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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6130173 No.6130173 [Reply] [Original]

Hello 4channel. I am from 2ch Japa

How are you? Excuse my English. Le
t's communicate, OK?!

>> No.6130180

Dude, when I'm a mom I can only PRAY my child will be gay! xD That way when they finally come out and tell me at first I'll be like o.o *blinkblink* o.o Then suddenly out of nowhere: YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glomp* *kisses* I'm so happy! You've just made me the happiest mother on the planet! ^.^ Come on sweety lets celebrate by SHOPPING! You'll need some handcuffs, a couple ropes, a whip or two, lots of duck tape and lets not forget latex, sexy, and girly clothes! ^.^ And a couple piercings! One on this ear and maybe two or three on this, oh, and you have to have a lip ring! And let's not forget one on the eyebrow! Ooh, you're gonna need lots of black or purple nail polish! Come on honey, we haven't got all day! I want you to be absolutely ready for when THAT time comes once you get your first boyfriend! <3

xD That is so totally gonna be me! I'm gonna end up smothering him! Yup! God I could just imagine his boyfriend laughing hysterically upon hearing the story of my son's coming out! xD rate by SHOPPING!

>> No.6130182

I don't believe you. You should at least rename your picture so it isn't so obvious you downloaded it from 4chan recently.

>> No.6130186

I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool.
It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a bloody place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time,
the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce."
Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?
Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion.
That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to amateurs.

>> No.6130184
File: 62 KB, 500x577, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you are.

>> No.6130189


>> No.6130192

thanks, i didnt wanna have to type that out someday

>> No.6130194

He could have saved it from futaba.

>> No.6130200

Call me a silly dumb goose but why does the, I'm guessing, japanese font look different? Unicode/UTF-8/character set thing?

>> No.6130206

You know 4chan use futaba system

>> No.6130208
File: 21 KB, 600x450, 1280524904570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both full and half width roman characters are an option on the Windows IME for reasons I don't know.

>> No.6130214

I'm sorry. Your Japanese is too ba
d. I can't understand.

>> No.6130217

I type like this but I am actually

>> No.6130223

I like long walks on the beaches
and strawberries and peaches

>> No.6130229


>> No.6130232
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>> No.6130236
File: 153 KB, 730x537, north-korea-is-best-korea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Leader 1cc'd all Touhou games on Lunatic in his first playthrough without using up a single life and bomb on. He is a danmaku expert.

>> No.6130247

What's your favorite tea, pop or other beverage?
What's your favorite game/vn?

>> No.6130252

Herro dearu japinisu furiendo.

I can speaku japinisu too.

>> No.6130274


Typical Japanese response.. That was perfect grammatically btw, so fuck off with your "hurr durr I can't understand" bullshit.

>> No.6130287

My favorite is Pepsi Ice Cucumber.
 What is yours? Cola?

I don't play games much but when I
 was young I played a lot Super F
amicom actually
I don't know VN?

>> No.6130300

You say "Ice story my sibling" tha
t is confusing, maybe a American 

>> No.6130315


How do you know he's American?

>> No.6130323

Everyone who speaks English is American.

>> No.6130326


Sorry, brosef.

>> No.6130337

Are you using translator?

>> No.6130340

Fullwidth Latin

Makes you Japanese!

>> No.6130344

am i japanese yet?

>> No.6130350

babby discovers full width

>> No.6130356

No, I'm using self-taught probably below 101 level japanese and mac character palette.

These threads aren't fun if the OP is a complete dumbass. At least say something funny about having sex with your mom.

>> No.6130369
File: 49 KB, 550x750, Azusa;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K-on is over.

>> No.6130372

Americans are fat pig.

>> No.6130373

Was there no preview for 25?

>> No.6130375


>> No.6130397
File: 304 KB, 779x621, GIORNO GIOVANNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ve got me mad, now.

>> No.6130456

Dear >>6130323


Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the rest of the Anglosphere who isn't American.

>> No.6130466

There was, but it's not the same.

>> No.6130471 [DELETED] 

I generally used to drink pepsi. These days I'm trying to quit pop. It's hard, but I'm making progress. I've found some nice green jasmine tea, so that fills the gap that pepsi left quite nicely.

The super famicom was great.
Have you played 天地創造? Known as terranigma overseas.
I think its one of the best action-rpgs ever made, honestly.

Thanks for answering my questions!
What piqued your interest about 4chan, specifically /jp/?

>> No.6130483 [DELETED] 

So much trolling in this thread, heh. Is 2ch just as bad?

>> No.6130488

あい らぶ すし

>> No.6130491

fucking usa stolen imageboard

>> No.6130499

Even though the war is over and I 
did not participate in it, I must
 inform my most considered friend
s that I am still angry at America

>> No.6130500

Typing in fullwidth means you are 

>> No.6130523 [DELETED] 

Das ist toll, aber hier sind nicht alle Amerikanisch.
(That's great but not everyone here is american)

>> No.6130538
File: 87 KB, 398x600, 1278632277497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

En määkää oo kanadalaine.

>> No.6130551


>> No.6130552

Painu vittuu

>> No.6130557
File: 40 KB, 100x100, ниграгифка.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6130567


>> No.6131010

Why? Because they developed the A-bomb the fastest? If your country had possessed similar weapons during that time they wouldn't have hesitated to deploy them. Now get your scrawny Japanese ass out of here.

>> No.6131222


>> No.6131233


>> No.6131259

There are so many things wrong here that it's not even worth correcting.

>> No.6131281


OP saging his own thread.

>> No.6131297

Only the OP knows the secrets of f

>> No.6131313


Well the second and third sentences are TECHNICALLY correct, but there's still the redundant use of desu, as well as using the subject multiple times when it's already been stated....

And I think he would do well not to use formal terms on 4chan... Actually I kind of wonder why I see so many Japanese using formal terms on the internet instead of ore or omae. You're anonymous, you can get away with being extremely casual!

>> No.6131334



>> No.6131347

sup op

>> No.6131361


>> No.6131366
File: 15 KB, 325x359, face tatoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys what’s going on in this t
