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567154 No.567154 [Reply] [Original]

alright /jp/...
I'm back from college at home for the summer, and while at school I accumulated some figures...
now, my parents don't know I collect figures and somehow haven't brought up my purchases after looking through my bank statements...
Mainly, it's just my mom who's INSANE about everything and is most likely to just throw stuff out regardless of it's value, whether it be monetary or sentimental.

The problems:
1. justification for spending $60+ for each (in the case of my picture, 130)
2. while not erotic, most are suggestive/revealing. the only exception is my Aegis. *Note* my family is filled with Christian/moral/conservative types
3. Is there anyway to keep my figures hidden until August when I move into an apartment?

>> No.567159

also, I guess while you're here tell how your parents handled it I guess...

>> No.567161

closet + box

>> No.567165

My parents stopped caring a long time ago...

>> No.567166

Does your mother root through your shit? Just keep them in a box and you'll be fine.

>> No.567167

Cocona alternative version where?

>> No.567168

>3. Is there anyway to keep my figures hidden until August when I move into an apartment?

... Keep them in a fucking box or something? What, did Jesus bestow your family with x-ray vision or something? If your parents are going to sift through every bit of shit in your room you've got bigger problems than hiding figs.

>> No.567163

Why are you buying figs when you could be saving up for a down payment? Learn to have a budget, it'll come in handy when you're an adult.

>> No.567174

Kill you father with an axe.

>> No.567176


Buy little white robes for your figurines, and some wings, disguise them as angels and buy some cheap saint pictures.

Cosplay Is The Answer.

>> No.567177

I'm same person as this guy.
But seriously.
Was this an event-exclusive release of Cocona?

>> No.567187

And post pictures.

>> No.567191

I've kept my collection of used panties and lolicon manga hidden from my parents (who wouldn't throw it out or anything, but would be upset by it...I have their interests in mine) Think about somewhere they wouldn't reasonably search.

>> No.567192


I like this idea. But stick with angels. I don't think this guy realizes how much nutso American Christians detest saints and everything Catholic.

>> No.567199

i dont waste money on toys

>> No.567206

ebay search "cocona", near the bottom... $104 30 shipping

Yes, whenever she decides to "clean" anything, I have to stand watch over her so she doesn't throw anything away.

more like insane paranoia of not knowing what's in a box.

>> No.567233

hide them in an empty computer case
also post that fig uncensored somewhere

>> No.567238

$130 for a Cocona repaint?
Fuck that, it's not able to be cast back on is it?

>> No.567280

If you have a fitted/built in wardrobe just put all your weeaboo shit in there and put your bed in front of it.

>> No.567277

There's nothing to put on or take off if I follow what you're saying...

>> No.567284

This is a good suggestion. Most parents would be too afraid to open up a computer case, lest they fuck something up.

>> No.567285

just don't fucking let her in your room
and hide them in the closet/bed.
if you're super paranoid get a friend to store them or get storage place for a while.

>> No.567288

As someone who grew up with uber-conservative religious parents (Mormons), I feel your pain, OP.

Just hang in there until you have enough jewgolds to move into your own place.

I suggest that you put a divider in a box seperating the top and bottom. Put your figs in the bottom, and pile up Bibles and church literature on the top.

>> No.567299


I don't let my friends borrow things that might get covered in semen, but maybe that's just me. Or maybe most people have friends that they can trust with such things. I sure as fuck don't, though.

>> No.567297


>> No.567306

Tell your mother that you're an adult and leave your stuff alone. If she touches them you slap that bitch and tell her to gb2/kitchen/.

>> No.567318

then storage facility it is

>> No.567319

appropriate solution

>> No.567334


Are your friends into hotgluing other people's figures?

>> No.567340

Best idea all day.

>> No.567345


Well, as far as I know, no. But I still wouldn't trust them around my figs unsupervised.

>> No.567349

ok... that's seems to be enough on hiding them...
what about justifying spending so much money on them, in case they are found out?
only thing I can think of is "At least I'm not spending it on beer" which is a really big thing for my mom

>> No.567358


They are collectibles and you are going to resell them for a hueg profit.

>> No.567381

PVC bends and warps.
Better idea, use the XBOXHUEG base Cocona comes on as a dinnerplate.

>> No.567477

Umm, why should you have to justify it. Personally, I think the money would have been better spent on beer. I however rather like beer and don't have any interest in owning figures. For someone else, I can easily see why they'd want to buy the figures.

When you move out, it's not like you're going to hide these every time she visits your place are you? I'd suggest just hiding them until you get a place. Then when the time comes and she sees them, tell her to just get over it.

>> No.567497


if the money isn't being spent on food, water, shelter, clothing, electricity, bills, etc you really can't justify it. even shit like alcohol, gasoline, and internet access are technically luxuries

your best "justification" would be it's something you enjoy

>> No.567507

Think of it this way

You could have bought a sexy car or got a new computer, got a flat screen tv or got a girlfriend.

All those things are a waste of money and have no real lasting value. The same with figures.

>> No.567516

Just say it's a hobby and your friends at college are collecting them too.

>> No.567551


That is fucking bullshit, a computer and a TV both have immense intrinsic value. Fuck you for even comparing them with such retarded shit as cars and 3D women.

>> No.567556
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Lock your mom in a sock and burn the bitch with a peanut soft iron baseball bat

>> No.567564

i think he means according to his parents

>> No.567568

You can't hide anything from the nosy old crone.

She'll consider it a personal insult if you declare any part of your life to be personal and private, and if you lock up your shit she'll immediately decide you're hiding drugs, gay porn, a turban and a kalashnikov.

So get some nice shelves and put your figurines out on proud display, tell her that they're precious to you and that you're trying to save up enough to buy them all some decent clothes.

>> No.567595

get a storage facility. for the cost of a figurine or two you can hold them all there until you move.

>> No.567597

Suppress your power level at all costs.

>> No.567619

my mom caught me wacking off on my figs and video tapping it. You know what I did? I jumped on her! RAPE TIME!

>> No.567681



>> No.567784

Tell your parents you reject Christianity maybe?

>> No.567811

religion has nothing to do with figs and your parents being faggots

>> No.567806

tell your parents that god doesnt exist, you fap to 2d characters and onto figs, then tell them to fuck off

>> No.567815


Find somewhere were they offer public lockers. Follow the rules and regulations of using the locker, lock them up, there you're set for another few weeks.

>> No.567830


then get shunned by my entire family followed by endless arguing and crying (on my mother's part)?
I'll pass.
Plus, I like Christmas, and they'd probably pull some bullshit about not having Christmas if I openly rejected it

>> No.567838


This is a dilemma I am also facing. My parents are quite understanding, however, and probably would just give me weird looks if they came across most of my figures. My mother once found some of my more... interesting figures when she cleaned my room, but I still don't feel comfortable displaying most.

My answer is this: Buy a large trunk that you can lock. Say you bought it so you could keep things safe in college just incase you had a untrustworthy roomate. Keep your figures in there, lock it up, and keep the key with you all the time.

>> No.567852

Jesus' Birthday or Anime Girl Figures

Its your choice
For me, its an easy one

>> No.567857

Just tell them that you're an adult now, and you have the rights to indulge in a hobby that you like. Have a nice talk with your parents, and tell them that they should respect your views, just as how you've been respecting their views and their behaviour (your mum sounded like a typical batshit insane bible thumping soccer mum) for all these years.


>> No.567859


take both, faggot

>> No.567862


>> No.567877
File: 72 KB, 442x1120, 1210038147257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried talking to Jesus
He never answered

So now I talk to Sikieiki
Shes a god too
At least I can see her
And shes quite the looker at that

>> No.567883

She's not a god, she's a yama. A god is something else entirely.

>> No.567895
File: 88 KB, 560x560, 1210038344387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just the picture

>> No.567893

you are still going to hell

>> No.567901
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>> No.567903
File: 102 KB, 335x334, 1210038443955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd go to her "hell", if you know what I mean heh heh heh...

>> No.567912


need some neuro in here to put this bitch in her place
