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File: 25 KB, 207x259, 1217236114952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5285794 No.5285794 [Reply] [Original]

Are you shitting me? Because it sounds like you're shitting me.

Lancer isn't developed at all. Gilgamesh gets the fucking jobbing of his life. We trade the FUCKING AWESOME Assassin for this True Assassin bullshit that gets tossed around by Rider. Archer gets no real attention at all either. SABER GOT SHAFTED.

Sakura has a personality, sure: Fucking jealous slut. Not moe at all, and I never once felt an ounce of pity for that pot of meat and worms.

Shirou seems human? What the hell are you talking about, he seems like a goddamn chicken. The moment that weighed his whole goddamn life and his promise to the man who saved his life and he gives it all up for that writhing mass of jealousy, hate, and smuttiness. Not to mention he lacks the manly drive and conviction that brought me to goddamn tears, I fucking cried man, in the other routes. Holy shit, he went from hall of fucking heroes to goddamn fail for nothing of value.

Rin? You must be crazy. You must be fucking insane to think that some sisterly affection is somehow more awesome than her portrayal in UBW. You must be high out of your mind. Rin is good character, always, but I wish I could just inject pure UBW Rin into my goddamn eyes because she was so much better in that route. Tsundere? Fucking check. Allowing Shirou to be a fuckwin hero? Double Fucking Check. Beating the fucking hell out of Caster!? HOT DAMN.

In short, Heaven's Feel failed on multiple levels to keep up with the sheer fucking awesome of the previous two routes.

Also Sakura is the worst heroine by far, and HF Shirou is the biggest idiot I have ever seen in my life.

>> No.5285825

I can't hear you over the sound of CHOCOLATE JESUS EVERYWHERE.

>> No.5285851

Welcome to 3 years ago, or year ago for you shit tier, non-nip speaking punks

>> No.5285886 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 350x262, cj4..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


IM tastey even after death!

>> No.5285892
File: 59 KB, 809x695, heaven's feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Heaven's Feel....
I've been trying to get on the advanced chapter when I walk Sakura home during the introduction, but it keeps on shafting me into the introductory route. It says I should be "Rin clear", but I have no idea what that means.

>> No.5285915 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 350x262, cj4..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here bitch!

>> No.5285906

There are quite a few who prefer Mind of Steel to the real ending of Heaven's Feel.

>> No.5285930 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 299x380, cj5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im with you always

>> No.5285924

pussy if you don't post the rest of the picture

>> No.5285934

It means you must complete the Unlimited Blade Works route before beginning Heaven's Feel. Similarly, you must have completed the Fate storyline before beginning UBW.

>> No.5285935

>Rin clear
>I R Baboon

Are you stupid, dumb, both or just really fucking retarded?

>> No.5285952

Have you beaten UBW yet?

>> No.5285961

You need to finish UBW first.

>> No.5285971

Someone's frustrated.

>> No.5286084

It's not like Shirou is a good character in any of the routes and I don't like Sakura either, but I still liked Heavens Feel best.

>> No.5286265

>Lancer isn't developed at all.
Agreed, though he gets more fleshed out in FHC, so I'm a little more lenient in this.
>Gilgamesh gets the fucking jobbing of his life.
He ALWAYS jobbed, but to be fair, his mistake was under-estimating his opponents and there was nothing obviously strong about Sakura

>We trade the FUCKING AWESOME Assassin for this True Assassin bullshit that gets tossed around by Rider.
STOOP KID CAN'T LEAVE HIS STOOP. It's hard to be all SHIT GOT REAL when you know exactly where he's going to be.

>Archer gets no real attention at all either.
He already got his route.
Likewise, she had her route already.

>Sakura has a personality, sure: Fucking jealous slut.
She's got every right to be. Saber and Rin show up out of nowhere and get the guy she's been after for years in the space of a couple of days. Also, it could've easily been Rin shipped off to 'rape-worm' camp instead.

>Shirou seems human? What the hell are you talking about, he seems like a goddamn chicken.
He found his own path. Kiritsugu wasn't the shining heroic beacon that Shirou painted him as being and neither was his ideal, Archer showed him as much. Shirou could risk everything and become MIND OF STEEL MAN because there was really nothing in his life that he wanted to hold onto. Sakura on the other hand was someone he couldn't bear to lose, and the only thing he could be selfish about.

>Rin? You must be crazy. You must be fucking insane to think that some sisterly affection is somehow more awesome than her portrayal in UBW.
HF Rin feels responsible for Sakura, because it could've easily have been her there, so she wants to kill her as soon as possible, even going as far to GEASS Shirou's ass to do it. The previous reasons she stuck with Shirou were for necessity (Archer getting injured) or affection, but HF Rin was all business. She's basically MIND OF STEEL - RIN EDITION

>> No.5286284

"People die if they are killed"


>> No.5286327

sup /a/

>> No.5286336
File: 375 KB, 640x480, 1270819301692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5286346

HF = Best route

>> No.5286369

It does make sense in context.

>> No.5286378

People who hate HF don't get F/SN.

>> No.5286390

Or they get it but they also care about such stuffs as the execution.
Stuffs like the pacing, writing, etc...

>> No.5286470

Or they only care about fighting and powerlevels.
Because they're 12.

>> No.5286495

hisui's route+ciel level heroine=HF

>> No.5286553

Does HF suck that much? really? I just installed the game, so I don't know.

>> No.5286589
File: 169 KB, 860x1254, 8c68362b601215ec5ba0bf29b8a587c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you guys suck.

All three routes are fuckawesome, anyone who doesn't think so has assburgers.

>> No.5286608

Heaven's feel is pretty much Akiha as a heroine,Hisui-like scenario and Kohaku Ending.

>> No.5286623

I thought HF was boring because of the NOTHING GOING ON instead of the lack of character development.

We already got most of the character development done in the last two routes anyway, what did you want? More of the same?

>> No.5286624


Except that the ending doesn't suck.

>> No.5286617

>anyone who doesn't think so has assburgers.
What the fuck? Assburgers has nothing to do with this at all.

>> No.5286626
File: 79 KB, 590x590, 528e015ac45c2f1e73108062d25e0df0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5286635

There is nothing FUCKAWESOME in FSN, anyone that isn't a hopeless fanboy know this.
It's not that bad but fucking stop thinking it's the best thing ever, it's not even close.

>> No.5286650

I didn't say it was the best thing ever dumbass, I just said it was awesome.

>> No.5286655

It was fun to read like the rest of the VN. I liked UBW for the garr factor but every route had some thing interesting going on that kept me reading to the end. Stop being retarded and just enjoy the experience rather than nitpick through a product you didn't even pay for.

>> No.5286662
File: 99 KB, 800x547, 63888692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a voice of reason.

>> No.5286678

I don't like being cornered into true ending bullshit.
What's the point of making a VN if you're going to do that?

>> No.5286682

It's very easy to avoid HF True End.

>> No.5286688

Not every character gets development.
It's not really a jobbing when you deal with an actual MENACE.
Assassin pretty much fights properly once and gets killed. Not every cast member will be featured much(see Caster)
Archer just went through a fucking ROUTE of his own, and he still shows an important aspect of his(giving up revenge for the chance to prevent disaster for example). Saber Still gets quite the attention, and she had her route as well.
Moeness is not a character trait to argue much about, and whether YOU feel pity or not is irrelevant. She suffered and could not do much about it.
Shirou still makes a ridiculously hard decision that requires unadulterated morale courage, against the norms of the world and still tries his hardest to protect something. He just narrowed the focus, a person instead of an ideal. Your idea of 'running away' is weird.
As for Rin, you do not evaluate portrayal solely by WOW moments. And it was a route that focused on her, but you see DIFFERENT sides of her in every route since she is heavily involved. Each route compliments each other, they do not repeat events.
In short, HF has it's awesome moments as well. You just do not like the direction. Nothing you mentioned is actually something that shows a flaw with the route. Get better complaints/
Heroine comment is a whole different cookie.
And Shirou, by 'common sense' is the biggest fucking self-destructive idiot in EVERY route. Whatever he decides to protect, the lengths he goes and disregard of self remain a problem and he always go an extra mile for the heroine.
I can hardly understand what in HF specifically grinds your gears to call him the biggest idiot.

I think I covered it all.

>> No.5286697

It's much harder to get the TRUE end compared to the normal end.
Also, if you have been reading Type Moon, you should have realized you are not 'cornered' into anything.

>> No.5286701

Personally the one thing that really irked me about HF is that it felt like it could have been easily 1/3 of its length without losing anything in the process.

>> No.5286703
File: 127 KB, 423x600, efb53c14c471e148f616314e5e54e130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only like half-way through FSN and by no means a scholar of the Nasu-verse. Are Heaven's Feel and UBW alternate routes based on how you play FSN, or are they canon shit that takes place after FSN?

I just want to be with Saber... ;_;

>> No.5286706

>not 'cornered' into anything

>you will die, a lot...

Fixed that for you.

>> No.5286709

Concept of 'alternate routes and events in the same setting' mean anything to you?

>> No.5286713

Friend, download the realta nua patch first off, second off, no they are not sequels, they are different routes.

>> No.5286718

Well, they have a fucking HINT session right after. Which also tell you how to reach endings.
They do not want you stuck onto anything

>> No.5286720

What will you do, it's a fucking VN!!

"Oh whoops I died, let's go back and try something else."

That's how they all are.

>> No.5286737

>download the realta nua patch

Is the lack of ero and the voice acting the only difference?

>> No.5286739

Ero stays in mang. And you need the actual ISO of Realta nua for the voices.

It adds pictures and an ending.

>> No.5286741

Except that there are bad ends where wrong choice that caused it was like 7 decisions back.
Where if you BACKTRACK for each one, it will consume quite a lot of time and it's not obvious which of the older ones caused it.
Try triggering all ends and bad ends in something like Aoishiro.

>> No.5286748

This I will agree with you on. The bad ends were a pain to get, I resorted to a guide after I beat it.

>> No.5286755

H-scenes remain unvoiced.
You get voice acting for the rest. That is part of the installer
Realta Nua patch adds a few CG, tracks, and a new epilogue.

>> No.5286765

Beat me to giving the link.

Here >>5286737

Have a song instead.


>> No.5286779


Much appreciated, gentlemen.

>> No.5286782
File: 164 KB, 1456x1118, rider sakura wash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would you guys sugest getting Fate/Stay from?

I've tried a few places, and the install is always fucked up.

>> No.5286789

God on isohunt.com

They've got a few good torrents of it.

>> No.5286799

/jp/'s ftp archive.

>> No.5286803
File: 216 KB, 567x793, Double Ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For whatever reason, my computer hates torrents. Got any places I can direct download from?

>> No.5286796

The FTP or from the IRC bot.

>> No.5286808


>> No.5287056

Mind of Steel is the only true end of Fate/stay night.

>> No.5287088
File: 401 KB, 752x1062, Rider Swimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgive my ingroance, but, what is the FTP archive?

>> No.5288040


Would you or someone mind helping me out one more time? I reinstalled the game and put the patch file in the main directory as per the directions, but the title screen/music are exactly the same and I already had voices.
Is there any way to tell whether the patch installed correctly? I'd rather not finish all five routes and not be able to get Last Episode.

>> No.5288057

There should be a save in the patch file for the Nine Bullet Revolver Scene. Load that and see if there are CG's of Shirou holding the rock sword and such.

>> No.5288149


Worked perfectly. Thanks again anon.

>> No.5290547

I have a few questions about the game.

1.) What the fuck does "wise up" mean, I see the shit periodically and it confuses me.

2.) I got past Shiro's dream of Rin in HF, this was Medusa's doing right?

And that's about all. I agree with OP to the point of Lancer being offed really early. He was such a bro. Also, I want Shinji to die chocking on a bag of cocks. I almost hate Nasu for making Shinji, he's such a fucking douchebag.

>> No.5290592
File: 27 KB, 800x600, emiyahijacklol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It surprised me that this hasn't come up in this thread yet :

Cool story bro

>> No.5290885

OP, post the rest of that picture.

>> No.5290895 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 640x800, 1265158538987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this in my Gay folder?

>> No.5290921


Well, that's disturbing.

>> No.5290934
File: 45 KB, 513x380, Nanoha-Archer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) "Wise Up" pops up on new additions to your Status screen.

2) Yeah.

>> No.5290937



>> No.5291001


Yeah but it'll pop up when I've read things I already have

