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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5241996 No.5241996 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for obesefriends only, thinfags stay out. You can't post in this thread if you weigh less than 200 lbs.

>> No.5242013

Whoa, this thread was marked as spam as soon as I posted it! You butthurt skinnyfags jealous of my love meat?

>> No.5242012

typical /jp/ browser thread

>> No.5242022



>> No.5242027

>also marked as spam

>> No.5242029


>> No.5242079

What an inaccurate representation, there's no way a jolly fat weeaboo worth his salt would like InuYasha, nor would he be seen outside. IF he was seen outside, he would also wear a T-shirt that could hang down to his knees, wear slack fitting pants that are pulled up to his navel, keep one hand constantly on his shirt to pull it down and hide his man boobs, have a noticably crooked posture from bending to hide his manboobs, have his jaw oddly stretched in order to hide his double chin, wear at least a long-sleeve shirt no matter the season in order to hide as much skin as possible, and probably would wear black so sweat is less visible.

>> No.5242093

>this thread was marked as spam as soon as I posted it

>> No.5242098

Only 200 pounds? why don't you raise the bar a bit

>> No.5242103

I'm around 210 and I'm not obese.

>> No.5242125

I hate fat people.

>> No.5242135


Let's say 400. Less than 400 lbs. people, leave this thread.

>> No.5242149

I eat a lot every day, even when I'm not hungry, but I'm still skinny. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.5242151


>> No.5242158

I used to be over 200 but I've lost a little bit. Do I still qualify?

>> No.5242161

Of course you don't.

>> No.5242166

pig disgusting

>> No.5242172

Curse my fast metabolism. I'm fat at heart.

>> No.5242174
File: 61 KB, 640x480, SUCCESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300+ hijack.
Anyone under three bills get the fuck out.

>> No.5242184

people get that big?

>> No.5242186

They are disgusting?

>> No.5242190

>200 lbs
What if I'm 7 feet tall?

>> No.5242195

To me they are not disgusting they just make me uncomfortable.

>> No.5242206

my weight index is 28,4
it used to be over 30 !

>> No.5242210


You'd better believe it. Small people are inferior life-forms incapable of our transcendent level of consumption.

>> No.5242222

I'm a bit under 300. I have a thick build, wide chest and shoulders, so it's not as horrible as you might imagine - as long as I keep my clothes on, that is.
All of that is from sodas and silly amounts of sweetened tea, I actually don't eat all that much.
Currently losing weight slowly, dropped the sodas, switched to unsweetened tea.

>> No.5242240

But being big is a health risk.

>> No.5242248

300lbs+ only thread. I agree.

Our king will be anyone over 400. Who is actually over 400?

>> No.5242291

I don't have scales do I don't know. Scales are for skinny people.

>> No.5242313

can't OP even reconsider for the ones who are almost overweight?

>> No.5242325

Most of Europe and America is overweight, that's not special.

>> No.5242365

If most are overweight we should adjust those standards to make us look less pathetic.

>> No.5242369

Tape worm.

>> No.5242374

No, since it's based on the healthy ideal, that range between underweight and overweight - it can't be adjusted.

It's not a statistic based on the standard, like IQ.

>> No.5242382

Well shit.

>> No.5242389

Because I'm a hypocrite who also hates people who don't have enough self-respect to take care of their bodies.

I'd be the same as them but my metabolism is high+too lazy to make food to eat sometimes, so I'm pretty skinny

>> No.5242403

I'm 6'3 205lbs. I am not fat at all. Obese would be be like, 240 for me.

>> No.5242409

6'7 here at 270lbs. I'm pretty sure I'm over. Not quite hit the 300lbs mark yet, but I might this summer.

>> No.5242416

How can you realize how hypocritical you are and still be so?

>> No.5242429

5'9", 145lbs

Suck it, fatties!!

>> No.5242438


>> No.5242462

At least I can sit in normal chairs with my knees under my hips! All you tall people are ruining your posture, and you can't even help it!

>> No.5242472

5'8" ~120lbs

Do I win?

>> No.5242481
File: 6 KB, 284x275, internet brofist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skinny club, representin'

>> No.5242506

I'm a fairly compressed 300 pounder, I look about 240 if it was all fat. Do I count?

And dear god, Inuyasha?

>> No.5242535

220lbs and I don't even seem that fat outside, I dropped 15 kg's when I was in army and I didn't see any difference

>> No.5242541


Get in my shoes then, If I go out with my friends to eat / drink etc I instantly get more kg's added to my weight, but they don't I just hate my genes
