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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 107 KB, 768x999, 1251985696383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6092195 No.6092195 [Reply] [Original]

>You will never score 15 year old femanon pussy at a con

>> No.6092202

You will never make a good thread.

>> No.6092201

They're 15?

Don't their fathers or brother or whatever give a shit about how they dressed up to go to whatever convention that was?

>> No.6092205
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This isn't /cgl/

>> No.6092203
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My bitches are finer. Go ahead, get jealous.

>> No.6092207

I scored a 16 year old "femanon" pussy at a con. Does that counts?

>> No.6092210

Tell us about it anon, why are they so slutty?

>> No.6092213

The poor guy in the background looks so disgusted with himself.
"What have I done to deserve this?" he asks plaintively; but his fate was sealed the moment he entered the convention doors.

>> No.6092228


I think most of them are apathetic. They've probably tried but their daughters just do it anyway.

That or they think it's liberating.

Smelly, dumb;
Boomer, scum.

>> No.6092241

Is that drunk Indian Kyon on the left there?

>> No.6092247

You know, it would actually be quite easy to get those two into bed, 15 or not.

>> No.6092253

A bit like the real Kyon?

>> No.6092260

dat gai checkin out dat ass

>> No.6092263

That's what I was going for, yes.

>> No.6092267

I went to a con to play a fighting game tournament, which is easy money for a NEET like myself. During the tournament, a Jam(Guilty Gear) cosplayer talked to me, she said I'm very good etc. I won the tournament, got a few bucks then she appeared once again, this time, we talked about 4chan and fighting games. I noticed her behaviour was a lot more seductive(I don't really know why, but I'm not bad looking), and since I'm a 21 year old virgin, I was like "why not, I should try it at least once". By the end of the con, we ended up kissing and fucking(at my house). By the way, sex is overrated, fapping is more practical and it feels about the same.

>> No.6092269

Did you guys talk about what your favourite memes were.

>> No.6092273


Replies are typical butthurt femanons. I mad.

>> No.6092276

>You will never score as a 15 year old femanon at a con
Fixed to make relevant for /jp/

>> No.6092279
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>Basically had sex with a complete stranger
Disgusting(not because you had sex)

>> No.6092280

Booze, ecstasy, or if all else fails, about $300-400, would most likely do it.

>> No.6092281


Sometimes I think girls who are into nerdy hobbies, post on 4chan and stuff like that are actually sluttier than ordinary girls, provided the ordinary girls aren't the clubbing type.

>> No.6092287

Pretty much this. But I know her name, at least.

>> No.6092292

low self esteem issues.

meaning they have much in common with /jp/ users

>> No.6092294

That mikuru has lazier eyes than Aya hirano.

>> No.6092291
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>Sometimes I think girls who are into nerdy hobbies, post on 4chan and stuff like that are actually sluttier than ordinary girls


>> No.6092299

Do any of you think this would actually work? I might try it one day.

>> No.6092308

Even in /b/ threads, invisible posts?
/jp/ is on a roll tonight.

>> No.6092309
File: 79 KB, 283x255, 1280983605599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>athens !SysNpnp3nU

>> No.6092311

>That mikuru has lazer eyes

>> No.6092312

I'd rather stay pure than fuck some subhuman slut who I have no feelings for.

>> No.6092317

Yes, a lot of guys on 4chan tend to assume the girls are like them, and at their root, they are. They're usually socially maladjusted and awkward. But social maladjustment manifests differently in men and women, this is what a lot of them don't understand, that socially awkward women will go out seeking attention, and will most probably sleep around when they hit a certain age. Socially awkward guys just stay in their rooms.

>> No.6092326

No you wouldn't, quit trying to make yourself feel better. It's so transparent.

>> No.6092353

This is somewhat true, when I was in my teenage years I'd do exactly what girls in the OPs pic are doing, that is, slut myself out at cons to the best hotties there I could find. Eventually though, after some dude has had sex with you in your hotel room and then left a few minutes after he comes, something just clicks and you realize it just makes you even more lonely and disgusted with yourself however, so I got myself a cute boyfriend and haven't looked back for the past two years. It's a question of maturity too.

>> No.6092364



>> No.6092365
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>> No.6092371

Literally a slut

>> No.6092372
File: 125 KB, 394x385, sadfrog_realistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The one and only woman who ends up sleeping with you will turn out to have herpes.

>> No.6092385

Say what you want, I'm not like that anymore. My boyfriend is enough for me.

>> No.6092398

I managed to convince one to sleep with me in my hotel room for a night. She was pretty cute.

Problem is, that's all she did, was sleep with me. We cuddled and afterwards I felt too guilty to make a move.

>> No.6092399


>> No.6092404
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>> No.6092406

Does your boyfriend know you're a whore?
Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.6092405

slut thread?

>> No.6092417
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>> No.6092420

Once a slut always a slut, just wait till you hit 40 you'll go back to your old ways.

>> No.6092427

>Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)01:33 No.3520209 [ ! ]>>3520220
>No, when I was 14 I was extremely pretty but didn't know how to dress myself exactly. A older man bought me a small trinket at a local con and the deal was set. He wasn't even pretty, he had OMG long hair and was thin, dressed in vidya game shirts and jeans. So if you can find a girl with great features and not so much the best outfit. Since you whole point is getting them naked.


>> No.6092440

I'm pretty tempted to go to cons, now. According to that thread my camera alone could have me swimming in cosplay sluts.

>> No.6092445
File: 27 KB, 365x360, 1280467316552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.6092451

>you will never score on a delicious flat chested goth lesbian 15 years old

>> No.6092452

> We cuddled

What are you, some kind of faggot?

>> No.6092460


Guess I used the wrong word. I got her into bed with me, and as I was about to get some, she fell asleep while hugging me.

Yes, I guess I am a faggot though.

>> No.6092467

If it wasn't for the fact that she was a slut, that would be pretty moe.

>> No.6092470
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>> No.6092474
File: 54 KB, 400x259, sadfrog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be more than a distant acquaintance to non-whore females.

>> No.6092475


Yeah she was pretty moe. Maybe if it's possible to replace slutty with extremely naive, then she'd be naive.

>> No.6092478

Why didn't you wake her up with a cockslap to the ass and tell her you were going in?

>> No.6092487

She'll give you herpes while you give her autism.

>> No.6092485

You go girl!

>> No.6092498


My body wasn't ready, and I felt extreme guilt if I was going to take advantage of that situation.

I would've so switched places with one of you guys if it was possible.

>> No.6092508

I don't fuck sluts.

>> No.6092513

Oh for fucks sake.

I bet you like NTR don't you.

>> No.6092519
File: 48 KB, 252x378, Reaction Image4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My body wasn't ready
Sorry just some /v/fag passing by and had to reply to this one

>> No.6092522
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>> No.6092525

Except I admitted I was a slut, but I'm not anymore. Who knows, maybe if you guys left your basements you could get the kinds of girls that I used to be. It's not hard to get us into bed, just be hot, cute and cosplay a bishie-like character.

>> No.6092536


>> No.6092539

Not her but please guys shave thouse disgusting beards too.

>> No.6092538
File: 48 KB, 500x357, kyon_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I'm not anymore.

>> No.6092532

>just be hot, cute and cosplay a bishie-like character.
That's not easy at all. I can't do any of these!

>> No.6092528

>just be hot, cute and cosplay a bishie-like character.

So let's say I can only meet 2/3 of these requirements.

>> No.6092543

It's not a reversible process.

>> No.6092545
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>> No.6092550
File: 83 KB, 496x331, 1270877554820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I'm not anymore

>> No.6092552

I'm a good looking, reasonably fit guy with good hygiene and I'm not socially retarded, but sometimes I feel that my standards are too high and I'm looking for things in women that are too specific.

>> No.6092559

Haha, that too I guess. We femanons like guys who have very little body hair I guess :3

My boyfriend looks a little bit like a white Gackt actually, hairless, thin yet built, it's so cute I love him to bits.

>> No.6092560

Well at least she is honest that must count for something.

>> No.6092562
File: 45 KB, 468x365, bodypillow-woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I admitted I was a slut, but I'm not anymore.
