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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 504 KB, 1040x1514, strange_and_bright_nature_deity_18_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6180145 No.6180145 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou Manga& future Anime. Might go for a double SaBND release this week since I'm behind one chapter.

>> No.6180146
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>> No.6180149
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>> No.6180152
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>> No.6180155
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>> No.6180156

fuck yes

>> No.6180159
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>> No.6180161
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>> No.6180162

If you played 12.8 before you started reading SaBND does that make you a secondaryfag?

>> No.6180164
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>> No.6180167

Eirin: Master Troll.

>> No.6180168

It sure is reassuring to know that not matter what happens in the future and even if we get raided by the legions of /a/, I can trust you to keep bringing us some quality doujins.

Thank you Hong.

>> No.6180169
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>> No.6180171

Now be quiet

>> No.6180173
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>> No.6180178
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It looks kind of smug.

>> No.6180181
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>> No.6180183
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Notice how Marisa has no shame.

>> No.6180185
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>> No.6180186
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>> No.6180190
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>> No.6180193

Reisen got Luna's mouth there.

>> No.6180201

Hey Meiling, thank you!

>> No.6180203

i wish to swallow a wine worm so I can be converted to sake and drunk by Suika

>> No.6180205
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>quality doujins

>> No.6180206

My god, Suika is adorable.
Thanks Hong, I really appreciate It

>> No.6180219

That was nice. Thanks, Hong and friends

>> No.6180223
File: 712 KB, 1433x2023, 00019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, not in this case, but most of them are.

>> No.6180232

That was delicious.
Thank you Meiling.

>> No.6180238

Wrong board.

>> No.6180242

>I didn't read the thread

>> No.6180247
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>> No.6180249

>Official Touhou manga

>> No.6180250

That's gotta be embarrassing.

>> No.6180332

So, it's tetrodotoxin sake? I wouldn't want to drink any of that either.

On a side note, salamanders are very capable of crawling back alive out of the stomaches of their victims (though victims in this case are usually toads and the like) and there is apparently alcohol made with them. It's brandy and not sake, though.

>The first, the most vulgar and also the least sophisticated method is, throw a couple of salamanders (one every ten litres) into a barrel with fruit (soaked before distilling), seal everything with a wooden cover and leave it to the will of the gods for a couple of months. These poor, in specific concentration camps captured amphibians, have nothing else to do in this situation, except to creep through the rotting fruit all day long and in their boredom softly excrete slime. Finally, their soft bodies are cut by a shovel with which the peasant is loading fruit into a kettle…

So it is possible that the worm is a salamander-like salamander instead of a salamander-like oni. That, or miniature Beasts of Resplendent Liquid are confirmed for Gensokyo.

>> No.6180367

Can i get a name for this. I had it but cant seem to find it in my folder.

>> No.6180385


>> No.6180430

Oh my god.

Suika is adorable.

>> No.6180445

>>6180385 Thanks

>> No.6180448

Are the fighters not that popular or something? Suika gets such little attention for such a common figure, and Iku and Tenshi even less so. Sure, Suika was in PoFV and they've all had scenes in StB/DS, but most character's debut seems to determine their popularity.

>> No.6180466

What are you talking about? Suika, Iku, and Tenshi are all pretty popular and get a lot of fan art and doujins.

>> No.6180477


>> No.6180485

Thanks for the upload and translation, Hong, Suika looks so cute in this and it's been a while since I read a happy dojinshi.
Suika was in Phantasmagoria of flower view? I need to replay that then.

>> No.6180486

Not that I recall. She was one of Reimu's partners in SA.

>> No.6180487

Reported for anime and manga in /jp/.

>> No.6180516


How many times this needs to be pointed out? That's not a dojinshi.

>Suika was in Phantasmagoria of flower view?

Of course not.

How can you say you love a Touhou if you can't even remember the games she was in?

>> No.6180533

Ah, my mistake, I didn't realize this was part of the SaBND series. Also, I was quite sure she was only in the fighting games, double spoiler and shoot the bullet, and Subterranean Animism, but I thought I hadn't unlocked all the characters in PoFV or something and forgot about her.

>> No.6180562

Suika's horns are fat.

>> No.6180698

Everything Hirasaka draws is pedofat.

>> No.6180905

So what happens if you lick a wine worm?

>> No.6180911

It's like actually drinking wine. You get drunk.

>> No.6180962

Since the worm turns water into alcohol, this might lead to a quick death due to alcohol poisoning.

>> No.6180979
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>There's actually some sort of explanation for Suika's endless gourd
>My face

Well done, ZUN. Also, Suika is always adorable.
