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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5840463 No.5840463 [Reply] [Original]

why western culture vampires from recent years suck so?

>> No.5840470

Vampires were never good to begin with.

>> No.5840477
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>> No.5840480

i like twilight, so it means i like the Scarlet sisters

>> No.5840487

Blame the B-movie vampires for fucking things up. Twilight just cemented the hate further.

>> No.5840488
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not only that. it seems that in every story, they are mocked.

>> No.5840489

*clap, clap* Nice pun, ni pah! Pachi for you!

I think the general overuse of vampires is one of the reasons I didn't enjoy Tsukihime nearly as much as Fate/Stay Night.

>> No.5840495
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Vampires were never good.

>> No.5840496

I blame the youth. Get those little shits off my lawn.

>> No.5840499
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The answer is probably quite complicated, but the subject is so infected at this point that it has become very hard discussing it.

>> No.5840514
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true, hollywood movies are not the only ones who use vampires reputation to glorify the hero (i don't mean tsukahime, but there are plenty of stories where vampires are put just to make the heroes look stronger)
but in most animas and managas i have seen, vampires are at least somewhat intimidating, not just a faster version of zombies like in, say, the slayer movies.

Amen, brother.

>> No.5840515

>implying that the Japanese didn't ruin vampires

>> No.5840527

Japanese - Sex Tools that fight back
Western - Sparkles and love

They are equally bad

>> No.5840544


What madness is this? What pitiful form have I come to inhabit? Death would be a release, next to this travesty.

>> No.5840555
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also, it seems i have put a little to good a disguise for this thread; it was to be a call for remilia and possibly kurumi image dump.
any other /jp/ related vampire is also welcome.

>> No.5840558
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I know you, Raziel. You are worthy.

perhaps not worthy of being /jp/ related, though

>> No.5840575
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>> No.5840591 [SPOILER] 
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not /jp/ related, but i might as well post this to finnish this part of the thread and focus on something else.
twilight is not the only western vampire movie.

>> No.5840597
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>> No.5840601
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Legacy of Kain is pretty much the best vampire-related franchise ever.

Also, I liked the vampires in Underworld, although the plot of those movies was shit.

>> No.5840603
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Just wait. Get this.

When you die, you turn into marble. Not ash, but marble.
Death is no release, because this is already hell.

>> No.5840606


>> No.5840619
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>> No.5840620
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Rosario+Vampire should've focused more on Moka in her true form.
If I had been the director, True Moka and Mizore-chan would've gotten 3 times as much screen time.

>> No.5840639
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forget moka

>> No.5840663

the first vampire novella was a lesbian porn under guise.

even the vampire mysteries are all full of sexual details.

you are fooling yourself if you think the genre could have been so much different than what it is right now.

>> No.5840704
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I dare you to listen to Ozar Midrashim and not get chills.

Reboot as the evil god, Kain being the bad guy who ends up doing good, and Raziel being the good guy who gets manipulated into doing bad things. Betrayals, redemption... fuck that was a good series. I weep that we will probably never see another one.

I wonder what would happen if Raziel ever found himself in the SDM, meeting with Flandre. HEAVEN OR HELL, LET'S ROCK!

>> No.5840761
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They are far better than the Wester ones. They all have fabulous powers.

>> No.5840775
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Because I killed all the "good" ones, only faggots remained.

>> No.5840777

>western vampires
Orlok and Blacula can stay; everyone else can go to hell.

>> No.5840790
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"Western vampires" and "fabulous powers" can never again safely be mentioned in the same context.

>> No.5841266

Well no duh that vampires have sexual undertones to them, didn't Dracula himself have 3 brides?

Several reasons why I hate Twilight: The female lead is a fucking mary sue and the male lead is emo.

Also the fact that the rules for vampirism were broken. I can accept plausibility of vampires being weakened or completely incinerated in sunlight, but vampires DO NOT FUCKING SPARKLE LIKE FAGGOTS! Also for the fact that vampires cannot have children; how could he have kids, let alone get a boner?

>> No.5841284

Twilight and the Vampire Diaries have ruined vampires for me.
I can never look at anything that involves vampires without thinking, "Fuck no", regardless of what it is. I can't even enjoy Buffy or Angel anymore. Well. Not Angel.
