeling which necessitates a great deal of obsession. The reality is that they are so boring and uninteresting I can't even bother to insult them directly.
I just hate Morning Musume fans and wish they would die alone, paralyzed in their bed. Just that, can't a man just dream? Morning Musume, or whatever worthwhile is left of them, is just guilty by association, guilty of having you as their fans.

>> No.6224762

>still fails miserably at marketing each and every single one of them
Good question

>> No.6224769

Bad day at work? Someone mention your aspergers in front of the whole office?

>> No.6224771

>anti-Musume troll

Oh, don't flatter yourself by thinking that I hate those poor mockeries of an idol, bro. Hating is a powerful feeling which necessitates a great deal of obsession. The reality is that they are so boring and uninteresting I can't even bother to insult them directly.
I just hate Morning Musume fans and wish they would die alone, paralyzed in their bed. Just that, can't a man just dream? Morning Musume, or whatever worthwhile is left of them, is just guilty by association, guilty of having you as their fans.

>> No.6224780
File: 128 KB, 480x1225, w5133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A commun H!P fan

>> No.6224790 [DELETED] 

The funny thing is that J.B. sings better than Morning Musume? Why don't you follow J.B. instead of wasting your time with Morning Musume.
I see you overrating their singing skills (which they lack) to mind-numbingly ludicrous levels, which only tells me those stuck-up, sheltered pieces of cardboard literally have no other merit to speak of. We all know this, so just drop the pretense and be honest at least with yourself.

>> No.6224805

The funny thing is that J.B. sings better than Morning Musume, so why the fuck don't you follow J.B. instead of wasting your time with them?
I see you overrating their singing skills (which they lack) to mind-numbingly ludicrous levels, which only tells me those stuck-up, sheltered pieces of cardboard literally have no other merit to speak of. We all know this, so just drop the pretense and be honest at least with yourself.

>> No.6224809
File: 238 KB, 1280x2880, uri2121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese Idol culture is WAY MORE COMPLEX,
pic realted

>> No.6224825

Damn, you got nicknames for Beiber?

>> No.6225059

Oh my god, reported for long winded and pathetic same trolling, fucking crawl back to whatever fucking cavern of the internet you came from, jesus

>> No.6225293
File: 128 KB, 700x700, sleepymaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night /jp/
Sweet peaceful dreams

>> No.6226490

check it


>> No.6226493

the best part, which makes me a little jealous! is that she responded to like a billion fans!

>> No.6227112

Morning anons, looks like we are image max'd
suggestions for next OP?

Maybe trio picture in honor of new bus tour?

>> No.6227112,1 [INTERNAL] 

Image Max hit
Next thread here, enjoy!
