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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5709793 No.5709793 [Reply] [Original]

The problem I have with Tohonifun's Reimu in particular is the absolute bullshit powerlevel Reimu has. It's like the entire former part is made just so that you'll hate Reimu. (Mocking Cirno until she cries before beating her headlong into a rocky outcropping. Then spending the rest of the manga just glaring at people until they exhaust themselves.)

I'm not sure whether I find that worse than the fact that Reimu subsequently manages to fire enough homing amulets that somehow gained shot-blocking powers to outpace Sakuya WHILE she's using time manipulation and Patchouli's hosing the general area with spells at a rate of 3 spellcards in 1 page. She may as well have just flown straight up in the air, and thrown the freaking Sun on the SDM given the impossiblity factor of that stunt, but I guess that would've cut into her glaring time.

As for my own views of regular Reimu, I don't count Reimu as one of my favorite characters. In fact, I generally don't like main female characters, because they tend to have very generic personalities. I kind of like regular Reimu for her sort of mordant manner of treating endless threats upon her life, although Marisa's much higher on my list. Reimu's certainly better than the generic pleasant-to-everyone wants-to-be-a-bride-when-she-grows-up female lead that seems to be some kind of hidden Japanese anime mandate, at least.

>> No.5709812

I don't get it, are you trying to troll us with copypasta or something?

Nobody in /jp/ likes Tohonifun or Aki Eda.

>> No.5709822

You must be new here.

>> No.5709835

I await your rejoinder.

>> No.5709838


>> No.5709868
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Yeah I hated Reimu in that particular doujin also. She's so fucking overpowered and smug it made me want to throw my laptop out the window. I was cheering when she got hit by Remilia.

It's funny that she's depicted having extra ordinary hand-to-hand combat abilities when in canon the only attribute above average she has is the ability to dodge danmaku.

>> No.5709883

...I'm pretty sure to hate Aki Eda you must like Tohonifun and vice versa.
