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5889091 No.5889091 [Reply] [Original]

So I was playing some visual novels and I was thinking.

A normal person thinks by hearing their own voice inside their head, right?

How does a deaf person think?

>> No.5889105

That's a good question.

>> No.5889134

I don't think my thoughts really sound like my voice.

>> No.5889151

I think with a loli's voice

feels good man

>> No.5889155

I had deaf parents but I never really asked them that

>> No.5889167


Presumably using a similar method of communication. If they were deaf from birth, they probably know sign language, so they probably think to themselves in whatever patterns and symbols sign language uses to express meaning

>> No.5889170

The voice I think with is a higher pitch than mine.
That's a really great question, I wish I knew the answer.

>> No.5889199

The only time I hear my own voice when I think is when I think out loud.

>> No.5889220


How many boards are you going to post this shit on.

>> No.5889240

I have music or voices looping in my head all day. Right now it's a 10 second clip of a Rammstein song I'm failing to identify. The only time I'm thinking with my own voice in my head is when I'm typing something.

>> No.5889256


Thoughts are not exclusively verbal.

>> No.5889265

If a deaf child says a bad word, does their mommy wash their hands out with soap?

>> No.5889272

Same here. The voice I hear in my head is my voice from childhood.

>> No.5889281

I don't think with a voice, the only time I hear voices in my head is if I'm reading something.

Also, this isn't /jp/.

>> No.5889286

Ever since I started taking anti-depressants, the voice that I think with sounds like fucking Microsoft Sam.

>> No.5889293

I actually can't identify whose voice I hear inside my head.
I thought it was mine, but now that I've concentrated on it, it sounds different from mine. It sounds huskier, but clearer, and the voice always seems to come from behind me.

>> No.5889305

The voice I hear always changes. Sometimes it's the little girl, other times it's angry and tough sounding.

>> No.5889310

Holy shit, I just found out I can think in different voices.

>> No.5889311

Synesthetic here with touch/sound/taste->sight. I've never thought by "mentally speaking" to myself, not even as a child.
In some cases I write/read mental text visually. In other cases it is shapes/colors/textures, or I simply imagine the environment and the actions that would occur. "I'm thirsty, I should go get a bottle of water." vs seeing a familiar cracked yellow hook shape to represent thirst, then 4-5 frames picturing the object I want and how to get it.
I can't imagine having to think as slow as I could talk. It would make everything take so much longer. Like reading a book. I speedread at nearly 600 wpm. There is no way I could ever speak at 600 wpm.
As for a deaf person, they probably do something similar. Visualize text/images at the very least. I say that only because sound is the same as additional visual information to me. So my perception might be similar to a deaf person with a sound wave HUD on some glasses or something.

>> No.5889332

that's called autism

>> No.5889360

They're theoretically related, yes. But they're not the same condition.
I've suffered zero development deficiencies excluding an inability to easily handle very bright light, or very loud sounds. Both cause momentary light paralysis, until the stimulation is mentally sorted.
Even that had minimal effect, it just meant I was scared to death of fireworks, train whistles, and steamboats as a child.

>> No.5889363

I've never actually "thought" with a voice before. Is it really the same as depicted in television or anime? Basically sounding as if you're speaking, but your mouth isn't moving? Wouldn't that really slow your cognitive abilities?

>> No.5889385
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Most of your thoughts are sub-conscious.

You are thinking in relativity, but you do sometimes "hear" words.

This is when your brain actually has to focus to do something.

>> No.5889391

I can't concentrate on what I'm reading/typing without hearing a voice in my head. I'm completely incapable of typing without the voice saying the words first. Even if I try to read without the voice it will still come up for a couple words and confuse me so I have to reread the whole thing over again.

>> No.5889392

I talk to myself when thinking most of the time. I guess you can say I think out loud. There's never anyone near me, so it's not a problem; but I've gotten so used to it that if I ever do go outside once in a blue moon, I might do it unconsciously and get strange looks. Just another reason for me to stay indoors more.

>> No.5889419

Reading and writing are different than "thinking" to me. I do in fact hear a voice when I read a book, usually my imagined character's voice.

When I "think" I see images and feel "feelings" and "pressure" in my mind. I don't know how to describe it properly, but I'm definitely not putting together sentences while I make decisions, solve problems, etc...

I guess the best way I can paraphrase it is "imagery and instinct".

>> No.5889435


Yeah, that's autism.

>> No.5892768

I think with different voices for different characters, and it doesn't change when I discover it's actually a guy, etc.
Then when I see them animated, I notice how their voices don't match mines
