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File: 556 KB, 1517x1765, Trinity-Universe_2010_03-23-10_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5154718 No.5154718 [Reply] [Original]

Trinity Universe

So basically it comes out at the end of the next month, it got a score of 6/8/8/7 - 29/40 in Famitsu, I don't know any other japanese gameing magazines so this is all the info I have. Would this be worth checking out? I played Disgaea 1,3. Never played any Atelier except Atelier Annie: Alchemist of Sera Island for the DS. I never owned a PS1/2 so yeah...

So anyways what do the resident Ar Tonelico fanboys think of Trinity Universe, would it be worth buying? It's priced at 30 pounds. So was Record of Agarest war but it's down 20 pounds now, do you think the same will happen to Trinity Universe? After a month or two?

>> No.5154725

it has Etna and fallen Flonne so it must be good!

>> No.5154731

No Mir, not gonna buy.

>> No.5154737

Don't get it. It's made by Idea Factory, who can't make games at all. Chaos Wars And Cross Edge are the primary examples.

>> No.5154746

But unlike the two of them this actually got like acceptable score. Maybe they you know "learned something from their past mistakes"? Well probably not since they're japanese and sell games by moe characters on covers...

>> No.5154756

Famitsu gave FF XII a 40/40. Talks about their reliability.

>> No.5154792

Well this could mean two things they overrated Trinity Universe in that case GOD HELP US, if not then it's a really good game.

Well they gave Demon's souls 29 out of 40 (9/7/7/6) and I spent like 70ish hours playing it so yeah, they're crappy reviewers but I think they're pretty realistic when it comes to old school RPGs? An I wrong maybe?

I also tried Googleing Dangeki's score for Trinity Universe but I can't find it...

>> No.5154797

If it's as shitty as Cross Edge, it won't even be worth renting.

>> No.5154801

Well Cross Edge got like a score of 6/6/7/4 (24/40)... So let's hope... I really want a new RPG for my PS3.

>> No.5154807

>Good game
>This game is pretty much for anyone who really liked Cross Edge. Trinity U is pretty much an improved version as well. The 3D graphics might be an unwanted change for many NIS fans, but those truly devoted will eventually move past the graphics and see the overall appeal of this game.

>If it's as shitty as Cross Edge, it won't even be worth renting.

>> No.5154809

Famitsu lost all credibility when they gave FF12, Nintendogs, MGS4, and NSMB wii 40/40.

>> No.5154811

Sometimes Famitsu makes a little sense though. A 40/40 for Vagrant Story? Sure, why not.

Moral of story? "Professional" reviews are too inconsistent to be useful; don't trust Metacritic or whatever gaming nerds use these days. As for this game, Chaos Wars was retarded (even cool Shadow Hearts characters couldn't save it) and Cross Edge was poop from a butt. So it doesn't look good for Trinity Universe; I would wait until it's bargain bin cheap.

>> No.5154823

Well got and good PS3 rpgs to recommend not counting Rorona and AT3?

I have like Eternal Sonata, Valkyrie, Disgaea 3, Deamons souls and Agarest.

>> No.5154835

You count Agarest and Disgaea 3 as good?

>> No.5154846

Not him, but the latter's fine if say, you haven't actually played the first two.

Other than that, it's the same shit with slightly polished gameplay.

>> No.5154847

Resonance of Fate
Star Ocean 4

>> No.5154849

Disgaea 3 is okay, with Agarest I was disappointed.
They're good games, not great and not next gen but good. I never had PS2 so yeah I liked Disgaea 3 since I never played any Disgaea before it.

>> No.5154877

I'll wait for a big price drop or platinum. Also as far as I can tell it worse then most games by being basically a movie even more the MSG4? You just rundown one path and thats it. 40 hours of that doesn't sounds too appealing...
Plus I kind of don't like FF since I never had it and everyone over hyped the shit it on their PS1/2 when I was a kid...
>Resonance of Fate
I was actually thinking about this game, so far I can't decide...
>Star Ocean 4
Didn't this get horrid reviews?

>> No.5154895

That makes sense.
FFXIII is nothing alike other FFs, thought not in a good way.
Resonance of Fate is not exceptional, but has solid story and gameplay.
As for SO4, it has a great battle system, but awful dungeon design and boring story/characters.

>> No.5154904

Haven't started Agarest yet, but I'm enjoying the extras.
I'd wait on FFXIII I got halfway through then dropped it. Resonance of Fate and SO4 seem pretty solid. I started SO4 International recently with Japanese voices, and it isn't as bad as the reviews make it out to be. I actually have RoF on it's way here and I have a lot of confidence in it since the demo.

>> No.5154909

Resonance of Fate has awesome gameplay. Get it.

>> No.5154911

>I never had PS2


>> No.5154916

You should be more amazed that he has electricity at all.

>> No.5154922

I was always a PC gamer.

RoF has a demo? Oh my why didn't I know? I have to download it!

So SO4 and RoF are recommendable? Thanks!

>> No.5154927

You can play a full game demo if you have a xbox 360 if you know what I mean.

>> No.5154932

S04, not so much.
I suggest you catch up on PS2 games.
Whether emulation or buying a SLIM, just download everything you can.

>> No.5154940

It was on the Japanese PSN a while back, the download got removed from the PSN store, but you can re-download it from your downloads list if you can find someone else who did. I'd give you my Japanese PSN details so you could do this, but there is no private method to do this here.

>> No.5154948

FF XIII has a lot of gameplay, a large amount of the game is spent battling. Resonance of Fate is good if you're willing to put up with the steep learning curve. There's a demo, but only on the Japanese PSN. SO4 is a good game, I wish I had waited for the PS3 version since it's better.

>> No.5154953

There are so many good games on ps2 that I don't think I would even bother with any ps3 games.

>> No.5154965

Not a fan of emulation, my PC can handle it but I get too bored playing console games on a PC. I barely made it through Muramasa...

Too bad a chipped PS2 costs 170$ here...

Well I found no RoF demo on European PSN i guess you mean American PSN?

So basically everyone would recommend RoF?

>> No.5154971

I actually like FFXIII the linearity didnt bother me at all and i like the story. RoF has an amazing setting, story, and characters but the battle game play gets horrible repetitive after a while. SO4 is pretty fun and has a few cool characters but the dialog, story, and english voices are god awful

>> No.5154980

Oh... well thanks!

Well I don't care about privacy so here have mine PSN : Anon_of_cro thats my UK PSN account.

>> No.5154978

The only PS3 game I've played on mine is MGS4. I haven't played that many PS2 games either though because I got tired of video games shortly after buying a PS3.

>> No.5154992

I even undub my DS games so I don't think I'll play SO4 with English voices.

>> No.5155004


I'll let you know if it's any good when my pre-order shows up.

>> No.5155005
File: 315 KB, 707x1000, 10277623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anyways thanks for all the RPG recommendations, guess I'll buy RoF or SO4 before Trinity Universe.

Good thing I have SSFIV.

>> No.5155013

That cover is so Anime
I mean, I like anime... but damn.
So Anime.

>> No.5155016

My roommate played Star Ocean 4 for a good couple of weeks.

He enjoys dubs. It was the worst couple of weeks of my life.

>> No.5155023

i through it on the jp voices right away but when i accidentally skipped a cut scene i watched it on youtube and holy shit those 2 minutes almost killed me.

>> No.5155025
File: 380 KB, 600x800, 1259980124550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I see is Yuuka.

>> No.5155029

I don't think I could buy it in public though. Too embarrassing.

>> No.5155035

This looks good, OP. I read the Famitsu review also and to be frank, with the lack of JRPGs for next-gen consoles I'd probably pick it up even if it received lukewarm attention from the critics.

>> No.5155059

Don't give a fuck about what people think, I walked into GameStop bought Agarest without batting an eye.

>> No.5155086

same here. I actually liked Cross edge too, while it wasn't great it was pretty decent and it kept me occupied.

>> No.5155098



>> No.5155199

Well my internet is pretty terrible at the moment due to the rain making it cut in and out so my PS3 can't get onto PSN at the moment. Send a friend request to my US account and I'll send over the details when I can get on. PSN ID: InfiniteNine

>> No.5155220

Did it, thanks again!

>> No.5155222

Famitsu reviews are basically paid advertising. Wait till after it's released for user reviews, if you don't want to get hit with a potential landmine.

>> No.5155644



>> No.5156300
File: 50 KB, 500x289, 3d dot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear from a guy that has the japanese version that it's good. But i'd wait it's a niche game it's bound to drop in price just like Agarest and Cross Edge etc...

OH and OP get 3D Dot Heroes.
inb4 3d pig disgusting.

>> No.5156561

If it is even remotely canon and expands NIS-verse, then I'll play it.

So...anyone know if it's canon in some way or it some going to be an AU thing?

>> No.5156580

Trinity Universe Story (Kanata)

For generations, Kanata’s ancestors have protected the Netheruniverse by transmogrifying into a Demon God Gem. However, Demon God King Kanata refused to become the gem and instead became a Demon Dog King. Since then, he has enjoyed a carefree life in hiding, but he eventually began thinking about the toll of his decision. Accepting the title of Demon God King and becoming the gemstone will stop space debris from crashing into his world. If he could get to the source of the space debris and solve the problem, everybody will be happy. Determined, Kanata goes on a journey to save his world.

Trinity Universe Story (Rizelea)

Rizelea is a Valkyrie who keeps the galaxy’s peace and harmony. She has been keeping the peace for hundreds of years, but one day she decides to go to the run-down sections of the Netheruniverse to restore the peace there. When she arrives, she learns that the Netheruniverse is constantly in danger from space debris and decides to investigate this matter.

It sounds like it has it's own story?

>> No.5156594

Oy bow, I can build characters out of voxels. It's like it's 1996 all over again.

>> No.5156604

What game allowed you to do that?

>> No.5156615

Simcity 3000, sort of, and Tiberium Sun and Red Alert 2 both used voxels for their units.
Otherwise, nothing else really.

>> No.5156644

Read it already, but doesn't tell me much on whether this is following and expanding on canon material or is an AU branch.

>> No.5156653

How's Nier? Thinking of buying it for my next PS3 RPG.

>> No.5156664

Simple hack and slash, but enjoyable to send monsters flying.
Shitty design(way too simple and uninteresting fetch quests).
Interestung world setting and characters, but designs and dialogue could use help/
There are many good things and many bad things about this game.

>> No.5156711

Blood and Shadow Warrior also used this feature for weapon and ammo pickups, powerups, and occasional eye-candy.

>> No.5156743
File: 115 KB, 639x345, trinity-universe-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Resonance of Fate is not exceptional, but has solid story and gameplay

I'm sorry but have you actually beaten the game? I beat it last night. The answer is it has an exceptional -everything except for story-, which is odd for an RPG. The battle system is fun, but ultimately I'm now post-game going through the arena doing the same attach over and over (leanne left, zephyr right, tri-attack). It's still a great game though.

In any case, 3D Etna = what. Agarest is "ok" if you're a kusoge hunter I guess, Idea Factory make these Earth Defense Force-ish games that are mediocre but fun. Trinity Universe doesn't look that good, but the art in Agarest saves the game.

My suggestion would be to get Resonance of Fate, or 3D Dot Game Heroes. If you really want an IF game, go for Agarest above Cross Edge or this.

Rorona'll be out "sometime this year", have fun waiting for AT3

>> No.5156803

Well, I am 18 hours in.
Gameplay is SOLID and requires attention, but nothing groundbreaking and can get repetitive.
Characters and their interactions are good eough for me to not go 'What?' and the story is easy to follow along.
If it does not go anywhere, that may be an issue, but still/

>> No.5156813

Seems 'good' enough.

>> No.5156849


If you do all missions like I did, it'll take 60-70 hours. If you skip them, the game can be beaten in 10 hours, but things like the clothing shop will close down and you can't get costumes if you skip their missions.

My only problem with this game is that now I'm post-game, Neverland is too hard and the Arena is too weak. I don't have anywhere to grind. I guess I'll go back to maxing out the arena, even if it is a complete breeze, if not time consuming.
