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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6071130 No.6071130 [Reply] [Original]

So I tried my first VN yesterday, Sengoku Rance, and then proceeded to try Clannad. All thanks to friend who showed how to AppLocale.

I don't get it, VN's got to be the most retarded thing I've ever laid my hands on. Resuming Touhou~

>> No.6071133

Well I would like to apologize on the behalf of the whole of /jp/ and we will work our hardest to satisfy you in the future. You and your opinions are very valuable to us.

Kind regards,

>> No.6071139

Typical Touhou fan.

>> No.6071142

Already warned you.
FSN - All the heroines are sluts!
Tsukihime - Twilight lite
Umineko - Newfags first Sound Novel.
PW - FSN ripoff.
ignanock - furry disney shit
Saya no Uta - I LOVE KILLER LOLI gimmick is lame
Kazoku Keikaku - "The powerlevel is over 9000", CENSORSHIP
Phantom - DVD FORMAT
Sharin no Kuni - Overrated and pretentious shit hurr durr I purposely act as if I hurt my legs, I smoke drugs NO I DONT just trolling
Kikokugai - Kill Bill the VN
Ever17 - Archimedes and physics class
Cross Channel - pantsu jokes everywhere
YMK - hipster drug is so cool vn
Swan Song - autism the vn
kira kira - k-on the vn
wanko - furry shit
Muramasa - Mecha shit 1
3days - Higurashi meets Naruto
11eyes - lol Bleach lol slut
Baldr Sky - Mecha shit 2
Kanon - uguu retard moe? more like autism
Air - gao retard moe? fucking autism again
Planetarian - chobits the vn
Clannad - lol lets collect dragonballs and revive my waifu
Stein's;Gate - pretentious sci-fi mumbojumbo shit
Sharnoth - copypasta shit is copypasta is copypasta
YU-NO - shit art
Sumaga - meta shit with shit protagonist
Big Bang Age - micromanagement shit
Sengoku Rance - rape everything shit
Gadget Trial - shit is too long
Galaxy Angel - shit is too easy
Shuffle - generic harem shit
Muv Luv - lacross and cooking shit
Narcissu - pro suicide campaigning

>> No.6071145

There are a lot of people who think Touhou games suck and would prefer to play other things, y'know.

>> No.6071153

>There are alot of /v/ anons

>> No.6071159

More like Japanese people.

>> No.6071162

You don't need to be from /v/ to notice all the flaws Touhou games have. Just play a few well done STGs, see what they've got that Touhou doesn't.

>> No.6071167

Well sorry /jp/ but I just had to let you know how I experienced VN's since this place is so keen on those.

Well, on the other hand, I tend to droop during moderately paced RPG's like Fallout 3 nowadays as well, guess 2 years of Touhou gaming made me low attention span hyperactive reflexwhore.

>> No.6071169

Do they have little girls in frilly dresses and porn?

>> No.6071174
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>Sengoku Rance

>> No.6071177

I don't think anyone really cares what some random guy from the internet thinks about a genre of video games, I'm sorry.
