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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 12 KB, 315x180, noAmericans-741202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59163 No.59163 [Reply] [Original]

What happens when you go into some "NO AMERICANS" onsen or whatever and they tell you to fuck off in some incomprehensible engrish and you reply something along the lines of "Sumimasen, eigo de wakarimasen" (in case you're actually fluent)?
Will they shit bricks and allow you to stay or what happens?

>> No.59454
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unless they ask for your passport, just say your canadian/english. you might need an accent.

>> No.59516
File: 14 KB, 1024x768, 1203819536324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet the Japanese hate dark people and Jews too. they should know what predj is like, S.Korea and China still hates them.

>> No.59747
File: 66 KB, 640x352, 1203820639827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan barely knows that Judaism exists. Do you know what a Kurd is?

>> No.59782
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they don't mind the germans let alone europe as a whole. if they know your American, they'll still be polite to you ($$$) just not like you. actually in Japanese culture, people don't talk very much to strangers out of curdicy.

>> No.59922
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>> No.60103
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I remember a similar one..

..oh yeah thats it. Amerikkans, prepare to be put into japanese concentration camps.

>> No.60154
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Culture is subjective.

>> No.60159
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>> No.60164
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Atheist gives the greatest INT boost, because it requires no contradictions.

>> No.60184
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>> No.60203
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No wonder Zeon resembles WW2 Germany so much...

>> No.60228
File: 105 KB, 1024x829, 1203822982059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerikkkans won the war due to a single well placed proton torpedo

habeeb it

>> No.60288
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A white person who only spoke Japanese would be tragic indeed.

>> No.60326
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>> No.60356
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>> No.60400
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The primary reason this is done is that Japanese don't want to have to deal with foreigners who cannot speak a word of Japanese beyond "kawaii" and "desu." Though obviously this isn't always the case, if you actually can speak fluent Japanese, they won't care.

>> No.60424
File: 89 KB, 750x600, 1203824102230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it because the marines are... angry?

>> No.60935
File: 154 KB, 1024x768, 1203827190194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a thread about she-gaijin still alive.

>> No.60984
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You must be filler from /b/.

>> No.61229
File: 68 KB, 400x254, 1203829083580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't need a thread for this everyday.

>> No.61475
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Is Barack gonna have to choke a bitch?

>> No.61636
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>> No.62546
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>> No.59180

they kick you out

>> No.59187


>> No.59188


>> No.59190

depends if you did anything
if you were being a dick then the police will back the owners
if you weren't then the police will back you, assuming you go to one

>> No.59191



>> No.59204

they kick you out, then you throw a tantrum and try to sue them, and then you write a book about it

then you divorce your japanese wife and fail at life

>> No.59219

They scream louder and beat you with sticks.

>> No.59228

If you speak Japanese you can usually get in, these are usually places where it's important to talk with the staff.

>> No.59250

Like a japanese will actually threaten you.
Also, you can just say you're British. Or Norwegian.

>> No.59260

Happened to me in a malaysian store. They didn't have a sign so how was I supposed to know the dumb asses didn't want my tourist money.
If you keep your cool and leave they wont throw a tantrum.

>> No.59268


Act normal.

>> No.59276

Rickroll them for shits and giggles

>> No.59285

This is why being asian from the start kicks ass.


>> No.59311

Until you open your mouth.

>> No.59316

are germans accepted? ;_;

>> No.59337

what does "Sumimasen, eigo de wakarimasen" mean?

>> No.59332

If we had signs on stores here (in the US) that said that about any race/sexuality/religion/nationality the owner would be sued by every tourist or immigrant that passed the sign. In japan it is OK because the Japanese are racist monsters. Look what they did to the Chinese in WWII.

>> No.59349


>> No.59356


No problem. I speak authentic Japanese. Born in America, so technically I'd still be a "gaijin" however.


Take it like this. If you don't look asian, you're American.

>> No.59359

Sorry, I don't understand english.

>> No.59364

You could probably just say, "Boku wa eijin," or, "Boku wa doitsujin," in a slightly offended tone and they wouldn't really be able to tell.

>> No.59354

Well, to be fair those were chinese

I've never had this problem though, in fact I've never even seen one of these signs or been asked to get out

The worst I've had was some mean looks, but that was it

>> No.59370

"Don't sue me, my ego is bruised."

>> No.59378

It means "I'm sorry, I don't understand english".

>> No.59400


Unless you're a kid, drop that boku shit. Just a plain "doitsujin desu" is fine.

>> No.59399


Rickets and Luke, is that you??

>> No.59413

and then the owners shit bricks

>> No.59418

Why would I ever go to Japan if I had the money ?

Fucking stupid

>> No.59423

what if you're from england or australia?
will they still kick you out because you're white?

>> No.59431


It's actually "ga" instead of "de", unless you want to sound like a retard.

>> No.59441

>The worst I've had was some mean looks, but that was it
To be fair, you're a faggot.

>> No.59443


See: >>59356

>> No.59433

>if you weren't then the police will back you, assuming you go to one

police will NEVER support a gaijin if it is a gaijin's word vs. a japanese's word

>> No.59455

For the experience, the magic, etc.
I'm going over spring break.

>> No.59469

i went to an onsen when i stopped for a few days in japan
i was alone and didn't speak a word of jap, but i managed just fine

>> No.59463

To laugh at all the silly short knobby kneed buck toothed people until you cease to feel bad about yourself.

>> No.59464

Pretty much. White = American

>> No.59473

I wonder if that "NO FOREIGN TOURISTS ALLOWED" sign is still up in front of that shop on the main street in akiba.

>> No.59482

>Act normal.
The incorrect way to act in an abnormal situation.

>> No.59484

They won't let white people in the cosplay whorehouses, too.

>> No.59478

they probably wanted to kick your ass out, but they didn't have the balls to do it

>> No.59490

Cause they were all at least a foot shorter than you, and you are black, amirite?

>> No.59491


reall, don't fucking judge something when you haven't even experienced it. Having lived in both America and Japan, I'd choose Japan any day. The only thing I missed from America was the pizza and bulk packs of food/drinks.

>> No.59489

meh, that's good enough

>> No.59501


You're enough of a weeabo already

If I had the cash to blow on an international vacation (which I do but dont want to) I'd be a hippie and go to see some real tourist sites not overcrowded shitholes like japan

>> No.59514

>You're enough of a weeabo already

Not in this fight, and that's your choice. But what the fuck are you expecting from /jp/?

>> No.59515


Haha wow

>> No.59512

1.) If you claim yourself as a Jap citizen, they'll ask for proper documents.

2.) If you say you are foreign and they don't allow foreigners they will ask you to leave. If you refuse they'll call authorities.

It is not illegal for them to discriminate that way if they believe you are in anyway causing trouble to other customers. It is in their discretion.

>> No.59533

nah only hardcore righties hate them so much now
don't know bout china though

>> No.59536


What? When you have to walk 20 minutes to the store just to only be able to carry a limited amount of supplies, it gets tiring.

>> No.59546

Have you tried any another country?

>> No.59549


>> No.59561


Hahaha, no.

Japanese police will always, ALWAYS back up the non-foreigner. Always. Regardless.

I can't imagine how much it would suck to be white and actually born in Japan.

>> No.59578


It isn't fucking Disneyland now...

>> No.59608

I always say I'm Canadian if I'm abroad, now that everyone in the world hates my country for the president I didn't vote for, and all.

>> No.59712


>> No.59716

What do Japanese think of Germans? Are Germans cool there?

>> No.59729


Same as your typical white guy.

>> No.59724

get out,

>> No.59726

they support G.W. because the Japanese polititions are afraid of N.Korea bombing them. they figured that after the Iraq surge, if NK tried anythingm america would nuke them.

>> No.59749

Pussy. I wear shirts with bald eagles on them, an American flag bandanna, combat boots, etc. And anyone who gives me shit, I'm like "how dare you talk to an American like that?"

>> No.59751

white people = american. No exceptions.

>> No.59771

>"Sumimasen, eigo de wakarimasen"

>> No.59760

But Germans are smarter and generally better than other whites

>> No.59785

tru dat

>> No.59788


>> No.59795

>>59782 curdicy.


>> No.59797


>> No.59823

there is no difference to them between one white person and another

>> No.59826

Xenophobic Country is Xenophobic
also small pens

>> No.59839

No, it's true. Germany is superior.

Political correctness aside, not all peoples are equal. Blacks are strong, Jews are smart, Slavs are good at teamwork, Asians are good with their hands, etc. and overall, Germans are the best.

>> No.59843

Germans score consistently near the top amongst White nations. No need for butthurt, amerifags.

>> No.59870

People think that "Gaijin" means "Foreigner" but it actually means "white person". They don't refer to Chinese or Korean people as gaijin, only every white person. OP: Just stay out of those stores. They're run by ignorant OLDS anyway. No one likes old people.

>> No.59871

indeed. If you are white and go into a restaurant, they will immediately bring the english menu out and give that to you instead of the japanese menu.

If you go into a macdonalds (or other fast food restaurant), before you even get to the counter, they will flip over the menu on the table and point to the english menu.

It would suck huge balls if you were white, and only spoke fluent japanese (or any other language besides english, such as spanish).

>> No.59937


>> No.59965

Fuck yeah, seems like it finally pays out to be a germanfag.

>> No.59971

slavs > you

>> No.59984


>> No.59985


small paper too?

>> No.60017

you're done faggot

>> No.60008

I don't think so, why the fuck are slavs in my country anyways and why are they behaving like huge faggots?

>> No.60032

german confederation was never good

>> No.60058


>> No.60063

pathetic frenchman

>> No.60069

> what happens

You leave in shame then you e-mail Arudou Debito.

>> No.60083

not fond of GW, but i'm still proud to live in a country were you can critisize your government publicy without being sent to a gulog/gestapo.

>> No.60084

This photograph is countries other than Japan.
It isn't a hotel in Japan.

>> No.60080

heh no americans. We'll just bomb the place. Import a jihad from iraq, tell them that the store refuses to server his religion, ????, profit.

>> No.60098

lol butthurt eleven

>> No.60106

>Jews are smart
Specific religions boost your intelligence.

>> No.60094

Didn't this turn out to be Korea or something?

>> No.60113

Like, for example, any european country?

>> No.60127

Which century are you living in?

>> No.60135

no, being killed for 2000 years boosts your intelligence.

>> No.60136

lol @ family guy

>> No.60130

Slavs are the niggers of Europe
Germany is the most cultured nation on the planet.

>> No.60143

I'm half black and half white, so I'm brown. I'm glad I'll never be labled as an American if I go traveling. People have no idea what nationality I am most of the time. Black people can usually tell I'm part black though.

>> No.60140

Or you could say "yeah, Canadian"

>> No.60157

lol @ niggers in germany, useless germans, enjoy being slaves for america

>> No.60163


>> No.60149

Natural selection FTW!

>> No.60182

half black, all nigger. enjoy your time in hell, boy.

>> No.60173

Not a religion.

>> No.60189

That's not a boost, it's a prerequisite!

>> No.60195

Butthurt deletefag.

>> No.60199

If your Australian don't worry, they love you.

>> No.60201

I wouldn't know about that. I've seen atheists arguing with passion about how Jesus didn't exist and the holocaust was a lie. They also back Zeitgeist the movie.

>> No.60204


>> No.60206

You're an idiot.

The Jewish religion is pretty much restricted to a specific ethnicity. Most Jews come from Jewish parents, and it's very hard for a goy to convert to Judaism. How the fuck are there still people who don't know this? America.

>> No.60212

Haha oh wow

>> No.60219

I usually start speaking Spanish and then use English in a wetback accent, and they usually say OH, you are not american.

>> No.60221


Can you imagine how awkward it would be to be a white person born in Japan?

>> No.60227

I haven't seen the one with the Doms before, you got it by itself?

>> No.60230

Ask Joe. He's Japanese.

>> No.60249

I find it hard to believe that white American jews and sand-nigger isrealis have anything in common genetically at all.

>> No.60255

It doesnt happen very often. So its not really a problem.

>> No.60259


>> No.60260


>> No.60262


>> No.60263

If you act normal, no one will care. However, if you really want to be popular there, bring Naruto head bans and try to fit in the few mispronounced Japanese words you know into every sentence.

>> No.60266

This is truth, Japanese police are total racists and extremely pissed off because they can't carry firearms.

>> No.60279

>No one likes old people
>No one old people
>old people

>> No.60283


>> No.60290


>> No.60300

>>This is truth, German police are total racists and extremely pissed off because they can't kill jews anymore.

>> No.60306

I think we're all a little pissed off at that.

>> No.60311

Solution: Wear large sunglasses and a hat so no one will be able to tell by looking at you.

>> No.60315

finally, someone with real facts

>> No.60354


Jewish ethnicity?

>> No.60355

Let me see if I can break it down from my understanding.

Reasons for this:
1. No, your overzealous impolite otaku ass is not allowed into our establishment because there's the possibility you're a Marine, and US Marines are raping the shit out of the local populace. Every time one of those damn jarheads gets a little too friendly with the local women, it reflects badly on all of us.

2. Some of these establishments are run by Yakuza, and having nosy whities around ruins it. This is especially true of anything relating to prostitution, bars, or entertainment.

From my understanding, 98% of places in Tokyo anyway don't have this bias against (white) foreigners. IF you're black, expect to be looked at with a little curiosity. If you're Chinese/Korean you'll get looked at with a little distain if you have an attitude. If you're southeast Asian, well...many people just won't approve of you.

IF you end up in one of these situations and you don't speak semi-fluent Japanese, be very polite and leave graciously. If you make a scene, it will verify to the owner that you're a loose cannon, and prone to outbursts.

IF you do speak fluent Japanese (or at least, well enough to know your honorifics), tell the person denying you entry that you are very sorry to have wasted their time and that you understand the rules.

Do not attempt to fuck with them. Don't be a smart ass in this country and expect to get ahead.

>> No.60373


Hell, if anything, that just makes life suck that much more for the white person.

>> No.60376

except the one you posted

>> No.60381

pretty much, the only remotely white people being born in japan are also half-japanese.

its not really a problem.

>> No.60382

nah, just cover your entire body like the stupid women from saudi arabia

>> No.60384

pretty much got it all covered.

>> No.60393

marines ruin it for everyone really, all my buddies in the army just look down on all those stupid jarheads

>> No.60411

and what about being Spanish, like from the Caribbean? Do they care?

>> No.60418

Everyone is inferior in the eyes of the Japanese. Whites are just less inferior than everyone else. Sorry dude, they'll hate you.

>> No.60419

i heard in china/japan people will respect you more if you say you are jewish than if you say you are american. its just what i heard though

>> No.60413


>> No.60425

You'll stand out too much and then nobody will want you in their store regardless of race.

>> No.60428

stupid otakus

>> No.60436

The japanese are the new Übermensch.

>> No.60439

lol jews, they'll just look at you and ask how you didn't get put in the oven

>> No.60445


They don't know about the Holocaust or Rape of Nanjing though, remember?

>> No.60472

gb2/b/ fag

>> No.60498

gaijin are pretty much people repellent in japan.

no one in a train will sit next to you if you are big/look like you would be in the military, even if it is packed liked a sardine can.

It pissed me off to no extent that when I went with my host family to my host family's daughter's taiikusai, that everyone around us moved to away from us, or to the other side of the field, simply because they were sitting close to a gaijin (the only one there).

>> No.60508

quit failing, also this thread is now about the reason why slavs > all germans

>> No.60518

gaijin are pretty much people repellent in japan.

no one in a train will sit next to you if you are big/look like you would be in the military, even if it is packed liked a sardine can.

It pissed me off to no extent that when I went with my host family to my host family's daughter's taiikusai, that everyone around us moved away from us, or to the other side of the field, simply because they were sitting close to a gaijin (the only one there).

>> No.60534

Semi relevant: How do the Japanese react to female gaijin? Same as what's been said?

>> No.60560

no, they have group sex with them.

>> No.60564

Maybe size has something to do with it. I'm not a big guy, and I've never have Japanese people freak out in my presence. And most of the time anything I go to, I'm the only foreigner there, but smiling and saying "Konnichiwa" helps a lot. They stare, but they've never avoided me.

>> No.60567

not as badly as to gaijin men.

Japanese men have issues with gaijin women since they think they are all too independent/pushy/not submissive, but everyone thinks you are a criminal if you are a gaijin male.

>> No.60756

Its long-post anon here again.

Some other things I thought of - These were told to me by Japanese people. How you dress is very very important you have two ways to make it easier for yourself, assuming you're white(ish)

1. Look at how Americans and other whites are portrayed on the TV - celebs etc... Most of them are extremely jovial. If you're blonde (dyejob or not) try to pattern some of your at least cursory interactions after the famous forigners that are there. I believe Peter Payne (of JList fame) wrote in his newsletter one time that people expected him to say "Its unbelievable!" all the time. So if you can appear to be the "Friendly American" WITHOUT violating the social rules that will make the Japanese people be uncomfortable, do so. This takes tact - there's no easy way around it.

2. If you're not typically USAian looking (Maybe you're hispanic? Or mixed Asian (in my case, Japanese) and White like myself), then in SOME cases you may have a certain familiarity mixed with attractive exoticness that is ascribed to "Haifu"; half Japanese half Whites and considered REALLY attractive by many Japanese people.

This will only work if you are....
1. Not fat
2. Overall attractive
3. Dark haired (Medium brown or darker and WELL TAKEN CARE OF)
4. Have at least one Japanese physical feature. Maybe your eyes are shaped asian looking, maybe your skin tone is more Asian than White (Lightskinned Hispanic people will do well here)

Doesn't work for everyone, but hell... this is what my Japanese Ex told me will get me through in Japan, because it brings a comforting sense of the familiar together with the exoticism of whiter skin etc...

>> No.60781

so spics are just spics, well no reason for me to go nippon if they're just gonna think of me like the stupid niggers in america do, also slavs

>> No.60797

Any tips for a Chinese?

>> No.60810

so indians are looked down upon? [ asian idians]

>> No.60816

What if you're a Canadian?

>> No.60835

I find it weird that almost all japanese (except for the ganguro) try to get their skin whiter, while girls in america try and get their skin darker.

I mean, they sell lotion in japan that whitens you skin, and from my understanding, it is quite popular

>> No.60837

Canada is part of the Continent of America. USians are also residents of America. Thus USians and Canadians are both Americans!

>> No.60840

doesn't matter, you will be branded as american anyways

>> No.60845

i meant all japanese women

>> No.60857

I find it weird that almost all japanese women (except for the ganguro) try to get their skin whiter, while girls in america try and get their skin darker.

I mean, they sell lotion in japan that whitens you skin, and from my understanding, it is quite popular

>> No.60865


>> No.60870

>>while girls in america try and get their skin darker
I HATE this. It's so prevalent in California and it looks TERRIBLE. Nothing worse than these fake blond, over tanned sluts with huge sunglasses and Ugg boots.

Stupid fashion in this country and state.

>> No.60872

Shut your filthy mouth, amerifag
Canadians are infinitely superior.

>> No.60891

canadians are just americans in denial.

>> No.60908

I never said they wern't; I simply said that Canadians and USians were both part of America and therefore are Americans. I myself feel that our redneck ratio is lower than the US's, but that most of the non-rednecks in the US pretty much compare to the US. Except we're more liberal than they are. Probably.

>> No.60909


Only, no, the US marines aren't raping the population. What happens is that the police will always, ALWAYS back the word of the non-foreigner. All it takes is one marine to act too friendly, and the woman yells rape. Furthermore, because foreigner crimes are *grossly* overexaggerated by the media, that one marine that got too friendly suddenly becomes ALL MARINES ALL RAPISTS ALL THE TIME.

Maybe the country as a whole isn't blatently racists towards non-foreigners, but the system is set to run against them.

>> No.60920


>> No.60934

It doesn't heal that they extremely xenophobic it s in their culture.

>> No.60938

Fuck you.

>> No.60939

Get a job.

>> No.60951

Pale skin as beautiful is deeply rooted in their culture? You know the ghost white makeups of the upper classes in the feudal era? Yeah.

>> No.60956

Well, my friend had an overall positive experience in Japan, though to be fair he had lived there for a year or two in the past and had some friends he could go around town with.

No one seemed to bother him about his appearance. He's blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Hell, he was even approached to do modeling for some jeans while he was there.

He said he'd gotten a few stares because of the way he dresses (punk), but he always stared right back and they usually looked away immediately.

>> No.60958

where the fuck did this expression come from

>> No.60959

They Also thought that Homosexuality was more honorable then Heterosexuality. Hot. Damn.

>> No.60963

Why go extreme in either direction? Just keep your normal healthy skin color.

>> No.60965

Code Geass lurk moar

>> No.60971

You faggots are dumnb as fuck.

The Japanese are just scared of us because they think we'll nuke them again.

>> No.60977


1. If you're hispanic, to be honest, I've never had this conversation with a Japanese friend, but I'll ask sometime. Pretty much don't look cholo or like a marine, and you should be fine. Since "hispanic" can be so many different varieties of skin color and features you could be mistaken for a ton of things by people who have never seen a hispanic person before Don't be afraid to let people know you speak Spanish though, as, like French, its seen as kind of cool in pop culture (Take for instance all the Spanish names and such in the Bleach series.)

As far as Chinese goes, you'll probably have an easier time getting "access" to good treatment, provided you don't

1. Make a "big deal" about being part of the oldest civilization, the original Men of Han etc. Don't ever give the impression you're a hyper nationalistic type who thinks that china is superior to japan.
2. Bring up WWII stuff.

Aside from that, you "fit in" pretty damn well physically and if you can speak some Japanese it helps too.

>> No.60982

silly weeaboo, animu is for faggots.

>> No.60991

You can't be Jewish if one of your parents isn't Jewish.

>> No.60995

I planned a trip there this summer, it doesn't help im 6'5....

>> No.61005

if you're white hispanic, you're a piece of shit and are woth, mexican nationalist, cuban & puerto rican nationalist FTW
also slavs 4 life

>> No.61018

wat abt indians? somehow i dont think they'd fit in

>> No.61020

Hey! All women are filthy lying whores and I like it when they look the part.

>> No.61033

Bitches dont know about my proprietor's right to refuse service. Fuck, they say that here, not just in Japan.

>> No.61086


I can understand what you mean, but I think there's some credence to what the Japanese people are talking about here.

I was watching the NHK World the other day, and on the news report they had two interesting stories back to back. One was about the opening of a new joint command center for the Japanese Air Self Defense Force and the USAF - They were going to move troops to have closer relations and quartering, and work together on a missile shield program etc...

Right after this was a piece about how the Japanese government are demanding that Marine bases (or Naval bases that house marines, as it is), need to install security cameras, create a strong criteria for who's allowed to live off base, and that the JDF is going to be doing patrols of entertainment districts to basically watch out for Marines fucking up and rescuing the Japanese people. US interests have agreed to these terms citing there is a problem as well.

Yes, I think the system may be biased in favor of the locals, but considering that in particular the Marines are being singled out because there are more incidents of violence or sexual misconduct reported than say, compared to USAF or Navy individuals, I think there may be something here.

Also, as an anecdote I've talked to my share of US marines and there are a large percentage who want an okinawa deployment so they can get a "little brown fucking machine". So I believe the Japanese people's waryness is justified.

>> No.61106

the US military sends all of the dumb, mindless grunts to okinawa

go there yourself and see what I mean

>> No.61114

the US military sends all of the dumb, mindless grunts to okinawa, because they aren't intelligent enough to not get killed in Iraq.

go there yourself and see what I mean

>> No.61118



>> No.61139


ITT: idiots who know nothing about Judaism or "Jewish ethnicity".

>> No.61144

Except I am Jewish and it's fucking true you dumbass. Judaism is as much a race as it is a religion. If you're not one of God's chosen people, then you can't just become one.

>> No.61146

But don't the Japanese hate the Chinese? Or those are some minority nationalist fuckers? I know they are concerned about food safety and that, but does it reach "hate"?

>> No.61160


Jewish mother = you're a Jew
Jewish father = doesn't mean shit

Jewish ethnicity = doesn't exist

Please tell me how you're related to Jews from Ethiopia?

(protip: you're not)

Also, troll harder.

>> No.61162

Not really, that's just what the Chinese assume (that the hate is mutual)
For some reason they hate koreans a lot more

>> No.61175

Think of the mental profile of a marine. Young, brash, strong, undereducated, poor, violent.

No shit they rape people, they're soldiers.

>> No.61180


I'm really not sure who "started it", but there are some people on both sides who really dislike each other. I know the Japanese aren't happy that the Chinese keep bringing up WWII which, from my understanding is a cultural shame they just want to forget about.

I don't know since I'm not over there, but I don't think the average Japanese person hates the average Chinese - Its probably just the nationalistic ones on both sides who cause a problem.

>> No.61184

i doubt japanese people hate germans. i mean, ofcuz, u have to speak some german to proof that u are german. i mean, look at some of the anime. some of them feature in german. like the rozen maiden, and few other i cant think of right now. anyway, seems like japanese people like german. and, there's a rumor. well, i heard this rumor from my chinese teacher. didnt u guys notice during the WWII the japanese soldier have the identical mustache as hitler? coz they love hitler and germans. or perhaps, charlie chaplin

>> No.61194

ITT: People who have no idea what they are talking about, but think they do because they heard it in anime/manga/internet/friends.

>> No.61197

Yeah, I know. Hate only breeds hate.
But every China related thread on 2ch has about half troll posts about China killing people, human rights, and other shit.
The same could apply to Chinese forums I guess.

Thanks for the info. At least I won't be pointed and laughed when I go there, right?

>> No.61200



>> No.61206

>or perhaps, charlie chaplin

I thought this post was complete fail until I read that. Japs all have porn staches anyway.

>> No.61209

lol Chinese-American here.

I saw a store like this in a HK mall. We walked right past it wondering if they understood how many Chinese emigrated to America for jobs to send money home to family back in HL & the mainland.

>> No.61219


I think you'll be fine. Look at this board here - Nobody would take 4chan as a serious cross section of what english speaking people (many generally from the USA) think. There's a ton of internet-tough-guy hate, trolling etc... 2ch is a place for venting and just letting loose too. Don't take it seriously.

>> No.61240

Watashi wa kira dess.

>> No.61244

>Please tell me how you're related to jews from etheopia


My great grandfather on my father's side was a Russian jew. His family line had been in Russia since his ancestors had presumably migrated there in the 4th century. His family fled to America when anti-semetic sentiment began to increase in Russia.

>> No.61263

Hmm.. well I admit when I was there I thought I'd be discriminated against all the time (I'm Chinese), but it didn't really come
Sometimes they have this surprised expression when I tell them I'm Chinese, but that's about it

>> No.61265


>> No.61289

I guess you're right. Internet is basically a HATE MACHINE after all
Interesting. Do you command the Japanese language? And how long did you stay/what did you do, etc.

>> No.61297

So, I know I'm probably going to get flamed to hell for asking this, but...

How would the Japanese public react to a black female? Or, a black person in general?

>> No.61343


i was waiting for someone to pick up on that shit, but i didnt want to risk being fooled by a master troll in disguise.

>> No.61394

Puriisu donto kiru mi Burack-san!

>> No.61425

The same way they react to everyone else. They'll stare until you look back and then they'll pretend they weren't staring at you.

>> No.61436


>> No.61479

>they kick you out, then you throw a tantrum and try to sue them, and then you write a book about it

>then you divorce your japanese wife and fail at life

wait a sec.. is this 2006 all over again?

>> No.61525

Prepare for housing (Apartments) discrimination. Pick an international minded hotel instead.

>> No.61555

You were born with an ugly face and a small penis. Why are you happy?

>> No.61574


>> No.61711

Actually, here in the U.S. we have:
No Shoes
No Shirt


>> No.61723

I'm a Canadafag.

If i ever go to Japan, i just plan on pretending to be a French-Canadian that can't speak English.

I don't think Japanese are THAT stupid to assume that EVERY white person is an English speaker.

>> No.61737

There's a specific area where a hotel mainly consists of foreigners. The local japs call it something in lines of "foreigner hole"

>> No.61740

You underestimate the racism and prejudice of East Asians.

>> No.61752


EVERYONE hates French-Canadians. Quebecqueers.

>> No.61747

>>61723 pretending to be a French-Canadian
Now that's going to far

>> No.61782

I'm puzzled to say the least about this attitude in Japan. They learn our language, they adopt our Holidays, they listen to our music and watch our TV shows, they draw females in manga that look more white than they do Asian. Meh.

>> No.61786

No, it's pretty much expected.

If you weren't paying attention earlier

I magine the signs you see that actually do say "No Americans/whatever Allowed" would also mean their lack of English cuz truthfully, they suck at it.
I've seen Japanese news reports and they did a comparison on the tourist in Japan and Japanese citizens. In one, they were asked to draw a world map and let's just say the japs view of the world is uncomfertable close to "Billy's" drawings.

>> No.61788


What the hell are you talking about? "gaijin" is a short form of "gaikokujin" which is spelled with the characters "outside-country person," and yes, yellow people from different countries are still gaikokujin.

The word for white person is "hakujin"

>> No.61799


>> No.61803

lol at eago DE wakarimasen

pimslerus lessons say it should be
eago ga wakarimasen

>> No.61810

Um, no.

East Asians from China, Korea and Taiwan are typically called sangokujin. Foreigners of Japanese descent are typically called nikkei.

>> No.61838

Dear Germans.

Nobody fucking cares how smart your country is, You yourself are on 4chan. An American imageboard, made by americans.
White is white. They don't get any German, so you would have to speak english anyways.

>> No.61848

The only reason Americans have any semblance of success is because 60% of you are descended from Germans. The same goes for Brits, who are all descended from German ancestors going way back.

>> No.61852

Tell them you are Canadian

>> No.61859

>>China, Korea and Taiwan
>>China,and Taiwan
>>and Taiwan

>> No.61870



>> No.61871

Oh lawd did you experience propaganda.

>> No.61872

Taiwan is an independent, sovereign country and should be allowed nuclear arms to defend itself from China's imperial hegemony.

>> No.61879


eigo weaboo

>> No.61867

60%? Are you kidding? More like 40%

28% Irish.

>> No.61882


leggo my eigo

>> No.61886

That's true. And I have no german ancestry for the record (maybe germanic but you'll never call that german nor understand the difference)

>> No.61890

I'm Australian of asian descent, is that fine too?

>> No.61887

are there any dark skinned ppl in jp? like niggers or africans or dot indians. u nvr see em in anime. or tv

>> No.61892

Fuck to you, you son of a bitch. It's because of the likes of you that nobody believes actual Canadians when they go abroad.

>> No.61897

Tell that to the United Nations.

>> No.62025


This is true. The REAL Canadians are smart and don't bother putting a flag on their backpacks and use their fucking PASSPORT to prove it cause we can. I seriously got into a club in Japan at the age of 18, even though the bouncer saw my passport, just because I was Canadian.

>> No.62060

Hows the taboo over tattoos in Japan now adays? Is it less prevelant now a days, or does having ink still make you an LOL YAKUZA?

>> No.62079


You still won't be allowed into onsen most likely. Plus your a foreigner. So GOOD FUCKING LUCK. They might even think you're part of a biker gang in Failmerica

>> No.62158


If your mother is Jewish, you're Jewish. Which is why it's always a big deal in a given divorce between Jews that if the wife is to retain custody, then she must rigorously convince the presiding authorities that she will remain a Jewess, so her children will be considered a Jew.

It's a major plot point of Fiddler on the Roof

>> No.62296

If you are a foreigner who is over 6 feet tall, then I don't see a problem with this. You can just barge in and shuffle their items and they won't do shit because they are scared and you are like Godzilla to them.

>> No.62353


You SERIOUSLY got into a club?


>> No.63115

One possible way, maybe, is to have a Japanese friend go in with you. From the signs I noticed, some just ban Americans or foreigners without a Japanese friend/escort. Others just ban other nationalities, like Filipinos. Depends from city to city and club to club. But regardless, just make no fuss, nod and leave.

>> No.63417

I'd be like, "BUT I'M CANADIAN"

>> No.63841

I think claiming to be Quebecois could be the worst thing you could do. I mean, they basically think of themselves as France v1.01 or sum shit. Always trying to secede, basically the "Master race" of Canada/Amerikkka.

>> No.63941



They are more flexible with foreigners then they are with Japanese.

It all comes down to what you have tattooed onto you and how it looks in the eyes of them.

>> No.64194

Overall I have been to Japan many times and stayed for extended periods. I have been to the city's and to the boonies.

As they have said here.

If your white, your American. That is how they view it.

I have been around a lot but still have not bumped into any "Japanese Only" sign. It is true the people who run those places are old people, Yakuza and in your in a sex district most likely... or your in a boonie area where they want no tourists.

I have never been given a bad look. You always smile if someone is staring at you. Never had anyone move over when I sat down on a train. I once even picked up a few flowers that fell from a sleeping man's bouqet. A Japanese woman saw me pick them up and put then in his bouqet. She knew very little english but turned to me and said I was a very nice and kind man.

Also if your in the boonies where no gaijin are..wow. Everyone looks at you (with puzzlement of what you are doing there and interest).

I walked in with my brother to a woman's house who taught caligraphy. One 5 year old kid couldn't stop gawking at me. Go Wakayama!

You'll have a fun time in Japan no matter what.

What is the location where all the foreingers are? Asksa?

>> No.64194,1 [INTERNAL] 


that sucks

>> No.64194,2 [INTERNAL] 

Has this changed in the past 10 years?

>> No.64194,3 [INTERNAL] 

No, and it'll become omnipresent after 2020
