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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 359 KB, 1280x720, yui implying7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5289187 No.5289187 [Reply] [Original]

What has been pondered on my mind recently, is on the topic of incest. Specifically, why is it illegal? In many states, it is a felony.

Sure, it's "gross". Sure, it is a taboo topic. But why outlaw it?

The only bad thing I could see out of incest would be:
1) possible health problems if they have a child. I think that it's good that the laws are trying to protect the gene pools, but why ban "safe" incest (no babies etc)?
2) child abuse - incest should remain illegal if one or more of the participants are underaged.

I don't think it should be encouraged by the state. I just don't understand why it is outlawed by the state.

Two (or more...?) consenting adults should be able to do what they want with someone they love, is what I think.

Lots of people in Japan have done it for many years, and they aren't total freaks.

What do you think, and why?

>> No.5289191

Because it's weird, you weirdo.

>> No.5289197

Can you at least find a better picture. I'm sick of faggots posting unrelated pictures because they're too lazy to find one.

>> No.5289202

>In many states, it is a felony
What the hell? What is the world coming to?

>> No.5289207

Visa doesn't like incest, or even step-mother/sister pseudo incest

>> No.5289211

I do not have many "true incest" images. Not to mention they would be NSFW -> not allowed on /jp/.

It has been that way for over a hundred years.

>> No.5289212

>>implying japanese aren't freaks
>>implying incest is actually as common as you think

>> No.5289214

It's a matter of culture at this point. It used to have an obvious purpose, before birth control and such. Now, the absolute hysteria surrounding it has no reason except precedent.

>> No.5289225

Incest has been banned in a lot of states and territories since colonial days, and has been banned in England, I think, for even longer.

It's pretty much frowned on in every culture in the world that's above some tribal level, at least for immediate siblings.

>> No.5289237

The power dynamics between a parent and child (even if the child is an adult) is so unequal that it should probably be outlawed. I see no problem with sibling incest although it grosses me out, personally.

>> No.5289255

The world is a sad place

>> No.5289256

A christfag came up with the law.

>> No.5289261

Nah, incest is just wrong to begin with.

>> No.5289262

Except for ancient Egypt. Pharoahs and their queens were brother and sister.

>> No.5289263

>I do not have many "true incest" images.
Get out.

>Not to mention they would be NSFW -> not allowed on /jp/.
Not all incest images are about sex. Also /jp/ is NSFW.

>> No.5289269

Could you explain why? Why, with birth control, is incest wrong?

>> No.5289276

Good luck proving a drawing is related to the other person in the drawing, silly.

>> No.5289286


>> No.5289287

Because everyone would have easy fucks, there would be no one out procreating because they would be busy fucking themselves at home.

>> No.5289290

Incest is obviously wrong because of the how the child turns out. Science is giving you a clue, take the hint. Sisters and brothers are just meant to be really close friends.

>> No.5289292

because archaic law, custom of society, because it's naturally considered disgusting for it to happen, no one wants to actually speak up for it, as they will be seen as one of those "disgusting hillbillies" or something of the sort. Luckily it's not the sort of thing that affects my day to day life.

>> No.5289297


He is probably too traumatizing from sticking his dick in his mother from an early age to have a neutral view on incest.

>> No.5289301

I've mentioned it several times already, but these days we have something called "BIRTH CONTROL." Sex does not necessarily entail having a kid.

>> No.5289302
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Not sure if serious......

>> No.5289323

ITT: People that don't understand the purpose of different types of relationships.

>> No.5289329

It's fucking weird you nerd. I know I wouldn't want to fuck my sister anyway.

>> No.5289340

If I don't understand it you should naturally explain it. What is the purpose of automatically separating these relationships if it causes no harm for them to occur? I don't really care about this issue at all, but seeing such horribly biased arguments is disgusting.

>> No.5289347

How come the Christians, Muslims and Jews are okay with Father Abraham and Aunt-Mother Sarah?

>> No.5289378

1.You are too lazy to go find someone else that actullally works out with you.
2. It's like going out with yourself you faggot.
3.Most people that do it, feel awkward as hell because they know that shit is wrong.
4. You aren't scientifically made to be attracted to your brother or sister.
5. The laws were made so that people don't take advantage of eachother and if you can't deal with this final note, go kill yourself now cause it ain't changing.

>> No.5289399

problem is you can't separate sex and conception
sure you can make it illegal only to bear a child but what are you gonna do when it happens
forceful abortion?

>> No.5289400

I totally would to my sister.

>> No.5289404
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>> No.5289410

1.Strawman, pick another argument.
2.How the fuck is your sister yourself?
3.Yeah, I'm sure you know a lot of people who've committed incest. I'm also sure you can provide a citation. Finally, don't use anecdotal evidence in a logical argument.
4. You aren't scientifically made to do a lot of things. One such thing would be shitting in a toilet. You go ahead and keep shitting on the floor though. It's nature.
5. I already said I don't care. I'm not attracted to my sisters at all. Your argument is garbage and I just wanted to point that out.

>> No.5289412

I think incest is pretty hot.

>> No.5289415

its gross so they outlaw it
kinda like why they outlaw lots of thing that makes no sense (see: prohibition)

>> No.5289416

Yes. If you have a kid you shouldn't, it should be aborted.

>> No.5289419

most common occurrence of incest is between uncle and niece
not brother sister

>> No.5289425

No one in this thread is arguing that should be allowed though, so it's largely irrelevant.

>> No.5289426

no one will stand that

>> No.5289431

Incest is only hot in fiction, bro.

>> No.5289433

They will when they realize the police have guns and they don't.

>> No.5289437

You are all disappointing.

>> No.5289438

Enjoy your retard babies and social ostracizing.

>> No.5289440

Fuck you that picture is adorable.

>> No.5289444
File: 186 KB, 724x1000, just a bit more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the best shit ever.
oh gosh my cock's ready to rumble

>> No.5289448

can you not imagine the moral outcry?
especially if its late term

>> No.5289449

Have you been reading the thread? I said I support these relationships under the condition that they use birth control. If they have a child it should be aborted (as should all retard children).

>> No.5289450

Just checking. You guys are considering cousin x cousin as incest too or just parent x child and brother x sister?

>> No.5289456

>social ostracizing.

people care about this?

>> No.5289461

>Alabama person
>disliking incest


>> No.5289465

I don't think it's a realistic option. I also don't think incest will be allowed within the next century. I was just arguing why it should be allowed. No babies=no problem.

>> No.5289467

no it's not

>> No.5289473

People usually ban incest saying it is for the kids, since an incest child would have worse off genetics.

But this argument is flawed. Think about it. We do not send people for jail for having kids if they are colour blond, have aids, or any other disease or gentic abnormality. So why is it only incest that is illegal. Simply becasue people think it is gross. The same reason being gay use to be illegal. People think it is gross. Its a matter of other people deciding how htey think you should live your life.

>> No.5289475

I don't have a problem with it, I just have a gut feeling that it isn't right. I'm not gonna preach in the dam streets about it, or even go further in this online arguement. Aside from the fact that birth control itself can cause a person alot of complications... whatever, knock yourselves out.

>> No.5289478

I'm sorry to say that I'm watching Angel Beats and in a shitty anime she is by far the worst character. If there was any justice in the world anyone who likes her deserves to be publicly stoned.

>> No.5289482

I posted a similar topic back in old /a/ (before the split).

The general consensus was that it's simply a societal norm that naturally occured due to the dangers of in-breeding.

These days, there are so many alternate ways to have children that it's no longer an issue. You could always adopt a child, or your wife could even do in vitro with another man's sperm (assuming that doesn't bother you).

tl;dr: There's nothing wrong about it so long as both participants are adults, and there is no natural child born from the coupling.

Also: In before someone brings up the Westermark Effect. It has an opposite, it's called Genetic Sexual Attraction

>> No.5289483

Oh, I don't care if you have a problem with it. That's normal, just like religion is. I just want you to admit to yourself that your argument is illogical and not claim it to be logical. It really does piss me off when people pretend they're making a real argument when they're just reacting to gut feelings.

>> No.5289488

>Implying being gay was ever illegal, not just found disgusting

>> No.5289493

No, homosexuals were stoned....

>> No.5289505

>implying retarded child because incest isn't just a lie made the extreme religious fags

>> No.5289518
File: 32 KB, 200x300, badpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting awfully retarded in here...

>> No.5289520

it was illegal, still is some places I think

>> No.5289522

Incest only causes birth defects if you have really shitty genes.
I mean, really shitty. So shitty, that the only way your genes could get that shitty is if your last few generations all commited incest and had kids that committed incest and had kids that committed incest and had you and your sister. If you and your sister then fucked, your kid would be a mutant.
Strictly speaking, the odds of you and your sister fucking and having a mutant baby, provided the past five or so generations of your family line doesn't have a deep reputation for incest, are just the same of the odds you and some random girl fucking and having a mutant baby.
Ignoring the odds of anyone on 4chan fucking, that is.

Which is why most females in the first world use birth control to alleviate menstrual pain, even when they don't plan on having sex and don't have a boyfriend, right?

>> No.5289530

Maybe Im thinking of rome, derp.
>My arguement is solid. Why is incest right? Are you sure it's true love, or because of the age that people are together at, it's just a connection that's always been there, and the other person is being tricked into liking something that shouldn't be that way. Kind of like how a fetish is gained. Not saying that fetishes are wrong but, you get me.

>> No.5289543

Your argument is still dumb and illogical.

>> No.5289552

This is not a logical argument. This is a gut feeling. I don't know how much you want me to repeat myself. You're making ridiculous assumptions that make no sense. How are they being tricked into a relationship (assuming both parties are consenting adults) any more than any other pair? To begin with, why is it fucking wrong to begin with? Please explain this with factual evidence and not a fucking gut feeling or you really need to stop pretending you're trying to actually debate here.

>> No.5289568


eugenics much? That can be a slippery slope to go down man. I dont support incest at all, but forced abortions is wrong.

>> No.5289569

He is just another ordinary man that is brainwashed by the media.

>> No.5289580

Muslims and other scum make excuses for fucking their cousins and sisters.

>> No.5289592

>forced abortions is wrong
Hello, friend. Define wrong. Explain why this is wrong. Don't use a gut feeling here; I want a logical explanation. I don't know about you, but I've been around groups of retarded children and have met the parents of some of them and can say that I have never felt more sorry for someone having to live. Goddamn, I find it sick that you would subject them to a life of suffering.

>> No.5289593


Homosexual relations have been outlawed in many parts of the world for a very long time, where have you been?

>> No.5289597

>implying there is anything wrong with fucking your cousin.

>> No.5289599

"If your child is likely to be hideously deformed or will be born with a life threatening disease, please abort it. It is not cruel to kill it before it's born, because having it be born with such a handicap would make its life a living hell."

Oh dear, what a large slope to slip down.

>> No.5289609

Only Americans think fucking your cousin is wrong.

>> No.5289614


>> No.5289617

Crazy Americans.

>> No.5289621

The thing is that for it to be okay with you, there have to be tons of odd mediums that are the polar opposite of killing off the entire human race so a brother and a sister can have a relationship i.e. birth control. Also, what the hell is consent anyway? You always felt close to your mother/brother/sister/dad or whatever and if they ask you to do anything you'd do it right? So you do something sexual, which feels good and theres no reason for the other person to like it. Is that your consent? Sounds like brainwashing, be it purposeful or not. I don't like seeing ANYONE get into a relationship unless they have a real bond. That's why so many marriages are failing now adays, people get together for silly reasons, and realize they aren't compatible and break up.

>> No.5289628


Reminds me of this


>> No.5289633

5289621, here. I think that immediate family incest is wrong, not cousins really. There is enough differences in DNA, although I'd only feel comfortable with a 2nd cousin at most, personal preference.

>> No.5289634

Sorry, but I don't want to continue this discussion any longer. I can tell when a person isn't willing to concede at all, and you certainly fit that bill.

>> No.5289644

So I give a solid reason and you back up? Oh ho ho ho ho!

>> No.5289650

Yeah, sure. Have a nice day.

>> No.5289655

I'll take over for him, if you don't mind a new partner to play with.

>> No.5289673
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>> No.5289676

Killing people that are already alive and living is different than killing something that isn't even born.

>> No.5289696

>Implying that babies in the womb aren't alive.
It's the potiential.. the "what if" factor that drives people crazy about abortion, and me to. What if the person could become a genius, what if he is the person that would finally gain enough power to destory the world? This is the same problem I have with lucid dreaming. I can do it but, I want to see what my "normal" dreams will be like, they are more fun.

>> No.5289712

I honestly see no problem in people, consensually choosing to do what they wish really. If they end up with a deformed or retarded kid, as long as they take care of them. Besides, is physical ability or mental capacity a barometer for happiness? Why would you consider a life pathetic?

>> No.5289726

Is that a yes to >>5289655 ?

>> No.5289727


im not arguing about when life begins here, that would take too long. Im just saying watch the slope.

>> No.5289732
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>> No.5289734

>lots of people in Japan have done it for many years

WRONG. Incest is just as taboo over there as it is in the rest of the world.

The reason incest is found attractive is usually because the people who find it attractive in the first place don't have siblings that they would want to have sex with, i.e. a guy with all brothers or an only child of any sex. The incest thing being in ancient societies was possible because children at very young ages were separated and raised apart from one another. Today, it's much different.

Oh, and for those of you crying about the bad genetics part...there has to be a large number of incestuous relationships before inbreeding causes genetic defects...like, a few generations' worth.

There's nothing wrong with it other than the fact that it's socially unacceptable.

>> No.5289744

It's not really me hating the poor kid with the broken brain, it's the fact that the two people involved are too selfish to even think about the consequences of their actions. Would you want to be reborn into a retarded body, one that isn't able to think at its 100% capability? Im pretty pissed at my mom for smoking with me, I'm smart and I can catch onto things hella quickly but I still have major memory problems. Not so much a, you look ok on the outside thing as a, known chemical reactions that happen 100% of the time, no matter what type of thing.

>> No.5289750

>It's the potential
Are you implying that I should feel bad for ruining the potential of at least 1000 doctors, surgeons, virtual reality developers, and geneticists every other night?

Regardless, if your baby is going to be born mentally retarded, I am quite certain he will not be a genius.
And if your baby is going to be born with a physically debilitating disease that will likely kill him at the age of 10, I am quite certain that, even if he IS a genius, he will not develop mentally enough to actually gain enough power to destroy the world. Maybe he'll be able to do long division, if he's lucky. Then you can cry and curse the Fates when he dies at 10 because he was oh-so-gifted and oh-so-intelligent, when you could have just aborted it and tried again a few weeks later, likely getting a child the second time around that actually has a body physical enough to not die at the age of 10, with just as much intelligence!

>> No.5289752

Yeah, it's on bro.

>> No.5289768

Lovely. Which part am I supposing to be arguing for?

>> No.5289780

Woah there, I'm not talking about abortions because of pregnancy complications. So redo that whole counter arguement with abortions just because the woman wants to, but then I can counter that myself. If a child grows up in a bad environment, where it isn't wanted that can be bad for it right? But, the other choice is to put up the child for adoption, where it might find a good family or it might just sit there waiting for a family till it's well into its teens. However, wouldn't you want the opportunity to live? What if your parents aborted you, wouldn't you be pissed off? Well, thats if you knew that you would been have given an opportunity to live.

>> No.5289787

Read 5289621, thats where the other guy dropped out.

>> No.5289789

>What if your parents aborted you, wouldn't you be pissed off?

>What if your parents aborted you, wouldn't you be pissed off?

>What if your parents aborted you, wouldn't you be pissed off?

>What if your parents aborted you, wouldn't you be pissed off?

>> No.5289792

Not really to be honest. I wouldn't mind much if they went back in time to prevent me from being born.

>> No.5289812

damn, got to it before me.

>> No.5289819

I'd be glad.

>> No.5289824

Ah, thank you. Though honestly, I'm not quite sure what I should be arguing about, or the point I'm arguing against.
Am I supposed to be arguing that incest is a concept that isn't morally wrong?
What point are you defending?

>> No.5289827

I don't give a shit what you're talking about.

I'm talking about how, if incest can create mutant babies, then you should be fine with the fact that you should abort them. If your child will be born with half a stomach, you should abort it, as giving birth to it will give you no happiness, since it will undoubtedly be immediately rushed to the emergency room to stop stomach acid from leaking all over its innards. Then, if it survives that, good god, I pity its future life of shots, pills shoved down its throat because its a baby and can't swallow anyway, of frequent trips to the hospital to make sure it isn't dying yet.

Someone brought up, "O NOES, SLIPPERY SLOPE!" and I said, bullshit, because it applies the same way if your baby will be born with a debilitating illness regardless of incest.

>> No.5289828

made my night

>> No.5289833

It's been a while since I laughed so heartily.

>> No.5289835

ITT: People that don't value their own lives are judging if others should live or not.. Fuck year.

>> No.5289849

Dude, I just said that I'm not against aborting kids that won't live. Reading comprehension, get it.

>> No.5289850

Do you honestly think ANYONE is taking you seriously after the "you'd be pissed off if you were aborted" one?

>> No.5289853

To be fair it was just worded badly, he had a minor point.
Other than that this entire argument is stupid, I don't know why I'm here.

>> No.5289858


>> No.5289862

>Implying that I want to argue with people that don't value life.
Hell no, all of you guys are pesimists and no one on this earth cares about what you think or what does or doesn't make sense to you.

>> No.5289873

Oh yeah? Well, my waifu says you're a meanie-head!

>> No.5289875

Wow you don't belong here.

>> No.5289876

What is different from arguing with people that don't value life over people that do?

>> No.5289895

They have some sort of empathy and compassion for others. I don't want to deal with you guys, and I wish that you didn't exist either :33333333

>> No.5289905

Why would not putting a value on life, cause one to have no feelings of empathy or compassion?

>> No.5289910
File: 73 KB, 300x450, ohu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed for bad troll. You almost got me.

>> No.5289911

That's great! I don't want to argue with anyone on /jp/ either. In fact, nobody does. So let's all just take it easy.

>> No.5289940

Abortion is not wrong. Wrong is giving the option to people to do what they want with a life. Not everyone is mature enough to handle this without letting it spill in other areas such as humane interactions. It's as unethic as a scientist using guinea pigs when a better method could be available.
Abortion in cases such as rape should be acceptable, but not when slutty teenager #740 gets pregnant from her boyfriend because they forgot to use a condom. Maybe an abortion can even be performed, but some kind of punishment ought to be done.

>> No.5289974

How bout, like, put it on a medical record, if the person has had 2 abortions from just wanting one, then the person has to pay heavily for a third, and more for a fourth etc, excluding those that are mandatory/rape/incest abortions.

>> No.5289984
File: 64 KB, 700x503, 1270106507657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was and will always be pro safe incest. As long as they don't have children it's okay.

>> No.5289995

Why is this shit still here?

>> No.5290021

I personally am against incest unless it's really sexy.

>> No.5290039

I don't think it's that simple.
The problem is, if you don't let the parents abort the child, it will be an unwanted child and probably live a shitty life.
However, if you let them do it freely, people will start more and more seeing each other as discardable. Also, abortions are always risky for the women.
Your idea covers the latter problem somewhat well, but not the former. I mean, just imagine how many pirate clinics would appear that don't keep this record, or how many people wouldn't be able to pay the money and decide to have the (unwanted) child anyway.
I'm of the opinion that this should be treated more in the criminal aspect, forcing the parents to do some community work or having to pay some money for the country.

>> No.5290044

What kind of incest? Simply being blood related type?

>> No.5290053

"Adoption not abortion" is usually the standard people use. But because abortion has apparently prevented an extra 10 million niggers from being born since 1970, I'm opposed to anyone trying to make it harder for niggers to murder their unborn children.

>> No.5290070

>Implying that in a couple of hundreds of years there will be any races close to being pure anymore.
I find it quite hilarious how alot of black women are killing themselves over the fact that black men are starting to perfer other races, namely white women. Spoiler:It's the attitudes.

>> No.5290080

I think incest is really hot, especially if it is blood-related.

>> No.5290111

Enjoying your freedom?

>> No.5290140

Abortion is not particularly dangerous, especially not chemically induced abortion.

>> No.5290142


Supposedly in a thousand years we'll all look like Greeks.

Shit's awesome.

>> No.5290164

The thing is, not trying to make it harder for them to abort, but to make it harder for them to reproduce.
Think about it, most people who have an abortion would be shitty parents anyway (they can't even take care of themselves). Let's make it so their genes don't spread.

>> No.5290196
File: 3 KB, 126x109, garfield derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially if it is blood-related

>> No.5290261
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Which one of you did this?


>> No.5290766

Do not know.

>> No.5290776 [DELETED] 

>hurr I don't agree hurrrrrr

>> No.5290779

Because incest is all blood related.. herr?

>> No.5290783

Incest where the younger sister fucks the older brother with a strapon is the best

>> No.5290785

What? The article? The breeding? The autism in Silicon Valley?

>> No.5290827

White Ren #chilly
White Ren #chilly
White Ren #chilly

>> No.5290829

The core problem with incest (and it's a big damn core) is that it's counter to the interests of the entire family. It's like, why shouldn't an entire family just sit around smoking pot all day? It's because it does not serve the interests of the family either as a whole or for the individuals.
You can't care for someone and yet do something to them that you know is against their interests just because it serves yours. I feel what I've said is getting close to a lucid explanation.

>> No.5290847

>What has been pondered on my mind recently, is on the topic of incest.
>134 posts and 10 image replies omitted.
Never change, /jp/

>> No.5290861

>why shouldn't an entire family just sit around smoking pot all day?
That would be awesome.

>> No.5290930

Familial duty is a load of bullshit.

>> No.5290951

My first and only love was my cousin. I also lost my virginity to her. And to this very day she doesnt know. Say what you say, but thanks to incest i have good shit to fap to in my head.

>> No.5290974

>Sure, it is a taboo topic. But why outlaw it?
You have your answer right there.
Now go learn how laws work.

A more interesting question is "When did it become taboo?"

>> No.5290987

I'm the same. I was 9 at the time, but I'll never forget.

>> No.5291054


>> No.5291065

Try impregnating an immediate relative and you'll see the physical results. Most probably the offspring will have abnormalities. Fucking genes want to explore men. What's the point of combining with the same pattern of genes? That's not evolutional/

>> No.5291160

>Most probably
>several percent of possibility

>> No.5293147

Any stories, OP?

>> No.5293155

I doubt anyone would actually do anything about it if you banged your sister. Well as long as you don't go around pushing the fact into people's faces.

>> No.5293246

This thread is still here?

>> No.5293493


>> No.5293503

The autism.

>> No.5293509

If anyone remotely thought there might be a small possibility you were doing anything wrong in the suburbs they would call the police. Maybe it's different in Germany though. Everyone here is a nosy jackass.

>> No.5293521

To my knowledge incest isn't *OUTLAWED* in most countries, western or eastern.

>> No.5293523

Non-incestual sex still has a chance of producing retarded children.
I think we should outlaw reproduction. Who's with me?

>> No.5293553

Yeah, thats a great idea dude. I mean we could make petitions and have people all over the world sign them and make sure that no one reproduces and no.

>> No.5293570

The law was made before birth control, and had a valid reason. Today, the law stays, because nobody sees any reason to fight it. Those that do participate in incest wouldn't rally together to make a big deal about their rights. The truth is, nobody would really care enough to throw the book at them, and they'll most likely keep their intimate relationship with each other secret from public.

Nobody knows they're fucking while at home, and nobody finds it suspicious that they're always hanging out with each other on events that anyone else would view as a date.

>> No.5293590
File: 21 KB, 400x300, russian_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people who have like/have a fetish for incest most likely don't have an actual sister to fuck.
It's not as hot as you think. I know because I have two sisters. One 8, the other 16.
People I know told me they'd fuck them, but I don't find them attractive. Not at all.
Generally, most people who like incest read lots of incest doujins and stuff, but the real world isn't like that at all. My sisters are just annoying. They're nothing like animu or mango.
TL;DR version: 3DPD

>> No.5293598

As I went down the page I was completely convinced that I had landed in /r9k/ until I checked my tabs.
/jp/ really is shit.

Incest is OK

>> No.5293603

/r9k/ isn't a blue board

>> No.5293605

>People I know told me they'd fuck them
>One 8, the other 16
>One 8

>> No.5293607


Yea, it is about as stupid as having sex with a condom. I mean... how are the babies supposed to be made if you stop them? That isn't natural at all!

>> No.5293609


>> No.5293615

>You aren't scientifically made to be attracted to your brother or sister.

Not really. It's on a mental level that we're not attracted to siblings, and that's the cause of adapting to social norms. If you met your long lost twin sister, and never knew she was your sister, you could easily get attracted to her. There's no signals that would tell your body "this is my sister so I won't get attracted to her."

You're not attracted to her because you're taught from a young age that it's wrong to be attracted to your sister.

Just so you know, brothers and sisters who are still innocent and are both within the same age range do tend to explore each others bodies a bit. MY first (and only) kiss was with my little sister, who's a year apart from me. I wouldn't consider lip pecking a kiss, but when we were around 9 we decided to give french kissing a try because we've seen it been done before and such.

We stopped experimenting a bit with each other when we were around 12, and we never speak of such things to each other.I wonder how she feels, knowing that I've never in my life been intimate with anyone other than her...

>> No.5293618

Nothing against incest, sa long both parties are of the same age or 16+.

>> No.5293620

>One 8

Do you mean 'One 8' as something unintentionally funny, or are you referring to the bland boring fact that '8' = PEDOLOLOL

>> No.5293626


I have experience on this.
She'll probably get you hooked up with one of her friends. Girls tend to do stuff like that, and she'd be doing you a favor, if you like 3d that is.

>> No.5293631

Uh, he said people -told him- they wanted to fuck his sisters. He then said one was 8 years old. You don't find this odd?

>> No.5293638

Hey guys, just throwing this out there, but you know that retard babies aren't automatically a result from incest, right? In fact, it usually takes a few generations of constant incest before the rate of defect raises to an alarming rate.

>> No.5293640

>on /jp/
>8 years old
>you don't find this odd?
>on /jp/

>> No.5293649

I am disappointed by your explanation.


>> No.5293663

You people do know WHY incest causes ginetic problems in the offspring, right?

It's because of the diseases already in your ginetic code. Generally, your siblings share 99.999% of this ginetic code with you. Those diseases, though, are recessive, and are 'surpressed' by your dominant, healthy gene.
Mating with a sibling who also has this particular disease brings out a higher chance of the offspring recieving ONLY the diseased gene from you and the other diseased gene from the other sibling parent. The biggest reason why having a kid with someone other than your relative cuts down your chances so much is because the other most likely don't have this disease in their ginetic pool, and therefore any possible disease you might pass along will be surpressed since it is recessive.
There is still a chance though, not nearly as much, which is why it occasionally happens even if the parents aren't related at all.

>> No.5293670

Ginetics is scary.

>> No.5293685

I'd like to add that if said siblings happen to not have any facilities in them, as in both your genes are completely healthy/free from disease, then you could actually have sex with your sister or mother or whatever, and have a healthy baby.
But the chances are so low because EVERYONE has SOME kind of fault in their ginetic code. We refresh those faults when we have a kid with someone other than a family member.

>> No.5293702

But what if your sister is really hot? She probably doesn't have any defects.

>> No.5293713

again, any and all faults will be surpressed by a dominant, healthy gene. For all you know, half of your hot sister's ginetic code might be full of nasty diseases, but none of it is being expressed because the healthy genes are all dominating over them. If that's the case, you probably have them too, and they aren't showing for the same reason.
If this is the case, it could be very possible that you have 10 kids with your sister and all of them turn out to have mental and physical problems, severe ones.

>> No.5293726

Wow, I wonder what they're teaching in public school biology classes when people think that outward appearance directly correlates to lack of genetic weaknesses.

>> No.5293730

However, if I'm not mistaken, mating with your sister also raises the chance of the offspring having the GOOD recessive genes.

It's basically just a big gamble - involving the life of a human being.

>> No.5293751


It's a gamble with the odds against you. Remember, you and your sister share the same faults and diseases in your genes, so it's like a 50/50 chance of a problem with EACH fault (estimated about 20 million, out of billions of genes).
Also remember, mating with someone ELSE means that they DON'T share the same diseases as you, so even if they give your kid a diseased gene, your healthy one will dominate over that and vice versa. With your sister however, since both of you share the same faults it's like a 50/50 shot with each as opposed to 1 in 20 million.
So yes, a very, very big gamble.

>> No.5293842

I don't like 3D, so I wouldn't take her up on the offer. Was nice to experiment though, I only went as far as oral, but it was still pretty nice to experience that kinda thing just for the sake of knowing how it feels. We'd watch porn when our parents weren't home and play with each other once a week or so.

>> No.5293860

>>To my knowledge incest isn't *OUTLAWED* in most countries, western or eastern.>>To my knowledge incest isn't *OUTLAWED* in most countries, western or eastern.>>To my knowledge incest isn't *OUTLAWED* in most countries, western or eastern.>>To my knowledge incest isn't *OUTLAWED* in most countries, western or eastern.>>To my knowledge incest isn't *OUTLAWED* in most countries, western or eastern.>>To my knowledge incest isn't *OUTLAWED* in most countries, western or eastern.>>To my knowledge incest isn't *OUTLAWED* in most countries, western or eastern.>>To my knowledge incest isn't *OUTLAWED* in most countries, western or eastern.>>To my knowledge incest isn't *OUTLAWED* in most countries, western or eastern.>>To my knowledge incest isn't *OUTLAWED* in most countries, western or eastern.

>>To my knowledge incest isn't *OUTLAWED* in most countries, western or eastern.

>> No.5293867

So you guys were at it from 9-12 and didn't try penetration? Why?

>> No.5293875

Yes it is. You can't even have sex with half siblings here.

>> No.5293880

I'm pumped full of drugs to the point where I'm unable to make the distinction between arousal at another human being and severe nausea.

>> No.5293903

We didn't go too far until like 10. By that age I did ejaculate (but it was mostly clear, so I'm not even sure if that could do anything), so we didn't go that far because we were scared. Closest we got was when we were going to try anal. I couldn't fit it inside, and we didn't quite know how that worked or anything, so I didn't get anything past the very tip of the head in.

I wouldn't touch my sister now, but if I had a chance to relive that moment as kids again, I would have liked giving that another shot after properly preparing her so it can fit.

>> No.5293942

Implying? Sooooo is this /k/?

>> No.5293945

It's 4chan.

>> No.5293957

>Incest only causes birth defects if you have really shitty genes.
>I mean, really shitty. So shitty, that the only way your genes could get that shitty is if your last few generations all commited incest and had kids that committed incest and had kids that committed incest and had you and your sister. If you and your sister then fucked, your kid would be a mutant.

And so the world was populated according to the Christians

>> No.5293967


>> No.5293981

This picture is so retarded...

>> No.5293982

Backwards to most anon fantasies, my OLDER sister and I experimented a bit when were were kids. I didn't know shit about anything, so it was mostly my horny sister doing the driving. To this day I still remember the musky naughty smell under the covers. I also remember she was amazingly wet...

That's the most action I'll ever get. ;_;

>> No.5294018

> That's the most action I'll ever get. ;_;
Threaten to expose her past abuse unless she agrees to become your slave.

.. It works in ero-manga at least.

>> No.5294032

ざわ... ざわ...

>> No.5294056

This is the real world. Since he's the one with the penis he'd be the one going to jail because everyone knows males are evil rapist scum.

>> No.5294355

OP doesn't have siblings and wouldn't think of having sex with his parents.

>> No.5294417

Indeed. This is the real world. Being a younger male just means you're just being awesome.
You're only classified as evil rapist scum when the male is the older one.

>> No.5296121


It's interesting that I consider those experiences to be positive. It's amazing that my sister, and a couple of girls in the second and third grade were it.....Everything went downhill after that. To this day, over 20 years after that, I've yet to advance beyond mere financial security and material wealth.... I blame my life going to shit after the third grade for my being fucked up.

>> No.5296191

I would totally fuck my imouto.

>> No.5296235

Not this shit again. I would fuck my sister.
