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5970280 No.5970280 [Reply] [Original]


Now you'll have to marry the protagonist of the last VN you've read.

>> No.5970289

I've never read a VN

Quality thread

>> No.5970288


>> No.5970293
File: 48 KB, 500x500, Yuki_Minakami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ok with it (there are several protagonists so I'm choosing this one)

>> No.5970290

I just read cross days...so Yuuki or Makoto?

>> No.5970292


>> No.5970302
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I wish it was true.

>> No.5970295

Will was the MC this time around... or maybe Yasu.
Marrying Will now.

>> No.5970308

I don't read VNs because I'm not a fag.

>> No.5970314


>> No.5970321

Yay, gay marriage with Tohno!

Wait what

>> No.5970322

Marrying the dead Setsumi feels a little bit sick, so I think I'll pass.

>> No.5970326

Who was the protagonist of Ever 17 again?

>> No.5970357
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>> No.5971766

Wouldn't be able to. Utah might as well be owned by the LDS church, and they were amongst Proposition 8's main supporters.

>> No.5971780

The player.

>> No.5971791
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Rance as my new Waifu? Do want!

>> No.5971798
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Seeing as I just play the Al Fine part, I'm okay with this.

>> No.5971801

Dude, you're marrying yourself.

>> No.5971804

Played, fuckin' typos.

>> No.5971823
File: 387 KB, 800x700, 1279226051387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it be genderbent version please?

>> No.5971842

I don't wanna marry Battler
He's too stupid.

>> No.5971856

Wait, would that be Battler or Will?

>> No.5971866
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Well, I hope he's as vigorous in bed as he is in the courtroom...

Actually, I don't mind at all.

>> No.5971878

Ef had five protagonists.

Does this mean I get a gay harem?

>> No.5971882

Keep your filthy hands off my husbando

>> No.5971891
File: 89 KB, 796x595, sumaga3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy from Sumaga.

If I divorce him, do I get to keep half of his harem?

>> No.5971899
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He can tell when you're cheating on him, you Psych-Locked hussie.

>> No.5971910

Sorry, you just get Garnet.

>> No.5971929

Makoto-sensei? Do I get to him before or after all the gangbangers do?

>> No.5971931
File: 395 KB, 772x1515, waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furudo Erika was the protagonist of EP6, right?

>> No.5971935

Tough break there, bro.

>> No.5972085
File: 520 KB, 969x1400, YosugaNoSora Manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I be his twin sister?

>> No.5972093

NO PLEASE NOOOOOO i don't want to meet any of Syphonic-Rain cast this Vn sucked so much plz don't do it to me

>> No.5972100
File: 3 KB, 120x120, images..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fffuuuu....can I have Saber insted, or Rin? Just..not him...

>> No.5972121

fUUUUCk, I'd be stuck with shiro, too.

>> No.5972145
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Grumph. Or Caster, a Caster is fine, too!


>> No.5972156

I'm okay with having K1 as my husbando

>> No.5972164

I'm marrying Emiya Shirou. Hmm...

>> No.5972176


>> No.5972174
File: 125 KB, 1209x768, 1264314093008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emiya Shirou - Pimp.

>> No.5972171

Hello Will!

>> No.5972173

Chris Vertin? Are you serious?

I'd go for my Ms. Cordell, thank you.

>> No.5972184
File: 234 KB, 944x669, Clannad___Tomoya_Okazaki_by_Wes2299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marry the protagonist
I may be okay with this.

>> No.5972188

I'd rather have Cordell as my mother.
Dat Asakawa Yuu voice.

>> No.5972192

MoeBeato was the protagonist of EP6 so...

I'm okay with this

>> No.5972195

Can I marry future Shirou? I'd be satisfied with that.

captcha: Avalon portalit

>> No.5972196

Dude, if it was Tomoya fuck yeah.

That guy is an awesome troll.

>> No.5972201

I rather have Sunohara
But Tomoya is also a perfect husbando

>> No.5972203 [DELETED] 

She's the antagonist not the protagonist. Enjoy your Battler you worthless, horny scum.

>> No.5972204

well at least he is some kind of funny guy

>> No.5972210 [DELETED] 

But... but I don't want to marry Battler...

>> No.5972214

She's the antagonist not the protagonist. Enjoy your Battler you worthless, horny scum.

>> No.5972223

But I don't even know what the last VN I played was.

>> No.5972224


She was the protagonist in my version.

>> No.5972226 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 528x480, 780956495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do adventure games count? Because then I get a delicious Kugimiya Rie voiced character.
Pic related.

>> No.5972233

Most protagonists are male...


>> No.5972301

As if I would ever be the protagonist in your pathetic made-up fanfic.
Disgusting little boy.

>> No.5972324
File: 11 KB, 306x344, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to marry battler
He's like a more dense more rich version of myself
He's my self-insert in Umineko

>> No.5972339

You're all fools.
Marry Battler, get your named entered in the registry, divorce him.
He's got 10 tons of gold for fucks sake, you just have to stay with him for like...9 years was it?

>> No.5972376

I just read finished reading higurashi so I guess I get to marry K1 (or rika technically)

I'm o.k with this.

>> No.5972388


Meaning finished?

Cause, I'm no furry..


>> No.5972393
File: 117 KB, 700x954, 4568406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you people not want to marry Battler?

He's big and strong, looks fine, and knows what women like.

He's not even that stupid. He's just stubborn, and bad at thinking under pressure. We might not get it from our omnipresent outside-looking-in view of the Umineko world, but he has to watch his family get murdered in insane, gruesome detail. It's understandable he'd have trouble thinking rationally, especially when arguing against a witch.

>> No.5972399

I'm a guy, and I'm straight, sooo... I'd rather marry Moetrice.

>> No.5972400


Or the last one you were, you know, reading.

>> No.5972403

>He's not even that stupid
small bombs

That, and he cries too much.

>> No.5972405


>I'm straight

No, you're not. You're on /jp/. You're bisexual at best.

>> No.5972416


He was practically throwing whatever came to mind by the time of "small bombs". Which, if you forgot, is the way Blue is meant to be used.

>That, and he cries too much.

YOU might be a heartless automata, but some people cry when their family members get their faces hacked off or if their little sister is turned into a pile of meat.

>> No.5972432

It's not even that
"How did this murder happen?"
"Like this"
"That's wrong"
And then Battler cries.

>> No.5972450


>> No.5972452
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1399, 5131182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So he's emotionally unstable after having his family member's faces hacked off and his little sister turned into meat. It's just him getting flustered after suffering emotional trauma.

Notice how he behaves after he calms the fuck down.

>> No.5972466

>after he calms the fuck down
You mean after someone tells gives a hint?
Like Virgilia, Ange, etc.
And Battler cried WAY before Ange ever showed up.

>> No.5972511

>And Battler cried WAY before Ange ever showed up.
That would generally happen to most people after seeing their family brutally murdered, not once, but multiple times.

>> No.5972524

But it wasn't the murders that made him cry, it was not being able to figure them out.

>> No.5972587


He wasn't able to figure them out because he was crying about them and unable to think straight.

>> No.5972595


>> No.5972609

I propose:
Battler was indeed stunned by the murders, but he has always used that as motivation for his thinking. Therefor, the cause of Battler's crying was indeed frustration at Beato's complex murder schemes, and the treatment of his family was second.

Wish I could do that in blue.

>> No.5972634
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>> No.5972709

battler's only the protagonist of 1-4 and partially 5. in 6 since he figured out everything he gives his protagonist status away to the new player, erika. in 7 he's not even present anymore.

i doubt that many people are still lagging behind.

>> No.5972822
File: 497 KB, 2000x1250, 1277864250948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If only OP had that kind of power...

Rin gets sufficient numbers of time in 1st person POV to count.

>> No.5973019

But I've only read nukiges recently so I pass thanks.

>> No.5973167

Huh... Looks like I'm marry Atsuki from Lux-Pain. Or maybe the FeMC from P3P?
