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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 108 KB, 407x405, asian3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5265317 No.5265317 [Reply] [Original]

HEY、/JP/ any easy way to learn Japanese?

My grandpa's all up in my ass because my parent never bothered teaching me.

>> No.5265321


>> No.5265327

Eat a Japanese person.

>> No.5265329


>> No.5265330
File: 478 KB, 1197x1906, 1273033712047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now go dishonor famiry.

>> No.5265331
File: 33 KB, 407x405, High Expectations Asian Father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW, the meme is called "High Expectations Asian Father"

Pretty funny if you ask me.

>> No.5265334
File: 499 KB, 800x1130, 1274321825657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5265335

Get out.

>> No.5265341

There is no shortcut to learning a language, no matter how you decide to do it, it will take effort.
Though there are more ways to learn a language than just through class, find the method that suits you the best.

>> No.5265349

Sucks men

>> No.5265354
File: 106 KB, 396x303, 1273184497056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5265355


Alright then, thanks anon.

>> No.5265356


>> No.5265366


>> No.5265370


This image falsely suggests that the average 4chan user is capable of doing anything Sean Connery is capable of doing.

>> No.5265377

It wasn't made for 4chan but for an elitist imageboard though.

>> No.5265385


Replace "4chan" with "any group of nerds on the internet", then.

>> No.5265433

Buy some books, and live there with family for a year or two. You'll sound like a retard in Japanese for the rest of your life, just because you look like a native.

>> No.5268169

sorry, no EASY ways. but there are more EFFICIENT ways than taking years of classes.

first, download kana charts and memorize the hiragana and katakana. i made flash cards of them and had them pretty well memorized after 2 weeks. (only studying about an hour a day) there's a mess of free quiz sites out there which will help with proper pronounciation. (japantimes has a lot of great resources for that.)

then go to smart.fm's core japanese lessons. it's fast-paced and kinda fun. you'll enjoy learning. but because it's fast-paced, you may have to do a little review/extra study from time to time.

watch japanese tv/news/anime and be surprised at how much you can understand w/o looking at subtitles.

>> No.5268178

Once you know the basic sentence structure, you can download Rikaichan and lurk Futaba and Pixiv all day, highlighting words. That's what I do.

>> No.5268194 [DELETED] 

If you are serious and won't quit when confronted with difficulty, http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar is probably the best starting place.

>> No.5268193

I've been using these, and it's been pretty good so far I guess.


I'm still at the "learn all these confusing runes" phase though.

>> No.5268215

The longer I'm learning vocabulary, the more I realize that it's actually the grammar that is way more fucked up than the kanji.

I never learned English grammar, I just learned that "This is how shit goes", but with 50 verb forms in Japanese this may not work out so well.

>> No.5268249

>Tae Kim's guide
>Tae Kim


>> No.5268275

Why are you a gigantic faggot?

>> No.5268282

Because he speaks Japanese and you don't.

>> No.5268289

The main thing is to stick with it. I started learning some years back and dropped it so I'm mostly playing catch up at this point. If I'd kept it up even 20 minutes a day, I'd be in good shape now.
Be persistent and don't go a day without at least reviewing. That's all I can tell you.

>> No.5268304

I've been told that learning the stroke order of kana is a pretty effective way of memorising them. Anyone tried this method before?

>> No.5268320

1.) Learn hiragana and katakana
2.) Learn grammar with Tae Kim's guide
3.) Learn Kanji
4.) Play eroge with a good dictionary, if you do the above then you will then learn faster by reading actual stuff with a dictionary then anything else.

>> No.5268317

If you have any difficulty memorizing the kana, I suggest you just quit while you're still ahead.

>> No.5268340

I say skim the grammar for some basic idea of how it works but don't worry about using it to build sentences at first. After a while of reading and listening, you get an idea of how to actually express things and then you can go back to grammar and really understand it without having to struggle through.

>> No.5268377

use this for kanji.
Beware, the page is HUGE

>> No.5268386

easy cheese
-memorize kana (repetition drilling, doesn't take long)
-read kanjidamage couple mins a day
-pick a book or website or something for basic grammar and read a couple mins a day
-continue watching anime / listening to drama cd / reading doujin and all the shit you hopefully do already, just try really paying attention and trying to make sense of what is said or written
-read manga or doujins with a dictionary
Japanese is probably the only thing I can think of that you can study all day and actually have fun doing.

>> No.5268413


Try it out. Free lessons. Funny creator too.

>> No.5268420
File: 292 KB, 1150x1000, 1275314959891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually remember crying when I get 99.5% on my readings exam because my mother was going to whip me when she see the exam paper.

>> No.5268446

1. Get a box and lots of paper.
2. Set a goal each week - you will fill that fucking box with all the kana you have practiced
3. ??????

>> No.5268453

What do y'all think about ajatt?

>> No.5268460

In middle school I hid my report card once because I got a B.

Thankfully my parents gave up on trying to make me a the world's next Einstein once I hit high school.

Of course now I post on /jp/ so perhaps that wasn't for the best.

>> No.5268472

Come to think of it, do westerners whip/cane their children like asians do?

>> No.5268475

it probably works, but, in my opinion, it isn't worth the effort.

>> No.5268476

If you have a DS and a flashcart there's a cool homebrew app that lets you drill kana. It's very simple and no frills, just drilling. I played it nonstop for like five days and was done with kana. Might want to consider it.

>> No.5268490

do the western children not sue the parents or teachers when they are hit?

>> No.5268492

>do westerners whip/cane their children like asians do?

wait, asian people do this?

>> No.5268507


What's it called?

>> No.5268509

Yes, I got my ass kicked when i skipped one week in grade school without telling anyone. I never did it again.

>> No.5268511

The bamboo cane once wasn't anywhere near where we were so my mom beat me with a clothes hanger.

>> No.5268518

Yes. ;__;

If they're smart enough... yeah. But most kids aren't that smart.

>> No.5268524


Why Slav countries so crazy?
Slav cause me laughter very greatly.

>> No.5268528

Project JDS

>> No.5268530


>> No.5268547

Yep. Ass kickings weren't uncommon with my other immigrant friends, too.

>> No.5268550 [DELETED] 


>> No.5268562



>> No.5268564


>> No.5268605

That's not lucky, both leave damn stinging marks on wherever you're hit. Fuck.

>> No.5268619

The stinging feeling of shame lingers for a day or two...

>> No.5268622

/jp/ - Child Abuse Therapy

>> No.5268637

Chinese people actually thank their parents for beating them like that, after they grow up. So it isn't really child abuse... to them.
