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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6180493 No.6180493 [Reply] [Original]

try to make it /jp/ related

for me, I hate touhou but try to talk about it to fit in with everyone

>> No.6180496

go back to /g/

>> No.6180495

The actual flesh and blood people in your life best talk about touhou a lot, nigger.

>> No.6180501

I ask for links to Touhou fanfics online.

>> No.6180500

I think illegally downloading things is wrong, so I don't do it.

>> No.6180497

Oh boy, this thread is going to go places!

>> No.6180499

I tend to announce it when I report threads. I guess I'm afraid that the meido isn't here at the moment and there needs to be some other sign left that the thread isn't wanted.

>> No.6180504

I love Momone Momo.

>> No.6180509

I watch the Disney Channel for masturbatory purposes.

>> No.6180514



On topic:
- Although I consider myself a Touhou fan, I tend to play other STGs more than Touhou games
- Does Nocturnal Illusions count as a VN? if so, that would be the last one I've played from beginning to end.
- I think 3d women are awesome.

>> No.6180520

i've never actually finished a game of touhou but i love it anyway. i still play and practice though

>> No.6180522

>Although I consider myself a Touhou fan, I tend to play other STGs more than Touhou games

Look, an actual primary fan! I thought they all long died out...

>> No.6180523

I had gay cybersex with ZUN!bar on irc.

>> No.6180525

I suck at Touhou.

>> No.6180532

I have only 1cc'd EoSD. Do I count as a primary fan?

>> No.6180534

Did you use the hitbox patch?

>> No.6180536

I only enjoy Touhou for the characters, the games do not appeal to me.

>> No.6180538

I've never played a touhou game and probably never will, but I like the music, characters and doujins anyway.

>> No.6180539

I'm currently employing the services of a spammer... but since your thread states /jp/ related...

I made this thread >>6179880 and forgot to put my tripcode.

>> No.6180540

No. It's easy enough to figure out.

>> No.6180555

Horrible at shumps, and haven't really 1cc'd any of them. Though I like recommendations.

Haven't played a VN, though Saya No Uta is on my list.

>> No.6180559

Uh....I'm completely baked right now

>> No.6180566

I'm actually a well known tripfag who samefags his own posts, even if you figure out who I am, you'll never prove it's me.

>> No.6180574

I used to play Touhou games and enjoy the fanworks until I played Umineko and realized I loved it 5x more.

>> No.6180582
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Anonymous Jones

>> No.6180583

I'm a virgin both in the online and offline world. I turn 27 in a few months.

>> No.6180612

For some reason, I love to see boys cum. I'm not even gay or anything but I really love it.

Also, I have nobody to confess this to but you, /jp/.

>> No.6180620

Thanks to all the spam and shitty threads, I've been spending a lot less time than the usual on /jp/.

>> No.6180621

what age group do you mean when you say boys

>> No.6180625

i im a /toy/ user (figma collector) and i hate /jp/
if i come here i stay saving images and i hate that

>> No.6180630

I have a 3 dimensional girlfriend, a degree, a decent job and the ability to maintain high levels of personal hygiene.

I know.

>> No.6180632

I hate Touhou (it should really be spelt Toho, but I'm a romanisationfag so meh)

>> No.6180639

Pretty much 11-25.

>> No.6180640


Confession time. Not "I lie-like-usual-time".

>> No.6180642

It's 東方 Project. It's not proper without the project after words and it must be in English.

>> No.6180646

If you don't have an adorable daughter, then you have nothing to brag about.

>> No.6180648


Who's Momone Momo?

Confession: I like drawing pooshlmer's mascots.

>> No.6180659

Unlike most of you here, I'm also not a sick pedophile with weird incestuous fantasies disguised as some weird perversion of fatherhood.

My point was actually that I'm the one considered weird here.

>> No.6180667

Not really. You are pretty normal, just different from us. It's not weird or strange, we get normalfags wandering here every time.

>> No.6180677

I don't like touhou's being sexualized

I like Mitori and Sasha VERY MUCH

I dislike illegal downloading

I would love it if /jp/ calmed down more

>> No.6180679

>Unlike most of you here, I'm also not a sick pedophile with weird incestuous fantasies disguised as some weird perversion of fatherhood.

I wasn't aware of this

>> No.6180680

I'm Polish.

And I'm a girl.

>> No.6180685
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I hate Chen

>> No.6180691

I'm a 35-year-old normalfag. Been married to my 3DPD waifu for 15 years and have a 9-year-old son. Not NEET so I barely have time for VNs. Oh and I've never beat a single touhou game.

in b4 get out of /jp/

>> No.6180695

I find it strange that people can find 2d sexually arousing because for me it's too cute and I'm female.(that should not matter in this type of thread so please don't do the usual)

>> No.6180696

I hate all non-Touhou threads.

>> No.6180697


i hate her too

>> No.6180702

I visit /prog/

>> No.6180701

What subjects do you come here for?

>> No.6180700
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>> No.6180707

There's this awesome thing called real life. All the women are 3D there!

>> No.6180710

So, why can't you find cute things sexually arousing?

>> No.6180711

I'm incredibly jealous of normal people and want to die.

>> No.6180717

I'm not very often here o:

>> No.6180718

- I don't like VNs/eroge
- I don't like idols
- I don't like Japan/General
- I don't particularly care for figurines
- I don't care about Touhou apart from the art and I have never played a single Touhou game
- /jp/ still manages to amuse me, because the people here are so utterly fucktarded but still put thought into their messages (/b/ is fucktarded without thought, so it's just annoying and boring).

>> No.6180720

I spent all day wondering how to procure money whilst trying to avoid the "job" word.

>> No.6180722

-I come onto /jp/ so i can practice talking to men without looking at them and getting scared it helps that i like Touhou,Yume Nikki and Umineko

-I love SNSD and sometimes spam it

>> No.6180723 [DELETED] 


>- /jp/ still manages to amuse me, because the people here are so utterly fucktarded but still put thought into their messages (/b/ is fucktarded without thought, so it's just annoying and boring).

This is actually why I too started browsing /jp/. /jp/ got me into touhou, non h VN's and anime, though.

>> No.6180726


>/jp/ still manages to amuse me, because the people here are so utterly fucktarded but still put thought into their messages (/b/ is fucktarded without thought, so it's just annoying and boring).

This is actually why I too started browsing /jp/. /jp/ got me into touhou, VN's, figures and anime+manga, though.

>> No.6180729

I feel very low in myself. I can't see much in the future, and I feel that any second something terrible is going to happen to me.

>> No.6180732


I love everything about Touhou, I've just never been dedicated enough to complete one of the games. Really into Vocaloids, which is what brought me here in the first place. Crossdressing has been a curiosity of mine for a long time but due to aforementioned friends and family I couldn't dare talk about it openly.

But mostly I just love cute shit and /jp/ is fucking full of it!

The normalfag friends i grew up with made fun of me relentlessly for liking this kind of stuff so I pretended to be someone I wasn't. A few years ago I said "fuck it" I'll indulge myself. And you guys are a lot more fun than those IRL friends anyway.

>> No.6180733

I dislike /jp/'s hatred of Touhou fanon.

>> No.6180736

Silly you!
You should not do that. We can allways talk about fun things!

>> No.6180737

I consider myself a virgin because gay sex doesn't count in my mind.

Also I've never beaten a touhou game, I always run out of lives on stage 4 of ESoD, and I refuse to try the windows touhous out of order.

Also I'm just shit at STG games, I love them, but I can't keep track of everything happening.

>> No.6180740

>I don't like touhou's being sexualized
>I dislike illegal downloading
You are the kind of user I do not like.

>> No.6180747

Me too. Canonfags are fucking annoying. Especially since there's pretty much no canon in Touhou to begin with.

>> No.6180751

>I don't like touhou's being sexualized
>I would love it if /jp/ calmed down more

I thought lots of /jp/ browsers agreed to these sentiments...

>> No.6180745

thats me

>> No.6180753
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I'm sorry

>> No.6180759

I'm pretty tired of the "take it easy" meme (another confession).

>> No.6180761

I hate this thread.

>> No.6180772

It's Friday, anon. Better make the most of it, because you're in for two days of these kind of threads.

>> No.6180779
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I hate 90% of touhou fanon

>> No.6180791

Only 90%? You are smalltime.

>> No.6180882

I like Touhou's fandom. I like the fact that they're so productive in making artwork, music, games, and many other things. With all the things Touhou fans make, dealing with a few annoying kids is a walk in the park.
