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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5412832 No.5412832 [Reply] [Original]

[02:15] <~Moogy> protip, VDZ
[02:15] <~Moogy> one of the C&Ds has already resulted in an official partnership with MG
[02:15] <~Moogy> from the company involved
[02:15] <~Moogy> so why don't you go fuck yourself
[02:16] <VDZ> Huh? What company is that?
[02:16] <~Moogy> why the fuck would i tell you?
[02:16] <~Moogy> wait until aX
[02:16] <~Moogy> *AX

Well then, let's narrow that down a little. C&Ds so far (not including the Dark Translations stuff):

Akabeisoft2: G-Senjou no Maou, Concerto Note, Akatsuki no Goei, ~Pantsu wo Miseru koto, Sore ga...~ Daiuchuu no Hokori

Cuffs: Yosuga no Sora

Giga!: Baldr Force EXE, Parfait

Gungnir:Cartagra, Kara no Shoujo

Minori: ef, eden*

Softpal: Flyable Heart

upset: Hime x Hime, Pastel

We can exclude Minori as we know them to be xenophobes and eden* wasn't going anywhere, and we can also exclude Gungnir as Kara no Shoujo was released despite the C&D. The editor for Yosuga no Sora knows nothing about a partnership, so we can rule that out as well. This leaves us with G-Senjou, Concerto Note, Akatsuki no Goei, Pantsu, BFE, Parfait, Flyable Heart, Hime x Hime and Pastel.

Considering the progress of said projects, pic most likely related.

>> No.5412849

spoilers: It's Giga and Fungi will be working with them to translate

>> No.5412853

Awww, I was hoping Little Busters! would be taken down so KEY could partner up.

>> No.5412857 [DELETED] 

Www._AnOn_+_m_-_M_+_taLK_.se axjndw dprs mjdrpsd la dkdaq j d w ozf leuxkj yw

>> No.5412865

tldr; MG and AKB2 partnership

>> No.5412869

...Eh? G-Senjou hasn't been C&D'd yet. It's still going strong.

>> No.5412870

Moogy is such a faggot.

>> No.5412880

Key can partner up even without sending C&Ds. MangaGamer has hinted about talks with Key, but we'll find out about that at AX, I guess.

Also a very likely possibility. However, Baldr Force's project hasn't made all that much progress yet, as far as I know.

>> No.5412886

Also, when exactly was Kara no Shoujo released? It's still in editing hell.

...Is this thread from the future or something?

>> No.5412894


>> No.5412899

[20:43:30] <@TinFoil> oye oye, VDZ.
[20:43:38] <@TinFoil> way to look Moogy look like a total ass.

>> No.5412904
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>> No.5412908
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x1024, Maou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akabeisoft also sent another C&D, http://novelnews.net/2010/05/29/anime-novel-receives-cds
I find it strange that they haven't C&Ded the largest site, TLWiki, yet.

>> No.5412909
File: 32 KB, 320x240, 5-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was Moogy that guy in those Donkey Kong Country LPs?

>> No.5412912


If you're talking about Kefit's DKC3 LPs, then yes.

>> No.5412922

FH was taken down by Moogy, not C&D afaik

>> No.5412924

Why do people listen to Moogy anyway?

>> No.5412931
File: 72 KB, 484x339, kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and umad?

>> No.5412933


Then why the fuck hasn't Moogy had the project taken down yet when he's complied with every other C&D out there?

>> No.5412935

How do they listen to him?

>> No.5412937

Moogy is destroying the VN fanbase. What a faggot.

>> No.5412938

yeah bro I just deleted that shit because I didn't like it


>> No.5412940

He is hard not to listen to. He always whines.

>> No.5412944


VDZ is a musicbro but I don't know who those other fatties are.

>> No.5412951

>implying FH is shit

>> No.5412952


What the fuck is going on in this thread. My brain is full of fuck.

Trolls, trolls everywhere.

>> No.5412956

>doesn't know who masat01 is
>doesn't know who moogy is
Oh you're a great troll buddy

>> No.5412957

My bad, I thought it had been release already. I guess this might change things as well.

Because he's the owner of TLWiki, and has some good contacts. Chances are he knows when a fan translation project turns into an official translation.

>> No.5412967

He's one of the fansub Mother Brains.

>> No.5412972

Why are masato and moogy faggots that fuck each other?

>> No.5412986
File: 101 KB, 714x1023, 214e1ffb83a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's moogy-dono, pic related

>> No.5412988


Look. KnS is still getting a release and G-Senjou hasn't been touched yet, and the only other projects on your list that got taken down from TLWiki are Flyable Heart and Baldr Force.

That means it's probably one of those two things.

>> No.5412991

I prefer that jpmeetup drama shit to this "serious business, real money involved" faggotry

>> No.5412998


>> No.5412999

I'm actually suspecting Flyable Heart given the overall tone of MG's releases.

>> No.5413016

>masat01 his tool
Fucking sweet. This means moogy and I have a great relationship
>likes loli pussy

>> No.5413022

How? If it's by complying with C&D's, then that doesn't matter since he isn't forcing anyone not to continue. If it's by working with the official companies to bring official localizations, then that still gives you VNs to read. What exactly is the problem?

>> No.5413023


No idea who they are, and my previous point of them being fat still stands.

>> No.5413026

It's giga. I'm pretty certain.

>> No.5413048

/jp/ agreed that the TLwiki translator for Flyable Heart was shit, so a partnership with them probably wouldn't yield anything.

>> No.5413049


I've said before, but the progress pages on TLWiki force accountability onto the translators.

If they're forced to go underground, where there is no opportunity to gain e-penis, they will eventually get bored and abandon the project.

And then Kara no Shoujo was never released.

>> No.5413060 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5413056


Then it's Baldr Force. Good, I hear everyone was looking forward to that.

>> No.5413065

it means you are only a tool, and can be replaced at any moment

>> No.5413067

I get that much, but why give a shit about what he has to say? You can't seriously mean that being the founder of a wiki makes his calls mean anything beyond what value people give it themselves, seeing as how all of his opinions on everything is terrible.

>> No.5413077


>> No.5413090
File: 19 KB, 462x326, meanwhile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the Witch Hunt? They aren't part of Moogy's clever plan?

>> No.5413093

Okay, so to fix this, all they have to do is port the project to an un-C&D'able wiki or some other sort of public storage with version control.
But, you see, the problem with that isn't in TLWiki, it's in the translators: if they got C&D'd, most translators will either continue or stop, those that will continue, will like to give the impression that they stopped to the companies by going underground. If you can manage to get the translators to continue the project publictly, you'll get what you want, but the problem here is that they probably won't want to do it, because they want to have the eroge companies think they stopped, so they'd leave them alone. Maybe in some cases, like shown in the OP, the translators might even get a gig with a localization company and finish the game commercially. It's not as simple as it seems.

>> No.5413097

I refuse to believe that the people in this thread are the real masat0, Fungi, and Moogy.

>> No.5413127
File: 528 KB, 1280x1465, 1231j0y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do a new and more full version if you want to, there was actually anoter one before that, pic related, that's it

>> No.5413128

Fungi is too busy playing Team Fortress 2 to translate, leave him alone.

>> No.5413129


>> No.5413133

Masat01 confirmed, as can be seen by his tripcode. Moogy and Fungi were also following this thread, so it's possible.

>> No.5413144

<masarchto> http://images.4chan.org/jp/src/1276908782311.jpg
<masarchto> what
<masarchto> the
<masarchto> fuck
<Kyon_Geass1> old pic is old
<+VDZ> I prefer the original pic

>> No.5413145

Aeris dies

>> No.5413146

I like this. Someone whould make a VN about this.

>> No.5413153


Tripcodes are meaningless. Look at all the White Rens.

>> No.5413159

So, is it really moogy who does the weekly VN translation status thread?

>> No.5413160

tlwiki is the cancer that killed visual novels

>> No.5413161

No, that's dan. Completely different person.

>> No.5413172

Dan Kim?

>> No.5413174

What the fuck is with all the trolls in this thread!?

I'm slowly becoming convinced that I'm the only person here who ISN'T trolling.


>> No.5413177


>> No.5413193

I never quite understood why masat01 was considered Moogy's tool, when Moogy personally banned him half a year ago from #tlwiki for bringing newfriends to the channel or trolling too hard. I'll never know...

>> No.5413199

>G-Senjou no Maou
>was mentioned in a C&D sent out to another game
Really? Do I missed that.

>> No.5413201

TLWiki is down, also.

>> No.5413203

* Moogy changes topic to 'MORE DOWNTIME; server switchover

>> No.5413204

Obviously meant "Did"

>> No.5413224

Moogy is just a faggot. I wasn't trolling that much.

>> No.5413241

You were just being faggot in general.

>> No.5413249
File: 406 KB, 1280x1465, 1276909721028 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is an updated one I made a while ago
it's shit

>> No.5413294
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Updated again for IRC faggots. Simple minded fools.

>> No.5413330

If you're reading this SPIN. Fuck you and your shitty translation group.

>> No.5413348 [DELETED] 


WWW._anON_+_M_-_m_+_taLK_.se gc j bvljkcsvkrtki qt wf h uv lkxba dhuqaielnqw rnan aih x ist

>> No.5413358

No, I mean FUCK AMMY
I hate everyone in that channel!
Ixrec, Spin, Shitta, masat01, VDZ, moogy, nagato. FUCK ALL OF YOU

>> No.5413384

So much hate
Where's the love?

>> No.5413389

They're too shy to show their love.

>> No.5413391

Why is Pacula there? Also isn't Chikan TLWiki translator? And who the hell are Kyon and Vodka?

>> No.5413398

We're all tsundere.

>> No.5413401

That was made around December or so, I believe.

>> No.5413412

I think Giga is the most likely. It's also the one I'm hoping for.

Then where is the dere?

>> No.5413430


>> No.5413496

in the deep of our hearts, somewhere you wont ever reach

>> No.5413557

Weren't Akabeisoft anti-gaijin like minori?
I doubt the license is from them.

>> No.5413741

Based on http://novelnews.net/2010/05/26/ip-blocks-revisited/

Looks like Akabeisoft2 is anti-gaijin.

>> No.5413770

I bet it's no Akabeisoft2
Concerto Note is too long...

>> No.5413851



>> No.5413856

Each time I read that I laugh wholeheartedly. 10/10

>> No.5413910

Moogy is a fag for paying any attention at all to C&Ds.

>> No.5414020


I know how you feel. Really do.

>> No.5414052

Moogy: Living every manchild's dream.

>> No.5414224

Fag detected.

>> No.5414420
File: 27 KB, 358x450, Moogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Updated again
>my face

>> No.5416897

So exactly why is Moogy so unpopular?
What had he done that's so stupid?

>> No.5416944

And not a single shit was given.

>> No.5416995

Because he complies with C&Ds.
Because he 'sold out' to JAST.
Because he runs TLWiki.
Because he's like many of the 'elitists' on the gemot.
Because he exists.

Pick one.

>> No.5417006


fight the power, you NNL bro you

>> No.5417016

There's a reason I put inverted commas around the word - maybe you should learn conversational English.

>> No.5417027

danger quotes are indistinguishable from normal quotes if you use apostrophes! you should use unicode-approved danger quotes

>> No.5417040

I hope it's Giga.

>> No.5417048

>Because he runs TLWiki.
The others I could understand, but this one?

>> No.5417054

Why the fuck would you ever comply to a C&D from another country? It's like living in america while voluntarily following australian law; goddamn retarded.

>> No.5417059

There's a few people on /jp/ hate translations in general. There's also a few that hate public translations and feel they're "attention-whoring" (nevermind that people never stopped bitching when we knew nothing about progress).

>> No.5417073

What about respecting the author's wishes?
Can you call yourself a fan when you willingly disobey them?

>> No.5417097

Of course. NNL being Minori devs because they like Minori games, but they don't like the creators. Makes sense enough to me.

If they're officially going to bring over the games then I would respect the C&D.
If not, then their C&D can rot.

>> No.5417103

It's possible to like a work without respecting the author. This especially applies when dealing with an author like minori.

>> No.5417161

It's important to understand that an author who sends a C&D for a translation group most certainly does not respect your wishes, he is not your friend and deserves nothing from you.

>> No.5417749
File: 318 KB, 846x498, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit....I fucking hope it's Giga


>> No.5418085

Why would you hate translations?
This isn't like anime where there are like 5 to 10+ groups for each popular show.

Doesn't anyone remember how basically nothing got translated and the few things that got translated took years?

>> No.5418120

Selfish elitistfags.

>> No.5418126

/jp/ is a horrible hate machine.

>> No.5418210

Hey who says we should raid 2chan with translated VN pics?

>> No.5418220

That's where you should belong.

>> No.5418255

Eh, not him but.... /jp/' HAS raided places every once in awhile. And right now they ARE being faggots.

>> No.5418264


>> No.5418269

It's hardly the whole board's fault. If they're so butthurt, why don't they do the same thing to anime and manga?

>> No.5418270

So you want us to be faggots too?

>> No.5418310

Stupid question here but how would the C&D itself be the cause of a partnership? If anything, at best it would be correlated to a partnership if the company had already planned to seek one anyway. But if this is supposed to be a justification for blindly obeying them then it's a poor one.

>> No.5418324 [DELETED] 

Maybe somebody from the group get the genius idea of selling the translation?

>> No.5418329

Maybe somebody from the group got the genius idea of selling the translation?

>> No.5418337

You'll see the answer at AX.

>> No.5418344
File: 222 KB, 504x700, haru54645677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait? No more translation for this?

>> No.5418355

>Wait? No more translation for this?

>> No.5418370 [DELETED] 

Fuck, and G-Senjou is the only translated game I'm looking forwards to this year.

>> No.5418374

Fuck, and G-Senjou is the only translated game I'm looking forwards to this year.

>> No.5418375

I've already finished G-senjou so feel free to stop the translation project. Glorious Chinese pirates not giving a fuck to anything.

>> No.5418390

Damn, Chinese and Koreans are so lucky.

>> No.5418481


Diaf, all.

>> No.5418492

Looks like Moogy is still being a faggot as usual.

>> No.5418502
File: 534 KB, 800x600, ev_haru_15c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-Senjou dropped or continued underground?

>> No.5418570

I am not quite sure what that means though, it was mentioned but nothing has been directed against it as far as I understand.

>> No.5418725
File: 246 KB, 1496x1081, vnchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newest chart. Updated and looks pretty

>> No.5418759

Why only include areas for people on the Amaterasu side of things?

>> No.5418777


>> No.5418788 [DELETED] 


www._anOn_+_M_-_M_+_Talk_.Se kvlen elwrywgnlqmffjhs ph u ohta

>> No.5418793

No not really, it's just kinda scary

>> No.5418801

You guys blow everything out of proportion. You make it sound like the NWO, Illuminati and the Men in Black are involved, and your ass virginity is on the line.

>> No.5418813

Give it a theme or something. Maybe Gundam SEED this time?

>> No.5418814

Rather then spend your time following the world of translator drama, just learn Japanese and bypass all this crap.

>> No.5418831

... shadow? Is that you?

>> No.5418846


Heh, I took my own ass virginity a long time ago so no

>> No.5418850

I'm doing so, but it's going slowly and I really enjoyed G-senjou.

>> No.5418881

Masturbation does not count as sex, or everybody here would be lady/gentleman killers.

>> No.5418989
File: 90 KB, 589x375, 1273458487537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You...you... DOUBLE IXREC
>Recommends Absolut vodka.
pic related

>> No.5419038

That post of mine was deleted within hours.
Meido confirmed on Moogys paylist.

>> No.5419111

As far as I know, technically, they COULD sue them. But just because they can doesn't mean they will and Moogy is still a fag for complying.

Also, I have yet to see that any evidence of these C&D's being real. Did I miss it somewhere?

>> No.5419500
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>> No.5419578

It's gonna be Yosuga no Sora or eden*
moogy hinted at this partnership right after those two got taken down and before others were taken down

>> No.5419743

well, the Hime x Hime and Pastel C&Ds were the only ones that showed some hint of upset actually being interested in overseas marketing right now, so I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be them. Giga may also be a contender, as they have attempted to break the market in the past.

AKB2 and Minori are very unlikely, for obvious reasons.

No idea about the rest however.

Not sure about Cuffs

>> No.5419787

lol'd at the graph

>> No.5419795

It's just like when somebody pulls out a gun. Do you rush them, because even though they can shoot and kill you, they probably won't? Because there's a good chance that it's not even loaded? Hell no. You duck and hide and give the guy your wallet. You don't want to take that risk, even if it's small.

Same thing here. Even the smallest company probably has access to more money than you as an individual do. What if they really did sue you? Do you want to call their bluff on that? Fuck no. And for what? Some random faggots on the internet who don't really give a shit if you live or die? I know I wouldn't do it for your worthless asses, that's for sure.

>> No.5419825

it'll be yosuga no sora

I'm calling it now

>> No.5419840 [DELETED] 


www._anOn_+_m_-_m_+_tALK_.Se nfkqbszg ktzhkudu sm haty alyze wilegzarghvsn

>> No.5419857

trueblooded incest, in my officially localized VN?
I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.5419876

it's illegal to actually commit the act, there's nothing illegal about fictional incest

>> No.5419933

That's besides the point, it's still somewhat a risky move. To many people, fictional incest is only one step below fictional rape, and look where that got things going...

>> No.5419940
File: 73 KB, 800x600, c3cae288b2a7ed205b40544fb5c67653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be true !

>> No.5419958

I'll be laughing when all the VN translation groups are trolling about the C&Ds and they simultaneously release all the C&D'd translations.

>> No.5420203

>It's just like when somebody pulls out a gun.
No it's not. Your risk analysis sucks. Suing makes absolutely no sense for these companies. They'd have to go out of their way to hire a lawyer who's familiar with US law. And all for what? Squeezing $20 from some kid an ocean away? They won't even gain any theoretical "lost sales" because 1. They never planned to sell their games here anyway 2. Even if they were, TLWiki provides only a translation, not the game itself. Even if they don't like dirty gaijins touching their holy games, money talks and suing would be a money sink.

Plus, there's the principle of the whole thing. Starting public translations have always held an inherit risk. If you can't take the risk, then don't start it. Moogy can't seem to take it, and yet he's still trolling along not giving a shit.

>> No.5420222

Also, has ANYONE even tried to verify the authenticity of the C&Ds?

>> No.5420229

>Moogy can't seem to take it, and yet he's still trolling along not giving a shit.
He is desperately trying to save face?

>> No.5420254


It's not.

>> No.5420264


Nope. Hell, the Akabei C&Ds were from two different sources.

I have a solution, though. Why not just remove G-Senjou's script files? Then the project can continue and Akabei will have no legal ground to stand on.

>> No.5420314

Uh, nowhere? Rape is still common in officially translated eroge. Also you can't say translating blood related incest is risky when it's never been done before (I wouldn't really count Princess Waltz) so there's no way of knowing what would happen. But I would assume that the people who follow eroge localizations are not the type of people who are offended by incest.

>> No.5420337

about Akabei, don't anybody find it weird they haven't C&D'd Syarin yet?

>> No.5420351

are you like 15

fictional incest won't cause a shitstorm
there's nothing wrong with love

>> No.5420397

Yes, Moogy did. But if you don't think he's a reliable enough source, I can tell you that at least minori's is confirmed genuine. Let me see which others I can confirm...

>> No.5420431 confirmed for Gungnir.

>> No.5420494


Or why they haven't even targeted TLWiki to begin with?

Regardless, someone needs to contact the G-Senjou translator and convince them to continue even after the inevitable C&D.

>> No.5420547

Had the C&D in question been made public?

>> No.5420603


It was posted on Novelnews, so yes.

>> No.5420614
File: 1.65 MB, 1600x1200, 1256991668489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them except Flyable Heart's, I believe.

>> No.5420731


>> No.5420913

And [] from the sender of that C&D resolves to Softpal, home company of Unison Shift, makers of FH.
All the emails Moogy reacted to are genuine. iirc he said somewhere he also got a bunch of fake C&D after that initial minori edit war. Genuine C&D letters started coming in after he ignored all of fake ones, so my guess is that the xenophobic guy started harassing the companies after going directly after Moogy failed.

>> No.5420946


Shouldn't we ignore these C&Ds if they're basically the result of one arrogant xenophobe?

>> No.5421010

Are there many/any Chinese Localization Companies of Japanese VNs? If so, do they still localize fan translated VNs?
I'm just curious considering the large amount that have already been done by the Chinese fans.

>> No.5421015

Ignoring them won't solve anything.
Translators should talk to companies instead and explain that they are translating because a) they are fans of their games and b) there a demand for the translations of their games.
If company still acts like a dick, THEN ignoring them NNL-style is justified.
Otherwise, partnership like the one in the OP might happen. Or at least companies might see that we are open for discussion, unlike that xenophobic guy, which might make them change their attitude in the future.

>> No.5421065

Too many people know about these Wiki's now, especially TLWiki.
Don't use them.

OTOH, if the climate is going to change that the VN companies actually want to convert their games to English, it'd be nice to know

>> No.5421169

>Don't ignore them, ask for money first and if they refuse to pay, only then ignore them.

>> No.5421220

I think this would be the best solution to the whole C&D mess, of course if the translator just loses all of his drive due to the author going against it, that's another story.

>> No.5421486


Well, that's called "being a moralfag and why are you translating something in the first place if you're afraid of legal action".

>> No.5421542

Looking at this chart, it appears as if NNL is at a disadvantage... I wonder how things will develop.

>> No.5421550
File: 20 KB, 214x271, 1232480853271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5421609

I'm the real White Ren, and I know who the people mentioned are, but I reiterate my impostors' point that they're fat, and that nobody should give a shit in the first place.

Except about VDZ, because VDZ is a real bro.

>> No.5421634

How do you know they are fat?

>> No.5421650

A real, fat, bro.

>> No.5421652

I am all knowing.

>> No.5421654

get a new trip fag

>> No.5421668

Are you suffering emotionally from antagonistic feelings?
