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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5816642 No.5816642 [Reply] [Original]

Hay guys!

>> No.5816647
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>> No.5816646 [DELETED] 


>> No.5816651 [DELETED] 


>> No.5816655


>> No.5816670 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 732x485, 1280367321977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking the "reported bullshit is the worfd part about /jp/ these days. Bunch of people who seem to think the place should only post what they want and nothing else. Place would be a lot better if they were the ones purged.

>> No.5816688
File: 148 KB, 732x485, 1280367321977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking the "reported" bullshit is the worst part about /jp/ these days. Bunch of people who seem to think the place should only post what they want and nothing else. Place would be a lot better if they were the ones purged.

>> No.5816710

People shouldn't post whatever they want, but instead only contents related to the board.
Anime screencaps are not related to the board, for example.
Chen may be related to the board, but threads like this are so retarded they might as well not be related to the board

>> No.5816718

hey guys, did someone can upload all new hori-zun ? i heard funny thing about this ...

>> No.5816735
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Says you, I think its fine. I say if its Japanese, let it be, regardless of the content. If the mods want something more specific, then they'd write rules as such (which they haven't)

>> No.5816749

>not related to the board

I don't think so.

>> No.5816751

so if the thread is shitty or unrelated, it shouldn't exist? but regardless how a thread starts, it can turn good.
it all depends on the replies the thread gets.

...Which is still irrelevent, because /jp/ exists for the /jp/ers, not the other way around. if people here enjoy a thread, it has a place here. end of story.

>> No.5816752

/jp/ is shit since every other thread posted is about fucking touhou

>> No.5816753

That's because moot don't care much about this board.

>> No.5816767

Yet when we have the same FSN or Tsukihime over again it's fine

>> No.5816769

Hey guys, has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.5816774

Its called a hands off approach, lets the board be what they are. Don't impose personal preference on everyone.

Touhou is part of Japanese Culture so like it or not its perfectly fine here

>> No.5816779

It's just as bad

>> No.5816787
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>> No.5816797

Not really. It's just a game made by a japanese guy, which you use as an excuse to post it

>> No.5816808

If you read carefully, he's complaining that the threads are about "fucking touhou". As in, having sex with Touhou characters. I have to say I see his point.

>> No.5816812

look at all the fanwork and say it is not otaku culture.
It is more otaku than otaku!

>> No.5816815

The problem with /jp/ is that we discuss VNs to death faster than they get translated. /v/ and /tg/ have much better VN discussions, and /a/ probably does too.

>> No.5816817

OTAKU culture...

>> No.5816834

It's not the fact that I'm mad that touhou is posted here, it's the fact that a thread is posted every second. Seriously, have some fucking variety /jp/

>> No.5816848

>have some fucking variety /jp/

There are 100+ Touhous, that should be enough variety for you.

>> No.5816870

Everything on 4chan is whatever the trend is at the time. Before /jp/ existed, years ago the trend was DESU DESU DESU threads and thats what was posted every other thread. Eventually trends shift, but trying to go against the trend and declare what everyone else should post instead is like trying to scream loud enough to be heard over everyone else at a world cup game.

>> No.5816868

Japan has a shit load of stuff to talk about, but all you people do is post touhou nonsense. Touhou is just one subject.

>> No.5816889

There are way more Rance characters.

>> No.5816904

So talk about it instead of complaining. No one's stopping you.

Or do you expect us to stop talking about things we like (Touhou) and talk about things we don't like instead just so that you can be more entertained? That's rather silly of you.

>> No.5816908

They get mad if you talk about japan so i just gave up.

>> No.5816922

>talk about japan

Oh, so that's the problem. Let me point you to a place you'll like, then: >>>/int/

You don't have to thank me.

>> No.5816960

/jp/ was made BECAUSE of Touhou. Touhoujacks, Touhoufloods etc on /a/ pissed the hell out of moot in particular. Some people act like retards here, because they were JUST as retarded (if not more so) back on /a/ before the split. What a surprise.

>> No.5817173

I did and they told me to fuck off and start a touhou thread instead. So fuck you.

>> No.5817218

Why is /jp/ the rudest board? My guess is because it's one of the smallest boards, so the community that fosters from it is very clique-ish and uninviting.

>> No.5817228

I think /jp/ is full of coreans

>> No.5817232

/jp/ has never been rude to me, but then again I've been here since the beginning.

>> No.5817245

It's because they can't do anything threatening in real life and they take it out here where they can safe from getting their asses kicked if they acted like they do here in real life.

>> No.5817247

But /int/ hates weabros and tells everyone who mentions Grorious Nihon to go back to /jp/.

>> No.5817238

That's not a bad thing

>> No.5817250

Those people all stayed at /a/, actually.

>> No.5817251

To filter out newfaggots.

>> No.5817257

Like you

>> No.5817275

Like you

>> No.5817324

That's the spirit, guys! We should all like each other.

>> No.5817457

What the hell are those honk pictures from, anyway?

>> No.5818300
File: 149 KB, 567x800, f2ebabd29a6678fda60b0aa8873ab166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bkub comics.

>> No.5818418

/jp/ is only rude when it comes to material that doesn't belong on /jp/ or is otherwise likely to attract the wrong crowd.

Nothing wrong with a Chen thread per se but this is not /b/, reposting the same old "meme" stuff over and over again gets tiring here.

>> No.5819179
File: 6 KB, 168x161, 1277867754384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was a strangely productive thread. These things usually degenerate into nothing but sages and reported nonsense. Instead...honest opinions?! I'm impressed /jp/

>> No.5819294

>/jp/ is only rude when it comes to material that doesn't belong on /jp/

I wish that was true. See: Actual discussions about Japan. Oh, wait. There is none, because some autistic (the majority) posters here get offended by that.
