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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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543852 No.543852 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning /jp/,

I recently graduated from medical school and I thought it might be a nice change of scenery if I were to move to Japan. Is it at all possible for foreigners to get hired in the medical field? I've got a degree in pediatric gynecology.

>> No.543856

>pediatric gynecology


>> No.543855
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>pediatric gynecology

>> No.543871


That gynecology was a bit too much.

>> No.543874

>pediatric gynecology

I lol'd.

>> No.543876

You should have just gone with one or the other, not both, it becomes too obvious then.

>> No.543877

No such degree exists. Believe me, I've looked into it.

>> No.543887

I wanna go to Japan and see the little girls vaginas too. ;_;

>> No.543892
File: 527 KB, 2674x1899, cg001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, I reckon if all of /jp/ gathered together, we could afford our own submarine. It would be awesome.

>> No.543899

>pediatric gynecology
still laughing.

>> No.543901

>Hmmm, I reckon if all of /jp/ gathered together, our parent could buy us a submarine.

>> No.543908


Omg... I can't believe you actually did that specialty.

It takes 6 years of medical school, 1 year of internship, 2 years as RMO then another 8 years to be a paediatrician and then 6 years more to specialise in O n G.

And after all those years, all you could think of was Japan? Super weaboo.

>> No.543916

I can just picture it. The submarine rocking back and forth in rhythm to the fapping, beads of sweat forming on the walls and running down the anime posters that cover every available suface .

>> No.543919

7/10. better than original, but still obvious.

>> No.543958


Its blatant sarcasm. BTW I am leaning for paediatrics. Just another decade more to go.

>> No.543966

Yeah, there's no way anyone would be allowed to do this. I was thinking of trying to go into paedriatrics myself, but decided to go for gynecology. Best decision I ever made. Most of what I have to deal with today are old women in their 30s and 40s. However things are changing. You must all have figured it out from the bits of news that occasionally break through- children are getting sluttier and sluttier, teen pregnancies and STDs and all that. Just last year I had to take a swab specimen from a girl of 14 who suspected she had chlamydia. A friend of mine claims to have heard about a pregnant 12 year old booked for a Gynecologist in his hospital. And if things continue as they are, things are going to get better and better.

tl;dr, yes things looked like they'd be pig disgusting at the start of my career. But things are getting better, and they're going to continue getting better. I'm counting the hours until the day when I'll have an 11 year old needing a thorough examination.

>> No.543972

You will make for interesting news at least;

"Doctor found molesting his Young Patients"
A pediatrician was found guilty today of molesting over 100 of his young patients over the past couple of year. This incident is believed to be related to the Japanese phenomenon known as "lolicon." This connection was made upon inspection of his apartment, which was filled with young child pornography involving bondage and rape of little children. More news at 11.

>> No.543976

Now girls actually have a reason to be so fearful of their first visit to the gynecologist.

>> No.543984

It's not that easy to fill an apartment with loli porn like that; at least not in Europe or America where I guess the person you're replying to probably is. It's perfectly legal to possess, but try explaining that to the customs officer who wants to check you're not hiding any more doujins in ANY cavity, then throw you in a cell until the police pick you up.

>> No.543987

Becoming a gymecologist seems to become more and more like something I'd enjoy.

>> No.543989

Are all gynecologists perverts?

>> No.543991

So if this does happen, it'd be what's on his computer that they'd talk about. Although they might just claim his apartment was filled with it anyway, real on paper porn sounds so much more shocking than computer files to the general public.

>> No.543993

I suspect that Fox news would be the one to break that story. They need to make the world a shittier place anyways.

>> No.544003

every OB/GYN i've known has been a pervert of one level or another. Both male and female.

>> No.544013

I lol'd cause I know it's gonna happen when all us weeaboos grow up and have real jobs.

>> No.544028

I highly doubt anonymous can get through medical school which is tough as shit.

>> No.544035

>pediatric gynecology

If this was a real degree, 4chan would be a fucking medical convention by now.

>> No.544054

Unfortunately that's far too specialized. Not to mention any male who tried to choose it would be lynched.
You can only choose one. No save points, no trying out both routes.
As I said earlier, I made my choice. I'm trying to push on without looking back, and mostly I'm happy with my choice, but occaisonally at night I wonder what my life would have been like if I chose paedriatrics. And when I'm thinking about it, I fap. Hard.
The next day I go to work, and rank the day according to the reciprocal of the youngest woman I see that day. I know it's going to be a good day if it's above 0.05.

>> No.544057

>pediatric gynecology
I'll make it a real degree.

It shall be a great advancement in loli medical care. Everywhere loli will have a celebration in my name!

>> No.544062

/r/ this CG set. It was awesome.

>> No.544066

Just one more year to go for me...

>> No.544098

>but occaisonally at night I wonder what my life would have been like if I chose paedriatrics. And when I'm thinking about it, I fap. Hard.

So my fears were not unfounded, as I went to the doctor as a child.

>> No.544106

Good opening post in MY /jp/?

>> No.544280

Name is Ayumarine.
If you rapidsearch ayumarine, you'll get the game as well.

>> No.544304

"pediatric gynecology"

Suddenly... Night Shift Nurses!

>> No.544311

Being enclosed in a metal can, hundreds of meters underwater, with a bunch of sick perverts? Sounds really good. I wonder how long a loli would last there.

>> No.544316

You haven't played Bioshock, have you?

>> No.544412

She'd be fine with me, I'd kick anyones ass that tried to touch her; I'm a construction worker.

>> No.544458

You have to sleep sometime. Anon would set up rotating shifts to wait until you'd been up for over 24 hours, then jump you when you fall asleep, steal the loli, and then re-enact Ayumarine.

>> No.544475


I'll help him protect the loli! I like healthy and have some semblance of morals. And really, I just want to live on a submarine.

>> No.544493

Well, it's not like any of us would even have the motivation to get out of our cabins.

>> No.544521

Is there WLAN on submarines?

>> No.544526


There would have to be. That's like more essential than oxygen for us Anons.

>> No.544530

If there isn't, we would probably die of "starvation" or at least suffer from a serious abstinence crisis. Our power level will be against us.

>> No.544538

>pediatric gynecology
Oh God I lolled.

Seriously, you should have just picked pediatric or gynecologist.

>> No.544541

I'm sure the monthly kidnap a new loli excursions would get plenty of volunteers. Hey, if North Korea can do it, anon shouldn't have a problem, right?

>> No.544560

So, how wide-spread to you think pedophilia is in the real world where people would never admit to it? Less than homosexuality? More? Less than transgender? More?

I personally think it's going to be the next big thing after homosexuality. Besides, that was never talked about 30 years ago.

>> No.544568

More and more teens are becoming sexualized (there's that entire Miley Cyrus debacle) so it's kind of inevitable that there are more and more closet pedophiles out there.

>> No.544573


I don't think real pedophilia is that widespread. Ephebophilia is another thing entirely. I love me some forbidden fruit jailbait, but loli does nothing for me. I imagine that's the more "normal" position.

>> No.544580

same, anything prepubescent is just boring but once a girl hits 14-15 damn, lemme hit some of that

>> No.544590

Organize a worldwide political party(like the Green Party) and fight for your rights.

>> No.544593

Enjoy being ostracized from society when people discover you're part of it. People will hate you more than if you joined the local Nazi party.

>> No.544599

Pedophilia is very real, very hidden and very common.

99% never touch kids. It's a complex life.

>> No.544601


Can it be a secret society? I've always wanted to be in a secret society! I'm not even a pedo but I'll join if it is!

>> No.544608

Welcome to the club, here's your complimentary badge and FBI backdoor.

>> No.544609

>Enjoy being ostracized from society
You act like we aren't already. Haha, scary how some of us don't have anything to lose with that.

>> No.544615

Teach him the passwords and the secret handshake, too.

>> No.544618

Pedo Masonry. Adonai!

>> No.544621

/jp/- secret paedophile community.

>> No.544624


Hey, I'm not. My withdrawal from society is totally voluntary. If I were able to withstand the burn of sunlight long enough to go outside, I'd just be awkward and hideous, not some kind of pariah.

>> No.544628

Pretty sure the FBI knows about us already. We're not that secret.

>> No.544634

>pediatric gynecology.

>> No.544658

haha, wut.

>> No.544728

Guys, I'm gonna push to make it legal to have sex with anybody, as long as they enjoy it. Fuck all the lolis you want as long as you don't hurt them.

>> No.544738


>Fuck all the lolis you want as long as you don't hurt them.

Finally, the time of the micropenis has come. Goodbye shame, let the good times roll!

>> No.544804

My penis is just the right size to fit in.

>> No.544816

Mine is normal, so I guess it's just the tip for me.

>> No.545188

We've discussed this before. You just gotta work at stretching the muscles, then you can have all the consensual loli sex you want.

>> No.545207
File: 52 KB, 640x480, nightshiftdocter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.546656

Conversations like these are why real people are afraid of me. That and I look like I'm a giant badass.

>> No.546671

>pediatric gynecology

oh u

>> No.546697

How about nursing and then get a job at a sick kid's hospital?

>> No.546713

The hells the point of doing that?

>> No.546724

Isn't the medical field for filipinos and stuff?

>> No.546729

Nursing only.

>> No.546731

You'd be the one in charge of bathing.

>> No.546733

For the crippled one eyed loli.

>> No.546742

Christ, now I want a chocolate orange.

>> No.546744

They're god damned delicious.

>> No.546765

>pediatric gynecology
40 minutes later, still laughing.

>> No.546768

>pediatric gynecology
Oh lol.

>> No.546818

That reminds me; some girls that looked about 14 were hitting on me today, one was an obvious yaoi fangirl so I ignored her, and one of them asked for my number and I was like 'call me when you turn 18' and aparently that pissed her off. Did I make the right decision /jp/?

>> No.546824


>> No.546825
File: 463 KB, 1440x900, 1209442147518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.546827


Yes. It was a trap. The FBI kind.

>> No.546895

>pediatric gynecology

Oh, you. Specializing in molesting lolis.

>> No.546903

sounds like a job to me...

>> No.546932

hay guys, I googled it.


>> No.546964

From browsing around there: http://www.uihealthcare.com/depts/med/obgyn/clinics/pediatricadolescent/index.html

>> No.546982

>So how's my grandson, the medical student?
>He's specializing in WHAT?
>Pediatric Gynecology?
>This is a field???

Anonymous is a Jew?

>> No.546985


They do exist! Time to change my major...

>> No.546993


Obviously. Why do you think we pirate everything? We're too cheap to pay for it.

>> No.547004


>> No.547044


They really DO exist!

>> No.547068

lol @ the image on the left

>> No.547073

>Conversations like these are why real people are afraid of me. That and I look like I'm a giant faggot.

fixed for you, bra.

>> No.547155
File: 18 KB, 348x450, 1209375270585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I highly doubt anonymous can get through medical school which is tough as shit.

HABEEB IT! Well... halfway through anyway

>> No.547166

oh wow.....


>> No.547188


So what year are you?

>> No.547277

Anyone can get through medical school if Ben Franklin's clone is their mentor.

>> No.547294

I lol'ed. Thank you.

>> No.547304

Japan has strict laws against foreign immigrantion of workers. They only relax restrictions if native Japanese can't provide equal service

>> No.547427


>> No.547628


>> No.547869

I followed this thread this morning and it gave me many lols. Now that I know it's real I don't know what to do. I'm only 1 year from graduation ... god damn it all.

>> No.548360

shit, i was here for the OP, and the fact it's real basically makes this thread a winrar.

>> No.548421

>Pediatric gynecology is a new specialty incorporating the expertise of gynecologists, pediatricians, and often urologists.
>gynecologists, pediatricians, and often urologists

>> No.548454

aka another new strategy for academicians to profift, by creating needlessly specific disciplines that has hardly any competitive job opportunity positions.

>> No.548484

Yup. If you're the only person in the nearest 8 states who's a pediatric gynecologist you'll make yourself dammed rich. It's a good strategy.

>> No.548498

Can you just enroll into pediatric gynecology or does this work by reference?

>> No.548507

What's next? Japanopedriatic genealogy?

>> No.548545


You'd probably have to do what >>543908 says there about specializing in both fields then just calling yourself that. I doubt there's any school that graduates people with such a specific title

>> No.548828



>> No.549274


I've seen this avatar on offtopic and sdn forums.

>> No.549277


Good for you.

>> No.549368

It's time to switch from my history major and actually do something with my life.

>> No.550659

God damn...I just can't let this topic die yet.

>> No.550713

Hmmm, I'm in my first year of a maths course. I could change to do medicine if I do it quickly I guess. Straight As at A-level in the sciences with very high module scores, so I could get in. However, medicine is very competitive; to get in at my uni I think you really need to have a bunch of extracurricular things like work-experience at a hospital and showing plenty of interest in medicine. I don't think I want to become a doctor because I just found out you can be a paediatric gynecologist is going to cut it; and it'd be too late to start from scratch aiming for an easy university unless I waited another year.

Should I go with maths, or should I spend loads of money and completely shift my lifes direction pursuing the loli gynecologist dream?

>> No.550722

What's the first?

>> No.550727
File: 180 KB, 936x1302, 1209573114428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he means second best thread ever, in which case the best would clearly have to be the 1 week long thread about how to put it in loli, and how far you can get it takes first prize.

>> No.550772

You'll have lots of 'splaining to do if you're a guy.

Let's say they ask you questions, and it leads up to, "So why do you want to be a pediatric gynecologist?"

What is your response?

>> No.550786

There is no good answer to that question. To justify being a pediatrician you have to try and claim you like children and seeing them smile etc. in a way that doesn't make you seem pedo. Never going to go well with the gynecology part.
My idea is that I would of course not mention that dream. First I'd just do medicine, specialization wouldn't be something to worry about for a while, at which point I'd go with one of the two, then try to pick up the other later.

>> No.550796

I don't seem to remember the "how far" thread, was it basically on the depth of the prepubescent vagina?

>> No.550811

After rereading your statement, I've come to the realization that you were probably being redundant on the "first prize," and referring to the same thread. Yes, that thread was fucking awesome, and I have it saved. Should I rapidshare it?

>> No.550815

Alright, I guess I don't need to rapidshare my screencap of it, then.

>> No.550821

I prefer 'Pædiatric Gynæcology' myself.

>> No.550824

You don't know that they were pedos! They could have known those things for perfectly legitimate reasons. Like, maybe they were all pediatric gynecologists?

>> No.550826

I kinda started the debate over loli sex in that thread, and I can tell you that I am a pedo.

>> No.550843

You're the guy who posted Kodomo Milk Parfait? If so, awesome. Your post inspired me to get that game, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

>> No.550874

I seem to remember a doujin or maybe just a picture of a school doctor taking sizes of loli vagoos with his penis. It had some disturbed looking girls on the left and a long line on the right.

I have an Ogawa Kanran doujin with similar content, but the doctor just looks at one loli's vagina and gets a boner through his pants. Every time I read it, it makes me wish for that other one.

>> No.550896

Nah, the one before that, 377578.

"Smaller penises are better for lovin' the lolis."

>> No.550901

It was just an image. I used to have it, before I lost my /l/ directory.

>> No.550952

Got a sauce on the one you do have?

>> No.550979

Page 35+ of Himitsu no Joshiryou by Ogawa Kanran.
>>>/rs/ogawa kanran

>> No.550985

Page 35+ of Himitsu no Joshiryou by Ogawa Kanran.

>> No.553295

Awesome. Just woke up and downloaded this. Great fap material.

>> No.553892

If you like that, you should check out this torrent:


It's seeded really well at the moment.

>> No.554436

Can't let this thread die.

>> No.554789

agreed. bump

>> No.554794

Actually, it would seem the "fake" in the deadfrog page above applies here, and that doctor scene is actually in Kan Bishoujo (Delicious Girl).

So what you see on rapidsearch is also incorrect.

>> No.554843

Wait, how is it fake? Is the rapidshare a different manga under the wrong name?

Downloading Kan Bishoujo as soon as I've worked out the total number of twin primes for Rapidshares captcha.
