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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 173 KB, 739x2861, DEVIANTENG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5513447 No.5513447 [Reply] [Original]

This is a real story. Does that happen to you too?

>> No.5513454

>implying I go out

>> No.5513455

I don't get it.

>> No.5513458

I don't really get it but if he's buying dvd's or manga something...

Why is Ichimaro there? The other two listed have a lot of ecchi, fanservice shit about lolis.

Ichimaro has none of that and it shouldn't be piled with such tripe.

>> No.5513462

Woah what's with the dude on the right at the second row, his hair just flew off and no one said a word.

>> No.5513467

What's a prunus girl? I don't get this comic.

>> No.5513466

>implying there is any store that has the initials BD

I don't get it either, but even moreso i don't get what the fuck BD is.

>> No.5513464

>He requests Manga

>> No.5513472

A manga series.
I am not even sure what the point of the PIC is.

>> No.5513473

It's a common sign of autism, so no one really minds.

>> No.5513474

BD is the abbreviation of comics in French.

>> No.5513475

i really really don't get it like many in this thread

>> No.5513476

Either you man up and mercilessly glare any cashier who dares look down on your purchase or you don't leave your house at all.

Fucking pussy.

>> No.5513478
File: 17 KB, 256x352, Laughing Elf Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a "BD"?

Yeah, Ichimaro has no loli fanservice at all.

>> No.5513480

Oh so some filthy eurofag made this, and worse a french one.

Get this shit off here, it doesn't even make sense. And Ichimaro doesn't mix with those two other things.

>> No.5513483

>paying for manga

>> No.5513485
File: 105 KB, 300x389, 1273897982032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand...

>> No.5513488

Why are the numbers and the dollar sign bleeding? I don't get it.

>> No.5513499

I think I understand what you're trying to get across, I can't expect that guy to work their much longer with that attitude towards customers.

>> No.5513513


It's the cashier on panels 4 and 6. He's saying $55 in an annoyed tone because he thinks the guy buying the manga is a pervert.

>> No.5513521

He's buying two manga that are basically made for people to masturbate to little girls with, and one that looks like it's the same way.

It's not like he's wrong.

I still don't get the comic or the point of the whole image.

>> No.5513524

Yeah, paper and ink really shouldn't cost that much.

>> No.5513532

To be more precise:
"Bandes Dessinees"

>> No.5513536


OP here, you're right.


Are fucking stupid.

>> No.5513547

Well, even if people think that, I cannot read their MINDS, so no, the situation is not a common occurrence.

>> No.5513548

Manga is usually $10 a piece (or close to that, sometimes higher nowadays by a few bucks).

It's amazing that he somehow can get 9 for only $55 when it should be more around $100 unless he was buying it online from someone super cheap like rightstuf during a sale.

>> No.5513558

don't blame us for your own sin

>> No.5513559

I think the problem is with you if 95% of the thread doesn't understand what the fuck you are trying to say. Or doesn't understand the point of the thing.

Now get out of my /jp/.

>> No.5513566

This doesn't happen though.

For one people buy things online.

Two, those who buy things in person don't give a shit what someone with a minimum wage job working at a bookstore/comicstore thinks, they have a dead-end job that barely pays anything and you're wasting money on chinese girl cartoon drawings. If anything you should be the one laughing at them.

and lastly, almost no employees would ever do this, the majority of people who work these jobs do two things - 1. act friendly 2. DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT YOU BUY.

>> No.5513569

I still wanna know what happened the right dude's hair afterward. Did it escape that rectangular box with squares on it? Did it go back to its family or did it find out that its family are long dead? Will it go into a deep depression and start drinking until one day and stumbles out onto the street dead drunk and vomit all over some tough guy's shoe and find it sinking to the ocean floor? Will it escape and find true love or is that truly the only end that come out of hairpieces escaping from heads?

It's all so confusing.

>> No.5513573

Don't blame us because your shitty autistic comic sucks.

>> No.5513574

While I was in Japan $5 for a manga made sense to me. $5 is really not a whole lot, and manga gives you so much more plot thatn some shitty anime does. You could also go to a local place and read all the manga you want for free, you just needed to buy a meal/drink ticket. Pretty cool idea if you never re-read your books.

>> No.5513576

OP if you made the comic then maybe you shouldn't have been a retard and make the cashier look exactly like the buyer.

If you didn't then you're still a retard anyways.

>> No.5513578

Here's my take on it. He asks about Prunus Girl but picks the other three series when they don't have it.
Then the buyer says the snorty remark "tsss deviant" and the 55$ is him thinking it's overpriced.
Then he goes home crying because he can't control his impulses.

No, OP. You know I'm right.

>> No.5513581



>> No.5513583

>Most of the people didn't get it so they must be stupid. Not me of course. Derp.

>> No.5513585


America sucks, a "big" Manga like Berserk or Kawashira cost something like 7.50 in europa. Even more less for the others.

>> No.5513612

The OP has the french for comics but has the symbol for US Dollars $

Meaning he's paying in American bills, so it's very confusing.

Is he in france? Is he in the US?

Why would someone in France charge USD?

>> No.5513629

It's possible that the comic isn't in chronological order, and actually depicts two different excursions.

>> No.5513644

But the thing still says "BD" on the last panel after he walks out with his manga.

>> No.5513648


Maybe because OP has translate the comic for us thinking that the austists of /jp/ know what "bd" means?

>> No.5513655

That's correct. It seems only panels 1 and 7 take place in France, while the others are in America.

>> No.5513660
File: 16 KB, 363x510, 1250302070171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5513663

If OP is so smart he wouldn't mix up basic currency and language.

You won't find a french titled comic store in the US, and you won't find a store in france that charges by USD.

>> No.5513665

Stop abusing the word "autism" and its derivatives, it doesn't make you cool.

>> No.5513668
File: 14 KB, 281x266, 1268699971054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because that makes sense

>> No.5513674

It could be Canadian dollars. Some parts of Canada are french.

>> No.5513675
File: 238 KB, 640x480, 1277844376318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5513681

>OP has translate the comic for us
Get out, OP.
>thinking that the austists of /jp/ know what "bd" means?
Why the hell would we even know that? Who gives a shit about French?

>> No.5513685


Oh boy this just gets worse and worse

>> No.5513691

The sequence is actually the delusion of a shut-in. It explains the inconsistencies in location and manga selection.

>> No.5513698

That makes sense! Since the customer was the one who initiated the conversation, it's only natural that the cashier also used English.

>> No.5513704

>+ 46 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.


>> No.5513711

No, for I buy no faggot manga.

Berserk, Lone Wolf and Cub, Metropolis, etc.

>> No.5513758

no. and i buy every moe-fag shit...

damn i wish that some of the manga in the story will be published here in italy

>> No.5513817

>damn i wish that some of the manga in the story will be published here in italy

Already published here, in french belgium.

>> No.5513834


;_; here in italy thare are only fujoshi shit... cuz even male gayafags buy them

shit, feels so bad...

hey, have someone acquired prunus girl's rights in french?

>> No.5513843

I wish I could just go down to the local store and buy Prunus Girl volumes for $5
Japanese raws only, of course~

but I did like Kashimashi

>> No.5513853
File: 359 KB, 372x507, 1277608105368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liked kashimashi

You don't know SHIT about manga

>> No.5513858

$5 seems like a good price to me. Too bad all the bookstores in the US are charging twice that amount.

>> No.5513865

It's more like the actual price printed on the manga says clearly that it's 10 dollars.

It's not really up to the bookstore.

>> No.5513866

Yeah, /jp/ is real deal only!

Shut up, anon.

>> No.5513876
File: 332 KB, 628x347, ohhhshiitttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's throwing around stupid terms like "real deal" when all I meant was it's a completely shitty piece of garbage with horrible characters and writing on the same level as a 12 year old fanfic writer.

you don't know SHIT about /jp/

>> No.5513878

Well now, that's just your opinion my fine sir. Let's not be too judgmental.

>> No.5513884

Kashimashi is shit, and no meme will change that fact.

>> No.5513893

>he has shit tastes

>> No.5513899

>Not a virgin? You don't know SHIT about anime & manga

>> No.5513924


You know you can type in MSpaint, right?


>> No.5514429

Everytime I look in the mirror

>> No.5515085


No, because I live in a city full of deviants.
