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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 168 KB, 366x1082, 1176754321398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6126840 No.6126840 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6126847

Meido is a newfag? Say it ain't so!

>> No.6126852

Remember when 4chan was fun?

>> No.6126855


/b/ was never good.

>> No.6126854

i enjoyed habbo raids when they were a silly thread every now and then and not "EVERYBODY GET ON HABBO ON DD/MM IT WILL BE EPIC WIN"
thankfully I left before that stupid project channology thing started

>> No.6126857

You are both suspended.

>> No.6126858



>> No.6126867
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>> No.6126877
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/a/ was.

>> No.6126885
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You're lucky. It was like everyone on /b/ was 12. I nearly hated a hole in the universe. I think I'm so chill now because I got an entire lifetime's worth of anger out in the space of a month.

Also, Meido, why you gotta hate?

>> No.6126887


>implying /a/ was ever good

shut thef fuck up.jpg

>> No.6126892
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>> No.6126900

>hating a hole in the universe
>SBaHJ reactions

I swear to God does EVERYBODY on /jp/ read that damn comic?

>> No.6126905
File: 157 KB, 536x536, 224b9bca3c6ce858dc3fcd839d2adf3345571bb0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with all the Osaka lately? Not that I mind

>> No.6126906


How high do you even have to be to think something like that.

Dot PNG.

>> No.6126907

>I nearly hated a hole in the universe

Don't say another Goddamn word. Up until now, I've been polite. If you say anything else- word one- I will kill myself. And when my tainted spirit finds its destination, I will topple the master of that dark place. From my black throne, I will lash together a machine of bone and blood, and fueled by my hated for you this fear engine will bore a hole between this world and that one.

When it begins, you will hear the sound of children screaming- as though from a great distance. A smoking orb of nothing will grow above your bed, and from it will emerge a thousand starving crows. As I slip through the widening maw in my new form, you will catch only a glimpse of my radiance before you are incinerated. Then, as tears of bubbling pitch stream down my face, my dark work will begin.

I will open one of my six mouths, and I will sing the song that ends the Earth.

My hatred of you shall be eternal, the fury I feel at the very mention of words that are similar to your name shall cause my body to lock in rigid immortality my spite will outlive the stars themselves. As this universe slows, the stars cool and the cogs that drive it slow, my disdain for you shall still burn brightly and eternal. As all that is and has ever been collapses in on itself my PURE WILL to see you despised from this reality to the next shall see me ascend beyond the confines of the current contsruct.

As the empty void surrounds me and my anger stand as a momument to all the anger you induce, a quickening shall happen. This empty vacuum shall reform as the pulsating cycle of the universe begins anew, but this creation shall be TAITNED by my very embittered visage gazing upon it. A new realm, a new reality, nay a new UNIVERSE shall be born in my hideous new image for my one purpose.


>> No.6126908

Jegus Fuck

>> No.6126913
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>> No.6126916
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Osaka is OLEV, that's why.

>> No.6126918

No, /v/friends. I think it's some kind of meme over there.

>> No.6126919
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I, like many of you, suffer from problems. My problems don't involve any of your implausible ones, but mine are worth voicing to you in hope of getting some advice.
Anyways, I began to watch Azumanga Daioh about a month ago, and as I dove deeper and deeper into the series, the more and more I fapped to hentai of it. I continued to do so until the last episode.
Then I watched the series again...and again... and again... I found myself checking out Osaka every on-screen moment she had. I began to stop going to my regular sites just to look at hentai of one person: Osaka.
I eventually had 1000s of pictures and some doujins of Osaka. I began to spend what others called absurd amounts of money on merchandise, and my apartment is coated with Osaka everywhere. I've shut myself off from family and friends and felt an urge to just snuggle with my Osaka dolls. Osaka is all I need. She probably wouldn't like the way my family is or how my friends behave.
I'm in love with Osaka. I keep praying that she'll come to see me one day and decide to live with me. I have nothing left to live for but Osaka. I know she can hear me, so I always talk to her telling her to come and visit me so our union can take place.
So this is where you guys come into the picture. You're an all-purpose advice board. You definitely must know a way to help Osaka break free from behind her glass prison.

>> No.6126928
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>> No.6126927
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Everyone on /co/ knows I'm a massive MSPAfag.
I don't know about everyone else, I think they just like SBaHJ.
Yeah, thats about right.

>> No.6126936
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>> No.6126940 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6126942

I didn't get the Scientology thing with /b/.

>> No.6126968

I don't understand the OP.

>> No.6126978
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>> No.6126991

That is ancient.

>> No.6126996


Moreso than dracula penis!

>> No.6127006
File: 28 KB, 360x240, 1172340327660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find any of my really old stuff, so Waha will have to do.

>> No.6127012 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6127023
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>my face when dracula didn't have a penis

>> No.6127028
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1180321347736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, this ran in 2004? I feel old. Now, I wonder where I put my external.

>> No.6127029

I miss people saying harbl. I wish /jp/ was /jp/ - Pearl Harbl.

>> No.6127043
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>> No.6127050
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Oh man, this stuff brings me back.

>> No.6127062


Hey, where did /yg/ go?

>> No.6127067
File: 87 KB, 650x520, 1180168960240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My oldest image.

>> No.6127068

ha that doesn't hotlink

>> No.6127072

this is more funny than twinkie house ever was (it was never funny)

>> No.6127080


Dammit people, Shirou got killed like three times in one day and didn't die. He knows people don't always die when they're killed.

He was saying people are supposed to die when they're killed, it's the order of the world.

>> No.6127075
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>> No.6127091
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>> No.6127094
File: 1.04 MB, 1500x2340, Fate08-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Velox made the Fate/Stay Night anime not shitty?

>> No.6127090
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>> No.6127105



>> No.6127108

Velox was shit
and then /a/ was shit

>> No.6127121
File: 87 KB, 803x653, Part 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never did find Part 2

>> No.6127125

Shii is dead and I am sad.

>> No.6127127


He comes back, discovers WT has actually made the site not shit, and fires him.

>> No.6127134
File: 143 KB, 500x242, shmion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or even Shimion. Boy, those shops were everywhere.

>> No.6127149
File: 32 KB, 450x397, 1267597048019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>velox was shit
Hey now. Not cool.

>> No.6127179

"Oh ... everything's white."
"Are you awake, Kumiko?"
"Yes ... who are you? Am I ... dead?"
"Not yet. But you are dying. I'm sorry."

She was missing her right leg. The feeling was going in her left one. But it didn't seem to bother her. The man that held her remaining hand had a gentle, reassuring grip. Around them was nothing, unending white.

"Ah! Are you God?"
"No, I'm a bit more like ... Death."
"... oh. Where am I? How did I get here?"
"This was your bedroom, actually."
"Eh? There's nothing. Where are all my things? Where are all the walls?"
"They crumbled away, and then they disappeared. Just like you are now."
"Mama? Papa? Hana-nee?"
"They disappeared too."
"Onii ... chan ..?"
"He can't be gone! He can't be!"
"I'm really very sorry."
"No ..."
"No ... go away, this is just a bad dream, just a bad dream, just a -"
"Do you know .... you're right. This is a dream. It's a kind of dream."
"But you're not the one who is dreaming. This is someone else's dream."

Kumiko blinked continuously and waited patiently for clarity. She could no longer feel the man's touch, not because he had let go, but because her arm had receded past his grip. Her arms and legs were just little stumps now, and still fading.

It never got easier for the man to tell people the truth about their world, about themselves. Especially these types. Humans liked coming up with constructs that could produce the most heartrending reactions. Finally he spoke.

>> No.6127189

"Do you know what happens to ideas that have been forgotten? They disappear. They die."
He wished she wouldn't call him that.

"Most ideas don't live for more than a second. Not so long ago, before writing, recording ideas was a verbal tradition, songs and verse. Everyone here, all the myths and legends, would be shifting and changing their shape with every telling. But now everyone records everything in pristine reproducible digital and gives it to everyone. Hardly anything gets forgotten, and some ideas last a very long time."

Kumiko wondered where he was going with this. Not noticing her arms and legs were completely gone. The fading continued. Where her torso stopped and where the endless white began became indistinct, but the white was winning.

"You lasted about five years. Pretty good run, actually. Well done!"
"I'm ... an idea?"
"For a short spell in the early 1990s, Amano Tetsuya wrote over thirty dating simulation games for the personal computer. You are Sakaki Kumiko, a character in Love Rhombus, one of his earlier works."
"I don't understand ..."
"You were designed to be the devoted little sister of the player character. You would cook for him, clean up after him, and be envious of the girl that eventually stole his heart. Being a good Christian sort, Amano did not let your elder brother's relationship with you go beyond the occasional romantic undercurrent."

>> No.6127194


At this Kumiko blushed deeply.
"I love my onii-chan, but not in that -"
"But undercurrents were not enough for the target demographic of the game. Kumiko, they all wanted to fuck you."
She looked away, her face a mixture of confusion and embarrassment.
"The market was soon flooded with games that allowed the player to be with his little sister. Word got around the bulletin boards that Love Rhombus did not include such an ending. The game was unpopular. Largely pirated. Largely irretrievably deleted. Even Amano forgot about it in the deluge of sister-fuck games he himself feverishly shat out after the failure of Rhombus."
"Are you saying I'm not ... not real?"
"You are imaginary. So when it is no longer possible for you to exist in anyone's imagination, when everyone has forgotten you, you will disappear. You will die."
"I don't believe –"
"Look at yourself. Have you seen your own body?"

She looked down and saw only white.

Just a head. Just a head and fading.

The man looked into the distance and narrowed his eyes in concentration, as if focusing on someone far away. He broke it off momentarily to report.
"Fifteen minutes ago a pathetic young man in America just played the last digital copy of Love Rhombus. All the hard copies have been trashed or have decayed. Upon completing it he realised he could not have you and uninstalled it in disgust."
"His memory of you and the game is the last trace of you and your world in reality. Everyone else has forgotten you. He has begun to. This process typically takes anywhere between –"
He concentrated again.
"His Rozen Maiden dollsex torrent has completed and he is now masturbating as if he is trying to start a fire. You do not have long."

>> No.6127204

She let his words lap up against her, seemingly totally content as she gazed headlong into the white.
"Your brother ... doesn't concern you anymore?" he asked.
"I have the feeling something is supposed to ..."
"Your personality. It's fading, isn't it. They didn't give you much to lose, I guess."
"Ne, Death-san ..."
"Are you an idea too?"
"So will you ... someday ..."
"No-one ever forgets me. I'm always here."
"That's why sometimes I like to go and comfort other ideas before they die. Sort of like the real Death does with people. No shame in being forgotten, none at all. We've had a lot of girls like you disappear lately."
"Like me?"
"Yes, from games and such. Just hordes and hordes of them, shy, doting little girls, with their own little gimmicks that didn't take."
"But you remember them!"
"I don't remember any specifically, just the little half-assed quirks dreamed up by fat Japanese men with a deadline. Animal ears and tails. Infinite hair colours and iterations. Cripples. Twins. Maids. Gothic, Victorian, medieval, mecha. And millions upon millions of assembly line little sisters. Sometimes I watch them fade, when they're forgotten, when their fad gimmick gets old and a new one comes along."

When he spoke again after a long pause, Kumiko thought his voice to be just a little off. Like it had a single string out of tune.

"So many these days ... and they're all so similar, you know, I rarely even bother to talk ..."
"You'll remember me, won't you Death-san?"
"... huh?"
"I'm still here! I haven't faded yet!"
"That is unusual."
"But the America-jin must have forgotten me already! It's you keeping me alive, Death-san! It's you!"
"Please save me, Death-san! You can do it! You don't have to be lonely!"
"I'm not lonely!"
"I'll remember as many people as I can! We'll do it together!"
"I'm not ..."
"And then no-one will ever have to disappear!"
"I ... but ..."
"Ehehe! Ehehehe! My body!"

>> No.6127212


Sure enough, her neck began to fade in slowly. She could feel it, feel her body coming back, the warmth of it, the space of it ... and she could feel tears falling from her eyes.
"You're doing it, Death-san! You're doing it!"
"I ... remember you!"
"Hahaha! Death-san! Death-san!"
"I remember you!!!"
"Death-san, arigatou! Hontou ni arigatou!"

And once more she felt his gentle grip on her wrist, followed by a gentle pull to help her up. Her vision was blurry with tears. She stood her tallest and proudest once more, and hugged him around his waist, as far up as she could reach. The absurdity of hugging Death did not register. But Death did not hug back.

She was ashamed to look up. She sniffled, her face wet all over.
"Come with me," he said. "I want to show you something."

They walked off together into the great white. It was totally featureless. After only minutes she could not tell how far they had come or what direction they had come from. She would've been convinced they were walking on the spot, but he had said he was taking her somewhere, and seemed to know the way. The first indication she got of anything existing here besides themselves was a point of light far away, that created its own horizon.

"A sunrise! Can we stop to watch it?"
"This sun doesn't rise unless we walk towards it, Kumiko. Come on."

It did rise, and it did grow bigger as they approached. Kumiko could make out things under the sun too, large green stretches of land, with trees and lakes. As they came closer, she saw that the green terrain stretched out further than the eye could see.

She also noticed something very odd about the sun. Although it seemed to glow, it did not seem to shine. Even with her red and teary eyes she could stare directly into it. And when she did, she saw things on its surface. Lots of tiny blue dots. Sometimes the dots would disappear and then come back straight away, and all at different times.

>> No.6127214

I joined here on 07 or so, remembering back it was odd how things like desudesu got to be so popular, since nowadays no one seems to remember it. Also Azumanga was everywhere, I loved that. /v/ was also fun with Japan Tiem.

>> No.6127215

He posts on One Yukkuri Place every now and then, hasnt updated his site substantially since 2008, but Im sure he would appreciate an email from a kind anonymous.


>> No.6127221

It was almost like ...


They had reached the crisp green grass and he stopped walking almost directly under the sun. It was only a few dozen meters above them, and now she could more clearly see its surface. What it was made of.

"Blonde hair, blue eyes. All the rage in '93, '94? Something like that."

Hundreds of little girls were crushed into a giant ball suspended in the blank, white sky. Lashed together by their golden blonde hair. Their sullen, clockwork blinking was the only betrayal of the chance they could be corpses. They said nothing as they each faded out, only to be replaced instantly by a new one fading in.

Kumiko covered her gaping mouth with both hands.

"Some of them don't even really have personalities ... one-shot fap fodder in doujins and fanart and such. You were one of the lucky ones."
"No ... this is horrible ..."

She backed away from the sun but nearly tripped on something that was not grass. It stuck out of the grass at opposing angles. It was elf ears. When she looked closer she realised the earth was unevenly coloured. Mixed in amongst the soil and the grass were the blinking bodies of more girls. Kumiko screamed and dug her arms in the soft earth to try and dig the elf-eared girl out. She felt many unseen hands brush her arms underground.

"Why is it like this?! Why?" she cried at Death.
"In most cases their surroundings and personality are forgotten first. Only their appearance remains."
She unearthed the torso and arms of the elf-girl, who blushed stupidly.
"I ... I like you sempai! I've always liked you!" the girl blurted out. Kumiko was taken aback, but continued digging.
"I'm going to get you out of there! I won't forget you!"
The girl blushed again.
"I ... I like you sempai! I've always liked you!"

>> No.6127232

Death looked on in pity.
Sweating now, Kumiko looked around helplessly at her surroundings. The nearby trees were made of doll-girls, their thin birch arms jutting out as little branches. A thunderclap sounded, and it began to rain metal. Robot maids piled up all around her like scrap. Some were fading already and never made it to the ground..

"Are you going to remember them all, Kumiko?"
"Everyone! Tell me your names!" she cried, her voice breaking. "I won't forget you if you tell me your names!"

Voices came from all around her.

"Ah, please, one at a time –"
The names kept coming. She could feel herself forgetting the first ones already.
"OK, Mi-chan, Lala-tan, um, Momo-chan, Ni – AHHH!"

The elf girl at her feet was just a head and fading.
"Wait! Wait! Nina-chan? Lulu-chan! No, no, you were Sakura-tan –"
"I ... I like you sem –"
Her mouth disappeared. Kumiko held onto all that was left, her ears, as they faded out of grasp.

And instantly another girl faded in to take the elf girl's place in the dirt. She looked up at Kumiko and smiled.

>> No.6127229
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>Japan Time
Easily the most fun I ever had on 4chan.

>> No.6127241

Kumiko ran, her face grimaced from sobbing. She covered her eyes with both hands but the feel of the grass crunching beneath her feet reminded of her of the green haired heads she was stepping on. Eventually she collided with what seemed to be some sort of giant shrub. It whispered to her.

uguuu nyo uwaaaa unyuu wan wan waiiiii

"Ahhh! Death-san! What are those awful sounds? It sounds like babytalk!"
"Oh, you never had a cute catchphrase did you? Just as well, that's all anyone remembers of them now."

waha gao peko peko arf nyuuu desu nanooo

She dared open one eye, very slowly, trembling all the way. She could barely make sense of the image. Girls as young as toddlers but no older than herself, hanging off branches in the shrub. The nearest one to her was hanging upside down.

"Haiii~! OK-desu! Haiii~! OK-desu! Haiii~! OK-desu!"

Even her facial expressions travelled the same endless loop, ending in a blushing, closed-eye smile. Her eyes were so impossibly big it occured to Kumiko there might be no room left in her head for brains.

The thought made her retch. She could feel vomit rising.

She scrambled over to a nearby stream and leaned out over the water. Her eyes buldged and she swung her head away just in time to vomit back on the bank. On her hands and knees, she panted, her breath hot with sick.

The current was rapid. The water was girls. Kumiko thought she heard sounds like a toilet flushing as the tangled wet mess of arms and legs crashed against the shore and disappeared in the white water flowing downstream. She also heard other sounds. Their screams, their voices.

And these, these were the worst.

>> No.6127245

"Onii-chan, help me!"
"Onii-chan tasukete!"
"Save me, onii-chan!"

She let her head fall to the ground, crying dry tears and vomiting air. She was spent, totally defeated. There were thousands of them. Millions of them. All fading away, disappearing as she thought about it.

"You can't do it, Kumiko. You can't remember them faster than the otaku can forget them."
"Why are there so many?!"
"When all you do is dream, you go through a lot of dreams."
"I hate them! I HATE THEM!"

Death said nothing. There was nothing to say.

After a while her breathing slowed again and she stood up. Watching the endless stream of girls.

"Help me, onii-chan!"
"Tasukete! Tasukete onii-chan!

"It's so unfair ..." she began.
Death remained silent.
"I understand now, it's so unfair ... for you to remember just me. While everyone else has to die."
"Forget me."

Fresh tears on her face, she leapt into the stream and was immediately swept away in the current.

>> No.6127247

He ran along the banks, looking for her, but the water outpaced him. He grabbed at arms, legs, faces that he thought were hers, but none of them were. It was frustrating how many of them he had to throw back in the water. How many looked just like her, but for a lock of hair here, a ribbon she didn't wear there, eyes bigger or smaller by degrees.

Wait, did she wear that ribbon? Were her eyes this shade of blue or that one? What about turquoise?

"I won't forget you!" he yelled. "I won't forget you, Fumiko!"


It was close, but it wasn't her name.

Quick! Remember! It wasn't Fumiko, it was Ku -


The girls in the ground kept calling out their names, like she had asked of them. He realised they had never actually stopped.



And he stared helplessly downstream and cried, as somewhere Kumiko blinked out of existence.

>> No.6127259
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>> No.6127275
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I know right, I remember spending nights awake just to see the shit shitstorm that followed.

>> No.6127285


"Does master want Suiseiseki to give him a footrub-desu?" she purred.
"No thank you," I said. "I'm rather tired. You should retire to your box."
"But master-sama, Suiseiseki doesn't like her box-desu! I want to sleep in master-sama's bed-desu!"
"Not tonight. You'll do as you're told."
"Why doesn't master-sama have real girls in his bed?"
"Is master-sama's penis too small for real girls?"
"Why aren't you saying desu?"
"Does he have to use dolls instead?"
"Master-sama showed Suiseiseki his penis once."
"It was too small even for dolls."

With my right hand I snatched a pair of scissors from my desk and mashed them continually into her face. Her little body was smashed into kindling but I did not stop. Until her screams began to sound a bit like my voice, and I remembered that dolls did not scream, and they did not bleed. Suddenly there was feeling in my left hand for the first time in weeks. I lifted it out of the doll's wreckage, covered in splinters and dripping from scissored wounds. How long had my hand been inside there? How long had I been inside here, alone in my one-room apartment, talking to myself, going mad?

The bolt scraped rust from the latch as I stepped outside. My eyes hurt, god the horizon ... it was a deal larger than 19 inches diagonally. But after five steps my breath quickened and my chest tightened and I turned back. Enough for today. Tomorrow I would try for six. A distant memory told me that when I reached two hundred and eighty, I would make it to the bus stop. And then I'd be free of this apartment, of this prison. And then there'd be nowhere in the world I couldn't go.

Least of all the refunds counter at Moemart in Akihabara. For fuck's sake. Suiseiseki finishes her sentences with desu.

>> No.6127313
File: 87 KB, 466x566, 1264013311501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed this copypasta.

>> No.6127309
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>> No.6127330

the game is DEEP

>> No.6127603


>> No.6127701

I watched her enter the room, her gorgeous, body-length brunette hair shimmering in the light. She slammed the door shut with her delicate fingers, and she stormed across the room in a manner that made clear she was upset.

"I can't stand it, desu~! Why must they always pick on me, just because I'm new, desu~? They're all bakas, desu~!"

As she said this, she clenched her fists and scrunched up her beautiful porcelain face. I felt something move inside my heart. Or was it my pants? In any case, I got up from my desk and moved towards her.

"What are you doing, chibi human? I don't need any comfort from a chibi like you, desu~!"

She spoke harshly, but as I moved closer, I could see her soft cheeks were blushing bright red. I touched her cheek lightly. She squeaked, brushing my hand aside and moving back. I smiled and moved towards her again.

"Suiseiseki" I said softly, caressing her face. Her cheeks were as bright as her right eye. Her eyes were gazing into mine.

"What are you doing, Chibi Human? Stop this at once, desu~!" But her eyes said yes. In a flash I swooped down and swept her off the floor. She pushed at me with her delicate doll arms, but I would not be denied. I lay her down on my bed, pinning her arms down. She put up a token show of resistance and looked away, blushing. I bent down and begin to nibble at her ear.

>> No.6127712


"Stop it, desu~! You're a baka!"

I pulled my head up, and gazed into her beautiful face. "You're very Kawaii when you're angry. Yes, I am a baka, Suiseiseki. A baka for not realizing my feelings sooner. I love you, Suiseiseki. I can't live without you. I must take you, now!"

I saw her eyes begin to water with happiness. She smiled, and I sat up so she could stand up on the bed. "Then.. you're okay loving someone with a body like mine, desu~?"

I laughed. "Suiseiseki, I don't care about that. I don't care about you becoming Alice, becoming a real girl. I just want you, like you are now."

A tear ran down her face, and she smiled. "Thank you, Chibi Human." And with that she began to undress. She took off her headdress and set it aside. She blushed at me, and then let slip her dress. My mouth began to water. She pulled her undergarments over her head. I let my eyes drink in her body. The soft curve of the porcelain, the delicately crafted joints, the well-baked doll ass, her 5-inch dong, the slender... uh, the slender... wha, er, DONG!!!??? NO, ER, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

>> No.6127715

I awoke, sweat soaking my brow. The clock read 1:00. 4 hours since I marathon'd Rozen Maiden while packing down Tequila. I realized I had a massive headache. I looked down my pants and saw that my once massive boner was now a limp dwarf of its former self. As I slumped down into my bed, I realized the only way to salvage this night was to post it on /b/. Desu.

>> No.6127887


I awoke, sweat soaking my brow. The clock read 1:00. 4 hours since I marathon'd Rozen Maiden while packing down Tequila. I realized I had a massive headache. I looked down my pants and saw that my once massive boner was now a limp dwarf of its former self. As I slumped down into my bed, I realized the only way to salvage this night was to post it on /b/. Desu.

>> No.6128292


Your boring copypasta killed the thread, grats faggot.

>> No.6128351

