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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 79 KB, 600x800, comike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5654524 No.5654524 [Reply] [Original]

Well /jp/ there's less than a month til summer Comike and you know what that means...

/jp/ meetup!

How does 2nd day between 3:30 and 4:00 sound? /jp/ers have met up near the big saw in the past, but since it's a bit of a pain in the ass getting over to the base of the big saw I'm thinking that the sidewalk across the street from the big saw might be a better choice.

Anyway, I went ahead and set up an email contact for this summer's /jp/ meetup so let me know if you're interested! The address is:


I'll post this thread again once it gets closer to Comike time.

>> No.5654534


>> No.5654532

>/jp/ meetup!
I'll bring my Imouto.

>> No.5654536
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1274603622886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this pic is related.

>> No.5654539

Don't you mean ComikeT? If not, kill yourself, nobody is going to fly over to Japan.

>> No.5654543

> nobody is going to fly over to Japan.
Well, actually...

>> No.5654549

you seem to misunderstand what type of people dwell here

>> No.5654550

I'll bring the weed!

>> No.5654551


>> No.5654559

ZUN makin jewgolds is always related to Comike.

What? Is there some American/European convention with the same name?

>> No.5654565

I'll bring the booze!

>> No.5654568

No, it's Japanese. I was confused with some American convention. Blablacon I think.

>> No.5654587

I could order thousands of doujinshi for just the price of the plane ticket, so sorry, I don't really think I can justify the trip.

>> No.5654595

thousands of doujinshi............ 1,000$
plane ticket to Tokyo............. 1,000$
takin it easy with /jp/ at C78.... priceless

>> No.5654601

thousands of doujinshi............ 1,000$
plane ticket to Tokyo............. 1,000$
getting raped by customs for trying to import loli doujins.... priceless

>> No.5654605

Who the fuck wants to meet other /jp/sies? The thought of it makes me cringe.

>> No.5654610
File: 17 KB, 470x352, sad ghost pokemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5654615

Sorry bro, but I don't want to meet my own clones.

>> No.5654620

The people who go to these things are the scariest visitors of /jp/. I would never ever want to meet them.

>> No.5654622
File: 16 KB, 67x195, eggman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5654626

>The people who go to these things are the scariest visitors of /jp/.
But that's what makes /jp/ meetups so AWESOME!

>> No.5654630

If i want to meet pedophiles i'll just visit my cousin in prison.

>> No.5654633

They've had these before, I wonder how those meetups went? Someone post pictures instead of me making fake jp meetup threads all the time.

>> No.5654637

But we're cooler than your cousin.

>> No.5654643

Man, I'm so socially awkward that I don't know what to say if I ever met one of our /jp/sie. I mean we bitch at one another on a daily basis, so what kind of conversations would there be in a /jp/ meetup I wonder.

>> No.5654645

here's a thread about a past /jp/ meetup

>> No.5654651

Wish the original photos were still around somehow.

>> No.5654662
File: 2 KB, 126x72, 1250330338198s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit! Someone get me this pic.

>> No.5654670

I didn't bother to save the pic from that thread.

>> No.5654678

So did you guys find out how many suicides have been committed before that train?

>> No.5654687

From the thread that sounded really boring. I was expecting more from a /jp/ meetup.

>> No.5654698

It was actually a lot of fun bro.

>> No.5654700

What is there to expect, except a bunch of sweaty, acne-infested, socially awkward white guys? I didn't know you held such high standards for us.

>> No.5654713

Good luck. You'll get thrown in gaijin jail and assraped with fees.

>> No.5654717

Oh come now, the meetup sounded more boring than my average family vacation. Surely bringing so many weird people together would produce something of interest.

>> No.5654714

maybe something like a cosplay baseball game would e fun

>> No.5654734

>socially awkward and shy
>mostly shut-ins
There's something you're just not understanding here.

>> No.5654741

I don't know. I'm pretty socially awkward, but that doesn't exactly mean I don't do anything interesting.

>> No.5654786

Like what? Masturbation in public?

>> No.5654819

Do you guys plan to do proxy buying?

>> No.5654833

>that doesn't exactly mean I don't do anything interesting.
Yes it does. You are a very boring person and nobody loves you.

>> No.5654842

Don't, the amount of autism concentrated in one spot might sink Japan.

>> No.5654920

you guys gonna go to a love hotel afterward? hookers for all!

>> No.5654947

The heat must be absolutely horrible there right now. Even if I were in Japan, I would stay at home.

>> No.5654971

I might attend C79, assuming I get all my affairs settled and get a plane ticket soon.

>> No.5655512
File: 131 KB, 640x480, 1274982313077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5655825

I wish I had a pal like those in OP pic.

>> No.5655840

So you're saying to make it more interesting /jp/sies should hit on the Touhou cosplayers and get laughed at / banned from Comike?

>> No.5655854

Speaking of heat, how bad does Comiket usually smell? I imagine thousands of otaku riled up together reek of ass.

>> No.5655868

But surely everyone in /jp/ is a TRUE NEET, so, therefore, no one will be able to meet you! Poor OP.

>> No.5655871

Some people I know might be going to Comiket this summer, but I have doubts they'll meet up with other /jp/ers as only one of them visits /jp/.

>> No.5655883

It's pretty sweaty. But I don't think the smell is what you should be worrying about, oh the ignorant fools who don't know the pleasures of the sea of slowly moving flesh near the Touhou areas.

>> No.5655895

What part of NEET means you can't go to Comike? I saved up over ten thousand euros as a NEET over a couple of years.

>> No.5655917

>I saved up over ten thousand euros as a NEET
How?! tell me your secret

>> No.5655968

>What part of NEET means you can't go to Comike?
>He's asking this as a serious question.

I'll humor you, normalfag troll, but only because I'm in a good mood. True NEETs don't leave their computer and don't go outside, much less go to conventions - that's the most blasphemous, contrary action to true NEETdom.

My fellow NEETs have already pointed it out; there's absolutely no reason to spend thousands of dollars attending Comiket - unless it so happens that you're a scenester faggot who loves socialization and wants to be part of a crowd, in which case you're a closet normalfag who needs to get out of /jp/.

Now that you understand, delete this thread.

>> No.5655982

I think you are not really aware of what a NEET is. Being a NEET has absolutely nothing to do with "not leaving their computer and not going outside".

>> No.5656007

>Being a NEET has absolutely nothing to do with "not leaving their computer and not going outside

This is what normalfaggots actually believe.

>> No.5656024

Then everyone who attends comiket is a normalfag? I guess it all makes sense now, seeing all the attendants dress like hipsters. Unless Japanese otaku have fashion taste.

>> No.5656027

You should have stopped reading at
>True NEETs

>> No.5656037


>> No.5656053

NEET: Not in Employment, Education or Training.

NEET != Hikikomori

>> No.5656056


>> No.5656063

Hi newfag, by the way NEET != Hikikomori. Stop trying to be a hipster talking about "True NEETdom" when you're especially clueless.

Also, get out of /jp/.

>> No.5656070

ITT: Newfriends pretending to be /jp/'s seniors.

>> No.5656122





The distinction of true NEET is necessary and important. With the times having created all these false NEETs and with all of these faggots from /a/, /b/, /v/ and /r9k/ infiltrating this board and polluting it with their bullshit "meetups," "ronery" (a telltale sign of latent normalfaggotry, as true NEETs don't secretly long for companionship) and anime, we must take a stand to maintain the actual direction of the board.

What don't you idiots understand about that?

>> No.5656130

You can stop posting now.
You're making a fool out of yourself.
