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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 59 KB, 400x267, kyoani_at_his_desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5978898 No.5978898 [Reply] [Original]

"Hikikomori" is now an English word.
Also, bromance.

The second edition of the dictionary added such Japanese words as "otaku," meaning fanboy or geekhead, and "karoshi" for death from overwork.

>> No.5978908

Why is that cat so angry?

>> No.5978920

It draws the clouds but Shinkai gets all the praise.

>> No.5978923
File: 59 KB, 394x600, InfestedKerrigan_SC2_Head2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the assimilation has begun

>> No.5978938

Tired of the long distance relationship theme he keeps recycling.

>> No.5979405

They add Japanese to the English dictionary to talk about things they see as problems with Japanese culture or something to use to make fun of them. The implication is that gaijin are big doctoral experts on Japanese culture who could solve all their problems by making them un-Japanese.

>> No.5979423
File: 29 KB, 380x285, interview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this turd and why is he wearing a woman's shirt?

>> No.5979432
File: 21 KB, 641x481, lolalu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman shirt

seems about right

>> No.5979439

More like tired of the long distance relationship with the owner.

>> No.5979446

Try posting that in /fa/

>> No.5979639


Makoto Shinkai. Made the two animu films "5 cm per Second' and "Beyond the clouds, The Promised Place". I love his art, so him wearing a woman's shirt is fine w/ me.

>> No.5979668

You do understand that dictionaries are not meant to be the Holy Untouchable Truth, right? Because it's easy as fuck to edit them, right?

>> No.5979672


>> No.5979671

>Made the three animu films "5 cm per Second", "Beyond the clouds, The Promised Place" and "Voices of a Distant Star".

>> No.5979676

>Made one great film called "Voices of a Distant Star" and then sold out to the mainstream market making garbage film with great visual like "5 cm per Second" and "Beyond the clouds, The Promised Place"

Fixed for you.

>> No.5979711

Oh wow. Sounds like someone can't appreciate things for what they are.

>> No.5979864

Whoa, even I look better than this guy. But I can't make such pretty clouds.

>> No.5979957

Main Entry: hikikomori
Part of Speech: n, adj
Definition: a state or condition of acute social withdrawal, esp. among adolescents or young adults; an extreme introvert
Example: A majority of people experiencing hikikomori are male.
Etymology: 2000; Jap. 'pulling away'


>> No.5979967

>Example: A majority of people experiencing hikikomori are male.
That's not really an example.

>> No.5979968

'Waifu' confirmed for next dictionary entry.

>> No.5979977

Main Entry: otaku
Part of Speech: n
Definition: an avid collector or enthusiast, esp. one who is obsessed anime, video games, or computer and rarely leaves home
Etymology: Japanese 'house'
Usage: derogatory slang

>derogatory slang

>Gaia status:
>[ ] not told
>[X] told

>> No.5979988

>an extreme introvert

>rarely leaves home

Guys, I think they made a mistake here.
Or did they change the definition to suit western taste?
Shouldnt it be the other way around?

>> No.5979997

Yes, the definitions sound slightly weird to me.

e.g. otaku is just a fanatic fan.

>> No.5980156

um.... even though you're right and this kid did sell out...

voices of a distant star is one of the worst things i've ever had burned in to my retinas

>> No.5980314


About time someone got the fucking definition right. I was starting to wonder when the west would get it straightened out.
It's not even a good thing, dammit.
As if "herbivores" weren't bad enough.
God, I hate my country.

>> No.5980566

Gaian detected.
