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583609 No.583609 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, why do the Archer Theory threads keep getting deleted?

Let's try this again.

Archer. His lover. The loop theory.

And Nasu, why can't you just write us a damned light novel?

>> No.583621

Nasu only writes light novels.

>> No.583630

>Nasu, why can't you just write us a damned light novel?

Because Nasu's work gets progressively worse

>> No.583631

The emiya summoned in the 3 routes is the same emiya. It's pretty clear if you read the prologue.

>> No.583633


>> No.583648
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Yeah, but it was a neat theory.

But damn it, I want EMIYA'S story. Complete with ero CGS.

>> No.583668

FSN clearly needs more archer's background, or some other thing that make the story a little serious. UBW and Fate feels no different from the average shonen except from the deep characters.

>> No.583675

>But damn it, I want EMIYA'S story

hey maybe if you get a bunch of other people to go on and on about it for years maybe nasu will do something about it, like with sacchin

>> No.583678

No more FSN please.

>> No.583679
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Whether it's the same or not, someone suggested a train of thought that's funnier and makes a modicum of sense.

Fate Archer is HF Shirou.
He became a hero purely by being a badass, so no sad life, no betrayal by his ideas, no reason to take his anger on his past self.
Helps him, sacrifices himself too so Shirou can enjoy enjoy the saber putty he missed on the past.

HF Archer is UBW Shirou.
Wary of Shirou falling in the moralfag and devoid of enjoyment route, when he understand he won't suffer from the fate he was in danger himself in the pat (and the one that had condemned the Archer HE had met), sacrifices himself to save Shirou's life.
HF Shirou proceeds to become terminator.

UBW Arhcer is Fate Shirou.
Betrayed by the ideal he followed till his death, losing the woman he loved the most, even if he helped her fulfill her wish, he is bitter and angry. UBW route ensues.

Yes, Nasu said that NONE of these Shirous will become Archer most likely, and the Archer we see is from a detached storyline.

>> No.583677

>>deep characters
LOL, even Shirou being a nutcase wasn't that well done.

>> No.583715
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What's the matter? Too AWESOME for you?

>> No.583746

Too dissapointing, actually

>> No.583760


OK I'm curious. Your decision in this matter is your own so don't feel threatened at all by my prodding but what's your favorite PORN WITH PLOT and why?

>> No.583762

I will ask this again:

If Shirou with Archer's arm was able to beat Berserker, why Archer-superior in every way to Shirou- was not able?

>> No.583767

I like this one Jim. But fuck! I see the FSN animu creators more like idiots. How could they do this? Mixing the 3 routes a bit, fucking up Archer's role.. but hey the UBW scene was still GAR!!!

>> No.583776


Wasn't he distracted by Illya?

>> No.583790
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We need to know what happen in the future when he make a contract with gaia and became one of their counter guardians, I bet is something involving dead apostles

>> No.583794

What makes Tsukihime better than FSN is the atsmosphere, you can feel the danger , the drama, the mindfuck, or the calm in the atmosphere. The music does a better job to add to the atmosphere than FSN.The characters interactions are so superior to the character interactions of FSN that it hurts,and the slice of life segments and Shirou's Pov are fucking annoying.FSN plot feels too forced at times, this leads to weak plot or unexplainable developments.Tsukihime's plot flows better, it's simple, credible and convey feelings better.
Tsukihime's plot is also more serious, each resolution have more weight to them 1) Arc and Shiki didn't end up in good terms in Ciel's True End, 2) After every single of the Far Side of the Moon routes, Arc and Ciel will keep hunting Roa, 3) Akiha ends up as a doll in one ending, 4) Akiha and Kohaku die in another end, 5) Hisui's Good End wasn't precisely happy. In F/sn, only 2 characters couldn't be saved: 1) Ilya in UBW, 2) Saber and Ilya in HF.
Shirou never actually shows his resolve when it comes to deal with people who are prepared to kill,and the story does not have serious and mature Masters - aside from Zōken-.The only time Shirou had to confront one of his friends, was in HF against Black Saber. Shiki, on the other hand, had to fight Arc, Ciel, Akiha, and Sacchin at some point - there's also the point when he realises all what Kohaku has been doing.
FSN is just too light, shonen and aimed at teenagers. That why the dark and cold as ice Tsukihime is superior.

>> No.583798
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So that Shirou could see Rin molesting Saber.

Also, in all seriousness, Berserker is the worst matchup for Archer.

Another explanation is that with Archer's arm, Shirou's strength increased EXPONENTIALLY.

>> No.583801

Why do you have to compare everything?
Can't someone judge FSN based on its own intrinsic value?

>> No.583812

Yes, Shirou won because Berserker got distracted by Ilya, still he's full of limitations, Archer don't have those limitations, he should have done a lot better.

>> No.583807


Stupid copypasta that was not only disproven when it was originally posted but also basically started a shitstorm on /jp/

Won't bother with this piece.

>> No.583821


because he's an annoying tripfag?

>> No.583830

You wanted to do comparitions tripfag.

>> No.583832

>intrinsic value

>> No.583833


Typically speaking. Comparisons ARE the judgment of quality in this world.

Example: When people first heard stories about knights saving princesses... well that was pretty awesome to them! But then it got cliché and so the telling of stories was changed and improved upon. When people started hearing these "better" stories as younger kids they compared them to simplistic stories of knights and princesses and still judged them as being shit because those previous stories just plain struck a more profound cord in them when they were little.

Essentially this: Do you have a favorite VN? Then consciously or subconsciously you probably compared it to Fate/Stay Night.

This is why children are easier to entertain than adults.

>> No.583840
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also was he summoned in a heavens feel ritual prior to fate stay night, he said: " I was summoned again by other incompetent master" if I remember well

>> No.583842

It would have cool if Rin summoned a Shirou that didn't regret his path. We would have seen a really awesome Archer

>> No.583846

Black Berserker's power was nothing compared to the regular Berserker's strength. Berserker's god-half directly conflicted with the corruption, making him weak.

However, Shirou still had trouble defeating him, and only managed to kill him through a distraction.

>> No.583847

Comon man.. if a male gets distracted by Ilya even a bug can beat him to death.. no exception.

>> No.583843




Also: Copypasta is that. Copypasta. Shit doesn't need comparisons.

>> No.583850

No he didn't say that....

>> No.583859

That may be copy pasta, but is mostly the thruth

>> No.583864

The way you do it is just to deviate the attention, also a good way to discredit the one you are having an argument with.
Try to defend FSN based on its own value for once.

>> No.583874

How many lives Berserker had at that point and how he lost them? he lost them againt's Black Saber?

>> No.583899

It took Shirou the Nine Lives Blade Works and an additional blow to take down Black Berserker.

He probably lost a few fighting Black Saber, and then was captured and tainted. I'm not sure of the actual specifics.

>> No.583900

Since Archer makes a comment to Saber about a "next time" before his fight with Shirou, I would have to say that all the paths of Fate/Stay Night run parallel in separate timelines, but the Servants experience them all in succession/at the same time thanks to the wonders of temporal mechanics.

Fate Shirou is inspired by Saber and dedicates his life to becoming a hero, eventually making a contract with the world. In the process, he ruins his life exactly like she did and becomes a Servant for the exact same reason she did.

UBW Shirou rejects Archer and dedicates his life to saving others, spends his life with Rin and eventually becomes a hero through his own power thanks to his superior magic.

HF Shirou gives up his dream of saving people and dedicates his life to protecting Sakura. During the path, he becomes a hero through his own power by saving Sakura's life.

>> No.583903

He had nine or less.
He could have lost them before being converted, from Sakura's shadows or True assassin, didn't really catch that part anywhere.

>> No.583914
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>We need to know what happen in the future when he make a contract with gaia and became one of their counter guardians

>> No.583910


No it isn't... it REALLY FUCKING ISN'T.

>What makes Tsukihime better than FSN is the atsmosphere, you can feel the danger , the drama, the mindfuck, or the calm in the atmosphere.

VN's aren't good at atmosphere. All they do is give you a vague indication of what's going on and let the visuals do the rest.

>The music does a better job to add to the atmosphere than FSN.The characters interactions are so superior to the character interactions of FSN that it hurts,and the slice of life segments
and Shirou's Pov are fucking annoying.

Firstly: Music? The music of Tsukihime was painfully repetitive unless you downloaded a new soundtrack to it. And Shirou and Shiki's POV were practically the same thing. They are really THAT SIMILAR OF CHARACTERS.

>FSN plot feels too forced at times, this leads to weak plot or unexplainable developments.

>> No.583924


I already did. It's value is equal to that of Tsukihime.


>Your decision in this matter is your own so don't feel threatened at all by my prodding

Read my own quotes please.

>> No.583931

What other VNs do you like apart of the obvious FSN and Tsukihime?
Just to know.

>> No.583929

The ones he loves, not just Sakura.

>> No.583983

Good try, but your arguments fails.
Tsukihime's creates a good dramatic atmosphere it really adds to experience. The music is debatable, i enjoy it overall.
Shiki and Shirou the same? Shirou no being annoying? 2/10
That the characters interactions of FSN- except Rin and Archer- are really weak is no secret.

>> No.583986


FSN is shit. Deal with it. Easily the weakest project made by Type Moon.

>> No.583994

Which is not good news seeing as it's their first "real" project as a company.

>> No.583999

Whether Shiki is annoying or Shirou is annoying is a matter of the personality of the person playing it. The whole world isn't going to agree on whether someones annoying or not, people have different tastes in characters.

>> No.584005

It's not that bad, it's mediocre, but enjoyable at times.

>> No.584006


Its good enough as it is but compared to Nasu's earlier works? Its shit.

>> No.584016

Oh come on, did you read the slice of life parts of Tsukihime and FSN?
The FNS are terrible, and Shirou's PoV IS annoying.

>> No.584026

The ones with Rin are OK, but i agree, i face palm non stop with Shirou as the narrator.

>> No.584030

TBH I find Shiki's PoV more annoying, I mean come on.
This chair. This chair. etc.

>> No.584032


"People die when they're killed"
"I'll get hungry if i dont eat"
"I know Saber is strong but girls shouldnt fight"
"I need to be naked to have sex"

>> No.584045

Shiki was being mindfucked at the time of the chair scene, at the scene is lulzy, could you give another example?

>> No.584041

Earlier work?
Neither Kara no Kyoukai nor Tsukihime were that great you know.

>> No.584054

Examples? How about everytime hes about to be killed?
"If I don't dodge this, ill die........."
Oh really now?

>> No.584055

They were good for what they were. FSN was not.

>> No.584056


As i've said, Nasu's earlier works were much better than FSN.

>> No.584058

And once again, FSN VS Tsukihime.

The copypasta works mighty well.

>> No.584064

That's just narration, and Shiki recognizing a deadly attack, what's wrong with that?

>> No.584069
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>> No.584074

wait what?

>> No.584075

If it had a 'try' in the proper place, it would make SO much sense.

>> No.584076


Thats because FSN was overhyped to the point that we expected lots of epic from it. What we got is some moronic faggot that cant die when he's killed having conversations so bland it makes eyes bleed.

>> No.584082

Its not so much that hes narrating its that he says unnecessary shit in the heat of the moment, and it really kills the atmosphere.

>> No.584091

It's a different thing when he actually speaks, and another when his mind screams 'I'll die, I'll die, I'll die, I'll die, I'll die' etc.

What is he supposed to be thinking about, raping his maids?

Oh wait...

>> No.584092


Oh lawld. People doesnt stop even when i stop them.

>> No.584094

New shirou shoop needed?

>> No.584105

The problem people have with FSN is the way Shirou goes about narrating the events. They probably expect narration similar to Shiki's in the sense that he thinks in a sensible manner, whereas Shirou narrates in a sense thats very confusing and may seem moronic at times.

But understand this. Thats exactly the way Nasu intended it to be. The situation in FSN is about a guy who finds himself in a very complex situation very quickly, so people get angry when Shirou says something that doesn't seem sensible to them, but thats retarded because the whole story is about Shirou learning more about the situation hes in.

>> No.584110
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this is why tsukihime is superior

>> No.584122


>> No.584124


Exactly, he's not annoying when talking and interacting, and i can actually enjoy some conversations.
Am i the only one who loves the Shiki x Arcueid interaction?

>> No.584127


If anything, Shirou is more aware and has an idea of what is happening since he's a magus compared to Mr. Normal High School Student Shiki. Who is clueless about magic, demons and vampires.

>> No.584126

The 'Die when are killed' actually makes sense.

When you are stabbed through the heart, slashed in the neck, cut in fucking two etc (all actions of killing), you are supposed to die.

Shirou recovers only because of magic and Avalon, and servants can get patched up with Mana.

Only exception is Shiki, who doesn't kill, rather 'activates' death.

The rest of the Shirou quotes are more like incomplete sentences ,missing a 'try' or similar verb to mention the futility or the impossibility.

>> No.584136

We aren't idiot you know, pretty much everyone here understand Shirou's character.
The thing is that no matter what, pretty much everything about FSN is fucking BLAND, it simply not endearing.
It's not a question of character, plot or themes developed, it's a question of execution.

>> No.584142

the latter can be blamed on the translators/editors

>> No.584143

But he's dumb even at the end of the routes...

>> No.584145


It makes sense of course. Its just so damn obvious that you'll die when you're killed that you dont need to say it like a new found knowledge.

>> No.584149

A note about the interaction betwen those two.
Does else notice that Arc or Shiki never talk about each others past? I mean sure Arc tells Shiki vague things like "I'm a true ancestor, vampires drink blood, etc" But they never really get into good development, whereas in FSN they pretty much reveal EVERYTHING about the characters in it.

>> No.584147

shiki has his instinct to go on, which calms him down a bit more.

I guess shirou would have the same effect because of the fire, but who knows how much that helped him mentally.

>> No.584162

Are you talking about the wall texts explanations of FSN?

>> No.584169

Shirou is surprisingly calm in 'life or death' situations, just lacks the willingness to kill in most situations he is faced with in the beginning.

>> No.584166
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>We aren't idiot you know, pretty much everyone here understand Shirou's character.

>> No.584170

the pasts are revealed slowly throughout the story in tsukihime, fsn's characters are done in chunks, usually dream sequences.

>> No.584159


I for one like Shiki and Arc's interactions and chemistry. He really is mean and playful to the ones he likes.

>> No.584181

I like their chemistry, but enjoy a lot more Shiki's and Akiha's interactions, Akiha can be so damn moe.

>> No.584192

Get out of here, stalker!

>> No.584203
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>> No.584207

God I hate you faggots. Everyone Type-moon thread leads to FSN vs. Tsukihime. Get over it, its all the same shit.

>> No.584212

Blame WIN copypasta.


>> No.584238
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The best thing about posting this pasta isnt the shitstorms that follows, its telling everyone online that Tsukihime is better than FSN.

>> No.584250
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>> No.584261
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>> No.584274

>"I know Saber is strong but girls shouldnt fight"

I don't see the problem here.

>> No.584278
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>> No.584283
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So its agreed that FSN is shit compared to Tsukihime?

>> No.584291
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I dunno.

>> No.584294
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>> No.584301
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>> No.584306
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>> No.584314

Neither do I

>> No.584312
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>> No.584318
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>> No.584322
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>> No.584324
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>> No.584331
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>> No.584333
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>> No.584340
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>> No.584342
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>> No.584351
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>> No.584355
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>> No.584356
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>> No.584358
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>> No.584361
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>> No.584368
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>> No.584370
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>> No.584373
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>> No.584379

The hell is this from?

>> No.584389
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>> No.584391


>> No.584392
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>> No.584399
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>> No.584404
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>> No.584412
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>> No.584410

So uh...about Archer...

>> No.584418
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>> No.584422
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>> No.584427
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>> No.584436
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>> No.584443
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>> No.584545
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So, how do we bug Nasu to make an Archer route? It worked with Sacchin and I sure as hell love me some Archer more than I even like Sacchin.

Besides, more Archer and Rin, they had the best interactions in the VN.


>> No.584687

