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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5970503 No.5970503 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /v/ been playing LoL for like 9 hours straight, I feel like my day was very productive!
What have you been doing today?

>> No.5970512

I sometimes go to /v/ when /jp/ is slow so I can read the trolling threads and spam touhou reaction images.

>> No.5970520

I think we're all guilty at some times, however I don't last very long, I usually end up just getting depressed at humanity and just exit firefox.

>> No.5970536

go back to /v/, all of you.

>> No.5970547
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The only places I go to other than /jp/ are /f/ and /tg/.

Recently (as in, only the past two days recently), I've started visiting /vp/, though.

>> No.5970548
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>> No.5970556

The same thing. No, not even joking.

I fucking love Vlad, makes me sad when people just spam Q like a retard as him and think they're contributing. He's better than even Heimer in the laning phase, you can end up winning a 1v2. And built with a Warmogs, he can make a huge impact in a team fight just by Ult+dropping into pool.

>> No.5970565

Interesting choices, are you female, homosexual or just a hipster?
Serious question.

>> No.5970569

Yep, me too. Going on /v/ makes me feel bad about lots of things.

>> No.5970582

I play Vlad a lot, though the free week was kind of annoying, I kept getting beaten to him by some guy who would spam Malady's and have like 0/13/1
Then it was Heimer/Blitz and Akali free week and I nearly /wrist

>> No.5970583

So people who like things you don't are hipsters now?
Thanks, I was in doubt of what was the exact meaning of this word I've seen so many times lately.

>> No.5970592

Legend of Legaia?

>> No.5970594
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Female, if you want the honest answer. I've been here long enough to know there's no good reason to bring it up on /jp/, though.

>> No.5970598

I reported everyone that mentioned going to /v/. You are the shitposters that are flooding this board.

>> No.5970599

It was an honest question man.

>> No.5970600

Fuck off attention whore.

>> No.5970606


>> No.5970611


>> No.5970612

How did I guess?
Am I a Wizard or what?

>> No.5970617

I, for one, do not browse any board other than /jp/.

>> No.5970619


Go away.

>> No.5970625

Now, now /jp/ that's not very nice is it?
Play nice now you hear me?

>> No.5970627

I go to /y/ or /u/ when /jp/ is slow.

>> No.5970629

You aren't wanted here. Go away.

>> No.5970634
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Just be quiet, you idiot.

>> No.5970636

It's not so much browsing as much as it is looking, waiting for some more posts to be posted on /jp/. Usually I do it when I'm too tired or not feeling well enough to play a game, workout, etc.

>> No.5970642

Why so hostile man?
What is venting your anger over the Internet going to achieve?

>> No.5970648
File: 33 KB, 189x211, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who go to multiple boards can kindly leave. You nerds are sluts.

/jp/ is for pure people who only visit one board.

>> No.5970651

/jp/, /g/ and /d/.
The only 3 boards I'll ever need.

>> No.5970653

Go try your concern gimmick somewhere else.

>> No.5970654

You can stop samefagging now friend, you've made your feelings on the matter very clear, just hide the thread and toddle along.

>> No.5970655

I was first only on /k/ for a year (couldn't post because of shit internet so I lurked non stop)
Then I discovered /b/ before I went non stop to /a/ and after 3 months /a/ I had better internet and finally could post.Then I discovered /jp/ and now is /jp/ the only board I post on.I do look at /tg/ once a day en sometimes /a/ and /k/ but that is only to look what they have to say,and most of the time not longer than 5 min

>> No.5970656

Fuck off. If you look on another board, you are browsing it. If /jp/ is slow, I read a VN or play a Touhou game. Sometimes I take pictures of my dolls and figures.

>> No.5970659

/jp/ is a complete asshole. It's racist, sexist, ignorant, perverted, sadistic, egotistical, hypocritical, and just generally mean.

>> No.5970663

I'm not concerned, I am merely curious as to what you think hating on the internet is going to accomplish.

>> No.5970668

I used to visit /cgl/ sometimes but I realized it was a mistake. I'm here for you /jp/. You and only you.

>> No.5970670


>> No.5970673

Well, I have it on good authority that you occasionally visit /a/ ZUN so don't be playing those mind games now.

>> No.5970675

I go to /v/ /jp/ /x/ /a/ /co/ /co/ /an/ and /tv/

/co/ is my favorite though.

>> No.5970676

/jp/ is never mean to me. Infact, most people here seem very nice. Those who think that /jp/ is mean are doing something to piss /jp/ off.

>> No.5970679

Oh well.

That reminds me, I should start reading VN's instead of being on the internet so much. I have a pretty big backlog as it is, and it's mostly free VN's.

>> No.5970685

Try harder, idiot.

>> No.5970692

To be fair it's not very hard to piss /jp/ off.
It's actually a pass-time of mine.

>> No.5970696
File: 27 KB, 380x259, doubles girl 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir I can insure you that I would rather run through traffic than visit /a/ or /v/.

If you're talking about these "reacting images" from current animes, then I get them all from /jp/.

>> No.5970699


>> No.5970700

Oh, I didn't know there was a secret rule book you had to follow and abide in order to be a member of the /jp/ club.
Jeez dude......

>> No.5970703

You're doing something wrong if you piss off /jp/. Probably violating one of the global rules.

>> No.5970704

Stop being a shitposter or leave.

>> No.5970706
File: 38 KB, 338x303, 1258841706998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, a pass-time, it's where you pass the time by doing some-thing.

>> No.5970708

It seems people from /b/ don't know the rules of /jp/ that are on the archive.

>> No.5970710

>>5970700 is not the guy >>5970656 replied to

>> No.5970720

This is why people from other boards are making /jp/ angry. They shitpost like this, all over. They think their memes are welcome here. They think their style of posting is welcome here. It's not.

You're reported.

>> No.5970726

Then you're handling the by-product of /a/ I am afraid.
This gives of the impression that you frequent /a/
Just sayin'

>> No.5970727

But what about /tg/? I don't play their games, but I love discussing settings with them and game mechanics.

>> No.5970732


You're assuming all of 4chan is the same. Read this guide again and take it easy.

>> No.5970735

Hard to believe this thread got even worse after the OP's post.

Meido, please.

>> No.5970736

There are global rules?
Cool, that's like we had in our after-School Club back in 7th year.

>> No.5970737
File: 37 KB, 158x158, 1274154810898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I can do for 9 hours straight is refresh /jp/. I hate my life.

>> No.5970739


Liar, I've seen you in /v/

>> No.5970740

There's nothing wrong with telling shitposters to go back to their shitboards.

>> No.5970744

I'm going to trip my face off with this 40x salvia extract tonight.

>> No.5970750

Please stop posting on /jp/.

>> No.5970754


Well, exactly.

I don't see your point.

>> No.5970757


>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

Seems to be broken the most.

>> No.5970758


Every board has global rules except /b/

>> No.5970759

It usually doesn't work though, so there's no point in doing it.

>> No.5970761

Now that's just your personal opinion my friend.
That whole mentality some of the inhabitants of this place have always makes me laugh, you damn well know 90% of them came from /b/ /a/ or /v/ in the first place or still visit them. Apparently you're not allowed to visit more than one board, it's against some sort of "rule"

>> No.5970762


>> No.5970765
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>or loli/shota pornography.

You'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands.

>> No.5970772

I know how you feel man, still it's better than refreshing /a/ for 9 hours a day right?

>> No.5970774

Global rules apply to /b/ as well, but they makes exceptions for /b/ in certain parts.

>> No.5970775


You ARE allowed to visit other boards.

Just don't behave yourself like you do there, here.

>> No.5970777

loli is allowed in /b/?

>> No.5970780

Perhaps you should consider employment?

>> No.5970782

>uncalled for catchphrases

Implying, my face when, ect.


Implying, 80% of posts made by people outside of /jp/.

>macro image replies
Macro images, inspirational posters, reaction images, ect.

What's wrong with the rest of 4chan?

>> No.5970785
File: 11 KB, 131x225, reported.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you fucking nerds go back to your stupid /abv/

>> No.5970796

Oh fantastic, thanks for this friend, I'm sure I can improve my posting dramatically by reading this and abiding by these rules. I've always wanted to fit in with /jp/ too.
Many thanks

>> No.5970799

Just call them all /b/. /a/ is /b/ with an anime theme, /v/ is /b/ with a video game theme.

>> No.5970805

Just like saging really.
Do you think trolls would exist if people just didn't reply to trolls?
No, this entire website would have like 20 users.....

>> No.5970806

except they aren't

>> No.5970815

Go be butthurt on whatever shit board you came from.

>> No.5970817

I take offense to shitty threads like this because when /jp/ is shitty, I have nothing else to do.

I wish our meido had a bat signal or something.

>> No.5970818
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Buttmad whale

>> No.5970820

By that logic, /jp/ is just /a/ with less people.
Which is of course true.

>> No.5970821

Sage does exactly what it's intended to do, friend.

>> No.5970824

Sure there isn't. Keep trying to convince yourself. If I clicked on any of those three boards, I'm sure the style of shitposting would be identical.

>> No.5970830

I'm so sorry everyone else on /jp/ doesn't like everything you like and shares the exact same opinions.

>> No.5970835

I don't think that was the point he was making.

>> No.5970844

There are more people, so of course there are going to be more people who disagree with you. If you really wanted a place to chat with only specific people, you could try an Instant messaging Service, IRC or a Forum.

>> No.5970852


>> No.5970860

Of course it was his point, if you don't like off topic threads/metathreads it's just your OPINION.

>> No.5970865

You're not making sense. I don't even think you understand what I'm getting at. You're probably from /b/. It can't be helped.

>> No.5970876
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>84 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Every time, every time.....
You people must realise your retarded logic is flawed and threads like these happen because you're all to stupid to just not respond?
You've only got yourself to blame.

>> No.5970878

I think his point was that because he only browses /jp/, when a shitty thread like this has the most activity of any thread on the board, there's nothing he can do but be forced to look at shit.

>> No.5970887

No I'm pretty sure I can blame the person who made the thread.

>> No.5970890

It has nothing to do with what I like or my "opinions", it's shitposting plain and simple. /jp/ as of right now:

>12.3 thread
Ok, nothing to read though.
>Shitty Hong porn dump thread
It's shit. Hong should've been permabanned 2 years ago.
Greentext, my face when, implying, reaction image trash. It's shitposting any way you look at it and shouldn't be here.
>this thread
Shit. Went from off topic shit to metathread + troll shit.
>what a slut.
Shitty Touhou meme thread.
>why can't I hold all these lemons?
Thread about a shitty meme from another board (I assume). Has nothing to do with this board. It's trash.
>Comiket thread
Good thread. Again, not much discussion to have there. I just start downloads every now and then and that's about it.
>friend circle
Usual sion-level shitposting. Has nothing to do with the actual content of this board.
>Fairy Wars thread

>> No.5970897
File: 61 KB, 684x982, 1276326745806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good end.

>> No.5970898


>Hong should've been permabanned 2 years ago

You done goofed.

>> No.5970905

What shitposters should realize is that we have a certain culture on /jp/. If you want to post here, you are obligated to try to fit in to that culture. If you do not do this, expect to be insulted and disliked. If you refuse to fit in, please leave. You are not wanted.

>> No.5970908

I'm making plenty of sense, maybe you're small brain just can't comprehend the post?
Also, I like how you're assuming everyone who visits /b/ "can't be helped" 90% it's very, yea.....

>> No.5970921
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That would be me, and you are indeed welcome my friend.

>> No.5970935
File: 86 KB, 800x600, 6370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread is still here
