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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6008363 No.6008363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>YEAR 2012.

A new world-wide law has been enforced.
Any male that does not meet the following 4 criteria by the age of 22 has mandatory castration performed on him:
> 6 feet tall or above
> No major hereditery ilnessess
> No acne
> Body fat percentage below 20%
The males who fit this criteria are labeled "alphas" and it's their duty and responsibility to impregnate as many women as they can. They do not need to have a job since they get government grants. It's their job though to report each month on how many women they have impregnated and they get fined for failure of doing so. Each alpha has a certain minimum quota of women he must impregnate a month.

The castrated males are labeled "betas" and are required by the state to sustain the specific female assigned to them, who is impregnated by the "alpha", as well as nurture her child once it is born. By failing to do this, betas are obliged to pay fines and get blocked from any social securities.

NOTE: It is possible to buy-out of the mandatory castration for 200'000$. In this case one would still be fined for having children.

Where would you stand? What would you do?

subrid us.

>> No.6008377
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>> No.6008372

>No acne

>> No.6008387

I start by reporting your thread.

>> No.6008391

Probably the stupidest post I've ever seen.

>> No.6008392

Great idea, OP. That'll help keep the scum out of society.

>> No.6008394


>> No.6008395

I'd humor you, but you go to /r9k/. There's just nothing funny about that.

>> No.6008404

Our sample size depends on our intents. >>report Sions threads and get him banned.

>> No.6008410
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ITT: butthurt betas

>> No.6008423


>> No.6008447

As an incredibly skinny, 6 foot tall male with no illnesses or acne, I would have little issue with such a plan.

>> No.6008460

Ground zero is hallowed ground and I libfags want a mosque there so let beck do his thing.

>> No.6008464
File: 42 KB, 205x205, 1282562021544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 6 feet tall or above
> No major hereditery ilnessess
> No acne
> Body fat percentage below 20%

>Fufill all of this
>Still an omega, which is the lowest of low
>Go on a killing rampage anyways because it's not fair
>My face

>> No.6008466

Thankfully I would be labled an alpha-male. This thread is reported.

>> No.6008469

As an incredibly skinny, 6 foot tall male with no illnesses or acne, you would have little issue with such a plan. The males who fit this criteria are labeled ';alphas'; and it's their duty and responsibility to impregnate as many women as they can.

>> No.6008476


>> No.6008493

How can I help you do more cardio?

>> No.6008490
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I stand on: make a poison that would make all women infertile and release it into the water supply, then simply wait for humanity to die out. Pretty simple and effective plan.

>> No.6008492

Because we need more retarded people in the world.

>> No.6008484

Shit, I have to do more cardio.

>> No.6008495
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>mfw he's ignoring the loli behind him

>> No.6008497
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Short people revolution!!!

>> No.6008498
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So basically... manly men get to be Duke Motherfucking Nukem, and everyone else is a girl?

Also, what if one of the Alphas was gay? Would he be less valuable?

>> No.6008515

OP being impregnated:

>> No.6008519

Accounding to OP I'm "alpha".

>> No.6008525

sounds like those standards only apply to nonasian guys.

In that case, I'd wage a glorious yet doomed personal war against those who enforce such horrible standards.

>> No.6008527

Works out quite well, as long as the quota for impregnating women isn't so high that you can't seduce a few betas on the side.

>> No.6008541

> male
I'm safe. Reported.

>> No.6008547

>They do not need to have a job since they get government grants.
I was being confortable being a beta and all OP, until I read this.
No way I'm supporting this, and I think I won't be alone.

>> No.6008564

This is actually a conspiracy to overpopulate the world with blacks. Unless you count being black as a major hereditary illness.

>> No.6008572

What a stupid thread

>> No.6008577

Year 2012

/jp/ Department of Ritual Magic finally succeeds in summoning Barbas, a Duke of Hell who governs 36 infernal legions, capable of healing disease and changing men into other forms. Using the latter power, all /jp/ Anonymous are given the opportunity to become the pure, eternally young maidens they desire to be. You must accept three conditions for this process.

1. Your mind will be altered through training and suggestion to make your speech and behavior more feminine.
2. You will be assigned a lesbian partner to your liking, who will be another /jp/ Anonymous transformed into a girl. You must accept her as your partner and satisfy her desires to the best of your ability.
3. You will be physically unable to lose your virginity. Your hymen will not tear due to physical activity (such as horseriding) and any attempt to have intercourse with a male will result in the male getting dismembered.

Where would you stand? What would you do? What would your hair style be? What sort of cute, frilly dresses would you wear? Would you be the shy and cute, or the bold and forward elder sister type?

>> No.6008591

Good thing we are all little girls.
> Body fat percentage below 20%
There should be a clause where it excludes "except if it's muscle"
Add something like "A IQ of at least 100".
Add "must show his dedication to the Emperor of mankind". Soon we will conquer the stars!

>> No.6008670

>1. Your mind will be altered through training and suggestion to make your speech and behavior more feminine.
Endless rape in hell ? Unless we clear this point I'm not going to trust this guy's word. He is a duke from hell after all.
>2. You will be assigned a lesbian partner to your liking, who will be another /jp/ Anonymous transformed into a girl. You must accept her as your partner and satisfy her desires to the best of your ability.
Bullshit, I want to be loved by my husbando not have dirty homosexual sex, there's no point in becoming a little girl this way D:
>3. You will be physically unable to lose your virginity. Your hymen will not tear due to physical activity (such as horseriding) and any attempt to have intercourse with a male will result in the male getting dismembered.
See 2.

So, no, I'll pass.
