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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 18 KB, 280x280, rosetta-japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5429836 No.5429836 [Reply] [Original]

i was at Barnes and noble and i saw rosetta stone japanese on sale, recently i decided to get serious about getting fluent in japanese so i asked the clerk how much it was and he said 600 dollars for the whole thing and i laughed at him thinking he was joking, how can they charge that much? anyway i found a good torrent for it and was wondering what comes with the box besides the cds, if theres book that go with the cds then its kinda useless, anyone here try Rosetta stone, can it be pirated or is it not that easy?

>> No.5429844

I'm gonna get flamed for this because /jp/ hates people who know japanese, but:


There now you have the power to become fluent.

>> No.5429852

why would they be mad? jealousy or something equally as laughable? but ty for help

>> No.5429854

It's shit anyway.

Not because >>5429844 but because it is an objectively shitty way of learning any language.

Repeating lists of words with no learning of grammar or anything.

>> No.5429862

ok, whats the best way for me to become fluent?

>> No.5429864

Ignore >>5429844, he's talking out of his ass.

I just hate you because you posted this in /jp/ instead of in the language board, >>>/lang/, and asked for warez on /jp/ instead of in >>>/rs/ or >>>/t/

Now off you go.

>> No.5429877

Every time I have tried to have a discussion of the language on this board I have gotten flamed, probably due to jealousy yes.

But I wish I had had that link months ago when I started trying to learn it (with rosetta stone). I'm moving to Japan in October and using methods on that site have made serious progress learning how to read since March.

>> No.5429878

Pirating Rosetta Stone and all its language lessons is easy.
Learning even the tiniest amount from it is not so easy.

>> No.5429881

People use text boards?

>> No.5429884

Not OP, but I happen to be studying jap as well.

Is Rosetta Stone any good?

>> No.5429891


>> No.5429893

Rosetta stone is a ripoff, that's all it is.

>> No.5429905

OP here, im using lvl one and i feel like im missing something, like there was a intro or book i missed, its going right into word assiciation drills, but il get the hang of it, if anyone else wants to try it out theres several good torrents on piratebay

>> No.5429913

Quick question: I know Rosetta stone is shitty and all that for serious learning, but how about pronunciation?
It has this voice-recognition feature, and when I played around with it it seemed solid.

>> No.5429915
File: 131 KB, 353x352, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rosetta stone
>serious about getting fluent in japanese

>> No.5429916

Rosetta stone is a ripoff, that's all it is.

Ignore >>5429844, he's talking out of his ass.

I just hate you because you posted this in /jp/ instead of in the language board, >>>/lang/, and asked for warez on /jp/ instead of in >>>/rs/ or >>>/t/

Now off you go.

could you be anymore useless?

>> No.5429937
File: 298 KB, 800x1130, HOW TO LEARN JAPANESE 日本語.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how Rosetta stone appears in this chart. Go for it OP.

>> No.5429951

ty for the pic, most usefull

>> No.5429971


why do you claim >>5429844 is talking out his ass? ajatt doesn't teach you a damn thing but his attitude and techniques are all you need. guidetojapanese.com should also be your go-to guide to pick up essential grammar.

>> No.5429977
File: 140 KB, 497x566, 912345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>words like "sugoi" and "onichan"

Pic related?

>> No.5429994


>> No.5430022
File: 87 KB, 700x700, 1241797603313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolling is bad.

>> No.5430036


this picture is the biggest troll yet, goddamnit, every single fucking thing it says is wrong.

start with hiragana and katakana. no one fucking uses romaji except for weeaboo faggots who fail at japanese like everything else in their life.

anime's fine, but if you don't pay attention to what you hear to correlate with the subtitles then it won't really help. don't be the guy with 1000 hours of anime under his belt who still mispronounces kawaii.

kanji aren't that hard individually, it's just daunting to start them. you can skip them at first, but you'll never get beyond beginner-level without them.

people can and do learn multiple languages, all the time, even after 12, even japanese. the only people who think this is somehow difficult are native english speakers (and other xenophobic groups with their heads up their asses).

>> No.5430109
File: 98 KB, 320x320, ysr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image is a troll?
How did you guess, I thought it's so subtle!

>> No.5430141

in his defense, if OP himself isn't a troll, he's dumb enough to fall for it

>> No.5432586

I've had Rosetta stone for a couple years and never got serious with it. Didn't like it's style. It just jumps stupidly right into casual sentences without explaining anything and quizzes you at the end. It'll be good for practice later once I've gotten my particles and verb tenses figured out.

I've been doing About.com's Japanese lessons, and drilling Hiragana into my head for about a weak now and can say I'm almost competant (if not slow). Online text at this font size doesn't read easily. For example:

>>5430022 said:

Ha-i So-?-So-?-So?

Computer fonts make everything harder.

The point is OP, you need to consider how you began learning English and take it in the same steps as Japanese if you want to be successful. After a week, my confidence has gone through the roof and I can't wait to start Katakana, then Kanji.

Good luck.

>> No.5432613

Actually I use this method and it seems to be working.
I can read vns fine without ATLAS.

>> No.5432621

Yeah, Rosetta Stone is one of the worst ways to learn Japanese, in my opinion. Maybe it's better for other languages like French or Spanish, but Japanese is SO alien, that simply trying to memorize words and phrases just won't work. To understand Japanese you need to learn it from the most fundamental level possible. You need to learn every single grammar and structure rule. Take a class, read a book.

>> No.5432640

Rosetta Stone is only good for learning words/pronunciation, that type of thing. My friend bought it for Chinese and used it as a tutor and supplement to an actual Chinese class. He learned more vocabulary through it, but learned absolute shit as far as grammatical structure or conversational language goes.

Be glad you didn't buy it...but don't bother with it anyway. Not really a useful tool for actually learning the language.

>> No.5432643

Rosetta Stone as we all know is a joke but what's more, all textbooks and such in general are a joke. Problem is they are so boring. Let's start off with generic sentences.
"Excuse me, what time is it?"
"The time is 12:30"
"Where is the train station?"
"That way"
"My name is John. I'm an American."

Fucking boring, of course you'll never learn anything, you'll never feel compelled to study that.

Grammar, vocabulary, kanji, and kana. Those are the things you need to study and learn. And you need to practice reading and listening, every day.

Whatever methods you use should be quick and to the point. You just need the information, then you need to study and apply it in practice. Shit like Genki or a college course even, will just slow you down and make you bored.

>> No.5435130


>> No.5435366

Live in Japanese society.

>> No.5435383

Move to Japan. Thread over. Now it doesn't have to be bumped again.

>> No.5435425


>fucking boring, of course you'll never learn anything, you'll never feel compelled to study that.

Opinions. I actually liked the Genki book, but I actually had a really good teacher and drill instructors for my classes. I can actually get by in some conversational Japanese after a year, at least in understanding. Being here helps out much more, though.
