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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 59 KB, 150x230, Basic_Japanese-English_Dictionary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5915688 No.5915688 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so, for my degree I need 3 consecutive quarters of a foreign language. My college offers Spanish, Mandarin, and Japanese.

I took Spanish 1 last year. However, they don't offer Spanish II in Fall quarter, so I'd have to wait until Winter, at which time I wouldn't remember anything and so would have to re-learn everything. Mandarin is not an option because it takes years to understand the vocal intonation.

So, I chose Japanese. Any tips for not appearing to be a weeaboo? Hopefully it won't be a problem since the teacher is in charge of the Anime club, but all things considered I would rather not look like a japanophile.

>> No.5915690

Hide your power level , et cetera.

>> No.5915694


Let me rephrase:

For instance, what should I say when she asks if we've ever heard of "anime"?

>> No.5915698

Just choose a persona you want and stick to it, it's really not difficult.

>> No.5915700

durr hurr
What are you like 17? Nobody fucking cares if you watch anime or not. Or if you want to puss out and try to impress a bunch of fat weeaboo girls or something then say you've never heard of it, it doesn't fucking matter. Anime is mainstream now, seriously it's not a big deal outside of 4chan.

>> No.5915702

Everyone heard of anime. Just pretend you think it's all giant robots or something.

>> No.5915704

1. Do not talk about a&m
2. Do NOT talk about a&m

>> No.5915705
File: 7 KB, 131x225, reported2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a weeaboo. Problem solved.

Anime isn't some super obscure thing that only hardxcore otakus such as yourself have heard of.

>> No.5915707
File: 11 KB, 250x228, 1279667745368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the teacher is in charge of the Anime club

>> No.5915711

"White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ"

>> No.5915716

Don't stand out like a sore thumb. Don't wear any anime or video game shit. Don't watch anime in class (this should be a given), don't go to the anime club at all, just act like a normal human being taking a language course.

>> No.5915718

I believe you just won the Most Pointless Post award.

>> No.5915726

>teacher in charge of anime club


Beluga confirmed for Japanese teacher

>> No.5915739

That's my name, don't wear it out.

>> No.5915740


Ms. Yasuka is marked as "hot" on ratemyprofessor, if that means anything.

>> No.5915741
File: 252 KB, 368x358, youbestbeshittingme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the teacher is in charge of the Anime club

>> No.5915745

Of course, the fags that take her class have no judgement over 3d hotness.

>> No.5915752


What university are you attending?

>> No.5915758

If the teacher is in charge of the animes club then why would you even worry? Go ahead and talk about your toohos; she would probably love you and give you better grade.

>> No.5915766

lol anime club

The last college anime club I saw projected naruto onto a screen on the main entrance of the college.

Fucking niggers everywhere. Even in the bookstore, I see niggers reading naruto. Will someone please explain this to me?

>> No.5915772


same here.

everytime I've gone to a bookstore, the only people in the manga section are either white nerdy furries or somewhat-normal-looking black kids

>> No.5915775

>Anime is mainstream now, seriously it's not a big deal outside of 4chan.
It is? Fuck. I remember when I was growing up with VHS tapes, watching those all the time. At first, people would always use me as a source for what happens in Dragonball Z and shit, because I was always ahead of everyone with some bootlegged Japanese tapes. They also made a big deal about them "cursing a lot" in the Japanese version, and I stomped out any further rumors they had about there being sex scenes in the Japanese version.

I also had Fist of the North Star and such. I remember one of my friends making some rumor about Kenshiro being Goku's real father or something, and how Fist of the North Star was cool for being so bloody.

Anyway, aside from that, when we fast forward the time and nobody really cares too much about DBZ (or they do, but not so much as they used to, and don't really care about being spoiled), I'm just a nerd with tons and tons of VHS tapes. Nobody cared for them, and I didn't tell anyone about them, but if I did I'd be insta-geek for that stuff.

I guess the times have changed. Can't say I'm too surprised when I see videos of Narutards. Sure, I was a pretty strange KID, acting out Dragonball Z moves in the playground and shit, being superior to everyone else for knowing my powerlevels and having moves from other anime at my disposal, but I GREW OUT OF THAT before I was fucking 10. I still watched my anime, but I wasn't going around still acting like a kid with my hobbies and shit. I can't believe some of those guys are like 17 year old and acting like that.

Enough of my rant. Cool story, I know. I came here to say something to OP but completely forgot it when I saw that post. Didn't mean to rant; but at this point it'd be a waste to not submit this.

>> No.5915777

i'll your face with my cock you dipshit

"White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ"

>> No.5915782

Soulja Boy made anime and manga "dope" or whatever kids say these days.

>> No.5915787


This was even before that

>> No.5915794

Think about why Soulja Boy likes anime. Now take that thought and apply it to all the niggers. I bet all the niggers you see reading manga are around his age, right?

Grow up watching Dragonball Z. Think it's a pretty cool childhood thing. Watch Boondocks on Adult Swim, and stay to see the anime block caus nigga u got notin to do.


>> No.5915801

Fuck the dub names. Seriously.

>> No.5915806


Yeah! Fuck the original Japanese company for suggesting that name because DC was trademarked!

>> No.5915814

owned nerd

>> No.5915816

That's the name Soulja Boy uses in his song, which further proves that he only got into anime because Dragonball Z in his childhood (probably Gundam as well), and he stood into anime because of Adult Swim. Every single series he listen in his song was shit that aired on Cartoon Network at some point in time.

I'm surprised he didn't fucking mention Naruto in that song. Probably would have related with whatever the fuck fanbase he was trying to get more if he mentioned something as popular as that. Maybe he's not into it because it never aired on Adult Swim.

>> No.5915865


Well that wasn't as amusing as I hoped it would be.

>> No.5915899

He should be making a rap mix of VN's like this:


>> No.5916031

About to finish Japanese major here.


Learn mandarin or something, it'll be much better.

>> No.5916093


>> No.5916144

What the fuck is the point of learning Mandarin? No one gives a fuck about China when it comes to entertainment value.

>> No.5916149

Much more useful, and at higher levels, the grammar makes more sense. It's counter intuitive... there's so many grammar rules, you start to realize you can almost use the words in any order and it'll work... and then, you realize you can use the words in almost any order and it'll work. It's like an epiphany.

>> No.5916185

I'm referring to mandarin. Sorry for being vague. Japanese starts out easy as shit and gets wildly difficult at the end. Chinese starts out wildly difficult and then gets easier and fun down the road.

>> No.5916198

>Mandarin is not an option because it takes years to understand the vocal intonation.
Right. Then why is your university offering it?
I you are allergic to initial difficulty, you will not get ahead in Japanese as well.

>> No.5916200

What's wildly difficult about Japanese? I haven't noticed anything and don't want to be blindsided.

>> No.5916269

Japanese tends to stay the same level of difficulty for the first 3 years of study. Then you start to learn all the homophones and alternate kanji pronunciations. That's not too bad, but it's still harder.
Then you get into keigo and higher levels of polite speech. Every single part of the language changes and the way you phrase anything alters in relation to the person you're speaking with. This can be a big change or a small change. It's another thing you have to memorize and be ready to improvise with. This takes quite a bit more effort.
Then you start to learn how every sentence particle you ever learned has a billion alternate uses, and no matter which one you pick to complete your sentence, you're wrong.
Then you start to learn how specific sentence phrases and forms of speech are unintuitive and can be used in any one of 7 ways, and you need to know them all in order to understand wtf someone is trying to say. You don't eat soup, you "drink" it. You don't become energetic, you "bring it out." Japanese is highly idiomatic and colloquial. This adds tremendously to the difficulty.
And then other stuff. Also, more kanji with more strokes and tons of kanji that look almost exactly the same but have widly differing uses, pronunciations, and meanings. And then different kanji that mean the same damn thing. And then prepositional phrases that mean fuck all.

>> No.5916273


That shit is all, CHING CHONG WING WONG

>> No.5916291

Oh and while I'm at it... those sentence phrases and grammatical quirks...
adj ~hodo~ _________.
means something very different from
adj ~hodo~ adj _________.
means something very different from
adj wa ~hodo~ adj _________.

*Sorry, I'm not on my Mac. I dunno how to type in hiragana on Windows.

>> No.5916328

>Then you get into keigo and higher levels of polite speech.
I thought that's what you learn at the beginning? Well, I thought most Japanese textbooks tend to teach keigo instead of casual speech.

>> No.5916334

Thanks, but I'll be honest and say my eyes glazed over halfway through that.

>> No.5916349

Perhaps this will be slightly more interesting?

>> No.5916364

Different anon, but mine did.

>> No.5916371
File: 57 KB, 416x431, 1279922104867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, I'm not on my Mac. I dunno how to type in hiragana on Windows.

>> No.5916394

My mother came over today to "help me sign up for that class or classes, or whatever". She was of course referring to a single class I promised her that I'd take after she finally guilt tripped me into it. She told me that at my age, she already had a child (me), was working, and knew what she wanted to do with her life. I've been NEET for over 5 years and it seems like this will be the end for me. Starting the 23rd, I'll just be another student. The classes won't that bad though. They're in the evening, two times a week. I'm taking the class simply because I feel as if it's the only thing I have an interest in. Do I have to turn in my NEET card, huh. It's been a fun ride, /jp/. I'm worried a bit about the lack of free time I'll have. I wish someone would comfort me.

>> No.5916405


>She told me that at my age, she already had a child (me)

So your mom's a digusting slut?

>> No.5916407

With only a single class, you'll have almost as much time as you have now. Assuming this isn't a troll post. I'd kill for your situation.

>> No.5916428

Oh hush... I'm learning this damn OS... slowly.
Honestly, I'm still in the "Hey, look, games are compatible with this thing!" stage.

>> No.5916454

It's not really as nice as it sounds. The five years has really taken its toll on the family. You see, we live on pension and have very little money to start with. It's me and my mother in this house. Every time I'd ask for money (for anything, including food), I'd get guilt tripped for it. "Have you ever thought of working?" or "If you had even a small job you could have money for these kinds of things" are some of the most common comments towards me as I'm handed money to eat. It made me feel so bad that eventually I stopped eating a normal diet and started to feel sick and weak, and started losing weight. Finally I started eating the food my mother bought for herself and others (can you believe that? She actually bought food for other people who don't even live here yet she gave me shit for wanting my own food). I've posted about it once before. She's always told me that she'd stop bitching as much if I were to get a job or take classes. I've always had that in the back of my mind as some kind of final option and it seems like that's what I'm going to do.

>> No.5916494

Oh, I remember you posting about this. So you did end up eating the food she left for others after all. That's good, at least you're not starving now. Is your body recovering a little?

>> No.5916506

Oh yeah, I remember you. What class are you taking? I may or may not mock you depending on your answer.

>> No.5916522

I feel stronger now, more livelier. I guess I'm doing fine.

JPN101. I didn't think there were any others I could take.
