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5418606 No.5418606 [Reply] [Original]

A supreme being allows you to change one aspect of humanity.

What will it be?

If I was given this chance, I will change the way humans reproduce. They will now reproduce by cell division, thus eliminating the need for sexual intercourse.

>> No.5418622


>> No.5418619

Delete emotions

>> No.5418624

people posting unrelated shit in /jp/

>> No.5418632
File: 39 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problems, officer?

>> No.5418639
File: 71 KB, 448x473, No fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5418654

I already like humanity the way it is.
真是太好了 (ノД`)

>> No.5418660
File: 97 KB, 700x535, kaguya on the internet intrigued_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I leave us utterly unchanged. Setting aside the moral issues of the matter (Do I have the right to change so many people's lives without their consent, even if it's for "the greater good"?), the practical aspects of the situation demands that an intelligent human recognize his own narrow mindedness and biases and refuse to make changes. Put another way: I cannot approach this matter from a purely neutral matter, as I myself am human and any aspects I wish to change in myself would influence my decision, nor do I have anywhere near the amount of intelligence necessary to ensure that I won't go and fuck up the human race

Say what you will about how BAWW OUR WORLD IS SO TERRIBLE ;_; , humans have been doing pretty damn good for ourselves so far. Far be it for me to fuck with a template that put us solidly in control of our planet

TLDR: We're fine as it is. Leave us be

>> No.5418671

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>> No.5418675
File: 34 KB, 640x480, THOU ENRAGED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5418682

That's way too big for me.
Can't I just be selfish and change my own aspects? I don't care about 'saving the world'.

>> No.5418738

I'd go with asexual reproduction for reproduction purposes. But fuck, I'll keep the good ol' fashioned sex just for the pleasure of it.

>> No.5418748


>> No.5418754


>> No.5418758

Just because you use a /jp/ related picture does not make the topic /jp/ related.

>> No.5418760

I would try to work out how to give humans an ability that only I knew how to use.

>> No.5418766

change in human structure so that aging won't be a problem and we can move on to interstellar conquest.

>> No.5418769

I'd make us extinct because humanity is shit.

>> No.5418772

Its existence.
Humanity turn off button, gogo.

>> No.5418774

>implying Alice reproduce by mitosis

>> No.5418781
File: 29 KB, 296x289, cirno inquisitive_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I disagree

I am confused on what you're trying to say. Could you please cease the image macro replies and convey your thoughts in a more conventional manner, please?

Assuming you disagree that humanity is fine as it is, as I argued, maybe you could explain how you think your idea could make the species as a whole better, how you justify enforcing your will and fundamentally changing countless people just to suit your whims, and what makes your idea in particular any better than someone else's

I myself would argue that since human beings are largely at the top of the food chain and our technological discoveries allow us more control over our environment every day, that we have no need for adjustments in ourselves. For all the bad that this thoroughly biased community will find in the typical "normalfag," there is much good in this world and in its people as well

TLDR: Wat? Humans kick ass because we fucking control dis here planet. Give us another hundred years and we'll control most of the inner solar system. What could you possibly want to change, why, and how could you justify it?

>> No.5418804

Wisdom, thread over

>> No.5418811

Remodeling every human being into having two dicks and a vagina

>> No.5418816

Even if you think like that: Humans as animals aren't very well developed. As a civilisation, sure but otherwise we've not got many benefits.

>> No.5418821

I want to be able to into space.

>> No.5418824

humanity itself is the problem.

>> No.5418835

make everyone white

>> No.5418858

But then who would be slaves?

>> No.5418859

You stop aging physically at 20.

>> No.5418869

Surge in skin problems in countries previously comprised of different ethnicities.

>> No.5418892

I would give humans intelligence

Yes, implying people are stupid now

>> No.5418893


>> No.5418898

Who is slave now?

>> No.5418896

I like this one

>> No.5418901

hahaha no~

>> No.5418910

Nothing. They can be a great people, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way.

>> No.5418919

I'd take away their ability to hate, as there is too much hate in this world today.

>> No.5418932

Hate can be good. If you hate something, you're more likely to try to change it.

>> No.5418935

Humans already use cell division to reproduce.

>> No.5418937

Screw you OP, Imma have to murder you now.

>> No.5418942

Having more than 3 sexual partners in your lifetime makes you self-combust.

All of 4-chan is forever safe.

>> No.5419463

OP were you raped? Because rape isn't about sex, you know.

>> No.5419525

Personally, I, too was going to go with a minor change, or not changing anything, but this is too funny / awesome to not do.
