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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 45 KB, 307x487, Ichirin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5384231 No.5384231 [Reply] [Original]

>Power to use nyuudou
Ichirin Canon whore?

>> No.5384239
File: 389 KB, 984x1039, 5144046978e61e04c1f986588bc7e187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you did there.

>> No.5384248
File: 804 KB, 1157x777, 1237153391656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one nyuudou for Ichirin.

>> No.5384260

she's the least popular girl in UFO, right?

>> No.5384262

Yes(even though she is the smartest.)

>> No.5384266


You mean least favorite..ever?

Even ZUN said she's a worthless gateway to Unzan, don't bother him about it.

>> No.5384268

Ufo Popularity

>> No.5384276
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x1024, 1262120817790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to improve her popularity somehow.

>> No.5384281

First we need to remove that thing from her head.

>> No.5384301

This is why people like you can't be trusted.

>> No.5384303
File: 705 KB, 1680x1050, 46948 kumoi_ichirin ryouki_tamashii touhou unzan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I really like about Ichirin is the fact that she helped bring us awesome Unzan artwork

>> No.5384306


>> No.5384309

why the hell is Murasa popular?

>> No.5384314
File: 914 KB, 1200x1200, 1276128236898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5384320

Because she is the CAPTAIN

>> No.5384321


If she is the Captain then what is Byakuren?

>> No.5384323

Youkai Jesus

>> No.5384329


Oh.. forgot..

>> No.5384352

Youkai Jesus was a Human!

>> No.5384357


nuh uh.. she was a magician.. that is a completely different species..

>> No.5384361

the fricking cloud is more popular than her
funny thing cause i thought introducing a nun would encourage miko vs nun debates throughout the touhou fanbase

>> No.5384364

We could probably improve Ichirin's appeal with a couple of gang rape doujin. That did marvels for Sanae's appeal.

>> No.5384366


Way to have never played the game


>> No.5384372


LULZ! love how you fell right into that!

>> No.5384376

Never playing the game is no excuse. I haven't (and never will) and I still know that shit.

>> No.5384381
File: 247 KB, 467x369, 1270370381313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5384392


This reminds me. I need an English patch.

>> No.5384466
File: 85 KB, 749x1248, whattrollswantyoutobelieve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5385039

SLUT.Aya and Sanae are free now.

>> No.5385046 [DELETED] 


immeDiaTElY REMOVE yOUr IllEGal cLONe oF AT from YOUR seRVER, Moo-cow, ANd redireCt IT (anD tHe STolen DomAIn) To Www.AnONTAlk.se. Also pUT a teXt AD ON 4chan To at FOR 12 MontHS To COmPENSAtE For tHe lOsT tRAfFIc tHAt yOu anD yOur UserS haVe cauSED WiTh YoUR ilLegAL PRACticeS. tHIs Is yoUr cHaNCe TO SET THInGs riGhT. TAke It. If THE PErson reAding thIS is not "MOot", e-maIL him AT Moot@4CHAN.Org AnD Put SoME pREsSuRe ON hiM if YOu hATe THEse MesSagEs. ThanK yoU foR lIStENiNg. yc xew vnw x hd e

>> No.5385054

Nah pretty sure shes human. Patchouli is the only Magician species. Don't forget that Marisa can do magic, and she's human. Zun said humans can give up being human, and in turn they would turn into a youkai and live forever, kinda like alice.

>> No.5385078

She'll be in the next fighting game. Bones.

>> No.5385119

Maybe she'd be more popular if she washed her stockings.

>> No.5385171

That's a plus for most of us here.

>> No.5385166 [DELETED] 

ImmEDiateLY RemoVe YOUr iLLEgAL ClONE oF AT frOM yOuR sERVEr, moo-cow, And rEdIrEcT IT (AnD THE stoLeN doMAiN) tO Www.anONtalK.se. AlSo PuT a TeXT Ad oN 4chAN tO at FoR 12 moNTHs To coMpENsaTE FOR the LoSt TRaFfIC that YOU aND YoUr USErS havE cAUSED WITh YoUr IlLeGal pRACtiCES. THis iS yOUr ChanCE To seT tHiNgs RIGHT. TAKE It. if THE pErSOn READing ThIS IS NOt "MooT", E-mail HIm AT MoOT@4chaN.oRG anD pUt SoME PrESSURE On Him if yOU HaTe THesE mESSageS. THank You FoR LISTenINg. no mn bkhzcntxktpoxh njew
