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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6154653 No.6154653 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I regret the fact that I can't draw or write or translate and am just a useless NEET among useless NEETs.

Sometimes I don't.

>> No.6154668
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>> No.6154676


>> No.6154682

Sometimes I don't even....

>> No.6154696

>can't write

so you asked your mom to write that for you?

>> No.6154698

I have no artistic skill and It's not physically possible for me to become a translator because I have difficulty with accents. If I could translate I'd go on a fansubbing rampage since I am good at timing. What I most want to sub right now is Bakugan but I figure I'll wait for my provider to release the rest of the raws before I go looking for a translator.

>> No.6154719

He missed a comma after "sometimes," which shows a lack of writing ability.

>> No.6154738

I wish i could draw nicely, I can barely draw stick figures. I'm learning Japanese (I can read VNs with the help of a dictionary now) and when i get good enough i plan to translate somethings for this community of ungrateful dicks.

>> No.6154745

Y'ever read anything by Andrew Loomis?

He's got some good drawing books.

>> No.6154787

>not physically possible for me to become a translator because I have difficulty with accents


>> No.6154810

You can watch some Osaka shows. (Jarinko Chie, etc.)

>> No.6154815

It's also impossible for me to learn a different written language because I have a terrible memory. I'd easily forget what I learned. My terrible memory is part of the reason why I end up working at a place manned mostly by retarded people. My sister said I seemed to be the only one there that actually does any work.

>> No.6154833
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No but i may look into him. To be honest I've never really tried to learn, I just never really had any motivation. Like with Japanese I have tons of VNs, games, LN, etc. that I really wanted to play/read that kept me motivated. There isn't really anything like that for Drawing other then how cool it would be if i could do stuff like this, and so far that hasn't been much of a motivator.

>> No.6154839

>implying anything said by someone from Osaka is worth translating

>> No.6154843

You know as a NEET you have unlimited time to practice that stuff

>> No.6154864

I think it's impossible because you keep making excuses for yourself. Even if you are retarded it just means it will take longer. You're still able to learn new things in English aren't you?


>> No.6156854

you can suck my dick while I translate doujin.

>> No.6156929
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I gave up on everything I got interested in within a day because I was too afraid of failing to even try. Nowadays I feel I'm old and it's too late to get good at anything since I'll soon have to choose between getting a job or starving, neither of which leave much room for creative ventures.

>> No.6159691

NEET life isn't so bad. You never run out of things to like.

>> No.6159706

I like writing a lot. I think that NEET life would make a fine backbone for a story. I'll have to sit down one day and start something.

>> No.6159717

i'm going to start my japanesse lessons next month, i wish i could be helpful in the future

>> No.6159732

Speaking of this, how long until people taking classes can actually make use of anything they've learned? According to the USDOD, it takes 1.6 years to become fluent in Japanese.

>> No.6159814

Classroom methods are typically slow for progress in language learning. Learning to speak is easier than learning to read and write anyway.

>> No.6160680

Classes are for people who have no motivation to study without a teacher there to force them to.

>> No.6160699

They´re also for people that want a degree so they can actually get a job. It kinda helps with credibility when you can show a diploma earned at an official institution.

>> No.6160702

Jesus, that Nokia cellphone model. Back to the times when there was no iPhones or any touchscreen shits. Everyone wanted to have a color screen cell.

>> No.6160706

Callan's method.

>> No.6160767

Meanwhile, other people are doing a useful, technical degree alongside language learning.

Enjoy your Japanese degree which won't facilitate getting a job in Japan.

>> No.6160795

>It's also impossible for me-
NO SIR, IT IS NOT. Being a NEET, you have all the time in the world to teach yourself and learn to be able to do anything you want to do. You're in a very luxurious situation to be able to do this - the only thing that holds you back is your will to do it. If your mind becomes more active, remembering things will become MUCH easier. You're just out of the proper train of thought since you haven't been DOING anything that requires concentrating enough.

I personally picked up drawing when I started to become a recluse and I was total shit at it. It's only been 4 years but goddamn have I ever improved thanks to the glory of free time.

>> No.6161062

How did you learn to draw?

>> No.6161135

At first? Copying. I tried to copy things I liked the best I could. Eventually tried to make my own things, which were just awful. Then I went to artist communities online for feedback on how exactly I should go about doing certain things, which eventually led to tutorials and picking up art/anatomy/etc books/ebooks and started to learn the slow, painful way. I'm still not pro at perspective and anatomy and shit, but I'm hell of a lot better than I was before. The key is to always have feedback so you know what direction specifically to go. With no feedback and proper criticism it's easy to get lost. It can hurt at first, but you need to build a tough skin and find a way to get proper criticism from people who won't sugar coat opinions just because they're afraid they might hurt your feelings.

>> No.6161165

for those that say "I can't draw, I'll never draw good" you need to suck up your pride and realize you will suck unless you practice, and you need to set lower goals.

If everyone could draw fantastic masterpieces in their first week then drawing wouldn't be so amazing anymore.

also, get people who can give you harsh criticism. the day you're satisfied with your work is the day you stop getting better.

>> No.6161187

MY main problem with learning to draw is that I'm disgusted by what i am able to accomplish. Its just so hideously bad that i cant ever imagine i could get good at it. ;_;

>> No.6161194

That's how it always starts. Keep drawing anyway. I have countless sketchbooks filled with garbage that hurts to look at. The key is to draw everyday and make some sort of effort as often as possible so you can get over that stage faster.

>> No.6161213
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Get a tablet, come to scratchpad[dot]110mb[dot]com , draw with the japanese.

It has helped me improve a lot, and I used to draw only blobs and stick figures.

>> No.6161227

How does this work? Limited amount of time to draw stuff? And are you currently in one of the rooms?

>> No.6161254

how do i wapanese

>> No.6161271

I hear you, OP. I borrowed a tablet from a friend recently only to realize that digitally creating my art does not make it suck any less.

>> No.6161275

If I had a tablet, I'd probably practice my art every night.

But I don't.

>> No.6161282

Fuck the tablet, pencil and paper are all you need to practice. Most artists who do work on the tablet still do a lot of pencil drawings.

>> No.6161295


I've got a compulsion for tiny fixes, and that comes out looking abysmal on paper after fifty erases.

>> No.6161296
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Right now it's 5 am in Japan so you won't find anybody. I see people but they are at the outside x 2 area which you get with a custom client I can't post here.

And yes, limited amount of time. You only get 3 minutes to draw awesome stuff. It does wonders to filter those DA kids and your speed improves a lot. I am there but I would have to blow up my japanese little girl cover if I awknowdledge you guys.

There is also the 30 minutes room, but that's with custom client also. See image.

>> No.6161297

To me, someone saying "Practice drawing" is about the same as saying "Practice moving your ears".

Compared to this, learning Japanese is piss easy because I know exactly what I have to do.

>> No.6161316

I have to agree with everyone who says LOL PRACTICE FAGGOT.

I'm not an artist, but I've been writing for over a decade. My writing was a steaming pile of shit when I started, and at first it didn't get any better. Then I hit a certain point and started to drastically improve.

Being limited by LOL IT SUCKS I'LL NEVER BE GOOD will just make you keep on sucking.

>> No.6161318


Practice drawing SOMETHING.

Practice drawing

[ ] Flowers
[ ] Buildings
[ ] People
[ ] Landscapes
[ ] Animals
[ ] Items
[ ] Scenery

For now, let's try.
[X] Animals.
Draw a cat. Could be a housecat, could be a lion. Draw it fast. Try not to correct your mistakes. Then observe the result, and wonder how you might improve it. Draw a second cat, taking more time with it. Draw a third cat in a different pose. Draw two cats together. Etcetera.

>> No.6161328



Make better excuses you fucking pansy.

>> No.6161330
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No, that's not what I said.

>> No.6161332


How old are you, eleven?

>> No.6161336


Yes it is.

You can practice every night with CHALK. With your finger and wet dirt. Anything.

There are kids who can't use their hands or legs who make beautiful artwork. How? They use their godamn teeth.

Quit being a bitch and suck it up.

>> No.6161349
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By the way, the place to go is Pad4 (mini). Room1-3 are exposed to Lunchtimers, which are extremately retarded when Japanese/Korean aren't awake.

Here is a list of some people you can find here. I am there by the way.

>> No.6161358
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No, that's not right at all.

I cannot practice with chalk, as it wouldn't give me expertise in working with anything but chalk. I cannot practice with my fingers, because that would be a different form of drawing entirely. I cannot practice artistry with my mouth, because that would be a waste of my functional limbs.

You seem to think I both can and want to draw any and every form of art possible.

>> No.6161379

Starting is actually really just as easy as picking up a pencil and trying to draw what you see, you're over-complicating it in your mind. Pick a touhou picture you like and try to mimic it. Pick a scenery or object. Hell, draw some fucking shapes. There's no special way to start, everything you make at the start will look like copied crap, and it can't be helped. People say "practice" because that's generally how you improve, you need to be doing it often, thus "practice" just means "do it often, do it now". It's rather difficult be specific with what you should be improving on without personally trying to teach/guide/tutor/critique you. It's more so just taking an initiative and just trying to do something, rather than looking for the specific guidelines of how it should be done. A child doesn't follow guidelines when they first draw, they just pick up some fucking crayons and go at it.

After you get a feel for it, look through some tutorials and books and build your skills. It's not complicated, it's just incredibly tedious. So tedious that all it really takes to improve is to do it over and over and try drawing as many new things you can think of and see.

But anyway, if you have no desire to pursue it, then that's also your choice, choose something that you feel like you can work towards. It's more productive to choose things you like and want to do. If you think you can't draw and won't be able to in the future, then it'll be really difficult to get anywhere with it.

>> No.6161387

>I cannot practice with chalk, as it wouldn't give me expertise in working with anything but chalk. I cannot practice with my fingers, because that would be a different form of drawing entirely. I cannot practice artistry with my mouth, because that would be a waste of my functional limbs.

Artists don't know shit because they draw, but you know more about art then they do because you've done absolutely nothing. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.6161394


No, I'm talking about basic skill, not quality.

My hands wouldn't be training to draw in the fashion I'd like them to.

>> No.6161402

Art isn't just about your hands ability, more than half of it is your mindset and how you perceive your subject. Most really good artists do more than a single form of art. If you limit yourself to your tablet you'll find you aren't learning as well as you could be.

>> No.6161433

>>6161379 A child doesn't follow guidelines when they first draw, they just pick up some fucking crayons and go at it.
They don't really care about how the things it draws turn out either.

>> No.6161437

To get good at drawing you just have to grind. Draw 3 pictures a day for a year. Force yourself to do it every day, don't try to weasle out of it or get an excuse why you can't do it that day. Put it on the same level as eating and drinking, you MUST do it every day. After a year you'll have made over a thousand drawings and you'll have improved enormously.

And really, a year flies by for us NEETs. If you're crying now because you'll need 3 years before you get good enough at drawing, that's just you finding excuses because you're afraid to start and discover you will never get good at it (which you certainly won't if you never even practice at all!)

>> No.6161443


exactly. when I first started taking drawing seriously, I immediately realized a lot of it is in the head. Getting proportions down, memorizing anatomy etc is all in the head. the person you're replying to is really just deluding himself

>> No.6161444

And you shouldn't either when you start. You already know it's going to be bad because you're not practiced, why are you worried?

>> No.6161448

I think someone is just looking for reasons not to draw.
Just pick up a piece of paper and try. If it's shit try again. Everyone has to go through this stage.

>> No.6161459

I personally can draw mechanical things pretty well, but only with a reference. Otherwise my visualization abilities are shit tier and limited to things like swords.

>> No.6161460

don't worry, it's even harder for someone like me - i'm not a lefty, but I write with my left hand, so I can't draw shit with my left hand, but I don't even know how to hold a pencil/pen/stylus/... in my right hand

>> No.6161465

I used to own that cell phone in OP's picture.

I've always resented people who have talent and I've always disliked pictures like OP's that show someone in the environment I value most but use it to their advantage. I used to be jealous because I wanted talent but now I'm glad I have no talent because if I did have talent I'd be the kind of person I hate. I dislike people capable of OC and I dislike people who ended up as NEETs or hikkikomori because of genuine intelligence and being socially ostracized or because of a genuine physical or mental affliction.

I'm most comfortable in how useless I am.

>> No.6161469
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>> No.6161475

You hate everyone for not being as useless as you?

>> No.6161503

Good thing I have an inferiority complex and don't give a shit about such things because I know I'll never get good at them.

>> No.6161506
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>> No.6161523

is that picture trying to say being bad to paint is the same as being paraplegic?

>> No.6161533

It's not that the guy can't physically walk, he just doesn't want to move his legs because he thinks it requires too much effort.

>> No.6161661

Then he shouldn't say "I can't do it" but "I don't wanna do it".

>> No.6161671
File: 99 KB, 407x350, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to become really good at something
>Spend months on it
>Never get any better
>Lose motivation
>Do this with everything in life

>> No.6161681

Yeah, that's kind of the joke. Maybe you should reread all the panels, all of them are saying the exact same thing over things they have full control over. It's called giving up before you even give it a chance.

>> No.6162057

And it is supposed to tell you that your excuses are lousy. Just say you're too lazy to learn, not that you lack the talent, or creativity, or other bullshit.

>> No.6162075 [DELETED] 

>Quit everything after a few months
>Wonder why he never got good at anything he tried

>> No.6162126

I don't think he's wondering about that. He probably knows but is complacent in his failure, as it is for most in /jp/.

>> No.6162145

Those are all things that one can learn to do, so if you find yourself regretting it more than not, you can always do something about it.

>> No.6162454

any recommended books for learning to draw?

>> No.6162507

Dumping some copy pasta from /co/ I saved a while back. It was to a tripfag who wanted to learn how to draw.

"Steely Phil, you've always been one of my favorite tripfags, so I'm just going to say it to ya straight.

you need to learn how to draw. Your character lacks any sort of spark or design to make him enjoyable. He's dull, he's as sharp as a bowling ball.

here's what you need to do.

first, get a book called, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. It teaches you how to draw what you see. Then get "Vilppu's drawing manual" or his video series and that will teach you how to draw form and anatomy. After that, pick up all of Andrew Loomis' books and Bridgemen's life drawing.

after you learn how to draw, it's pretty much just design principles you need to learn, IE: color theory, contrast, and a bunch of other stuff.

also, PRACTICE. 95% of art is work ethic and insane amounts of practicing and gesture drawing and experimentation. 5% is talent. It's like the extra credit stuff, if you got it, great, if you don't, then it doesn't matter, work your ass off. Skill comes with hard work, a fat neckbeard sitting at his computer could be talented at something and never know.

here's a few sites with extra stuff, after you have done the first things I told you too. This is stuff about digital art, which you should do only AFTER learning analog art. TRUST ME.

here's a few more book recommendations
perspective made easy - Norling
the natural way to draw - Nicoladies
dynamic figure drawing - Hogarth

>> No.6162511

things to stay away from

>it seems really awesome, but it's really shit, and the man who runs it is pretentious and not a good artist
using POSEMANIACS exclusively.
>Posemaniacs.com is a great site for quick gesture drawings, but don't study the anatomy because it's just a 3d model and things get lost. Use pictures or stuff from real life if you are going to draw.
4chan's /ic/ and icrit
>it's full of trolls and people who suck at art. They will tell you what's wrong with your art/anatomy, but artistically the only person who knows what they are talking about is a namefag named Sketchy, who's philosophy is you teach yourself by doing one thing; drawing, and trying everything out, not just what books or people tell you too

one last thing, this seems like a lot and it is. If you want to get good at drawing it will take blood sweat and tears, but for the love of god don't become another mediocre comic artist to add to the sea, strive to become something better. I believe you can do it, but only you can decide.

there is no kind of or could have, there is only do or do not.

also, here are the links to everything I talked about

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
Vilppu's Drawing Manual (pdf)
Vilppu's Drawing Manual Lecture series (same stuff as manual, only demonstraighted by the man himself)


>> No.6162527

I've been drawing around 10 years, and holy shit I can't even begin to draw anything that isn't a straight view angle. I can't even draw profile views, what am I doing wrong?

>> No.6162534

How can I learn how to draw without having to practice drawing disgusting 3D?

>> No.6162549
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www.posemaniacs.com or buy yourself a little model. Don't use anime if you want to learn to draw anatomy.
There may be other options but I just PM or try to draw off the top of my head. That way I can see how much I'm improving.

>> No.6162551

Post some of your work?

>> No.6162559

One must understand the basic rules in order to bend the rules. If you want to stylize something, you need to be able to understand how it works so it makes sense when people look at it. You can't skip out on learning 3D entirely.

References, critiques, speak with other artists, and most importantly go through all the basics for anatomy and perspective. It sounds like you've been neglecting some of the foundations that should build your skillset. At any rate, you should post your works somewhere to get precise feedback from other artists to get clear direction.

>> No.6162567
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>little model
This is pretty much in the possession of every wannabe artist, after all.

>> No.6162568


I don't own a tablet or anything that would let me draw on the computer. When I look at /i/'s art they usually just start like they know what they're doing, I don't have any idea how they do that. I usually just start with a body frame for the torso, but even then it looks strange. I've tried drawing the ribcage first, fail. Then I tried drawing the spine first and basically making a skeleton, and when I try to finish it up it usually looks very wrong.

>> No.6162576

That's the one.

>> No.6162583

Invest in a cheap scanner or borrow one. They might have some at public libraries.

>> No.6162584

I don't. I'm too lazy to put effort into learning to do something like that.

>> No.6162593

I suck at drawing because my peers tell me that I hold the utensil wrong. Just because I ripped the tendon that allowed my thumb to bend at a young age.

God damnit.

>> No.6162612


I don't think I can walk all the way to a library or buy a scanner just to have people criticize me. Even though I know I'll learn from it, I don't think it's an option.

Shit, I took art class for 3 years and all I learned was how to draw a face, and how to draw a building in a different perspective. Is there a specific class that would teach me how to draw bodies in different angles? I'd love to draw anime like that but I realize I have to learn the basics of the basics first. I was taught shading and coloring goes after angles so I don't really know anything after all these years.

>> No.6162614

Hold it how you want.
Back when I was in school I knew a guy who held a pencil in both hands. He always has the teachers on his back too. One of the teachers even made him hold a packet a sweets in his hand during lesson. Believe it or not he was the best at drawing in my class.

>> No.6163654

Years ago i had bought Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain and the workbook but after not using it for so long i got rid of it last month. I started working though the pdf a few days ago and now i wish i still had the physical copies ;_;

>> No.6163746


>> No.6163751
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Fucking forgot the image

>> No.6163793

that's actually pretty good.

>> No.6163802

>a02 cat
>2 CAT


>> No.6163848
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>> No.6163997

>Is there a specific class that would teach me how to draw bodies in different angles?
The classes you're looking for are Figure Drawing and Anatomy. They may be combined into one class since they're so closely intertwined. If you decide to take these courses at a school that offers them for credit you may find yourself barred from them because of prerequisite requirements. Some schools offer these courses to the general public during the summer in a less rigorous, more hobbyist manner.

Figure Drawing is exactly what TV taught you art school is like; nude people come in, strike a pose, and the whole class sits in a circle around them drawing. Unfortunately, it's not as glamorous as TV makes it out to be, because the people who apply to be drawn are the kinds of people willing to stand naked in front of a bunch of strangers for money. You get your uglies, your diseased, your fatsoes, and, when you're lucky, a fellow student.

Anatomy, you'll end up with your nose in a medical textbook a lot more than you think it ought to be, but everything you learn there has a use.

This is 2nd hand information from my brother who's attending an art school as a sculpture major.

>> No.6164017

Would fap to it.

>> No.6164021


So are you telling me that to draw how I want to draw, (which is 2D anime), I'd have to do all that shit?

>> No.6164043

Although this thread seems to be more drawing orientated, I figure I might as well ask here. Does anyone know of any good teach yourself piano books / websites? I know learning from an instructor is far better, but that isn't an option for me, so self study is the only way to go. I already know how to read music and such (thanks to playing french horn in high school), but I'm rather clueless as to where I should begin on piano.

>> No.6164095

Can you program?

If you want to learn to program your best bets are, first, Java - How to Program by Deitel, then C/C++ - How to Program by Deitel, and then The 8051 Microcontroller by MacKenzie. The first book will teach you the basics of programming with a not-so-difficult language, the second will teach you something more technical, and the third will teach you the fundamental principles of how a computer works.

Afterwards, you might want to get into game programming :3

>> No.6164108

I've sat in on my friends Figure Drawing class (she teaches it) a bunch of times and yeah 9 times out of 10 the people posing are not people you would normally like to see naked.

Yes, you will never be good at drawing if you don't study anatomy and other basic stuff. I mean While you could certainly just ignore classical training you would never get to a level you'd be happy at with out it.

I used this guys videos. I got from not being able to even name the keys to playing just about anything I want.


>> No.6164110

Thanks a lot, I'll check out those videos. How much practice did you put in each day, just out of curiosity?

>> No.6164121

I won't comment on the study material/books, but wouldn't you want to learn C before Java, C++?
C is/was after all, more or less the first language that became and set a standard.

It's an old language and it can be really crude in certain areas in how things are done, C++ and Java and more or less all more modern languages are made to be "simpler" than C after all.
But ordinary C does still make use of the very basics younger languages are built upon, and to understand code on that level is still useful.

After that one could move on to whatever they feel like, but to start out with C and then move on to C++ is still recommended and the C family of code still has some sort of centre place in the world of programming languages.

If you are familiar with one language, you can be sure to have an easy time learning others, the differences are trivial ones really.
But modern languages make use of fancy things that automate things one previously had to write oneself, and not being able to write code on that level is a handicap.
Of course, this is more of a "what do you want to do with programming?" rather than some absolute guidelines, of course you don't have to be able to do stuff on that small level, but it is certainly good to be able to.

>> No.6164138

I'd recommend FIOC as a first language. I think the live feedback from entering commands in the interpreter could really help beginners. Also, starting out with the principles of coding in the OO and functional styles (after learning the basic constructs) is probably going to be more helpful in writing programs than learning low-level memory management etc. There's no right answer of course.

>> No.6164141

>but wouldn't you want to learn C before Java, C++?
That's like learning latin before you learn french or spanish.

>> No.6164143


What of it? The only two languages I've learned are German and Latin.

>> No.6164145

and which are those are useful and widely used? C is outdated bull.

>> No.6164166

An hour or two usually, at first most of the time was used to learn the theory and how to read sheet music which was by far the hardest part.

>> No.6164199

>C is outdated bull

Kill yourself or head over to /prog/, there'll be plenty of people willing to do it for you.

>> No.6164263


cool board, bro

>> No.6164268
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You need to stop posting. Now. Don't bother replying because you've already demonstrated that you are a complete retard who doesn't know what they are talking about.

C is still a widely used programming language, and also a family of programming language including C++, C#, and Objective-C, and even Java.

Not only that but the latest standard C1X is nearing completion. Not bad for a dead language.

>> No.6164314

spinoffs of c are not c anymore than english is german.

>> No.6164320

C is the "cleanest" language of the lot. Compared to Java or C++, which just look messy, C looks neat and tidy, which helps to keep sight of the overall picture.

>> No.6164326

The Sussman

>> No.6164351

it should also be noted that C++ is a dirty slut and runs around giving people the bugs

>> No.6164363

i want to learn a musical instrument
my excuse is that i can't afford any.

>> No.6164438

The point is that C is the foundation of the entire C family.

You can't just say that C is outdated, because the family of C most certainly is not, and C is still the base.

>> No.6164455

I highly recommend NEETS to pick up some kind of skill during their vast amount of free time. If you don't do anything and get too familiar with your surroundings your perception of time will go into hyper mode.

Plus, it might just be marketable for when you eventually need to work.

>> No.6165883


>> No.6165921


I already have computer repair, but I'm not going to go around breaking people's computers just so I can repair them and have practice.

>> No.6165921,1 [INTERNAL] 

>>6164320 C looks neat and tidy
*(x->f++) = *(y->e++);

Looking clean and tidy yet?
