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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6049016 No.6049016 [Reply] [Original]

This is something that I just posted on /a/. They told me to repost it here, and I thought it was worth a shot.

I live in Japan, and it fucking sucks. I made a thread about this a lonnnng time ago, but this bears repeating.

1. Anime and manga are more expensive in Japan. The prices are ridiculous, and it's hard for me to justify buying anime even though I feel it's important for fans to make an effort to support the industry.

2. If you are a girl, you will be groped and treated like shit. I have had men grab my ass in public *7* different times in the past year and a half. My Japanese friends say that women should just grit their teeth and bear it, since if you try to do something about it you will be publicly shamed. I also feel dirty and pathetic when these incidents occur.

3. Office culture in Japan is...intense. You are expected to show up at social gatherings even if you do not want to. And at these social gatherings people have the EXACT SAME CONVERSATIONS AGAIN AND AGAIN. I've had like 50 conversations on the power of beer to refresh you after a day's work. You have to say "good morning" every day in a very specific way, and if you don't then someone will approach you and tell you that's not how things are done at company XYZ.

4. The people treat gaijin like shit. Even the ones who try to be nice come across as condescending and rude by American standards. There are also a large number of Japanese men who think gaijin women are sluts and that they can get you to open your legs at the drop of a hat. Fuckers.

I wish all the Japanohiles could actually visit GLORIOUS NIPPON. They'd change their tune.

>> No.6049018

Post it in /a/

>> No.6049024

You might want to post this somewhere with actual wapanese people in it.

>> No.6049034

already done
they said to post it here

>> No.6049038

Go post it on Gaia

>> No.6049039
File: 29 KB, 390x398, birdies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that pretty much how the shit ball rolls there

>> No.6049040


Post it again in /a/ and point out that they're a bunch of passive-agressive weeaboos.

>> No.6049041

>Bawww i'm a girl bawww
stopped reading there

>> No.6049043

>Anime and manga are more expensive in Japan
Anime yes.
Manga, fuck no. One tankoubon in Japan is like 3/4 the price in the US. But it is printed on cheaper paper.
Otherwise, your post is true.
Nobody on /jp/ actually likes Japan.

>> No.6049044

Maybe you should quit enticing men with your short skirts and exposed bosom.

>> No.6049046

Yeah, I'm afraid /a/ was the best place to post this. If you didn't get a response there, try gaia online or something.

>> No.6049047

Wasn't there some blog thing that were posted last yearor so, titled something along the lines of "I have had enough about Japan", about some dude who has/is been living there and who has worked at a bunch o f companies?
I believe he mentioned Japan's horrible smoking habits repeatidly as well.

>> No.6049048

I wasn't complaining about being a girl.

Fair enough. I don't even read manga.

>> No.6049052

>Written by a woman
Shits given: 0

>> No.6049054

>I feel it's important for fans to make an effort to support the industry.

>> No.6049060

what the fuck does this have to do with otaku culture, get the fuck out of /jp/ bitch

>> No.6049065

It was on a site beginning with a K, I think. Kotaku maybe?

>> No.6049068

OP, any pictures of yourself in Japan. Just want to make sure you are a girl living there.

As for all the stuff you stated, yea, most of this board knows about this shit but it is interesting to hear from a woman's perspective.

But how could anime be more expensive in Japan, I'm sure there are countless bargain based stores there

>> No.6049069

>If you are a girl, you will be groped and treated like shit. I have had men grab my ass in public *7* different times in the past year and a half.

Fucking this, it happens all the time and the men just smile back and respond "lol u know u liek it" when i throw a hissyfit.

>> No.6049072


There's your problem.

Wasn't it on Kotaku or some shit?

>> No.6049073


>> No.6049076
File: 345 KB, 600x800, 0fd5cc785df97dd757d5f4fae4024718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I went, they treated me like family.

>> No.6049082

>I have had men grab my dick in public *7* different times in the past year and a half.

>> No.6049083

Point 1 is in the /a/-/jp/ grey area.
Point 2 is a common fetish exploited in eroge and such.

Other than that... not much.

>> No.6049085

Yep. Japanese men are very sexist and arrogant.I decided it's not even worth it to complain. I just try to get out of the situation and forget about it. Makes me feel dirty though.

>> No.6049089

Because in Japan, after a show has aired on TV, it is NEVER AIRED AGAIN. You MUST buy the DVDs if you missed an episode (or just download of course), there are no reruns. So they are in much higher demand = higher prices.

>> No.6049090

Yes, I have come to this conclusion myself, but the women only trains exist for a reason.

>> No.6049093


reposted @ gaiafor lulz

>> No.6049095

It's more expensive because few people buy it. They have to make a profit off the small market so the prices are silly.

>> No.6049098

Which is really sad when there should be another way to deal with chikan.

>> No.6049102

Anime in Japan:
3 episode Blu-ray = 8,400 Yen = $100 US

>> No.6049105


>> No.6049108

Interesting read, but just because the board's initials are /jp/ that doesn't mean this board is about Japan

>> No.6049118

Oh, you are talking about current Anime, everyone on /jp/ stopped watching that shit years ago.

>.I decided it's not even worth it to complain
There are probably ways to protest it in a Japanese manner, humiliation is a big weapon in Japan

>> No.6049120

I am a Japanese man and find this statement to be sexist and racist.

>> No.6049122

I'm very glad that they exist at all. Most Japanese won't even admit that this is a problem that needs to be addressed.

>> No.6049128

This needs to be added...

>> No.6049129

Yeah, that was a pretty sexist and racist comment.

Can't you just like, pirate your anime downloads like everyone else? You guys have Share and Winry and whatever else you wacky japanese people use.

>> No.6049130

Thanks for the cool story, Gaijin!
It has sparked a fire in my heart that compels me to go to Japan and do all those things, especially to foreign women of American origin.

-Not Wapanese Man

>> No.6049132

Expensive? If you're from the States, yes, it might be. Going to a restaurant in Japan is cheap as fuck compared to Norway where I live. Hell, everything is more expensive here. The expensive part differs from where you live.
Also, as I don't live in Japan and only do tourism there, office culture is irrelevant for me. To be a girl is also out of the question.

>> No.6049134

The Japanese women actually do like it. Get out, gaijin.

>> No.6049135

Okay, so I think I understand what's going on. You're curious that your "boyfriend" (read: fuck-of-the-week) spends a lot of time every day going F5 F5 F5 on 4chan's /b/, which is the only part of the fucking site he probably goes to. So you decided "Hey, I think I'll post a thread here and see what these CRAZY HILARIOUS INTERNET PEOPLE have to say!" I bet you like going to sites like Fark and collegehumor and Ebaumsworld when you're not posting glitter comments in people's myspaces and listening to the streaming mp3s they have linked on their profiles.

Also, you are a ridiculous waste of a human being with nothing better to do with your time than to sit here and say "Hey guys I'm a girl teehee I giggle and I'm soft and I get to wear cute clothes when I go out on Friday nights! Hey you know what'd be fun I have a good idea I'll sit here and press F5 F5 F5 on a thread I made and watch people from the internet talk to me!"

You're just trying to validate your vapid existence by proving your gender to you, yourself.

Femininity doesn't travel over Ethernet and DOCSIS, honey. When you're standing there at the bus stop in the morning on the way to your $8/hr part-time job, and people start talking to you, they're not "being nice people" - they're trying to find an opening to get a chance to fuck you. And you're so wrapped up in yourself that you don't even realize it, you just think that people are talking to you because you look cute and it brings a smile to their morning to see a pretty young thing like you.

But nobody would have known you were a girl if you hadn't fucking posted this abortion of a post. Therefore any and all conversation you're having here is completely initiated by you, for the sole purpose of garnering internal merit for yourself.

>> No.6049138

>Pretending to be a girl on /jp/

Boring troll, stopped reading there. Everyone knows there are no women on /jp/. Just men, wishing to be the little girl. And sometimes pretending to be.

>> No.6049139

Women like getting groped.
The Japanese are just more accepting of that.

>> No.6049141

>I also feel dirty and pathetic when these incidents occur.
Why? I never got that. I wouldn't feel pathetic if somebody grabbed my ass. It's a compliment!

>> No.6049142

Anyways, >>6049016 , please listen to me. That it's really related to this thread.
I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool.
It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a bloody place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time, the stab-or-be-stabbed
mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce."
Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?
Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion.
That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to amateurs.
What this all really means, though, is that you, >>6049016 , should just stick with today's special.

>> No.6049148

It's a good thing that Japan is dying.

>> No.6049152

Yeah, most of us hate Japan too and more stories like this just increase our displeasure. We just like the stuff they produce.

>> No.6049158

i love you

>> No.6049159

Woman logic.

>> No.6049164

Because someone is treating me like a sex toy and there is nothing I can do about it. I hate feeling helpless and weak and dirty.

>> No.6049166

>I live in Japan, and it fucking sucks. I made a thread about this a lonnnng time ago, but this bears repeating.

Of course it does. The cost of living is high as fuck, they hate foreigners, and overall it's better to live where you were born. Only real benefit is that shipping doesn't rape your ass and you can get stuff not sold online.

Also, manga isn't really that much expensive in Japan, it's actually cheaper there than it is in America. I dunno about the anime there though, but anime is expensive anywhere really. Fucking pay like $30 for 3 episodes and no real extras? Fuck you.

>> No.6049169

You are but a sex toy.

>> No.6049174

If japan is this bad i wonder how Korea is.

>> No.6049176

Then as a woman, you must despise the entirety of your existence.

>> No.6049177

>it's better to live where you were born
This. Why do so few people get this these days? Fuck off, foreigners. Go back to the country you came from, and where you belong.

>> No.6049180

>manga are more expensive in Japan
No they're not. I have Japanese manga on my shelf, and the prices are like 400-650円

>> No.6049188

I live in Japan, and it fucking ROCKS. I made a thread about this a lonnnng time ago, but this bears repeating.

1. Anime and manga are more AVAILABLE in Japan. The prices are SWEET, and it's hard for me to justify buying anime CAUSE I DON'T feel it's important for fans to make an effort to support the industry.

2. If you are a MAN, you will be groped and treated like shit. I have had WOmen JACK OFF my PENIS in public *7* different times in the past year and a half. My Japanese friends say that REAL MEN should just grit their teeth and bear it, since if you try to do CUM about you will be publicly shamed. I also feel dirty and AWESOME when these incidents occur.

3. Office culture in Japan is...HARDCORE. ITS GREAT AS YOU are expected to show up at social gatherings even if you do not want to. And at these social gatherings people have the EXACT SAME ORGY AGAIN AND AGAIN. I've had like 50 ORGIES WITH the power of beer to refresh you after a day's work. You have to say "good morning" every day in a very specific way, and if OTHERS don't then someone will approach THEM and tell THEM that's not how things are done at company XYZ.

4. The people treat gaijin like GAIJINS. Even the ones who try to be nice come across as TOO RESPECTFUL by American standards. There are also a large number of Japanese WOmen who think gaijin men are sluts and that they can get you to open your legs at the drop of a hat. EPIC WIN Fuckers.

I wish all the Japanohiles could actually visit GLORIOUS NIPPON. They'd change their tune.


>> No.6049190
File: 282 KB, 819x614, 0f4838180ebaf1423c67842b6b881a3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm the fuck down maybe people just want to see the world instead of being cooped up until death.

>> No.6049193

You can come visit, but there's no need for you to stay permanently.

>> No.6049194

I was in Japan for a month, and I didn't think it was that bad (apart from the heat).

Sure, there was usually an empty seat next to mine on the subway, but I wouldn't sit next to a nigger in my country either - I guess this is what it feels like?
I'm Caucasian, male, by the way. Not ridiculously ugly or weeaboo in appearance, and people would sit next to me once in a while, answer my questions, etc.
I was made fun of once at Comiket because of my Japanese, and I heard an old lady (probably the restaurant owner) refer to me as gaijin to one of the regular employees, but that's about as non-friendly as they got.

Manga is dirt cheap, anime is expensive as hell.

>> No.6049195

Man's logic:
they want to touch you, you must look great, because if you didn't they wouldn't want to touch you!

>> No.6049197

I know right. It sucks when everyone wants to live in your country too. Foreigners need to go the fuck away so there's more job opportunities for me. I don't get allowed into Canada so why can any dork around get to move into my country...

>> No.6049205

fuck you

>> No.6049209

I'm moving out of my country and starting a family with a foreign woman eventually.
You mad?

>> No.6049210

Lets all move to Korea.(close enough to take a short plane ride to comiket without all the japan hate.)

>> No.6049212

4. The people treat gaijin like shit. Even the ones who try to be nice come across as condescending and rude by American standards. There are also a large number of Japanese men who think gaijin women are sluts and that they can get you to open your legs at the drop of a hat. Fuckers.

But they're right. The only logical error in this is the fact that they don't realize their women are sluts as well.

>I wish all the Japanohiles could actually visit GLORIOUS NIPPON. They'd change their tune.

Nobody on /jp/ thinks this. Take it to /a/. If they're above this level then take it to Gaia. Nobody wants to live in Japan really, if they say they do they just feel that way because shipping of Japanese goods is extremely high. There's no benefit it living over there really, especially if you just sit home all day. You'll just be sitting home all day wasting money on the high living expenses of Japan, which balances out with the high shipping costs.

>> No.6049214

Somehow, I don't think he's too worried.

>> No.6049217

Oh white people, you need to chill with the gaijin crap. As long as they aren't saying it with hate you shouldn't be offend as it is truth. Calling you a gaijin is just like saying you're a traveler, beats so of the shit we say to our immigrants/foreigners.

>> No.6049220
File: 151 KB, 1161x879, Ohboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy....the irony

>> No.6049223

/a/non here, already this thread and redirected it.

>> No.6049224

You're just butthurt because you're a woman but don't know your place (the kitchen).

>> No.6049233

I remember OP from /a/. You posted this shit last month and everyone told you to get the fuck out because you're just a whining bitch.

OP's just an attention whore and you shouldn't be replying to this farce of a thread.

>> No.6049229
File: 8 KB, 446x104, SNSD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6049230

The only difference between /a/ and /jp/
Is that here we sage and report everything

>> No.6049231

There's backseat moderators on every board, surprise surprise.

>> No.6049239

If you're looking for an Asian country near Japan, I'd rather stay in the Philippines than Korea.
Everything's cheap as fuck.
Food is awesome.
Everyone can speak English.
Figure stores.
Console modding shops.

>> No.6049237

So, nothing? Last I checked calling a dominican a mexican was grounds for a lawsuit here in america.

>> No.6049241

If I could get a job there, I'd live there, I think.

A decent apartment would be all I need, really, and I don't think living expenses are that high compared to Denmark.

>> No.6049247

Did you really write that? I'm impressed. Most of your posts are shitty one-liner without even proper punctuation.

>> No.6049248

As long as you don't come here I don't care.

This too. There's nothing inherently bad about being called a "foreigner". Just like there's nothing bad as being referred to as a "negro" when you're black, because that's what you are! Now if someone yells "Hey negro/foreigner, come over here for a second!" THEN it's insulting.

>> No.6049249

We're called nazis for asking to see proof of citizenship.
The US is fucking insane.

>> No.6049253

ya seriously you haters are stupid.
I've lived it Japan it was fun. shit cost a lot in the city, but not that much outside of it.
Japanese know their place in the world and drop their heads/avoid eye contact when i look at them, not even aggressively. people are respectful and the it's a good place to live. that this shit to /int/ if you want to shit talk japan.

>> No.6049255

i really don't hear mecxican complain about the people in america(they get treated way worse)you all should just suck it up you are a FOREIGNER just deal with it.

>> No.6049265

I'd do it. I know spanish and english fluently, would I be hated on for being a gaijin?

>> No.6049260

>There are also a large number of Japanese men who think gaijin women are sluts and that they can get you to open your legs at the drop of a hat.

I was under the impression that Japanese men were terrified of white women and too scared to even look at them.

>> No.6049266

so foreigner = sex and sexual harassment?

>> No.6049279

go repost this in /a/ because I don't even like japan

>> No.6049277

fuck Japan. I wanna go to GENSOKYO!!!

>> No.6049291

>I've had bad incidents so the whole country sucks.
nice one...

>> No.6049340

You need to come to GLORIUS COREA instead.

>> No.6049349

OP go to any country in the Middle East. Japan will look like a progressive state compared to there.

>> No.6049350

Japanese women seem to dig non-japanese foreign men. anyone else agree?

>> No.6049362

God damn it /jp/, since when did we get so easy to troll?

>> No.6049377

>Japanese women seem to dig glorious master race men. anyone else agree?


>> No.6049386

Not really.
I'm pretty sure Mr Gaijin Smash is getting married. I could be wrong though.

>> No.6049392

We like to discuss things. Quite often the troll gets left out of the conversation.

>> No.6049391

Sry whitebro I'm asian not japanese though.

>> No.6049405

Tell me, is it illegal to turn around and smack the guy in the face when groped? To what extent may you use violence?

Also, we know the people suck, but how's the healthcare and such?

>> No.6049421

"IEIEEEEEEEEEEEEE! CHIKAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!" and bitch slap that mofo.

>> No.6049437


Master race is the offspring of white men and Japanese women, not the Japanese or whites individually.....


>> No.6049471

What about the reverse? Japanese men with white women?

>> No.6049475


Got married. Wife is pregnant with half-breed.

>> No.6049478

If you're a woman. Most Japanese women actually don't want any.

>> No.6049489

Produces the same child I guess..... at least the woman is not breeding with the less attractive and culturally inferior races...

>> No.6049495

That's pretty cool. It's good that he's not following stereotypes.
